God of Fishing

Chapter 887: The biggest secret exploration in history

(Welcome the Alliance Leader, Peerless Stars, thank you for your support)

It has been racing for more than two days, and I have encountered ordinary Siren along the way, but no fighting occurred.

The sky curtain, if not guessed correctly, should be a genuine hanging sky mirror. The tertiary fishery is imitation. This is true.

If you kill those sea monsters halfway by yourself, maybe you can't be known by the old blue feathers, and send someone to kill yourself, then it is quite uneconomical.

Fengshenzhou swept a stream of light in the sky until Xue Shenqi appeared in Han Fei's perception, and then stopped.

Finally, Han Fei found Jiang Qin in the crowd. Of this group, the only snorkeler, the others are law enforcement gangsters.

At this moment, a law enforcement officer glanced back: "Stop that? Why not?"

Han Fei didn't know that person either, but he called, and he stopped at dozens of miles away, which seemed unreasonable.

When Han Fei came over, he fell directly beside Jiang Qin: "Sister Qin, what a coincidence!"

Jiang Qin gave Han Fei a white look, but said lightly: "Wait."

Of course, Han Fei saw Cang Lanyu and others more than ten miles away. These people are also looking at Han Fei, seeming to be surprised that this person's speed is quite fast, and it should be undoubtedly human beings.

Then there was the Hailing-level strong man, who said something to the blue feather.

Just listening to Cang Lanyu suddenly said: "It turns out that this is the boy who has won the Wind God Pearl? It's not enough to look at the realm. Unfortunately, I can't come back this time."

But listening to Han Fei suddenly scolded: "Pharaoh, what are you talking about? You can't come back, your family can't come back!"


Everyone looked at Han Fei in shock. Even Xue Shenqi couldn't help but pick his eyelids, and his mouth was slightly drawn. To a super strong explorer, do you scold the soul?

Jiang Qin drank, "You shut up."


I only heard the sigh of blue feathers, like a thunderous sound, shaking towards Han Fei.


In the midst of the sky, a storm set off, Xue Shenqi said lightly, "What? People of this size still have general knowledge with juniors?"

Cang Lanyu said coldly: "Siren are different from human beings and have revenge. They are called Han Fei, aren't they? Hey, kid, there will be many people who will kill you."

Han Fei sneered: "Come on, you're scared of me? Come on, I kill one. Come on, I cut a pair. I can kill your scalp."

Han Fei didn't care, anyway, now that Xue Shenqi is in the face, can this old turtle come up and kill himself?

Xue Shenqi glanced at Han Fei lightly, seeing that Han Fei suddenly shut up.

OK! If you do n’t say it, do n’t say 呗, what are you talking about?

Some law enforcement officials glanced at Han Fei with a smile: "Do you really grasp the timing? Stealing the chimneys under the sea, can you bear it? If it is not a major event, you will be locked up for several years."

Han Fei's face suddenly froze: "What? This senior, I didn't grab a few pounds! Just tens of thousands of pounds, really ..."


Some people shook their heads and have seen shameless ones, never seen such shameless ones. Are you a fool of us?

Someone was speechless, but did not speak.

Jiang Qin glanced at Han Fei: "Sit down and consolidate."

Han Fei looked at Jiang Qin, glanced at the law enforcer from time to time, and did not pass the word. However, the meaning is very clear, it seems to be saying, will not really be closed?

Jiang Qin shook his head slightly, and the law enforcement officer held by Han Fei looked ugly. Look at me again, I really give you confinement.


At this moment, mainly wait for someone to arrive.

Han Fei's perception had long gone to the bottom of the sea. However, at this moment, the bottom of the sea was shattered, and within a thousand miles it was all flattened. Especially under Han Fei's feet, there was a weird ruin that was several tens of miles wide, and it seemed to emerge from the ground.

And in the ruins, there are some large holes, with misty unknown matter floating on them, and the perception cannot penetrate at all. However, these things are confined within a certain range, like a kind of enchantment.

Han Fei whispered, "Sister Qin, enchantment?"

Jiang Qin nodded slightly: "Yes, enchantment. But that is an enchantment that can be broken."

Han Fei unexpectedly looked at Jiang Qin: "Can it be broken? Why are you standing here?"

Xue Shenqi said lightly: "Don't be fooled as soon as you come, wait for everyone."

Han Fei shrugged: My dad is old Han, and I am not afraid of you.

Since Han Fei knew that Han was still alive, he had been more relaxed when he was criticized. Well, bet on chess, the chess piece is not at the end, can the **** be in trouble?

However, Han Fei did not overdo it.

Wait for a while, exactly what he has to think about, what should he do after entering the enchantment?

If it is a dungeon, then your first goal is to find a place to bury the bones. At most tomorrow, Luo Xiaobai will come, and Tang Ge will come.

The big waterfalls on the sky are sure to come, and you can flick Yue twelve yourself, plus the handsome brothers and them, our thug college is very powerful!


About three hours later, Han Fei saw another fishing boat flying from the sea. It was a young man and woman, and they looked very good-looking, and when they saw that they were from a couple.

When the two came here, their eyes swept away, and they finally fell beside Han Fei and Jiang Qin.

"Little master?"

"Definitely is."

Han Fei looked at Jiang Qin in surprise, and then said, "Brother, sister?"

They both smiled at Han Fei and nodded, looking very kind. Good-looking man and pretty girl, still kind, who doesn't like it?


Someone coughed, and Chu Linyuan said, "I'll talk later."

Immediately, someone sneered: "Chu Linyuan, Mu Qingchuan ... You have nothing to do with your work. You will have a remnant after a short walk. When this is back, don't leave."

Mu Qingchuan smiled slightly and said, "Don't go. After this incident, we will return to the hanging waterfall."

Someone snorted: "Do you still know that you come back? If you two had a lot of enemies at sea, do you think we can't help you?"

Chu Linyuan smiled slightly: "On the island and outside the island, all contribute to humanity! This time we go back to the sky, and we broke the law."

Someone said "Oh": "Anytime?"

Mu Qingchuan nodded: "Anytime."

Said, Mu Qingchuan glanced at Han Fei, and smiled: "No longer, no one can match his master."

Han Fei was aggressive, and said in his heart: Now, it's not necessarily better than me, right?

Hearing the law enforcement officer nodded: "That's ok. After so long, are you waiting for today?"

Chu Linyuan grinned, "Natural."

Han Fei's heart moved: for so long? How long has it been pressed?

Co-authors, not brothers and sisters, they can't break the law enforcement, in fact they have been suppressing cultivation. So, brothers and sisters are actually part of chess pieces?

However, the old man Jiang said that the **** of the Thug Academy is himself. Does that mean that the brothers and sisters are suppressing cultivation for the sake of helping them along the way?

Han Fei could not help looking serious. After entering the enchantment, you need to ask clearly.

After one night.

When the moon lifted off, people from both the human and the Kraken arrived. Among them, Cao Tian arrived first, and Cao Qiu went with them.

As soon as people arrived, Cao Qiu would run to Han Fei. However, Cao Tian was directly stunned.

However, the three Cao families were sitting behind Han Fei, only two or three meters away.

Cao Qiu also sent a message to Han Fei: "The following are all good things, but grabbing that thing is not my wish."

Han Fei gave Cao Tian a glance, and sent a message to Cao Qiu: "Grab the scum! The thing is there, whoever has the ability to grab it."

Cao Qiu was helpless, he hated this feeling. For one thing, to the end, there must be an internal fight.

By the time of dawn, more than 300 people had been sitting behind Han Fei.

And Mrs. Wang arrived in the early morning with Bai Lu. After arriving, they went directly to Han Fei and sat down, chatting with Chu Linyuan for a while.

Until another morning, all the talents were available.


Luo Xiaobai, Lerenkang, and Zhang Xuanyu also met Chu Linyuan and Mu Qingchuan.

At this moment, a large group of people sneaked to the rear of the team and set off the hot pot. Next to it, there were rhubarb and barley, and several other arrogant waterfalls.

Han Fei was whispering: "Are you going to team up?"

Chu Linyuan said: "Of course we have to form. Our thug college, it's time for Li Wei."

Mu Qingchuan said: "First of all, it is certain that this is an enchantment, not a teleportation array. After entering, it will not be transmitted randomly. However, this enchantment seems to be very large and requires many people to explore. There must be more in it It ’s amazing. So there must be some people scattered to seize the opportunity. "

Luo Xiaobai analyzed: "The trouble in team formation lies in the distribution of items. However, we don't have this problem ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Whoever needs to take, whoever needs to take it first. These are not critical, mainly The ruins involved a lot of killings, and the key is to ensure their immortality. "

Han Fei asked: "I think we can act alone after the rush."

Everyone: "???"

Han Fei: "You know, maybe it's time to act alone."

Chu Linyuan shook his head: "No, my little brother. This matter is not as simple as you think. This relic is actually only the first step, most likely there is a second step, a third step ... This specific situation, get inside Look again. "

Suddenly, a voice dropped: "Collapse your pot.".

At the same time, Xue Shen raised his big hand and a light curtain appeared, encircling all human beings.

Everyone froze and said, finally: it's time to start.

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