God of Shuratan

Chapter 2141: Qin Yang's domineering

"Palace Master Lin Chen, how can you kill someone!"

"Murder, murderer!"

After a short silence, a large number of people roared angrily, and the families of the deceased were naturally the most excited of them.

Qin Yang said indifferently: "They joined the Human Race Academy, got the best training, and obtained a lot of resources. At the same time, they also pledged allegiance to this seat. At this time betrayed, this seat has enough reason to kill them!"

Speaking of this, Qin Yang glanced over the many people who were still kneeling, "There are still many who want to force their families to leave, you continue, as long as they choose this way, you can take their bodies away!"

Among the hundreds of powerful people in the Human Race Academy, some of them have a chill in their hearts.

They also have the same idea. If they had just proposed it, I'm afraid it would have become a corpse on the ground right now!

Many people who were kneeling were dumbfounded at this time. Some of them actually reaped the benefits, but if they kneel down, their sons and daughters, or grandchildren and so on, will have to die here. This is not a good deal!

"How cruel is such a murder!"

"Lin Chen, you murderer!"

"Human Academy is really not a good place."

Many people in the crowd yelled, leading many others to yell after them.

Qin Yang said with a flat expression: "Xing Jiang, who is leading the trouble in the past few days, kills without mercy, and if the other people help them, kill without mercy!"

"Yes, Palace Lord!"

Xing Jiang solemnly said that they had not left the Human Race Academy these days, but they knew what was happening outside Xing Jiang, they knew very well, and Xing Jiang immediately assigned each target to the students of the other Human Race Academy.

"Execute the palace lord's order, kill!"

Xing Jiang shouted.


Four hundred and dozens of strong people from the Human Race Academy immediately took action. All of them were weak in the ninth order, and there were many five-star and half-step heavenly powers. It was easy to solve the thousands of guys who took the lead in the crowd!

"Puff puff!"

Everyone had a dozen goals, and thousands of people out of tens of millions of people fell on their heads in the blink of an eye, and they died quickly.

Some of these people were arranged by the Holy Sun Sect, some were arranged by other forces, and some came by themselves to join in the fun.


Thousands of people who had been arguing in a very short time became quiet.

Many people are terrified.

The harder the quarrel just now, the more afraid I am now!

"Palace Lord, complete the task and kill a total of 4,783 people!"

Xing Jiang approached Qin Yang to salute.

Qin Yang nodded slightly: "Good job."

Speaking of this, Qin Yang flew into the air, his eyes swept over the countless people gathered here sarcastically: "Everyone, you are right. Human Academy is arrogant. This is how arrogant you are!"

"Are you floating, or are you unable to lift your sword?"

"Who gave you the courage to run to the Human Race Academy to make trouble, ah!!!"

Qin Yang’s angry voice spread all over. Many people felt cold all over, and they dared to come over and make trouble. In fact, the main reason was that they felt that the Human Race Academy would not be messed up. It was because they felt that Lin Chen should be a man. Good people!

If the Human Race Academy is really bad, and if the Human Race Academy has really killed many people, it would be good if one tenth of them dare to make trouble here!

"The establishment of the Human Race Academy is to make a profit for the Human Race, but the premise is that this seat is in a good mood! If anyone's mother makes this seat feel bad, then this seat will punish the Nine Races and destroy him all!"

An astonishing killing intent erupted from Qin Yang.

Good people are hard to do these days, and good people are easily bullied. Qin Yang doesn't want to be such a bad and good person!

It was not before, and it will never be!

"This seat has come to reach today's cultivation base, let's not hide it from you, there are hundreds of millions of lives in the hands of this seat. If you feel impatient to live by then, you can continue to our Human Race Academy to find trouble!"

"You can also trouble the family members of our Human Race Academy when you come, as long as you are not afraid of being destroyed!"

Qin Yang said coldly.

Many people present wanted to slip.

At this time Qin Yang turned into a lonely man, "Lin Chen is the seat, and the lonely man is also his seat. This seat is like today's Dao-level cultivation base, and the Snake Clan has dozens of Heavenly Dao-level experts in this seat! "

"We have a little grudge with the Snake Clan, but if someone treats the family of our Human Academy students indiscriminately, then I don’t mind talking about the Snake Clan. If they help me punish the enemy, I will take their The strong give them back!"

There were also strong men from the Saint Yang Sect in the crowd. When Qin Yang said this, their expressions changed slightly.

Even if their Shengyang Sect did this, if Qin Yang offered a deal, the Snake Clan would definitely attack them.

"It turns out that Palace Master Lin is Senior Dugu, but Senior Dugu is the person I admire most. Palace Master Lin, I shouldn't come over."

"Yes, what a character like Senior Dugu, that kid in my family can learn from someone like Senior Dugu, that is his luck!"

"Palace Master Lin, we knew it was wrong!"

Many kneeling people spoke quickly, and many of them really admired the loneliness.

Lin Chen, the palace lord, didn't do much, but Dugu Kuang killed hundreds and a half of the Heavenly Dao level experts of the Snake Clan.

Moreover, hundreds of millions of human beings were arrested before, and they were also rescued by loneliness.

Since Lin Chen is a lonely man, many strong people's recognition of Lin Chen and Human Academy suddenly skyrocketed!

"Master Lin Chen, we were wrong!"

"Master Lin Chen, we shouldn't come over and make trouble."

"Master Lin Chen, I confess that I have benefited from some people and made trouble!"

Many other people also spoke up at this time. Qin Yang directly suppressed them by killing them, and now revealing the identity of the loneliness is equivalent to giving them a step down.

Even if many powerhouses don't think they are wrong, they will obediently descend the steps at this time.

What else can we do?

Below the Heavenly Dao level, Dugu Kuang's strength is invincible!

Moreover, Dugu Kuang was already a powerhouse of the Heavenly Dao level, and many powerhouses of the Snake Clan were caught in his hands, and Shengyang Sect did not dare to mess around at this time.

Qin Yang said coldly: "Everyone, you are not three-year-old children, don't be too easily deceived by certain forces! This is the first time, I forgive you this time, if there is another time, everyone Kill all without pardon!"

"Leader, punish the Nine Clan!"

Countless people stood upright, and the murderous aura released by Qin Yang was too amazing. They felt that they might be killed at any time.

"A certain force, if you play such a yin method with this seat, this seat will have to talk to the strong of the snake clan! If you die a lot of powers of the Heavenly Dao level, don't forget that this seat has not reminded!"

"Fuck me all now!"

After Qin Yang finished speaking, many people here hurried to retreat like Meng Amnesty, and they didn't dare to let one fart at this time when a relative died here.

They hurried away with the body.

If they dared to argue with Qin Yang, they estimated that Qin Yang immediately ordered them to be punishable by the Nine Clan, which would be too sad.

In a short period of time, tens of millions of troublemakers in the Human Race Academy retreated cleanly.

"My lord, you are amazing."

Inside the Qinyang Space Treasure, Situ Yan said with emotion. If she was in this position, she really didn't know how to deal with it.

If you tell those people well, there will never be such an effect.

And if you say it well at the beginning, even if you show off later, the effect will be compromised.

"Nothing is great, I never thought about being a good person! Good people are often easy to be wronged, I have worked hard to this point, but I don't want this to be wronged!"

Qin Yang sent the message lightly.

People are good at being deceived, and horses are good at being ridden by others, simple truth.

"Your performance, I am not very satisfied."

Qin Yang glanced over the 480 experts in Human Race Academy, and some of them trembled.

"I hope you will be clear that if you simply join the Human Academy and learn something, you will have no problem leaving freely, but you have got a lot of benefits, and you have sworn allegiance to this seat!"

"Some of you should also have the idea of ​​leaving, but there is not the first group to stand up!"

"If this happens again in the future, it will not be as simple as one's own death!"

Qin Yang looked indifferent and authentic.

"Palace Lord, I am guilty, I didn't take care of it."

Xing Jiang knelt to the ground.

"Palace Lord, I am also guilty."

The rest of the Heavenly Dao-level powerhouses all knelt to the ground, and then half of the Heavenly Dao-level powerhouses, and the eternal-level powerhouses all knelt to the ground.

Qin Yang said in a deep voice: "If something like this happens again, internal betrayers will directly kill Wuxian, punish the three tribes, and those who are in serious conditions will punish the nine tribes; those who make troubles and troublemakers at the Human Race Academy will directly punish them!"

"Even if the other party has a big backstage, let me kill it first!"

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