God of Shuratan

Chapter 1037: Threat of Miyazawa

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"Master Qin, you can create the Promise Gate in one hand, and you can achieve the strength you have today. It should also be a smart person. Your choice is stupid!"

Nangong Ze chanted.

"Although several forces have come forward to support you, you should be able to see that their purpose is also to wait for time!"

"Do you think that the Promise Gate has dealt with the offensive of the East Emperor Ziji Hall, and will still be able to deal with those alliances? God of time, space of God, life of God, and the rest of the resources you have, are expected to be taken by them Scrape clean! "

"If you join our Nangong family, you can marry our golden family, and the future is bright! The space gods and the life gods can be kept until then, and the rest of your Qin family can also live in the world of Wanjian. Isn't it better than here? "

Nang Miyazawa said these words in anger.

In Nangiyazawa's view, Qin Yang did not accept such a condition, he simply didn't know how to promote him!

Qin Yang shook his head: "Master Nangong, to tell you the truth, Dong Huangxiong has no time to hide, time has been obtained by the rest!"

"You get it?"

Nangong Ze frowned, "Impossible, you previously had space God possession, life God possession, if you do not believe you can have a third God possession! After reducing one God possession, increase time God possession, such a short time, simply impossible!"

Qin Yang looked at Nangong Ze calmly, without speaking.

"Is it the Taiyi World, the strong among the rest?"

Nangong Ze said, "Master Qin, who has the time to hide, you can tell, Master Ben still remembers you!"

"Sorry, this can't be said."

Qin Yang shook his head.


Nangong Ze took a slap on the table with a slap, and if the table here in Qin Yang is relatively solid, the table will definitely be broken!

"The surname Qin, don't give your face a shame. Master Ben came this far. If you return empty-handed, you will have to bear the anger of Master Ben!"

Qin Yang said lightly: "Master Nangong, can you persuade your Nangong family to kill our Taiyi world, or can you persuade your Jedi Pavilion that more powerful people will kill our Taiyi world?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you also have a strong opponent in the Jedi Pavilion. Sword God Mountain is one of your opponents in the Jedi Pavilion!"

Nangiyazawa's face changed slightly.

"Last name Qin, I didn't expect you to know the situation in our world of Wanjian!"

Sword God Mountain is indeed the opponent of the Jedi Pavilion, and it is the kind of world hatred.

If the Jedi Pavilion really leaves the world of Wanjian, if the God of the Gods knows, chances are they will seize the opportunity to vote for the Jedi Pavilion.

"I know a few things."

Qin Yang was faintly authentic.

Nangong Ze took a deep breath. Since Qin Yang knew the situation of the Jedi Pavilion and the situation of the world of Wanjian, it directly threatened Qin Yang.

"Master Qin, this is what my sister looks like."

Nangiyazawa said that a woman's figure appeared next to her instantly, and the image was extremely realistic, as if a real person was standing there.

"My sister Nangong Zi is definitely the jewel of our Nangong family. There are many strong men pursuing her inside and outside the Jedi Pavilion!"

Qin Yang glanced at it, Nangong Zi was indeed very beautiful, perhaps because of the power of the big family at birth, even they were slightly better than Lorina.

"Master Qin, if I get time to hide, our Nangong family will give you a lot of wealth!"

Nangong Ze said, he had an urgent need for time.

If time can be obtained, he will greatly increase his chance of becoming the master of the cabinet. The master of the Jedi cabinet is created among several saints. Nangong Ze is only one of the saints. Not the No. 1 hot candidate for the host.

"Master Qin, the sincerity of our young master is enough!"

Rong Laohan whispered, "Although you have defeated Dong Huangxiong, you don't think your strength is invincible!"

"Our world of swords is stronger than you, not one or two!"

Qin Yang stood up: "Master Nangong, if there is nothing else, then you please, there is something else in this seat!"


All four of them were angry.


Qin Yang was faceless and authentic.


Nangongzao Lengheng left angrily.

"Brother Qin, let's offend the Jedi Pavilion in this way, will there be no problem?"

Chu Yan was a little worried and authentic when he came to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang smiled lightly: "In all likelihood, only the Nangong family knows about this in the Jedi Pavilion for the time being, otherwise this time, it is not just the strong members of the Nangong family that come over."

"The Nangong family should not tell the remaining strong men in the Jedi Pavilion, it is even more impossible to send many strong men to attack our Promise Gate!"

Chu Yan nodded gently: "There should be no problem for the time being, but revenge may cause trouble in the future."

"Hehe, the future will be dealt with at that time!"

"How are the powerful men newly joined by Dongji Ziji Hall?"

Chu Yan said: "According to the training standards of our Promise Beginners, they have already undergone rigorous training. They know our rules very well. They can also fight in a very short period of time. The formation is complete. "

"But in actual combat, it is difficult to say. Although they have vowed to be loyal to our Promise Gate, they must have some, and they still have other ideas in their hearts."

Qin Yang said: "I'll go and see."

Soon Qin Yang arrived at the training location. The location was not in Qin Yang's treasure space, but in a secret place on the side of the Promise Holy City, which was suitable for such special training.

"See the host!"

Qin Yang came over and Leng Jun saluted immediately.

A large number of newcomers to the Promise Gate also quickly lined up to salute.

Compared with the former, the newcomers to the Promise Gate seem to be more organized and disciplined. Unlike the beginning, it seems like a piece of sand.

In the Eastern Emperor Ziji Hall, these strong men did not have such special training, and Dong Huangxiong did not have such requirements.

"Some of you, although you have joined our Promise Gate, your heart is not in our Promise Gate."

Qin Yang groaned.

A large number of strong men looked at Qin Yang, and their faces did not change. Among them, the weak ones also had seven-grade cultivation. The strong ones reached the seven-grade taboo level. Qin Yang could not simply say a single sentence and let them. Problems emerged.

"Now, we randomly select some people for inspection!"

"There will be such inspections in the future!"

Qin Yang whispered coldly. He waved his hand, and thousands of white lights flew out in an instant. These white lights fell on thousands of people.

"Selected, come out!"

The thousands of people who were selected immediately stood up incomparably. Most of them were trained in the seventh grade, and many were in the eighth and nine grades.

"You imprison yourself!"

Qin Yang ordered that although these thousands were worried, they still obediently restrained their cultivation.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

Qin Yang's magic sword flew out. Within a second, the magic sword passed through the heads of thousands of people, killing them all!

A large number of merit forces quickly rushed to Qin Yang.

Each of the thousands of people selected by Qin Yang was blood-stained. Such people, Qin Yang will definitely find a chance to deal with it!


Slaying these thousands of people, Qin Yang received their bodies in the one-dimensional world, where the fierce spirits were.


Thousands of taboo level evil spirits immediately rushed to the corpses with excitement, which were good food for them.

"Master, you are--"

Someone said in horror.

Qin Yang said lightly: "This seat just tells you a truth, even if we have joined our Promise Gate, if the mind is not our Promise Gate, it must be a dead end! Now, if you are absent from our Promise Gate, you can report to the Lord Chu, etc , Reported, this seat will give you a certain time, you slowly adjust and change your own ideas! "

"If you don't report it, this seat will always be hidden when you want to hide it. It will be bad for the Promise Gate, and it will be dead if found out!"

There are many newcomers to the Promise Station. One by one, Qin Yang does not have that much energy.

Now that the thousands of people were directly executed like this, and the effect was very fast, many powerful people were immediately rumored to Chu Yan and others.

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