God of Fishing

Chapter 841: Freelancer

Hundreds of miles away, Mo Feiyu continued to flee, but her face was already ugly. Just to deal with a Han Fei, she used three attacks to make her distressed.

After all, the hole card was not Chinese cabbage, but it was a hole card that I had prepared to go to silence the cemetery, and it turned out to be half used. Moreover, with Han Fei's personality, he didn't follow her at the moment and surprised her. In this way, if you want to go to the cemetery of extinction, it will be even more difficult.

I thought about this clearly, Mo Feiyu chose to give up. She was thinking: Even if Han Fei arrives at the Cemetery of Extinction, he may not be able to get soul wings.

韩 Even if Han Fei got Soul Wings, it was just faster and he hadn't reached the point where he couldn't bear it.

What really scared Mo Fei was that the peak hit of a sub-fisher failed to seriously hurt Han Fei. How dare this guy dare to fix it? This also directly shows that Han Fei is very strong.

Qi Mo Feiyu couldn't help looking at the sky: "Han Fei, you're ruthless."

Uh ...

Han Fei's anger at Mo Fei is indifferent.

If you stand on some kind of overall view of human beings, he can not shoot them at Mo Fei. But if he met in private, he even wanted to kill just now. This is not a joke, after all, these family members harm him.

If Xun just met Sun Mu, Han Fei would start the killer without hesitation, instead of robbing Mo Fei. It was an endless relationship between Han Fei and Sun Mu.

Xu looked down at the gold suit, and Han Fei noticed that a few cracks appeared. This made him have to face up to the power of the submerger, just the blow of the seal, so strong. If you really face it, I'm afraid I have to run away.

Packed up his golden suit, and continued to drive more than 800 miles, Han Fei suddenly found that his skin began to crack, and blood began to shed in every bloodstain.

非 Han Fei's face changed slightly, and his gaze became fierce. He took this opportunity to try to practice the "108 Desolate Body".

He swallowed five energy spirit fruits in a row, and Han Fei began to cultivate.

非 Under the impact of the dying wind and the dying Yuanshui, Han Fei can feel a slight increase in strength, but it cannot be greatly improved.

"No, there is not enough energy to support the cultivation of this situation. Moreover, the realm of his own angler has reached its peak. It is difficult to go any further, whether it is a desolate body or an immortal body."

非 Han Fei performed a divine healing on himself, his eyes flickered. He was considering whether to choose a breakthrough?

After breaking through, I only have about three days to absorb wind beads. Moreover, the sooner it is absorbed, the better. But now, I have not even seen the shadow of the dying cemetery ...

等等 "Wait, you can't move."

非 Han Fei secretly exhaled, and continued to move forward, ignoring the tears in his body.

Once the number of wounds exceeded one hundred, Han Fei threw himself a healing spell.

After nearly 200 miles, three people appeared in Han Fei's perception.

三个 The three people looked very similar, all wearing armors armed to their teeth, and even the holes in their eyes and mouths were not left, which is equivalent to three iron urns.

One of them is thin, one is short, and one is fat. Three people sitting on the ground, seemingly practicing?

"Cao Qiu?"

非 Han Fei recognizes Cao Qiu's armor, because this guy is very arrogant and writes his own armor with the words "Chao Family Master".

Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless: he immediately understood, why did Cao Qiu need to lettering? This is to tell others that I am the Cao family. Whoever dares to touch me will be dead!

Han Fei couldn't help crying and laughing. The other two should be Guan Qingyan and Mu Jiaer.

Han Fei thought for a while, they are all acquaintances and can see.

So, after putting on a golden suit, Han Fei went straight to it.

20When they were 20 miles away, Cao Qiu glanced back suddenly, Guan Qingyan also glanced back suddenly.

Han Fei couldn't help but be speechless: Guan Qingyan found himself, which is not surprising. But how did Cao Qiu find himself? Does this boy's mental power grow so fast? When he was in the tertiary fishing ground, he seemed to be only 800 meters away! In theory, the kid's strength should be very weak ...

非 Han Fei's golden suit did not cover his face. Because wearing a demigod battle suit, it was not possible to cover the whole person. The existence of a helmet did not mean much to Han Fei.

"Han Fei?"

"Brother Han?"

Shemu Jiaer turned blankly, wondering, "Who? Isn't Han Fei dead?"

After a while.

Shemu Jiaer jumped in surprise: "Han Fei? Are you alive?"

Tongguan Qingyan looked at Han Fei's waist: "Well? Han Fei, have you been to Broken Star Island?"

Cao Qiu has slipped away and ran over: "Han Fei, I heard that the Siren Mountains are gone. Is it related to you? How is the outside of Broken Star Island? Exciting and not exciting? I thought you were dead."

非 Han Fei said with a smile: "I can't die. However, it's a long story and I won't tell you now. Why are you sitting here? Why not go forward?"

Tongguan Qingyan first calmed down and looked at Han Feidao: "Brother Han, there is a dead cemetery a hundred miles away, but there are countless heroes there. We find it difficult to break through."

嗤 Han Fei laughed aloud: "Then you break through! Break through first, then break through!"

Shemu Jiaer said uneasily: "Go ahead and see for yourself, that's not a breakthrough or breakthrough. Those heroic spirits are overbearing, we can't beat them at all."

非 Han Fei tilted her head and glanced at her: "Have you hit?"

Shemu Jiaer paused: "I haven't hit yet, but I can't beat it."

Han Fei speechless: I believe your ghost? One coward, two cowards, and one Guan Qingyan didn't fight much. You can't blame if you can fight!

Han Fei waved with a big hand: "Let me see, how powerful is it?"

After a while.

"Sink ..."

When Han Fei's perception could touch the dying cemetery, he was shocked to find the bones. One by one, the wind and wing imaginary shadows are floating. Even in the state of British spirit, the height of that wing spread is at least 10 meters. This means that at the time of death of each wind winged fin, there is at least 55 levels.

No wonder they could not beat Mu Jiaer. This is Han Fei's own fault, and his first thought is not beaten!

If it's one or two, it's fine. However, Han Fei's perception was swept casually, and there were more than 10 heroes of this level! Not to mention this, there are still places I haven't seen ...

Han Fei groaned for a while and said, "I asked weakly, can this hero be a wind bead?"

Cao Qiu said: "No! It is said that these heroic souls will swallow each other and eventually form a particularly powerful wind winged fin. As long as the powerful wind winged fin is killed, you can get the wind **** beads. After swallowing, May get very strong wings. "

Tongguan Qingyan: "But it is also possible to get mutant wind beads and soul soul wings, which are faster than ordinary wings and have a certain effect."

Han Fei was silent for a while: "Then I don't think you should find it. Can you kill it after you find it?"

Cao Qiu mumbled, "I'm not looking for it anymore. We are about to hunt the alive wind fins."

嗤 Han Fei 嗤 laughed and said, "Why are you guys here, plus four of me, which wind wing will run to this side?"

Shemu Jiaer took out a bead and said, "Yes. With this, they will come."

Han Fei glanced at the beads in Mu Jiaer's hand, only to discover that it was a sealed elixir.

Han Fei could not help saying: "Since you can attract the wind wing, why not break through and grab the beads?"

I saw Mu Jia'er and Cao Qiu turned their heads away, and only said about Qingyan calmly, "Because they can't fight."

Han Fei: "..."

非 For these few people who are not fighting, Han Fei is powerless. However, Han Fei suddenly flashed a flash of glory in his head, and just listened to him and said, "Well, that? Had? Actually, I think ... I can beat it. However, the price I paid was not small. Help in vain, don't you? "

I only listened to Cao Qiu raising his hand: "I'll change with you, I will use the third enhanced version of Poison God and change with you."

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei said lightly: "1000 pounds."


Cao Qiu sat down on the ground and said, "How can I have so much? I have only 200 kilograms in my body."

Han Fei took into account the effect of the poison god, hehe laughed: "Just stop, 200 pounds for 200 pounds! You have to give me three Cao Family Boxing Seals."

"One, I don't have much."

非 Han Fei squinted slightly and said, "Ball! Do you know who I met when I first arrived?"

Cao Qiu wondered: "Who?"

非 Han Fei snorted, "Mo Fei."

Wu Caoqiu was surprised: "She is here too?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "I also fought with her. This girl, I lost 3 pieces of your ancient jade when I came up. So ah, after I went out, it was a crisis. You have three Cao families. No punches are given to me, which is unreasonable! "

Cao Qiu hesitated a bit, and said casually: "The third enhanced version of my poison **** can only give you 100 pounds."

非 Han Fei opened his mouth and said, "The deal."

Putting the poison **** and Cao Jiaquan into the refining world, Han Fei looked at Mu Jia'er and Guan Qingyan unhurriedly and said sincerely: "Look, my requirements are not high, you guys……"

Shemu Jiaer raised her hand: "I will give you a set of demigod armor."

非 Han Fei nodded his golden suit and said, "You give me the magic weapon suit, and I will take it. The demigod suit, I can make it."

Guan Qingyan sighed: "You really can make demigods. It seems that you haven't been deserted in the outer waters. Brother Han, I don't know what you want? If it is that kind of attack, I have it here, too. Here you are five. "

非 Han Fei's heart moved: I went to www.wuxiaspot.com ~ one by one! Is this so worthless?

Han Fei's eyes flickered: "Actually, I don't need that much. After my strength breaks through the submerger, this attack can only be regarded as a very ordinary hole card. Now I can accept points , Second-level soul crystal, Kai Lingye, and Lingquan ... Laoguan, it ’s not that brothers do n’t fight against justice, but if I grab one for you, I ’m afraid it ’s not too expensive. ”

Tongguan Qingyan was silent for a while: "I do n’t have the second-level soul crystal and Qilingye. I have 2 million points for points, and 20,000 kilograms for Lingquan ..."

Han Fei patted Guan Qingyan's shoulder and said, "Don't tighten, don't tighten, just give me two more ancient jade, I don't want more."

Tongguan Qingyan nodded and gave Han Fei something backhand. The 200 points were immediately credited.

At this moment, Han Fei's heart was overjoyed. When he deduced "Void Fishing", he deduced, enhanced his strength, and upgraded his veins. After that, there were only 80 million points of his aura left in his reiki. Now, plus Guan Qingyan, there is exactly one hundred million.

With 2 million points, you can exchange a lot of things.

I only heard Han Feiyou sigh: "Oh, this year, making money is not easy! You have to work part-time as a thug ... Also, take on such a dangerous task ..."

After finishing talking, Han Fei looked at Mu Jiaer again, scaring Mu Jiaer back a step.

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