God of Fishing

Chapter 878: Rigid Sea Spirit

Han Feifei retreated.

On the sky, there were five or six Han Fei left, all of which were flashing effects of Phantom Glass Wings. However, under Han Fei's deliberate control, these shadows faded away one by one.

It feels like this is a simple afterimage.

Actually not, this is just a careful eye of Han Feihua. Should I say goodbye to others, can this afterimage be attacked?

"Meow ~"

Rhubarb has always been to the theater. Han Fei is so fierce that it seems to be a matter of course.

Hanging waterfall, is there anyone who is not fierce? It doesn't matter whether Han Fei is new or not, at least he can live in the hanging waterfall, which has already explained the problem.

Moreover, Rhubarb felt that even if there were five or six or seven more, Han Fei could deal with it. This is his consistent impression of the guys in the hanging waterfall.

However, for people like Luo Yu, it is completely different. This is more than just great? What a wicked sin!

Junior snorkelers, killing three Siren Powerhouses in person.

Another burst of void flashed out, killing a captain of the Kraken captain, a sea monster high altitude Tianjiao.

How long has this been?

The battle has just begun! Is that already the case?

In this regard, no one knows Luo Yu. How much is Han Fei's consumption? If Han Fei said that before using the Overlord tactics, he consumed less than 20% of himself, I am afraid they can scare them to death.

"Meow ~"

Rhubarb turns empty and grows crazy, and grows into a tens of meters super big cat at once. At this moment, round eyes, looking at the sea spirit in the distance, said fiercely, "That fish, come over and let this cat taste."

Han Fei rolled his eyes directly: "Hey, hey! Rhubarb, don't be impulsive! The other person is also a Hailing-level powerhouse, you can't fight it? If you have something, it will be difficult for me to go back and talk to Mrs. Yin Accountable. "


The meow sounded for dozens of miles, and Rhubarb despised: "This cat is amazing! Although it is a powerful fish, it cannot be its opponent."

A snorkeler is inexplicably shocked: "This creature, law enforcement?"

Someone said a word to the man in vain: "Fart, the cat of old Mrs. Yin's house, have you never heard of it? Once, but the one who has ripped Hailing-level strong."

The big cat turned empty, and the sea spirit-level strong man also became extremely ugly. Because Han Fei started to drift again, the speed seemed to soar several times.

"Puff puff……"

After a while, the three Kraken Powers were split by Han Fei.

Someone said, "Thank you, Brother Han."

Han Fei, who has been generally defined as the most arrogant, is basically a matter of seconds for the same level of Siren. This led to the sea monsters retreating in the melee.

"No retreat, kill me!"

Suddenly, in the void, a loud drink came out. Another Hailing class hurried from a distance.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, and immediately he stood in the void and stuffed his mouth with energy and spirit fruit.

Han Fei couldn't help but look at Luo Yu: "Why are there so many Hailing-level strong men on this line? The coastline is so long, why are you here?"

Luo Yu's look changed dramatically: "I don't know. The East Coast is the main defensive position. Mo Pan, I have informed that law enforcement is coming."

Han Fei squinted: "If I didn't come, wouldn't you have no law enforcement?"

Luo Yu waved a pole like a sword and broke a siren's arm with a hook, and then had no time to respond: "No, a law enforcement officer passed by. Just saw the cat of the old lady's house and left."

Han Fei poked his lips and looked at the Hailing-level strongman who was only dozens of miles away. He swallowed and shouted to Rhubarb: "What is the realm of that one?"

Rhubarb meowed and continued to rush forward for several kilometers: "Beginner! With two fishes, this cat doesn't seem to be too good! Han Fei, come and help this cat kill the fish, one for each."

Luo Yu busy said: "Don't, Hailing-level strong, that's equivalent to law enforcement."

Han Fei ignored Luo Yu. At this moment, he was more excited to fight, and his body suddenly fell from the air to the sea. Strange water blades appeared around the whole body, thousands of swords floated.


Han Fei was racing on the water. Almost all the creatures along the way were crushed by the endless water in an instant.

The Hailing-level strongman, with a steel tooth in his mouth, grimaced, "Human sub-fisher, dare to fight me?"


Phantom glass wing, fan fanned out, two blades have been cut out.

The wind blade grew stronger all the way, and finally formed a large blade of tens of meters.

Luo Yu was speechless: This guy is indeed a lunatic. If you are a junior snorkeler, no matter how arrogant you are, you don't have to shake the sea spirits right?

Just listening to Luo Yu's hasty transmission: "10 breaths, after 10 breaths, law enforcement will come over."

Luo Yu's original idea was: One rhubarb, as long as he can hold 10 interest time. Who knows, this crazy man, Han Fei, rushed up like this?

Han Fei grinned, "I see."


Han Fei speeded up again, the wind's cunning speed started, and the whole person reached an extreme. Its speed is definitely not slower than that of the Hailing-level strong opposite.

Just the wind and waves set up by Han Fei's feet, the splash of water coming out of the water can spray out hundreds of meters away.


At the moment, of course, in the face of Hailing-level powerhouses, of course, Han Fei will not neglect in the slightest.

Hailing and law enforcement are in a realm. Enforcers can control a ray of law, and without justification, Hailing-level powerhouses will not ...

However, Han Fei is not worried. Enforcement belongs to law enforcement, but it depends on what law you enforce?

If it is the seal of Jiuyinling, it is really difficult to entangle. If it is the twisted field of the Du Jiangliu, the physical attack is basically invalid, but there is still a way to crack it.

He saw the harpoon of the law enforcement officer, suddenly appeared in his hand. The moment he saw the harpoon, Han Fei knew it was bad. That's not a demigod, it's a demigod.

The sword-breaking technique broke through in front of the sea spirit-level strong man, and saw the latter spearhead a little. The big wave was like a tide, and the violent wave was wrapped in terror and ran up against it.

"Puff puff……"

However, what the man expected was that the tide was cut across with a knife. The horrible swordman didn't stop at all, and hit directly in front of him.


"Poseidon strike."

"Ka ... hmm ..."

With a radius of 300 meters, the surface of the sea was sunken, and Han Fei and the man were attacked fiercely by the other side, making them thousands of meters back.


Han Fei spit out blood. The strength of the opponent is still beyond his expectations.

"Sure enough, the fighting power of the attacking sea spirit and the attacking sea spirit are completely two concepts."

Although I have caught the wind and sky wings, I have fought the mussels. But those two, one will only run away, and the other only understands the attack of the mysterious god, and will not fight directly at all.

But in this battle, even if he was fully fired, he still got hurt first.

I don't know, the opposite was much more shocked than Han Fei.

"How is that possible? How could a snorkeler be so strong even with the secret method? Well, what are his wings?"

At the rear, Luo Yu and others were frightened: Han Fei's ability is an enemy of the sea spirit class?

Someone with a sword forced the Kraken in front of him, exclaimed, "This, this is too incredible, is he so strong?"

As for the angling fishers, they don't have such a strong sensing range and cannot see such fast fighting. But dozens of miles away, the terrifying waves and rolling waves that erupted, you will know how terrible the battle is!

In particular, the big cat had tears in its claws, and a hundred-meter claw mark, with blood on it. It was hard to see.

"That fish, look at this cat swallowing the soul."

The cat had a mouth, a hundred ghosts, and devoured soul. If it weren't for the sea spirit-level strong man had a cage of water to protect him, he might have been swallowed by rhubarb.

The Han Fei side is faster than that of the Hailing class. He could see that the sea spirit-level power wanted to fight close to himself.

"Well! Want to be near me? It's not the time yet."

"Sell yourself ..."


At the moment when his body punches broke out, Han Fei flashed several silhouettes in the sky, and he rushed into his mouth with a spit of candle dragon blood.

Han Fei's heart is not good: there is only one bite left in the candle dragon blood! When the mussel daughter was bombarded, there was not much. At this moment, at most once, the blood of the candle dragon is exhausted.

The body-boxing mark is a lock technique, and that sea spirit-level powerhouse looks changed.

"This can't be a snorkeler. It can exert its power! But, what can it do? Canglang body."


A huge wave rose.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed, this guy is gone.

"No! It's his law enforcement ability. He's changed the water ... not the same as normal water. This wave is his body. But isn't the wave afraid of giving up his body?"


The terrorist force of his two waves directly blasted the huge wave out of a large hole of more than 30 meters. In the end, the boxing marks of the sacrifice had not stopped. The marks of the boxing entered the sea, and a wave of waves broke out.

However, the giant wave did not become a human again, but instead became a chain of countless waters ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ towards Han Fei.

"Nima! Law enforcement is really hard!"


The figure of Han Fei kept flashing in the sky. At the same time, Qiankun sword came out and tried to cut it several times.

But Qian Kunjian, because he did not recognize the Lord. Except that it is not bad, it does not cause much damage.

"Play with me? Huh ... poison your death."

The next moment, the endless hydrating knife, rushed out, 10 pounds of poison god, submerged into the wave.

"Hulah ..."

Human shapes condense in the water. A figure flew back, and at the same time, a chain of water was still pursuing Han Fei.

But he saw Han Fei grinning: "It seems that you don't hold on to the law. Huashui? Hehe ... what is the taste of the poison god?"

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