God of Fishing

Chapter 880: If you do n’t grab it,

"Pioneer Corps? Is it related to Qin Sister?"

After Ye Xingchen left, Han Fei picked up the corpse of the Hailing-level strongman and dug up a seashell to swallow. He unexpectedly found more than 30,000 kilograms of Kailing Liquid.

This directly stunned Han Fei: who told him to fight without good things? Isn't this brought?

More than 30,000 pounds! To be precise, Han Fei thinks there should be about 35,000 pounds.

"The robbers must have been robbed in the past two days. After the robbers, the goods ran over to fight. He was afraid that he would not die at all, so it was cheap for me?"

Han Fei couldn't hold his breath at that time, with a grin on his face. Hair, hair, with these more than 30,000 kilograms of Qi Lingye, at least you can push yourself to the realm of intermediate snorkelers.

Rhubarb turned into a kitten, squatted on the sea, and looked at Han Fei curiously: "What are you laughing at?"

Han Fei immediately converged, looking at Rhubarb, and then looking at Luo Yu who was about to come over behind him, ready to take away the corpse of the Hailing-level strongman, looked up at the sky, and said leisurely, "Rhubarb, I am human. In a chaotic world, we are struggling to survive. However, the Kraken invades, the people are not talking about life. Hardship and hardship are the price of our generation ... "

Luo Yu stunned: Why is this Han Fei suddenly feeling emotional? Poetry is booming?

Besides, human beings haven't reached the point where people don't talk about life, right? Is it a bit exaggerated?

However, Han Fei suddenly turned his face: "I, Han Fei, as a member of humankind, feel so distressed at the sight of this situation. If I can't calm down this fierce Siren and show my human power, I will feel uneasy!"

Behind him, someone listened with his ears, and listened to Han Fei's generous submissions.

Someone booed: "It seems that Han Fei is not as bad as outside, good guys!"

Someone nodded: "Yes, it must be the Dark Hunting Corps's frequent slander, he is no longer a thing."

Someone said, "Is this the consciousness of a strong man?"

Someone was excited: "This is our model!"

Suddenly, Han Fei opened his wings and looked at the zodiac: "Rhubarb, there are wars ahead, I can't sit idly by. You are a cat, you should enjoy cat life, and eating fish is what you should do. You Just don't go with me. "

Luo Yudong moved: "Han Fei, the war ahead is not something we can participate in ..."

The more Luo Yu said, the lower the voice. Everyone has killed the Hailing-level powerhouse, it seems that they can really participate in it.

Han Fei turned back and glanced at Luo Yu: "As it is said, I will not go to hell, who will go to hell? You and Rhubarb must keep the line of defense here, I will go too."

While speaking, Han Fei shot into the air, Fengshenzhou appeared, and straight forward.

Han Fei secretly said: Just kidding, there are already two undersea chimneys here, maybe there is a third one, who can handle it?

Anyway, killing a Hailing-level powerhouse is also a killing, and killing two problems should not be too big. As long as the other person has the elixir, that's not a problem ...

Of course, the main thing is to find the third subsea chimney that has not yet appeared.

Compared to that, what Hailing? They were all played by tall people. I was a snorkeler. I was still weak. It was better not to fight if I could not fight.


Rhubarb crouched on the sea and looked curiously at the direction where Han Fei was flying: "What did he say? The cat didn't understand it!"

I saw Luo Yu's solemn expression: "Han Fei is a respectable person."


After flying about 3,000 miles, there was no monster over the sea. Except for those marine creatures swimming towards Broken Star Island, Han Feilian did not see the shadows of the two undersea chimneys.

Immediately, Han Fei moved into the water and called out Xiao Hei Xiao Bai.

Xiao Hei directly killed and went out. There were many marine creatures around. He was hungry.

And Han Fei touched Xiaobai's head: "Daughter! Can you find Qilingye? A lot, a lot. The ones that are small, let's not ..."

Xiaobai turned around a few times, but didn't seem to find the target.

Han Fei looked at it: "Don't panic, I'll take you 2,000 miles further."

After a while.

In the water.

Han Fei: "How about a girl, do you have one?"

Xiaobai turned again for a while, a little wobbly, and then looked forward to the left and later to the right.

Han Fei: "Don't panic, let's go further 2000 miles."

Until this third time, Xiaobai seemed to confirm. Although I occasionally look forward to the left, most of the time I look forward to the right.

Han Fei understood it then. This means that there are both sides, and perhaps the amount of Kai Ling fluid that both sides may have is not small.

Han Fei couldn't help asking: "Xiao Bai, where is the fighting and **** smell?"

This time, Xiaobai looked at the front left without hesitation.


Han Fei grinned, which shows that the undersea chimney in the front left is likely to be fighting and a war broke out.

Immediately, Han Fei got on the fishing boat, and took Xiao Bai to shoot straight ahead to the right.

You don't want to fight. Han Fei felt that the only way was to wait for the new undersea chimney to come out and quietly take away all the Qi Lingye.

Anyway, this Qi Lingye is always going to be grabbed. Instead of falling into the hands of marine creatures and siren, I'd rather hold it.

All the way up to 5,000 miles, Han Fei still didn't see any monsters here.

He estimated that the new undersea chimney had not completely come out yet. When it comes out, there must be some movement. Then it will attract the strong.

At this moment, Han Fei was drilling in the water: "Daughter, how far is it? Is there a sea monster's breath nearby?"

Xiaobai's body moved slightly, which made Han Fei frown, and there seemed to be a sea monster nearby.

However, Xiaobai now recognized the front. Han Fei speculates that this is already 10,000 miles, and it is estimated that there will be another 10,000 miles at most, and it must have arrived.

Since there are siren nearby, I'll just go around. Could it be possible that he could find it faster than my little one?

An hour later, Han Fei made an radian and returned to the previous route.

In the water.

Han Fei: "Daughter, how far is it? Is there a long distance we have just flown?"

This time, Han Fei saw Xiaobai wag his tail. Moreover, faintly, Han Fei seemed to feel in his head. There was a very vague voice, and he seemed to be telling himself something.

Unfortunately, Han Fei couldn't hear the voice.

However, Han Fei was more certain: the new subsea chimney was within 5,000 miles.

After more than 2,000 miles, Han Fei was no longer flying in the sky, because he found that many creatures were converging somewhere here.

"His! What a special, can't be preempted by these **** marine creatures."

Speaking slowly, at that time, Han Fei Phantom Liu Li winged up and hurricane up.

The endless water turns into a great sword, wrapping Han Fei in it.

Han Fei's left and right arms, holding Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai respectively, all the creatures who wanted to attack along the way, were blocked by the momentum of the endless water and were afraid to approach.

Except for a few powerful strange creatures, they tried to attack Han Fei.

"Blocking my fortune is tantamount to killing me. I have cut you off."

A shark was torn by Han Fei, and his body was taken into the refining world, and he could still cook in the future.

Gradually, however, Han Fei seemed to find more and more creatures coming together. Not just fish and shrimp, all kinds of large insects, sea snakes, sea horses, and even special plants are moved forward.

"Don't rush with me when I go. The undersea chimney is mine."

Hundreds of miles away, Han Fei was surprised to see that a small number of red demon and a few mermaids were fighting here.

"It's over, it's over, the position is exposed, and the position of the bottom chimney is exposed."

Seeing Han Fei, the Kraken immediately stopped. Their first thought was not fighting, but running.

"Still wanting to ventilate the letter? There are no doors."

As soon as Han Fei Ba's tactics opened, the whole person rushed away along the way like a beam of light.

In just 100 minutes, 7 red demon and 3 mermaids were killed.

One mermaid seemed to be quite powerful, roaring and trying to bleed.

However, as soon as Han Fei's dragon bow came out, the eighth arrow of the War Soul Gongfa shot out directly, and it was shot directly.

"Oh! What do you want? So close to me, can I ask you to run?"

After solving the Siren, only three hundred miles later, Han Fei went to the ground. Han Fei found that an undersea chimney was rising, rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Han Fei said to Xiaobai: "Daughter, give me vigilance. If there is danger of that level of rhubarb, you will bite me."


Han Fei: "?????"

Han Fei said with a grimace: "Where is the danger? How far is it from us?"

However, Xiao Bai's gaze was directed at the rising hillside.

Han Fei was surprised: "Is there still danger in the chimneys?"

Immediately, Han Fei's mind was overwhelmed: what happened to the danger? The undersea chimney is in front of you, and you won't grab it if you are in danger?

Just kidding, the meat is already close to my mouth. Can I say that I do n’t want to stop eating?

Han Fei immediately thought of it, and the endless water sealed the area within three meters into a restricted area. It doesn't matter who comes to die.

"Shrimp day and day, get up and work. Dig a hole and dig me into the mountain."

Han Fei doesn't know if digging is OK? But his perception is. 20 meters underground, dozens of creatures are digging. When others dig, I dig too, even if it doesn't work.

Shrimp is also clever every day, drilling directly into a lobster hole, the void chain tied the lobster.

That's just a 49-level lobster. Although it is strange, it can't stand the legendary void chain of shrimp every day!

Moreover, Han Fei followed closely, and the endless water gathered, and according to his own heart, he became a big drill.

This is also considered Han Fei's anxiety and wisdom. Endless water can also be used as a hole puncher.

Han Fei watched, he had dug up the humped mountain, but suddenly he was in crisis.

He felt that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ drilling through this mountain, there would be danger of terror.

Immediately, Han Fei thought of it and controlled the endless water to dig to the other side.

At the same time, he also released the Overlord. A ray of soul fire was distributed to the overlord, and the overlord pressed the best monster stone.

And himself, ready to go with the overlord and go together.

As the saying goes, wealth insurance seeks. There are many ways to save your life. Just a law of gravity in hand can make you entangle yourself with the Hailing-level strong for a long time.

Suddenly, Xiao Bai bit himself again.

Han Fei said silently, "Daughter, is it a danger inside or a danger outside?"

As a result, Xiao Bai pointed his head outside.

Han Fei took a sigh of breath: someone came, definitely someone came, you must hurry up, if you do n’t, you will be gone.

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