God of Fishing

Chapter 840: Robbery unsuccessful

A wind-winged barn owl fled.

的 The direct consequence of this is: for a while, there is no wind wing, dare to pass over Han Fei's head.

"Sure enough, they are all cowards."

Han Fei could not help but curse.

Now, without a car, he is running forward. Because there is no body suit, Han Fei on the run has no fleck.

Han Fei couldn't help but sigh: Fortunately no one saw it, otherwise it would be too big! Han Fei's goosebumps got up in the fierce wind of silence and the bitter water of silence.

I ran forward more than 800 miles, and Han Fei occasionally had bloodmarks on his body, although no blood had emerged yet. But this is enough to show that the danger here has reached the point where ordinary peak anglers can't bear it.

Suddenly, a bright red battle suit appeared among Han Fei's perception.


Han Fei immediately put on the golden suit. The moment when I put on my coat, it was like getting into a warm quilt in the cold winter.

When the woman ran about 15 miles away, Han Fei was perceived by the opponent.

At the moment, Han Fei smiled at the corner: big acquaintance! Unexpectedly, they met here, alas.

Uh ...

The ink mochi looks tenacious and is walking forward step by step. She knew that it was not easy to walk to the cemetery of silence. Now, just 4,000 miles away, she already felt that she was not able to stand it. This has nothing to do with the quality of the battle suit.

The demigods are powerful, and even if they go a thousand miles further, they are likely to survive. However, it is no longer a question of demigods or demigods, but its own physique. I wonder if it is enough to go there?

Sighing sighing, I really envy those who practice the body. If the refining powerhouse puts on the demigod battle suit, it can definitely set foot in 5,000 miles. Once there, there is a chance to get a pair of soul wings.

Suddenly, she felt someone approaching.

For a moment, Mo Fei's look changed dramatically. She couldn't think of anything but the comer was Han Fei. Didn't Han Fei go out to sea? Why didn't this guy die outside?

As soon as she thought of the holiday with Han Fei, Mo Fei immediately became ugly. She first said: "Han Fei, I have something to say."

Han Fei smiled, "Hey! At this time, I know I have something to say? What did I do before?"

Seeing Han Fei in this kind of environment, she felt very speechless. However, the thought of Han Feina Fei's physique was relieved.

That's why she hates physical training. Although her own physique is not weak, she can even compete with Yang Deyu. But that's only relative. In the face of Han Fei, she knows she can't fight it.

非 Han Fei smiled strangely: "I always thought that you had already been promoted to submergers. Unexpectedly, you have not yet been promoted? Is it possible that you are waiting for me?"

The black ink cricket bites his teeth, the fishhook in his hand is taken off, the soul beast possesses, and the aura is surging on a red sword in his hand.

Jie Mo Fei Yan: "Han Fei, if you shot at me, how would you explain it after going out?"

非 Han Fei sneered: "My dear, I have lived to the Xuantian Waterfall, and I have become an unscrupulous young man. I am still afraid?"

Momo Fei was a bit stubborn. Where did she know that Han Fei was so bachelor? Is the Hanging Waterfall the back garden of Thug Academy? Han Fei's older brothers and older sisters all lived in the hanging waterfall. Well now, he lived there too.

Although there are personal fights between humans, there are only two of them here. As long as Han Fei didn't kill himself, as long as Han Fei simply hurt himself and prevented himself from getting good wings, this wave was Han Fei's gain.

Mo Feiyu thought of all this in an instant, and said directly: "Han Fei, as long as you and I are fine this time, I will not shoot you afterwards. The hatred between you and Sun Mu has nothing to do with me. The sea word order has nothing to do with me. "

Han Fei was also in no hurry, he grinned: "I believe in you and I have a ghost. I want to be okay, isn't it? I handed over my shellfish, handed out my ring, bracelet, necklace, and earring. Otherwise, you just Go catch the wind-winged wings that stretch five or six meters! "

墨 God looks awful, cursing Han Fei shamelessly, knowing that Han Fei is a reserve resource in Kengzi. This guy is going to cut the road behind him.


非 Han Fei said nothing, a sword-drawing operation has been split in the past.

At this time, Han Fei, using a sword-strike technique to attack the enemy, was almost the same as a sub-fisher-level attack.

The moment Mo Fei was shot in Han Fei, she already felt it. Two water dragons rushed out, and at the same time, the sword in their hands was cut out with all their strength.

She was shocked to find out that under such a harsh environment, Han Fei could even perform such a brutal attack. Compared with himself, the strength is suppressed by the extinguishing wind and the extinguishing Yuanshui, and the strongest attack cannot be performed at all.


The water dragon bursts, the sword light is divided, and Mo Fei is leaning on the protector jade, which is worthy of blocking Han Fei's sword. She looked at Han Fei in shock: "You have the submerger-level combat power?"

非 Han Fei sneered: "Yes, or no? I heard that Silent Cemetery is very easy to make people fall. You are so powerful, I believe you can definitely walk to Silent Cemetery, are you right?

Qi Mo Fei trembled: Han Fei wanted to kill himself?

Momo Feiyu turned between her hands and took out an ancient jade. When Han Fei saw the ancient jade, his eyes narrowed slightly. Is that ancient jade similar to Cao's boxing?

非 Han Fei frowned slightly: "How many ancient jades do you have?"

He said, Han Fei also took out an ancient jade, the one Cao Qiu had given him before.

非 Han Fei snorted: "Come, I still have a lot of cards. But I hope, you have to figure out the current situation. Now you cannot be my opponent."

When Mo Fei was thinking, he suddenly felt the throbbing from the soul.


Momo Fei ran into the water to escape the thriller. Just now, I did n’t see Han Feiyou doing something? Why do you have that terrible sense of crisis?

Han Fei is also a bit surprised. It seems that the line of nothingness is not omnipotent. At least at the level of Mo Fei, it is very sensitive to the crisis and can predict and escape in advance.

防止 In order to prevent Mo Fei's fleeing, or burning to escape, Han Fei temporarily closed the line of nothingness.

Han Fei sneered sneerly: "I'll give you three breaths to consider. If you give me something, I won't shoot at you, don't give it ... Hehe, I don't mind delaying time and playing with you. After all, here, too There is no time limit. "

Jie Mo Fei's eyes were clear: "Han Fei, in this environment, you are better than me. But you are confident that you can catch me?"

非 Han Fei hehe laughed: "You can try! If you have Ye Baiyu's escape speed, you did not say it. If not, you have to consider whether there is a crisis of falling."



Han Mo Fei was not bluffed by Han Fei. He instantly crushed the ancient jade, hissing dragons, and a hundred dragons came across.

非 Han Fei cursed, these people really are not so easy to deal with. It's going to be a different person, and maybe I'll do it now.

"A simple attack?"

非 Han Fei was speechless, thinking for a moment, the ancient jade in his hand split instantly.

I just, this fist seal is not banging towards the Baizhang Longying, but directly toward Mo Feiyu.

墨 God was shocked. At this point, she never expected that Han Fei was really not afraid of death?

"Han Fei, are you crazy?"

I saw Han Fei point a finger, and performed the Fengling technique against the Mo Fei in the escape. At the same time, a mist of water formed. Suddenly, a swordmang cut to the Canglong shadow.

"Overlord trick."

The sorrowful sword power of Xie Xue, the eight-fold improvement of Bawangjue, the round fertilizer appendage, the pan turtle array and the six spirit armor possession.

Suddenly, Han Fei had a choice. He chose to resist this attack by himself, but Mo Feiyu came up with another ancient jade. Otherwise, how can she avoid Cao's boxing?


After all, Miyuki's sad attack was not as strong as that. However, it also weakened more than half of that attack.

In order to avoid serious injury from soil and fertilizer, Han Fei made a punch of his body.

This time, when the force bombarded himself, Han Fei was already bombarded and cracks appeared in his golden suit.


非 Han Fei spit out blood. However, he didn't panic, and quickly hurled himself a spirit fruit, and the line of nothingness had once again stretched out.

I don't know if I felt the real life and death crisis. The Mo Fei in the escape escaped crushing two ancient jade again, and Han Fei's eyes were about to stare.

One was directed at Cao Family Boxing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One was directed at Han Fei.

Mo Ermo, himself, has gone violently and disappeared.

"A real turtle is rich in a turtle son."

Before the time came to pursue, the figure of the overlord appeared, holding the sadness of the snow, facing the virtual shadow of the Canglong was a full sword. Xiaojin appeared, and the lightning blade smashed directly at the Canglong virtual shadow.

Fortunately, the overlord had time to cut the second sword. Han Fei was again bombarded for hundreds of meters and sprayed two blood spurts, and then he trembled up.

"呸! Wait for Xiao Ye to break through the realm of snorkelers and see if you are so old?"

Recovered the Nothingness Line, Overlord, and Xiaojin, Han Fei quickly performed a magical healing technique on himself, and sat directly to begin to recover his injuries.

As for Mo Fei, it is impossible to catch up. However, the peak hit of three sub-fishers in one go was not bad.

Just, Han Fei doesn't want the ancient jade on this woman as much as Cao Qiu. Otherwise, you will lose yourself. After all, he had only one Cao Family Boxer, and he had run out.

After a round of violent attacks, Han Fei could no longer see a wind-winged figure. Want to come, should be shocked away by the terrorist attack just now.

After more than half an hour, Han Fei got up again and moved on.

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