God of Illusions

Chapter 938: Just beat him and that’s it!

"Why do all the miscellaneous fish get together? They are all miscellaneous fish. If there are only one hundred places, you can't even think about passing."

No one on Bai Xiaofei's side responded yet, and the puppet masters with good ears on the other side immediately began to jeer. There were quite a few people who wanted to strike up a conversation with Bai Xiaofei, but when they said this, many people suddenly felt cold. .

Because they think these puppet masters are right.

Ordinary people, no matter what, cannot be the opponent of the puppet master...

"You're talking about yourselves, do you want us to make gestures?"

Bai Xiaofei curled his fingers at the puppet master who answered, with no sign of fear on his face.

Although the identity of the puppet master cannot be revealed, with Bai Xiaofei's current body, it is not a problem to torture several master puppet masters.

"You brat, you're looking for..."

"Forget it, the competition is important. There are more than a hundred puppet masters here."

Before the clamor had finished speaking, the person next to him reached out to hold him.

"You wait for me, I will teach you a lesson when I come back!"

After leaving a harsh word, several puppet masters ran out quickly, while Bai Xiaofei showed an extremely satisfied smile.

I was worried about who to start with, so this one came to my door.

Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you!

After thinking about this, Bai Xiaofei once again gathered people. Although the competition had already begun, many people had given up. Whether it was speed or endurance, they were not among the top 100.

"Little brother, can you really guarantee that I pass the first level?"

Suddenly, a dark-skinned, extremely strong-looking uncle walked over, with the last glimmer of hope on his depressed face, but this glimmer of hope was not so pure. From his face, Bai Xiaofei read a sentence.

Let’s treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

"Of course, as long as your expertise is what I need."

Bai Xiaofei smiled, looking at the swarthy uncle with a hint of scrutiny.

"I am born with supernatural powers. Is this considered a specialty? This is what my master is interested in. Originally, the master did not plan to let me participate in this competition, but for some reason, I felt that this competition might be an opportunity for me. , at my request, the master agreed."

The swarthy uncle said a lot of things in a strange way. After hearing this, Bai Xiaofei nodded immediately.

"Don't worry, uncle, not only will you pass the first level, but I will also ensure that you pass the remaining two levels!"

Bai Xiaofei promised emphatically, and the uncle also reported his name, Liao Kuo.

After the start of Liokuo, more and more people came with the mentality of giving it a try. However, Bai Xiaofei did not refuse everyone who came, but was really choosing.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei did not complete his goal of finding nine teammates. He only had four people left, including Liao Kuo.

Liu Yishou is good at disguise, Wen Yuan is proficient in history, and Yan is extremely good at lying.

The four people Bai Xiaofei found had nothing to do with this first level, but Bai Xiaofei seemed to be in a particularly good mood.

"Although this is our first meeting, I promise that we will become good brothers through life and death. Wu Chang is hosting today, and we will have a good drink!"

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile, and his words shocked the four of them.

A drink? !

Did you agree to pass the first level? !

"Brother Impermanence, we are now..."

Liaokuo's face was full of confusion and nervousness, and the expressions of the other three were not much different. They originally thought that Bai Xiaofei would have some way to speed up his journey.

"Now is not the time, just keep your hearts in your stomach. If I can't do it, just let these brothers be frustrated!"

Bai Xiaofei said, already leading the way, and the four people followed him doubtfully, but when a few people sat at the wine table, all worries were thrown away along with the delicious food.

For men, there is nothing that a drink cannot solve.

If so, then it’s not a good drink!

After the meal, the five people immediately became familiar with each other. Except for Bai Xiaofei, the remaining four people poured out their grievances when they were servants, and a feeling of sympathy spread among them. Come on.

And this kind of complaint is what Bai Xiaofei wants to hear the most.

If they really don’t have any resentment at all, then it’s really over. If they complain, it means they want to change!

What Bai Xiaofei wants to do is to change Yuehua Man's status!

"Okay, brothers, it's getting late, we should prepare for the game."

Bai Xiaofei, who drinks the most, is actually the soberest among the people present. His drinking capacity, which he has been trained by his godfathers since he was a child, has never made Bai Xiaofei embarrassed in this regard.

However, the word competition is still very lethal. As soon as Bai Xiaofei finished speaking, the four of them in Liaokuo immediately jumped up from their chairs. Although their heads were still confused, their eyes were already shining.

After being educated by Bai Xiaofei at the wine table, the trust of several people in Bai Xiaofei has risen several levels.

"Is it still too late at this time?"

There was a trace of frustration in Yan's tone. He drank this drink with the thought of giving up.

"Don't worry, it's just right."

With a slight smile, Bai Xiaofei walked straight towards the south city gate. The four of them followed Bai Xiaofei suspiciously. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the city gate.

Looking from a distance, Bai Xiaofei laughed again.


Before Bai Xiaofei could finish his words, several figures rushed over. Liaokuo and the others took a closer look and saw that they were the same people who had just laughed at Bai Xiaofei.

No wonder people are so confident in what they say. It turns out that these people really have a lot of skills.

"Get away!!!"

The person running in front was the one who threatened to teach Bai Xiaofei a lesson. When he saw Bai Xiaofei blocking the road, his anger turned into a curse.

Regarding this reaction, Bai Xiaofei secretly felt pity for him.

This is zero actual combat experience!

If scolding is useful, what else can you do to improve your strength?

Without saying a word, Bai Xiaofei kicked the ground suddenly, raised his fists and faced him forward. Before the puppet master on the opposite side could realize what happened, a sharp pain and dizziness hit his head.

After knocking down the first person with one punch, Bai Xiaofei took him and swung him directly towards the people behind him. The first reaction of the two people behind him was to catch his companion, but this also cost them the chance to react.

The moment they got close to each other, Bai Xiaofei knocked down two more with a beautiful hand knife. The last one was the only one who released the puppet. However, before Bai Xiaofei could do anything, Lia Kuo had already picked up a big stone and smashed it at them!

Natural supernatural powers are no joke!

"Finished, call it a day!"

With that said, Bai Xiaofei picked up the iron pot on the ground with a smile on his lips.

How simple!

PS: The second update is here! It’s a new month, **ah! ! !

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