God of Fishing

Chapter 877: First Show of Phantom Glass Wings

Han Fei naturally did not hesitate. Compared with the sea monster, human beings are in a disadvantage in quantity.

Seeing that Han Fei agreed, Luo Yu directly controlled the fishing boat and flew into the sea.

Han Fei followed closely behind. Anyway, they were all sub-fishers who came to help fight. It's the same where you go.

After flying for more than 500 miles, Han Fei saw the fishing boat covering the sky flying in midair. Countless high-level anglers and pinnacle anglers, from time to time, rode together and hunted down some powerful creatures in the air.

Here, Han Fei saw at least more than 50 sub-fisher-level strong men flying in the air with wings.

Some people are fighting with the siren flying up on the flying skateboard. Some are fighting directly on the sea, others are fighting with fishing hooks just like ordinary people.

Because it is a sea monster attacking the island, there are too many creatures. At this time, no matter how you fish, it is always a catch. If you do n’t catch this, it ’s likely that you ’ve caught another creature.

This is the first time that Han Fei has seen a way of fighting by the angler union. These people use all hook techniques, and fishing rods are weapons.

Han Fei saw a fiery fish caught in the air and was cut in half by a fishing line. He also saw dozens of long swords hung above the fishhook, cutting the sea frantically. He also saw someone with a hook like a sword that shot directly into the sea, and every time he poked, a creature was poked to death in the sea.

Han Fei couldn't help but be surprised: This fighting style is considered strange.

After Luo Yu came to the front row, Luo Yu didn't have any time to deal with Han Fei. He directly put away the fishing boat, spread his wings, and killed a sea monster flying in the sky.

However, in terms of quantity, there are more sea monsters on the opposite side than humans, even more than 40 more. Some people are using one enemy to two, and even a guy Han Fei saw is one enemy to three.

In addition, from time to time, Han Fei could still see the mermaid with a sea monster from the distance, and rushed straight into this area.

Han Fei glanced at Rhubarb: "Rhubarb, can you do without wings?"

"Meow ~"

Rhubarb said with a cold head: "This cat is amazing. This cat has flying skills, but this cat can't shoot now."

Han Fei is clear, rhubarb is a powerful creature at the level of law enforcement. The battle here is for the submariner-level creatures for the time being, and the other party should have a law enforcement officer watching.

However, when Han Fei perceived it, more than 50 miles away, it was found that a mermaid was standing on the surface of the sea, wearing a gold battle suit, holding a gold harpoon, and did not shoot, just watching.

Some people saw that Han Fei had not put away the fishing boat and shouted, "Brother, come and help you!"

Han Fei said to Dahuang: "Then I closed the fishing boat, and you are flying in the sky."


Han Fei momentarily put away the fishing boat, "hula", phantom glass wings unfolded.

At the moment when Phantom Glass Wings unfolded, everyone above the sky, including the Kraken, was all stunned. Who is this special? Why do these wings look like this?

"Han Fei?"

"Phantom Glass Wings?"

"Oh! This haha ​​is a cruel man."

Behind Han Fei, those anglers who were fishing in the air to kill their enemies were "stuck".

"This is a big guy."

"This is amazing."

"I didn't expect that this cruel man would come to help our angler union."

Luo Yu was also surprised. She didn't expect that it was Han Fei who just grabbed the support from Zhuang Ding.

Needless to say, at the moment when Han Fei revealed the phantom glass wing, there were already three sea monster realm powerhouses killing Han Fei.

Han Fei's first judgement was that two junior siren and one intermediate siren, no one used a golden harpoon, indicating that it was not Tianjiao.

At this moment, Han Fei grinned: "Come on, who does this look down on?"


Above the sky, Han Fei looks like a phantom streamer. When the two sides were still dozens of meters away, there was a huge scorpion phantom coming up in the air, and a water man was punching.


Han Fei's figure disappeared, and he appeared immediately behind one of the half-mermaids in the next second, and a white light was drawn out of the void.


Under the stab, the sea monster realm had a face-to-face encounter and was split by Han Fei.

"Brush brush brush ~"

Han Fei's figure flickered in the void. Its speed is fast. Among the remaining two Krakens, except for the intermediate Kraken mermaid, it blocked Han Fei's three attacks. The other mermaid, also a face-to-face, was split by Han Fei.


The remaining mermaid shouted, "This man is fierce. Come and support me."

Han Fei understood the Kraken language and sneered: If you say support, support it? What do you think of my Phantom Ruri?


The two wind blades waved out, and Han Fei flashed again. At the same time, the line of nothingness was snapped to this half-mermaid.

Suddenly, the mermaid felt death in all directions. He didn't know where to go?


"Shit your sister!"

Before the half mermaid had time to sting, he was detained by the thread of nothingness.


Han Fei swept across, slashing this person directly under him.

It's not that Han Fei doesn't want to control this mermaid, but that the card of the line of nothingness cannot be exposed. If it was a face-to-face meeting, the half-mermaid would become his own, and it would inevitably attract the attention of many people.

Han Fei grinned: "There are no immortal marks, no blows. I kill as many goods as I want."

This is what Han Fei said to the distant Hailing-level powerhouse. Han Fei has some itch. He has made a lot of progress recently. If the overlord tactics come up, it should be worthy of a battle with Hailing-level strong.

In just three breaths, the three Kraken powerhouses fell, only to see Luo Yu and others have a little cyanosis.

Someone laughed: "Sure enough, in the past 60 years, another pervert who has obtained the Wind God Pearl. Smelly fish boys, want to attack my broken star island? Whimsy."

Luo Yu quickly returned to God: "Be careful, don't be distracted."

Behind them, those on the fishing boat saw Han Fei's killing of the Kraken, and they saw their hearts raging, hoping to step on the void and fight side by side with Han Fei.

Some people screamed; "Fight harder. The more powerful enemies we have left, the easier the battlefield will be in the rear."

Han Fei killed the three in person, and it was impossible not to attract the Kraken's attention. No, here are two more people all at once.

And the strength of these two people is also extraordinary, a senior Siren, the other is the peak, the captain's strong one.

Moreover, Jin Cancan of both of them even had demigod weapons. This also means that the opponent still has an immortal mark and a dying blow.

But what about this?

I saw Han Fei's green flicker, and the feather of the wind covered her.

No use of overlord tricks, just pure force bombardment, Han Fei and the high-level Siren, have already collided together.

"Dang ~~"

The sound wave shook, and Han Fei flew back hundreds of meters. He felt his arm a little sour.

"Sure enough, there is a big power gap between junior and senior. This is also the case where the other side does not use the secret method of Neptune."

Han Fei estimates that the pure power of this high-level sea monster is about one million kilograms higher than himself. This number is not high, and can only prove in disguise that he has much more potential than him.

Just listening to the mermaid at the peak of the Kraken, drinking coldly, the guns flickered, and the void broke through instantly.


Han Fei “brushed” and flashed out. Even the afterimage left in the sky knew how to avoid the gunman.


"Zila ... DangDang ..."

Two flashes, Han Fei pulled out two knife marks in the sky and landed on Captain Siren.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed, and the demigods played against the demigods, and they did not have a weapon advantage. However, Han Fei was too fast, and the **** knife was too sharp. The captain of the Kraken was actually marked by two marks by Han Fei.

"Huh! You don't have enough power to kill me? Human, you're looking for death."


The figure of Han Fei, drifting across the sky, directly left these two people out of their position.

I saw the Siren Captain, a harpoon heading towards the sky, a round water column soared into the sky, wrapping himself. Han Fei flashed into the water column at this time.

"Well! Quite clever, knowing that I'm close."

Behind him, Luo Yu blasted back and yelled, "Be careful, I'll help you."

However, Han Fei in the water column was not affected at all. The feather of the wind can't even block the wind and the water. Are you afraid of the power of this water?

I saw that Han Fei rolled his palms and gravity dropped, and the Kraken captain fell straight to the water. And just then, the line of nothingness had been caught on him.

As soon as 10 lines of nothingness emerged, Han Fei's mind immediately appeared some messy pictures. Some are Wan Yao Valley, some are pictures of fighting humans.

However, Han Fei didn't have time to take care of this, but saw him waving his hand, the waves were soaring, the Canghai Longyin, the huge power fell from the sky, and directly knocked over the senior sea monster who was stabbed by himself with a harpoon.

"Jiugong Longyin has the power to move the mountain and can also scare the spirits. I can't kill you?"


That Siren was also knocked over by Han Feiyin. Following this, Han Fei passed a sword-drawing operation, and the Kraken was split by Han Fei's half of his head.


One more flash, Han Fei caught up with the Kraken captain and plunged into his neck.

Luo Yu, who came from the hurricane, was stunned when she saw this scene.

At that moment, Han Fei Ming fell down, how could he suddenly cut off the two strong men?

This is not a junior Siren, this is a senior, a pinnacle!

However, Han Fei suddenly stunned: The immortal seal of Captain Kraken was not used! Therefore, at this moment, he had horrible powers smashing over at Han Fei.


Han Fei used the phantom glass wings to flicker in the void. Pulling Luo Yu, she tossed her aside, dying and unable to attack Han Fei, and blasted away.

And Han Fei has come to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ in front of the advanced Siren who came out of the void.


At this moment, Han Fei felt a strong coercion. At that moment, he didn't even think about it, and Bawangjue got up.

Ignoring the sea spirit-level powerhouse at all, Han Fei pressed it on the chest of the high-level sea monster. Take a **** knife and take it away.

At the same time, Han Fei's figure flashed, and he had appeared a hundred meters away.

In this scene, both the human and the Kraken are shocked.

Luo Yu's eyes widened: "Is the Phantom Liuli? Really great."

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