God of Fishing

Chapter 886: Wind and clouds

Too fast, Han Fei did not expect that Hai Zi Ling would respond so quickly.

Although I just grabbed a chimney under the sea, but it has not been completely digested!

Not only have they not completely digested by themselves, they must have not fully digested every day, they have just begun their own tempering career. In Han Fei's estimation, as in today's battle, at least dozens of games will have to be played, and his own improvement will be more significant. So, who would have thought that the Haizi Ling induction came so quickly?

"Sister Qin, Qin, how about giving me a response? Is it a month late?"

Han Fei sighed and practiced the "108 Desolate Body" twice.

But at this time, the Kraken was resting, and it was impossible for him to attack the army alone.

Han Fei could not help but called Xiaohei and Xiaobai: "Daughter, can you feel where is Qin sister now?"

Han Fei is not sure. Has Jiang Qin returned to Xingdao? However, since it was their pioneer group that found the ruins, the Haizi Ling just happened to have a sense again. That at least proved that Jiang Qin was definitely involved.

Sure enough, Xiao Bai's direction was not the broken island but the deep sea.

Han Fei's eyes narrowed: "Willn't she go first herself?"

Immediately, Han Fei shook his head slightly: "No, it's impossible for a submerged fisherman to control such a big thing. Moreover, the two-day war broke out and the power used has already exceeded Snorkeler level. There should be a stronger talent pair over the ruins. "

Han Fei sighed: "What if we meet the blue octopus? The strongest peak of the sea spirit is not comparable to the ordinary sea spirit. Even the overlord tactics and the speed of the wind should not be compared? "

"If you go to the ruins yourself, there should be a strong human being?"

"No, God knows what is the sensing range of Hailing's Peak? It was discovered in advance, and ambushed?"

"No, the ruins can't go, neither can Broken Star Island."

Just as Han Fei was wondering if he should release the shrimp every day, when they wandered in the sea ... Suddenly, a sky appeared on the sky, and there was a human shadow in it.

When Han Fei takes a closer look, isn't that blue feather?

Yes, he will never admit it. Blue feather, he is human. The status in Wan Yao Valley is almost the same as Xue Shenqi. Both should be explorer-level.

At this moment, I heard Cang Lanyu saying in a sea monster: "The whole army retreats. All the sea monsters who are strong come to the southwestern waters of Xingxing Island, 150,000 miles, and must not conflict with humans."

Immediately after that, another figure appeared in the sky, which was Xue Shenqi, who had a side relationship with Han Fei. At this moment, he said solemnly: "All human snorkelers go here to meet, do n’t want to Clashes with the evacuated Siren Army, come quickly. "

"His! What agreement has Xue Shenqi and Cang Lanyu reached?"

Han Fei's first thought was that the secret was too big. It's not something one or two people can explore at all.

"Dungeon is definitely a dungeon."

However, what is not clear to Han Fei is that the dungeons appear so fast? And, isn't it so secretive?

It stands to reason that even in a place like the underground city, there shouldn't be so much movement. Are all snorkelers dispatched? Is this crazy?

Han Fei remembered that there were definitely a lot of snorkelers in the center city, not hundreds or thousands of people, at least thousands of them.


Not only Han Fei was shocked, the entire Broken Star Island was shocked.

Countless people looked up to the sky and sky, all sub-fisher levels? Is this what happened?

Some people were shocked: "In the history of Broken Star Island, there has never been such a thing, never once."

Someone booed: "Damn, I know that the Siren ’s attack on Sing Tao is not easy. Is it the critical time for Sing Tao to survive or die?"

On all fronts, many law enforcers looked moved. This time, things are beyond imagination. In this battle alone, the number of people who have fallen is countless.

However, the so-called war is just the beginning.

While Xue Shenqi was talking, some people around the broken island were lifted off, looking dignified.

Boats were swept across the sky, and they had no idea what was going on.

However, judging from the current situation, this time the matter may be extremely important. It is so important that the entire army is dispatched.

Silent magic pond.

Some law enforcement brigade stood up and stood in front of everyone: "I am going to fight. Everyone, before I return, stay on the line of defense. Pay attention to the news in the city.

"team leader……"

"What the **** happened, Captain?"

The man shook his head slightly, and his eyes were absolutely sure: "I don't know, all the sub-fishers are dispatched. It is a matter of life and death, it is impossible to do so."


Hell beach.

Some patrol team, someone scolded: "A turtle son, finally no need to patrol law enforcement? Broken Star Island, Broken Star Island ... Oh, let your life go.

Someone sneered: "Since the commander is so decisive, he must have deep meaning, just go."

Someone lazily climbed up from the beach and sat up: "Are you going to win the battle with the Siren? It's enough to fight every day and keep every day."


Giant's Causeway.

Tang Ge and others rose up in silence and took control of the boat.

Of all the people who traveled along the way, there were almost all of them, who were all from the Qianxing City clan.


East Coast.

At this moment, more than 300 people are inexplicable.

Mrs. Yin: "The war is about to start! I didn't expect to be so old and still be able to participate in such a war."

Nangong Xuan sneered: "Just hit it! It's been too long in the hanging waterfall and the road hasn't been figured out. This time, you should always figure it out."

Ning Jingyao lamented: "Unfortunately, Lao Du! At this time, I broke through the law enforcement agencies and missed the chance to participate in this battle. I really lost it."

Li Luolu smiled: "It should be fun. Snoring, it is best to hit Wan Yao Valley all the way."

Someone sneered: "You all have secrets, as if no one knows, are you waiting for this war?"


Territory of the South Bank.

Thousands of the city's major players are all here.

The leader was not one or two, and the blockbuster stood up. When viewed from a high altitude, there are seven groups of people.

Gong Yuehan, Lu Wuwei, Chu Xun, Zhai Shun ... A lot of arrogant monarchs were so proud that they walked in front of the crowd.

Someone sang, "Go."

In countless sights, the fishing boat lifted off and the army went out to sea. Such an unprecedented grand scene has left many people feeling deeply.


at this moment.

There are countless anglers sighing. I do n’t know what will happen this time, but how many people can survive?

Someone prayed, "I hope all will return in peace."

Some people shook their heads: "War should be confined to the realm of snorkelers. If it wins, Broken Star Island may be safe for decades!"

There are also people with an optimistic mentality: "Hey! Brother, if Broken Star Island and Siren ceased fighting, can we restlessly find a secret place and enhance our strength?"

The respondent smiled and nodded: "It should be! But, I want to go back to town. I have been out for so long, I am afraid that everyone in the family thinks I am dead?"

Someone said with a smile: "You can win right away, otherwise how can a big coach easily gamble?"


In the southwest waters, somewhere in the outer waters, Xue Shenqi and a group of 9-, 10-, and even 11-star powerhouses stood proudly above the void.

More than ten miles away, the blue feathers and blue wing are all here.

Cang Lanyu looked at Xue Shenqi and sneered: "Xue Shenqi, how dare you bet? I haven't used all my strength in Wangu Valley, so you are not afraid of the emptiness in the rear, being attacked by me and destroyed in a war?"

Xue Shen looked dignified and looked at the blue feather disdainfully: "You can try it. You can lay the broken Star Island, I will rule on the spot. Hum, if there is an old man sitting under the Wan Yao Valley, as early as decades Before, it has been destroyed. "

The blue feather laughed and laughed: "Dare you destroy me Wangu Valley. The key is, once Wangua Valley is gone, are you a king city decoration?"

Xue Shenqi: "If there is a deep-sea monster in Wang Cheng, it has already come. Why wait till now?"

The blue feather snorted: "I confessed to the demon forest passage. Let's bet, is your Qianxing City the first to be the king, or the sea monster king city to have the deep sea monster?"

Behind the crowd, Jiang Qin looked dignified.

This time, it exceeded her expectations. She thought that even if she found a dungeon, it was her own business. Who would have expected that, this time, a siren came in.

Could it be said that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ even the sea monsters have come to determine the chart? It stands to reason no, is that Shen Shenqi intentional?


Han Fei, who is controlling Fengshenzhou, is racing all the way.

joke! Don't run? Waiting for the Kraken Army? Waving alone in the sea, once discovered by the Kraken Army, there is no reason to let go.

What must not conflict with each other? In the face of this super war, one or two people die first, and no one cares.

As Han Fei ran, he was thinking: Is there any old Korean manipulating behind the scenes? Lao Han's strength is so strong that he would not believe it without him.

Also, has Jiang the old man come? The old man Jiang is here, he can be guaranteed!

"Oh! The battle for finalizing the chart has begun again! Anyway, I'm on the map."

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