God of Life

Chapter 517 Move, move, fight back

() You can search for "Life Department Shenhao ()" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Wang Yan didn't go to bed until 2 o'clock after reading the literature, woke up at 7 o'clock, took a shower, and felt a little sleepy.

At this moment, young and old miss the aura of [Powerful Sleep] very much.

Only 4 hours of sleep a day is enough, and a 30-minute nap can restore energy.

With the current [Tranquility] halo, it takes 6 hours of sleep to be full of energy. Wang Yan forcibly compressed it to 5 hours, but the price was a heavy sense of exhaustion.

Yawning, Wang Yan opened the system mall casually.

March 1st is another day for the mall to be refreshed.

Last month's product was a high-end Euro-Africa turntable, which I finally got the day before yesterday, but Wang Yan was not in a hurry to open it, and planned to see how it refreshed today.

At first glance, the name seems a bit strange.

【Walk, move, fight back】

Da Sima is possessed, the system, you have learned how to talk to daddy now, right?

Take a closer look... damn it!

[One-time Rare Card]

[Description: You are getting more and more coquettish, you dare to take advantage of anyone, dare to take advantage of anyone]

[Note: In view of the fact that the host has recently been at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, this card is swiped out, please purchase and use with caution]

[Function: After activating this card, every comment about you on the whole network will bring you certain income]

【Casual water: 5 cents per piece】

[Hundred-word long comment: 2 yuan per article]

[Strong maintenance: 5 yuan each]

[Anger and cursing: 10 yuan each]

[Crit Strike: The hidden mechanism of this card is to evaluate the weight of the speaker's speech according to the social influence and wealth of the speaker, and produce a crit effect of up to 1000 times]

[Price: 50 million RMB]

[Note 1: From the time of activation of this card,

Lasts 7 days]

[Note 2: The coverage of this card is the entire network in the physical sense]

[Note 3: The essence of the effect of being angry and scolding mother lies in emotions, not dirty words]

[Note 4: Please carefully evaluate the external environment and your own ability to flirt. The wool party does not always make a profit, and it is not uncommon for the leeks to be cut and lost.]

【Conclusion: As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become your pasture】


What a fucking day...

Why didn't you brush it out earlier? !

Depend on!

Wang Yan was annoyed for a while, trying to figure out whether he should buy it or not.

If the card was swiped out when something happened last month, Wang Yan would have taken it on the spot without hesitation.

The last week has been a period of explosive heat.

Just on the Weibo platform, there are 250 million+ reposts and comments on all related topics.

Even if it is all calculated according to the level of [Casual Water], it is about 125 million oceans, and the blood earns 72.5 million.

The comments on the entire network may be several times this, and it is really a rhythm of a wave of wool.

However, that overall peak is a thing of the past.

Although the miraculous provocation of the young master crashed the Weibo server again, that was only the popularity of a single event, not the same as the overall attention.

Whether it's the data brought by An Xiaofang, or Wang Yan's personal judgment, it can prove one thing——

The heat is fading, and the melon is not so fragrant.

If it is said that 80% of the national netizens were watching the fun before, then only 30% of the netizens are still paying attention now.

In another two or three days, there may be only 10% left.

Mainly because the focus narrows too quickly.

When the accident first happened, there were so many event labels—a car accident in an ultra-luxury motorcade, the scrapping of the only ONE:1 in China, the destruction of the divine car 918, the strongest operation in history, the most arrogant second-generation, the revelation of Wang Shao...

Until the whitewashing of the focus interview, there were almost dozens of topics on the hot search before and after, which was able to collect the widest attention.

Now, there are only a few left.

[Wang Shen Confess] No matter how high the individual popularity is, it can't compare with that kind of full-coverage attention, and the radiation effect of forwarding is too weak.

So, the crux of the problem now is...

Can 10% of Internet users earn back the 50 million cost by reposting and commenting?

No need to calculate, there is a high probability that it will not work.

Therefore, Wang Yan's first reaction was to give up buying.

However, when I looked back and thought about it, I felt that I was in a panic.

The level 10 system only refreshes the mall once a month. The opportunity is so precious, and you must not give up if you have spare money, even if you win the warehouse.

The bad luck lies in the words "have spare money".

no wow!

If you are not short of money, you can take it without even thinking about it.

It's a pity that now I can't get 50 million out of the card. If I want to buy a card, I have to overdraft or borrow it.

But what about the fixed necessary expenses for this month?

The manor alone costs 30 million!

But Wang Yan's current income is basically fixed——

The salary of breathing is increased by [Serenity], which fluctuates around 1.8 million per day;

Wang Ting Entertainment's finances are on the right track, dividends are paid every six months, and it's too early to get the money;

All the money in the credit card is circulated in the live broadcast room and cannot be moved;

Both the manor and the film are in the investment period and there is no return;

Speed ​​Alliance is not only in the investment period, but Fatty Fu forced two magic cars, waiting for Wang Yan to pay...

All in all, there are holes everywhere.

So after hesitating for a moment, Brother Fu Gui, who was so poor that he wanted to be a duck, gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Don't be shy, just find a way from the card!

The only unplanned gain this month is an immediate opportunity.

Isn't it just waves?

Brother Gou is fighting with you!


As soon as the general direction was determined, Wang Yan immediately took out a pen and paper and began to write and draw.

It is Wang Zi's consistent military guiding ideology not to fight unprepared battles.

Pull goals, list elements, and decompose tasks.

Don't set the goal too high, just a little idea!

Big characters read: Earn 100 million with blood.

Then start breaking down the goals:

1. Repost 50 million = 50 million random posts = 25 million RMB.

2. 5 million simple comments = 5 million random comments = 2.5 million RMB.

3. 250,000 pieces of 100-character long comments = 500,000 RMB.


Much worse!

Fortunately, fortunately, brother has many fans...

It took less than 15 hours to open Weibo, and there are already 5 million+ fans. Assuming that it can increase to 30 million within a week, one-third of which are floating fans, that is 10 million supporters.

Most of them will only retweet and make simple comments, and at most one-tenth will be firmer.

Fourth, that is 1 million strong maintenance = 5 million RMB.

Well, it's still a lot worse...

But it doesn't matter, the real relative is Heizi!

The absolute number of sunspots + sailors is less than that of fans, but the desire to fight is stronger, and there are dozens of them in one spray...

5. Strongly opposed, one piece is 10 yuan, and 1 million pieces is 10 million oceans.

Now that we have collected 43 million, we can basically guarantee that we will not lose money.

Sixth, weight crit.


Crit is the only variable that can change the situation, and it is the small broken card that becomes the core of [Rare Card].

If there was no crit mechanism, Wang Yan would never even think about it, and immediately let this broken card go.

Now, at least there is a loophole that can be inserted... can be dug.

Then continue to write the ways and means to achieve the goal.

One, two, three is actually very easy to do, there is no need to do anything special, as long as the heat is high enough, it can be done naturally.

And the heat needs to be a burst point.

Big letters in red: keep doing things!

The fourth goal is to give fans blood. Wang Yan doesn't like it and is not good at it, so leave it to An Xiaofang.

Her propaganda power is just right here.

The fifth goal, just two words - hook fire!

And since the weight is calculated based on influence and wealth, it should be more inclined.

Who to tease, how to tease, and how to fight after teasing, all need to be carefully considered.

The main battlefield will always be Weibo, but the mechanism of Weibo is destined to be unable to fight on academic issues, so it is very important to choose a suitable second battlefield.

The weight of the users of the financial forum is high enough, but the overall traffic is low, and the way to post and reply is not friendly enough.

Where are the high-weight users, high-traffic, and especially suitable for sparring?

At the first moment, Wang Yan remembered something.

Thank you, people in...

Concerned about interests, hidden...

Tsk tsk, perfect!

I just need you to brag and brag!

I just like it when you anonymously spit on me until the end of the day!

Without hesitation, Wang Yan immediately opened the quiz and searched for topics.

There have been tens of thousands of questions and answers related to "Wang Shao".

"What do you think of Wang Shao's evaluation of neoclassical economics as utopian theology in "Focus Interview"?"

"How do you view Zhang Weiying's response to Wang Shao..."

"How do you view the economic circle's treatment of Wang Shao..."

There are all kinds of things, and it's a joy to rub the heat.

Wang Yan thought of all his friends, and finally thought of Sun Hongwei, so he called him immediately.

"Hey, Xiaoyan, if you don't film well and spread dog food, you'll be flattered to find me early in the morning!"

"Brother Sun, don't make trouble, I'm looking for you for a small matter."

"That's for sure... Tell me, I'll see if I can help."

Wang Yan said the truth directly: "I remember you have an account on Bihu, and you're a big V, right? Is it convenient for you to lend me your account?"

Sun Hongwei couldn't help laughing: "What should I be... The account and password are sent to your mobile phone, and you can use them as you like."

"Thank you, I try not to offend anyone..."

"What's the offending account of Bragging Beep? You have the ability, just do it to death!"

Sun Hongwei really doesn't care. A serious businessman neither sells courses nor cuts leeks. He doesn't pay attention to what he maintains or realizes.

Wang Yan got the account number, boarded it to have a look, and was amused.

Sun Hongwei - a well-known expert in jade and jewelry, and an excellent answerer in the field of economic management.

Just on the edge.

When the young and old went up, they posted a new question in the big topic of economics.

"What do you think of Wang Shao's malicious mocking of economics under the guise of confession? This person dare not respond directly. Can he be called a villain for doing such a wretched thing?"

Look at the promise of your question!

If you want to start a war, just be generous, and pretend to be pure for whom? !

Post the question, put all the tags that can be posted, and then @ all the people in Li Hongwei's mutual relationship, and then go to the general directory of economics to find a vote of big V experts, and call them one by one.

In a daze, the young master seemed to see several incredible names, Lei Moujun, Luo Mouhao, Li Moufu...

very nice!

They are all powerful and powerful bulls!

You and Brother Li are friends, you have to save face...

After logging out, Wang Yan was about to apply for an account of his own. It would be best if he could authenticate it, and then began to fight with the heroes. An Xiaofang suddenly slammed on the door.

"Master, are you up yet?"

Opening the door to give way, An Xiaofang didn't even sit down, and shouted impatiently: "Don't you want to catch a big fish? Go to Weibo, and you caught it!"


Young Master Wang raised his head with interest: "Zhang Weiying, Zhang Wuchang, or Tian Guoqiang?"

An Xiaofang was immediately stunned: "Did you see Weibo?"

"No, I was busy with other things just now." The young master shook his head and smiled.

An Xiaofang was even more confused: "Then why did you guess it was the three of them? It couldn't be Nan Xianping or Wu Jinglian?"

"It's very simple!"

Wang Yan waved his fingers and commented one by one.

"Nam Hsien Ping has not done any academic work since 2000, and now he is a financial master. He only cares about money, so he won't offend people easily, and he is not a neoclassical school, so why bother to mix it up.

Mr. Wu is a real national teacher, highly respected, benevolent and pure, it is impossible to haggle with the juniors.

Zhang Weiying is a die-hard conservative with an indescribable international background. He once lobbied the country to adopt shock therapy. If he criticizes me once, he may criticize me a second time.

Zhang Wuchang is a master in terms of knowledge, but his EQ is extremely low and his character is worrying. He returned to China only after being wanted in the United States and couldn't get along.

Mr. Tian Guoqiang is very low-key, but he is the founder of neoclassicism in China. In the 1980s, Mr. Zhou Zhizhuang, the Ford Foundation, and the National Economic Association jointly promoted domestic college students to study economics in the United States. Mr. Tian was the first batch of Ph.D. on the opposite side of me.

This stroke, is it very clear? "

An Xiaofang didn't understand everything, but she was amazed.

"Now I finally understand why you have the confidence to fight against those professors..."

Wang Yan smiled and said nothing.

When my professional books are for nothing?

2 hours of in-depth reading every day, coupled with the male god talent of [photographic memory], the depth of knowledge is definitely not as good as those masters, but in terms of breadth, ordinary doctors are not in my eyes at all, okay?

An Xiaofang sighed twice, and then asked, "Then who do you hope will stand up?"

Without even thinking about it, Wang Yan replied decisively, "Two professors."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because there are the most flaws..."

"Are you confident to catch it?"

Wang Yan laughed again and shook his head.

"Sister An, you made a mistake. Our battle is not to refute anyone academically - economics is best at talking at both ends. In a debate, you talk about yours and I talk about mine. Who can win?"

An Xiaofang became more and more puzzled: "Then how do you plan...to win?"

"Just watch!"

Wang Yan smiled mysteriously, and immediately transferred all the funds in the system, counting all the mess, and transferred 20 million from the credit line to make up enough money.

With 50 million cash in hand, take down the [Back Hand Squeeze] at the first time, check the time, it is exactly 8 o'clock, and activate it immediately.

Come on, masters, wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, I hope you will work hard!

Opened Weibo, eagerly asked, "Who is it?"

An Xiaofang raised her scissors hands with a strange expression: "Both of them are."

Ok? !

The young master was slightly taken aback, then overjoyed.

If you can hurt two people at once, wouldn't that mean...

Starting this morning, the heat is going to explode? !


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