God of Illusions

Chapter 937: Servant, I also want to be the strongest!

"As an excellent queen, you must have good enough male servants to show your identity, but what is an excellent male servant? It doesn't matter what you say, let your male servants participate in this competition, let Let people all over the country witness the birth of the best male servant!"

At the registration desk for the Servant Election Contest, a very inflammatory voice was played on a loop. In the eyes of men, this is an extremely low-level tease. However, in Yuehua, a country where women's nature is infinitely magnified, there is no way to refuse. invitation!

Comparison is the original sin of all women...

Therefore, even though Lan Ming City is just a small border town, people who came to sign up have already filled the square in the center of the city.

Looking around, Bai Xiaofei knew for the first time that men can also be ostentatious!

"What's wrong? Why are you panicking?"

Looking at the pale Bai Xiaofei, Tan Xin tried not to laugh. It was the first time she had seen Bai Xiaofei in this state in such a long time.

"Are you sure this isn't a beauty pageant?"

Swallowing his saliva, Bai Xiaofei began to doubt his life. In his opinion, even a male servant should have something for men, but now it seems that is not the case at all!

"Why, are you afraid of beauty pageants? Haven't you always said that you are suave and unparalleled? Could it be that you can't even compete with these uncles?"

Tan Xin continued to hold back her smile, and at the same time asked irritatingly and sarcastically.

"Of course I am confident in my appearance, but now I am a little doubtful of the vision of people like Yuehua, you see."

Bai Xiaofei said and pointed to some of the male servants around him.

"That one is dressed like a colorful flag. Look at that one again. What's that painted on his face? And there's that one who's all fat but full of confidence..."

Bai Xiaofei pointed out almost all the male servants around him. None of them met the standards of a normal man. After looking around, Tan Xin somewhat agreed with Bai Xiaofei.

Maybe... there is indeed something wrong with Yuehua's aesthetics...

However, it was impossible for Tan Xin to make Bai Xiaofei back down. She was determined to be the best male servant master!

"If you are timid, just say so and don't make so many excuses.

You can't even compare to a group of people who have been educated as servants since childhood. You really look down on you. "

Tan Xin snorted coldly. Bai Xiaofei knew that this was a way to provoke generals, but it still sounded particularly harsh to him.

"Who said I'm a coward!!! I'll show you the first place!!!"

With his head burning, Bai Xiaofei walked towards the registration area without looking back. As soon as he took two steps out, he regretted it.

Damn it, you must not use your real name!

"What is your name?"

The person in charge of registration asked coldly. He couldn't remember how many times he had done the same job this morning.


Bai Xiaofei bravely reported a name, and now he just hoped that no one in Yuehua would recognize him.



"Is he the puppet master?"


"Have you conducted any systematic study?"


The two people asked and answered questions, and the staff quickly completed the registration belonging to Bai Xiaofei, although none of them was true except the age.

"Take the form and go over there."

The staff member said impatiently. It was obvious that she was disappointed that Bai Xiaofei was not the puppet master.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up after seeing her slight fluctuation in mood.

We need a puppeteer, it seems like it’s not just a beauty pageant!

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Can't you understand what people are saying?!"

The registration staff shouted angrily and pulled Bai Xiaofei back from his speculation.

"Sorry, I'll be there right away."

Bai Xiaofei responded naively, and walked towards the place where the male servants who were not puppet masters gathered. The number of people here was at least twenty times that of the other side.

This is no longer a problem with the Yuehua system. Judging from this situation, the mentality of men in Yuehua has changed. The ratio of male puppet masters in Yuehua is probably the lowest on the mainland.

Shaking his head helplessly, Bai Xiaofei waited quietly.

Fortunately, there were enough registration points. After about two hours, a total of 6,784 male servants completed the registration.

And this is just a small town on the border!

You really don’t understand women’s desire to compare...

"Everyone, calm down!"

Just when all the male servants were communicating with the "friends" they had just met, a loud voice interrupted everyone. When they heard the woman's voice, all the male servants fell silent for a moment.

This is Yuehua...

"Now, I announce that the audition has officially begun. There are three links in this audition. The first link is the physical fitness test!"

The presiding officer's voice echoed throughout the square. As soon as the words "physical fitness test" came out, 80% of the male servants showed a look of horror on their faces.

Let them wash, cook and dress themselves. They are good at it. Who has practiced this kind of physical fitness test? ! !

Unless the master has special requirements, what manservant would waste his time on this? !

"Shut up! I'm not interested in listening to your complaints. In ten seconds, the first round of testing will begin. There is a tea stall ten kilometers south of the city. Go there and get a pot of tea. The first hundred people to come back will , pass the first round of testing, and the rest will be eliminated!”

"During this period, it is not allowed to rely on the strength of others. Violators will be eliminated directly. However, the players are not restricted from using any means. The rules are announced and the countdown begins!"

The presiding officer had no intention of caring about the thoughts of the male servants. With a few simple words, most of them were knocked to the bottom.

However, there are also people who are very happy.

For example, Bai Xiaofei...

"Fortunately it's not a beauty pageant."

Feeling secretly happy in his heart, Bai Xiaofei then started moving. With his current physical condition, he could cover a distance of twenty kilometers back and forth, and if he drove at full strength, he would probably be back in a few hours.

However, Bai Xiaofei had no intention of letting it go.

Moreover, this rule is also very maneuverable and does not restrict the actions between players. That is to say, whoever is stronger can even get something for nothing!

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but look at the male puppet masters on the other side.

As expected, this group of people were staring eagerly at Bai Xiaofei.

"Everyone, I guess you shouldn't be in a rush for this moment."

Before the countdown came, Bai Xiaofei had already shouted at the top of his lungs, and his loud voice instantly attracted the attention of many people.

"I need nine people with certain specialties. As long as your specialties are outstanding enough, I will ensure that you pass the first level!"

As soon as Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, with him as the center, the people around him suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Bai Xiaofei with their eyes full of excitement.

Come on, it's time to have a blast!

PS: First update, there is another update!

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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