God of Fishing

Chapter 885: The sea word makes sense

Han Fei naturally did not know what kind of order was given. Even if you know, can you escape when you really meet yourself? This is also a problem.

Maybe this time the harvest is huge. Han Fei will enter the water every thousand miles or so, and ask Xiaobai if there is an undersea chimney?

Unfortunately, the answer disappointed Han Fei. It seems that after spending two days in the refining world, the undersea chimney was snatched!

Han Fei couldn't help but smile. Be a man, still not too greedy! This time, the ability to get Qi Lingye was entirely dependent on Xiao Bai's outstanding treasure hunting ability. If the average person stays, even if it is known that a chimney is about to emerge, I'm afraid it's okay! Who can find it faster than law enforcement?

Within a few miles of Broken Star Island, Han Fei found a nest of sea monsters again. However, the number is not large, there are only a dozen people in total, and there is no peak of the sea monster realm.

Han Feizuo wondered: "I stole a lot of Qi Lingye this time without any credit. It doesn't seem to be ridiculous. It can't be explained on Broken Star Island. Well, kill them."


Broken Star Island.

Ye Xingchen's face was extremely ugly, and he found that he had made a mistake.

It's long been known that Han Fei is a member of the Thug Academy. What kind of urine does the Thug Academy have? He doesn't know? He was so special that he was hit by an ironhead, and he even told him that there was a chimney under the sea ...

That's all right, so a big pot lid on myself.

At this moment, the Siren and human beings are in a short truce. Retreating to 3,000 miles away, they will launch a third attack at any time.

People are coming here, and they are stepping up their recovery. The same is true of the Siren.

At this moment, more than 300 people in the hanging waterfall are gathering for dinner. Since the last time Han Fei cooked food, their frequency of eating has increased.

Moreover, it has been fighting for two days, and those who are hit by iron also need to rest.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen stood in front of this group of people: "Mr. Wang, you guys in Thug Academy, can't find it?"

Bai Lu was angry at the time: "What happened to my little master? My little master did great work and killed a Hailing-level powerhouse."

Master Wang Shuai even nodded his head: "My wife is right, my little master did great work. Besides, you and the sea monsters grab the revelation. Isn't it still about the same for only half of the family? And maybe in the chimney under the sea Is there only 600,000 kilograms of Qi Lingye? "

Ye Xingchen gritted his teeth and said, "Which seafloor chimney have you ever seen that has only 600,000 kilograms of Kai Ling?"

Han Fei didn't know that there was a lot of spring in Qi Lingye's eyes. However, the law enforcement officer who came to grab Qi Lingye returned with an ugly face, saying that he had only grabbed less than 300,000 catties.

I just listened to Ning Jingyao and laughed: "Ah, the problem is not very big! Who is this Qilingye for? Is it for you?

Anonymous nodded: "Han Fei used, the effect may be better."

Yuno faintly said, "Actually, I want to be a bit too."

Ye Xingchen's head was suddenly large, and he looked at Yu Ye silently: "You're embarrassed to ask? You ate two undersea chimneys by yourself, do you want?"

After speaking, Ye Xingchen looked at Mr. Wang Shuai again: "Han Fei did his meritorious service. But the meritorious service is the fighter who killed and killed an ordinary soldier. He stole a submarine chimney without saying a word, and he also had to explain to these soldiers. No? "

Wang Dashuai snorted: "Explain? My younger brother will surely kill and return a large number of enemies."

Ye Xingchen was speechless: I said everything. Gong is gong. Isn't it supposed to kill the enemy?

Forget it, Ye Xingchen didn't want to talk to these people anymore, and turned and hummed away.

After Ye Xingchen ran away, the people talked eloquently.

Yuno was surprised: "Han Fei can go steal the undersea chimney now?"

Liluofangfang: "This guy, I want to steal, he didn't even take me."

Rhubarb "creaked" and bitten a big fish's head: "It's so angry. He didn't even bring this cat, and he asked him to defend him."

Mrs. Yin gave it a white look: "You want a fart? How effective is it for you?"

"Meow ~"

Mrs. Yin said, "Well, as long as Han Fei kills enough enemies outside, he should not be detained like a captain."

Nangong Xuandao: "It's not a matter of confinement. It's a long time since this war. Who knows what happened?"

Everyone looked at Ye Qingfeng.

Ye Qingfeng is the only one who has been transferred to the front battlefield alone. He was extremely toxic, and law enforcement officials were scared of seeing him. It is said that one person poisoned three Hailing-level powerful men.

Ye Qingfeng was brewing poisoned tea for himself at the moment. When everyone saw him, he couldn't help but said, "Don't look at me, I'm not quite sure. It is said that the pioneer group found a huge underground relic. Both humans and Siren In order to compete for the resources inside, many people were called. The pinnacle of law enforcement was shot. Xue Shenqi and Cang Lanyu were sitting in town. What can I know? "

Someone was surprised: "What? The explorer sits in person?"

Someone booed: "Even the explorer has to sit in the town. It seems that this ruin is of great significance!"

Qingying said: "Just sitting in town, but not fighting."

Ning Jingyao smiled and said, "Don't fight, don't say, this level of war alone has already been raised. Last time, when was it? Five or six years ago, right?"

Someone said, "Last time, I haven't come anyway."

Suddenly, Ye Qingfeng said, "Oh, yes, I heard that this time Mu Qingchuan and Chu Linyuan appeared. These two people killed a Hailing-level strong and stole half of the bottom chimney."

Wang Dashuai said: "It has nothing to do with me!"

Everyone was speechless, and someone whispered, "Your thug college, because the dead fish is not afraid of boiling water. I don't think they are ready to come back."

Bai Lu snorted: "But Lin Yuan and Qingchuan killed countless enemies. This is an indisputable fact."

Ye Qingfeng laughed: "Without you, the commander might be out now."

Wang Dashuai scratched his head, he seemed to acquiesce to Ye Qingfeng's opinion.

Bai Lu gave Wang Marshal a glance, and the latter silenced immediately.


The battlefield of the Broken Star, this time on the Giant's Road, many people gathered at this moment.

Cao Tian and Cao Jiaren, who have never appeared, are also there, as are Tang Ge and Mu Ling.

Mu Ling leaned on Tang Ge, sat on a stone, and smiled lightly, "Do you know, what news did I get?"

Tangge: "What?"

Mu Ling laughed: "Your good brother! He even stole a chimney under the sea."

Tang Ge froze slightly: "Really fake? Is it dangerous?"

Mu Ling said: "It is said that it has already run away."

Tang Ge was relieved, "That's good."

Mu Ling added: "I have another news."

Tangge: "What?"

Mu Ling took out a token and said, "The sea word makes sense. I have a hunch, maybe soon, a catastrophe is coming again."

Tang Ge frowned slightly: "Not afraid, I'll go with you."

Mu Ling smirked: "Of course you have to go with me, otherwise who protects me? Hey girl, how can there be so many people?"

But Tang Ge smiled, "But things are Han Fei."

Mu Ling pouted: "Why can't it be mine? You are partial to your brother?"

Tang Ge laughed: "Because he has two."


Cao Jiaren and Cao Tian are also discussing at the moment.

Cao Jiaren looked indifferent, and his voice was cold: "The sea word makes sense. What you should know must be the ball."

Cao Tian was still kind, with a faint smile on his face: "I know."

Cao Jiaren: "This time, there are a lot of strong enemies. There should be Han Fei at the Thug Academy, and Luo Xiaobai cannot reach it."

Cao Tian smiled slightly: "It's all right, I'll come."

Cao Jiaren shook his head slightly: "Going to Dim Sum. Every time, there is a figure of Thug Academy. Although it fell more than 30 years ago, it is undeniable that they are strong."

Cao Tian: "I see."


The human side is still resting.

At sea, Han Fei is being chased by three Hailing-level strong men.

"I eat your big yellow croaker? What chase?"

Han Fei is also speechless. He had originally planned to return to the vicinity of Broken Star Island. Who knows, I met a sea monster army on the way?

Good guys, there have to be tens of thousands of people, and the Hailing-level powerhouse is not one or two.

Fortunately, at that time, he braked sharply and ran away. Otherwise, if it really rushes into the sea monster army, it will be almost impossible to come out intact.

It was also at this moment that Han Fei discovered that the speed of Fengshenzhou was not as fast as expected.

Hailing-level strong can also fly, and the outbreak speed is far faster than Fengshenzhou.

Someone shouted behind him, "Do you think you can run away?"

Han Fei shouted, "You have the ability to chase! The frontline war has been fierce, all come after me."


Someone's speed is increasing.

Han Fei resolutely gave up the Fengshenzhou, and the phantom glazed wings spread out. The wind's swiftness started and he went straight out.

Fengshenzhou's speed is limited, although it can fly 60,000 miles a day. Can average to 2500 miles per hour. Then average to every breath, it will be slow. Far slower than the speed of the Hailing-level strong, Han Fei had to give up.

The speed of the wind is not enough, and the Overlord tactics are reopened. All of a sudden, Han Fei's figure becomes more and more distant.

Behind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the three Hailing-level strong men are aggressive.

Someone scolded: "Damn wings, isn't this too fast?"

Seeing that the distance from Han Fei is getting farther and farther, these Hailing-level strong men are also a little bit embarrassed: less than 50 after chasing interest, people are gone.

"Huh! As long as this son is behind, it should be fine. He is only one person."

At this moment, Han Feizheng was hiding in the refining world, lying on the ground, and lingering in his mouth, "Oh! Chase me? Come, come, have the ability to chase the refining world!"

Suddenly, Han Fei felt his heart move, his head crooked, and he saw two sea-characters not far away shaking slightly.


Han Fei immediately sat up, with a serious expression: "Have the word been induced?"

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