God of Fishing

Chapter 881: Corpses in a chimney under the sea

Damn it. "

The turbulence in the waters of nearly 2000 miles cannot be ignored. Once someone notices, it's a matter of time to find the chimneys under the sea.

In the past, the appearance of a single subsea chimney did not attract such a crazy scramble. Even as long as humans know the news early enough, even angling fishers can grab it.

Of course, it's for sure that the big guy is sitting.

But this time, seven undersea chimneys have emerged. Han Fei doesn't know if this is the eighth one? It doesn't matter whether or not, there is only one person here. Who is it that is not mine?

Han Fei also didn't know how much elixir would be in this subsea chimney? Fortunately, one hundred thousand catties should be available, right?

At that time, Xia Xiaochan grabbed more than 20,000 catties at once. Just now, the body of the Hailing-level strongman also had more than 30,000 kilograms.

As long as there are 100,000 pounds here, plus more than 30,000 pounds grabbed, they are used separately from the shrimp every day. There will be a qualitative leap in its own strength.

At this moment, Han Fei was stuffed with the best energy fruit in his mouth, wearing a feather coat of wind, and he was ready for the golden seal. As long as it is necessary, it is not bad to explode the golden seal.

Feeling that there were other creatures dug behind him, Han Fei calmed his mind and suddenly gritted his teeth: "Do it."

But when I saw Ba's side, he took the lead and shot Frost's sorrow, pierced the mountain bag, and pierced a hole.


While the overlord succeeded, Han Fei's endless rhinestones followed closely, blending little black and white. In Han Fei's mouth, the lingering fruit was bitten, and the mint leaves were in his mouth, and then he broke through the mountain in an instant.


Han Fei's figure flashed directly into the mountain bag.

At that moment, a fierce crisis made Han Fei flash through the mountain bag.

At this time, Han Fei, a panicked batch, did not know if he had penetrated into the Qiling liquid? Anyway, my mind is crazy.

"Receive ..."

As soon as Han Fei sensed it, he saw that the Overlord was blasted out of the mountain bag by something. There is a large depression directly on the stomach.

"My Nima ..."

When Han Fei can see what it is, he subconsciously stumbles: Is it an individual? Why is there someone in the bottom chimney?

"No, it's not a human ... it's a corpse ..."

Han Fei was bad at the time. During that period, Han Fei felt the other side facing him and took a picture.

"Jiugong ..."


Han Fei had flickered, but the reaction was still a little slower, and he was directly photographed by the human corpse.

At that moment, Han Fei tried to buckle the other side with nothing. As a result, the speed of the nothingness line is too slow compared to the opponent.


"Huh? Qi Lingye?"

Han Fei's mouth was bleeding, but then he was surprised to find that Qi Lingye was at the bottom of the cave! At this moment, it is about half a meter deep. However, the bottom of the mountain bag is at least 50 meters deep.

Moreover, this range will grow larger with the uplift of the mountain pack.

At this moment, Han Fei got a number in his mind: in terms of volume, there were nearly 500 tons of Qi Lingye.

As soon as this number was converted, Han Fei was a little bit worried, but now he encountered nearly 1 million jin of Qilingye.

"I collect ..."

Han Fei felt like he was going crazy.

His initial thought was that 100,000 catties would be enough. As a result, there are nearly 1 million catties here. Moreover, he was shocked to find that there were a few holes in the ground, and the elixir was still out.


These are just the first reaction that Han Fei hit the ground. But immediately followed, the corpse rushed over to take pictures of itself.


Han Fei had just had time to collect part of the Qi Lingye, and flew away.


Han Fei flashed out, had no time to move a thought, the corpse had split again towards himself.

"Hemp eggs, so fast, you can't do that!"


Han Fei flashed again. This time, the moment the flashed out, the law of gravity came down, and the corpse naturally could not have expected this scene. Its body was sloppy, giving Han Fei a chance.

I only saw Han Feiyu, leaving dozens of people in the cave.

"I accept!"

"I accept!"

"I accept!"

It was just that, after a short while, the corpse adapted to the law of gravity.

Han Fei's eyes were about to stare out: I'm still overlord! This gravitational force, do you say that you will adapt to it in a short time?

However, Han Fei was not panicked at all, because he found the body nearly twice as slow.

"Oh! I'm scared to death. I thought it wouldn't have any impact ... brush!"

At this time, Han Fei knew how useful the phantom glazed wings were! Within 100 meters, it flashes infinitely. Although I consume a lot of reiki every time, my buddy is endless!

Han Fei sneered: "And, do you think this is all about my law of gravity? Feel my random gravity!"

If this person was not a corpse, he might have been badly damaged as soon as he entered.

But now, it seems to be fighting by instinct. This gave Han Fei a great opportunity ... just now, that was pure gravity. Now, the amplitude of gravity is adjusted irregularly, causing gravity fluctuations. I see you playing ...

Sure enough, the gravity changed, the corpse began to become unstable, and the body was crooked.

Han Fei took the opportunity and snapped the line of nothingness, but found that the other party had no spirit at all.

Han Fei: "?????"

Forget it, don't worry, collect Qi Lingye first.

At the same time, the Overlord also emerged from the cave. However, the hole in his body made Han Fei quite distressed.

Of course, at this time, it is not the time to distress the overlord. Han Fei was frantically collecting Qi Lingye. Because the distribution area is too large, I can't collect it all at once.

"200,000 pounds!"

"300,000 catties."

"500,000 pounds."

Just when Han Fei almost drank all the Qiling Liquid on the ground, he just heard the sound of "horrible pressure" and directly collapsed the law of gravity.


Han Fei spit out old blood. The corpse, I do n’t know if it broke out, or how did it drop? Anyway, the coercion of terror came and directly took Han Fei out.

"What am I doing? I still have 200,000 catties!"

At that moment, Han Fei stunned out and fled directly to the top of the mountain bag.

"What's so special, what is the corpse of a strong man? Even a skeleton is so strong, and no information emerges from the demon pot, which shows that the other party is not an immortal.

Han Fei had already planned to blast through the mountain bag and let a large number of outsiders come in.

He probably knew why there were living creatures, but they didn't force open the bottom chimney. Out of life's instinct, they know it's dangerous here. No matter how good it is, you have to enjoy it! Lifeless enjoyment, is there an egg for that?

"Seal your fist."


The horrible fist prints soared into the sky and directly smashed the top of the mountain.

Han Fei just felt chills behind his back and flashed out subconsciously. As a result, he was still touched by the corpse. Han Fei rolled thousands of meters directly on the sea floor, feeling that his bones were almost crushed.

This is the first time!

In the case of yin and yang eyes, Han Fei's body was too late to react.

"It's too fast. It's too fast."

In perception, Han Fei found that there were just Hailing-level strong men in the sky, and law enforcement was flying.

The law enforcers and Hailing-level powerfuls are also stunned: how can there be individuals inside?

And the law enforcement officials looked at each other, "Phantom Ruri wings?"

Who does n’t know that Han Fei owns Phantom Glass Wings, as long as it is on Broken Star Island? This is the only guy who has won the Aeolian Pearl in 60 years.

As long as it is determined that the other party is a human, as long as it is determined that his wings are like a phantom glass, this is not Han Fei, who can it be?

"Roar! Humans, it's too much, so that people can be arranged in advance to rob Qiling Liquid?"

There was an outbreak of Hailing-level strong, and the target was directed at Han Fei.

The strong man also suddenly shot, and someone took a shot: "I human beings, are you Siren able to move?"

Han Fei, who vomited blood on the bottom of the sea, directly opened a fish skin array, and the strong light burst.

Arrays that isolate perceptions have burst out one after another.

But in an instant, the two matrix formations were smashed. It is shocking that Han Fei is gone.

Not only are the Siren Powers stunned, but the human law enforcement side is also stunned: is this gone? How can there be such a simple thing in the world? You lose a map and people disappear?

A Kraken yelled, "No, he can't disappear silently, find it out for me."

Both humans and siren came with people. At this moment, these people are also blank: Where can I find it?


Just then, the corpse had stood at the mouth of the chimney on the bottom of the sea and seemed to be looking for it.

The strong men of both humans and Siren were attracted to the past by this corpse.

As for Han Fei, he was hiding in Xiao Hei's mouth at the moment, and was fleeing wildly with a group of ordinary marine creatures.

Although there is Qi Ling Ye at the bottom of the cave ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although Qi Ling Ye is still out. But at this time, even if he had the means again, he was afraid he would not be able to touch it. Even if he could touch it by Xiao Hei, he wouldn't be able to get out if he was afraid.

"Forget it, forget it, thirty-six counts, slip first."

"This time, I want Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai to break through level 50 ... No, break through level 60 ... I'm going to see. By the time of Xiao Hei's ability, I want to see who can find me?"

Han Fei could feel that he was just like a child, a little nervous and a little shy. Feeling swept across, not knowing how many times.

Han Fei is almost certain: if there weren't too many marine creatures here, there would have been frightening creatures. I'm afraid, in a short time, Xiao Hei will be found.

After allowing Xiao Hei to swim thousands of miles in the sea, Han Fei got out of Xiao Hei's mouth.

Han Fei's thoughts entered the world of refining.

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