God of Shuratan

Chapter 1036: World of Swords, Jedi Pavilion

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Unconsciously another month passed.

With an acceleration of more than 800 times, Qin Yang actually practiced for decades.


A powerful breath erupted in Qin Yang's body. During Huang Quan's taboo secret, Qin Yang broke into the level of taboo of Qipin. Now Qinyang's cultivation has reached the level of Qipin and two stars, but Qinyang's strength is far from Qipin and two stars .

(Note: If there is no special explanation, when referring to Qin Yang and other repairs, Qipin Two Stars refers to the taboo level of Qipin Two Stars, and some omissions are omitted.)

When confronting Dong Huangxiong, Qin Yang has a space **** possession, and his comprehensive strength is about nine grades of Samsung!

Dong Huangxiong at that time had a nine-pin and one-star cultivation, possessing the time and possession of God, and he was also a nine-pin Samsung.

——If Qin Yang's taboo Fu Yan had managed Dong Huangxiong's pet, the battle with Dong Huangxiong at that time would probably fail!

Now Dong Huangxiong has lost the time God possession, he is only a taboo level of nine grades, Qin Yang got the time God possession, and repaired from seven grades and one star to seven grades and two stars, Qin Yang's combat power, properly Has reached the level of nine grades and four stars.

Jiupin taboo level, Jiupin five stars is the strongest, although they have not reached the Jiupin taboo level, but Qin Yang's current strength is not much worse than Jiupin five stars!

"Finally broke."

"I understand a lot about the laws of time."

Qin Yang's face showed a faint smile and his strength increased. The rest of the forces would have a hard time trying to hit him, and the Promise Gate was much safer.

Outside the world for a long time, and time accelerated for another year, Qin Yang consolidated Xiuwei.

"Chu Yan, is there anything wrong?"

Qin Yang rumored to go out. If there is nothing outside, Qin Yang intends to continue the retreat practice, impacting the cultivation of the seven taboo Samsung taboos.

"Brother Qin, there really is something."

"The strong man in the East Emperor Ziji Hall has not yet reached the lower bound, but there are other strong people in the rest of the world who have come here. When we arrived at our holy city, we contacted us for the first time three days ago. At one time, the attitude was a lot worse. "

Chu Yan immediately replied to Qin Yang. He was responsible for training the newly-added strong man in the East Emperor Ziji Hall, but also paid attention to the rest of the news of Wuji Holy City.

Qin Yang got up and left the time law formation, but the time law formation did not stop, Dan Yuer was still practicing inside, impacting the taboo level of nine products.

"Chu Yan, what is the strength of the other party, and how strong is it?"

Qin Yang arrived in the city's main mansion, and in front of Chu Yan, Chu Yan did not specially train the East Emperor Ziji Hall. Not long ago, he had just seen the rest of the world coming from the strong.

"Brother Qin, the other party did not specifically say, only that the force that our Promise can't afford to mess with you has something to discuss."

"And said, if we come back two days later and we still can't see you, then we will have enemies against them."

Chu Yan's face was solemn and authentic.

"How do you feel about the strength of the strong?"

"Also what do they look like?"

Chu Yan said: "There are four strong men I have seen, one of which should be a nine-pin taboo level, and the other three are seven-pin taboo levels. They should give me the feeling that they are from a very powerful one. The world may be in the top 10. "

Qin Yang's eyes flickered. According to his previous life's understanding, in the top eighteen worlds, any one of the worlds is backed by a dominating powerhouse. There are more than one dominating powerhouse in the first few worlds. .

Of course, there is a dominant power behind a world, does not mean that there is support from a dominant power behind any power in that world!

"Brother Qin, do you want to see them?"

Qin Yang considered that when the other party came over, he had to hide for time, and he must have thoughts for space, and life.

"Notify them, I'll see them!"

Qin Yang groaned.

What is happening now, we must first know the situation of the other party.

"it is good."

Chu Yan nodded.

Soon Chu Yan rumors went out and informed the strong Qin Yang that they had returned and wanted to see them.

"Brother Qin, the other party will be here soon."

It didn't take long to change the appearance, and the four powerful men who had converged breath entered the city main mansion. Today, many people come in and out of the city main mansion every day. They enter the city main mansion without attracting much attention of the strong men.

——Wuji Gate has strong strength. Although Bi Jia and others have thoughts about Qin Yang about Wuji Gate, they have not arranged a powerful person to monitor them.

"Master Qin, it's not easy to see you!"

The four were introduced into the guest hall, and soon Qin Yang also arrived in the guest hall.

Seeing Qin Yang coming in, the four strong men who had sat down did not get up, and their expressions were quite proud.

Qin Yang's eyes glanced at the four strong men, and his eyes fell on the young man who spoke. He was a Qipin Taboo, and only had Qipin and one star. The other three were higher than him. , But faintly led by this young man.

"Who is yours and from what forces?"

Qin Yang was faintly authentic.

"Master Qin, meet our young master, you'd better be saluting, respectful."

The strongman of the Jiupin taboo level is indifferent and authentic, Qin Yang is the gatekeeper of the Promise Gate, but at this moment, the strong man speaks with high meaning.

"Rong Lao, Master Qin doesn't know the identity of Ben Shao, it's okay to be rude."

The young man was proud and authentic.

"Master Qin, listen to me, this book comes from the world of Wanjian, our world of Wanjian, ranked ninth among the countless small worlds!"

Qin Yang was shocked, but he was actually in the top ten small world.

The gap between the top 20 and the top 10 is not small.

Wan Jian World Qin Yang knows that it is a very powerful small world, and a small world dominated by kendo, bringing together a large number of kendo geniuses!

"Ben Shao, from the top three forces in the world of Wan Jian. Jedi Pavilion, one of the saints of Ben Jedi Pavilion, Nang Miyazawa, and Ben Shao ’s family. Super strong! "

"Our Jedi Pavilion has nine taboo level super strong, more than thirty people!"

Nangiyazawa looked proud when he spoke.

"Jedi Pavilion."

Qin Yang murmured in his heart. He had heard of the past life. The power of this power, Jiu Pin taboo level is definitely more than 30 people!

However, behind the Jedi Pavilion there is no strong player who dominates the ranks!

Like the Uehara family, the Jedi Pavilion focuses on the development of the lower world. The strength of the upper world is not so focused. If both are focused, the strength of the Jedi cabinet in the lower world will not be so strong, and it may even be more powerful by the rest. Annexation.

"Master Qin, your strength is very strong, and you are still Rune Lord, Frontier, and Alchemist. Even in our world of Wanjian, you can be a very powerful person. I have a sister It's called Nangong Zi. It's very beautiful and talented. "

"If you go with us to Wanjian World, my sister Nangong Zi can marry you, and you can also join the Jedi Pavilion. With the support of our Nangong family, your status in the Jedi Pavilion will gradually rise, which is definitely better than you now it is good!"

"According to what we have learned, your Promise Gate is now in danger, and the East Emperor Ziji Hall is likely to have a strong underworld to deal with you, and there are many forces in the Taiyi World who intend to deal with you."

Nang Miyazawa said a lot.

Qin Yang said with a smile: "If I join the Jedi Pavilion, the Promise Gate is safe. What do I have to pay for such a good condition?"

Nangong Ze said: "Qin Yang, it's simple, time is hidden!"

"You already have the God of Space, God of Life, so good!"

"Give Dong Huangxiong to me, and I will ask for his time. If I get time, I will probably become the young master or even the master of the Jedi Pavilion. I went up and you married my sister. , I will definitely help you by then! "

"Time is hidden in your hands, which is equivalent to a time bomb, it will blow you to pieces!"

Qin Yang said lightly: "Welcome a beauty, and you can join such a powerful force as the Jedi Pavilion. When you become the patron, you will get more support. It sounds very good."

"But I refuse."


Nangiyazawa's complexion was instantly gloomy.

Such conditions should be attractive to Qin Yang in their opinion.

Qin Yang chose to refuse!

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