God of Shuratan

Chapter 2142: The "sincerity" of Shengyangzong

"My lord, what do you do next?"

A strong man in Shengyangzong asked.

In front of him is the four elders of the Sacred Sun Sect, Chixiao Saint Sovereign, who has the cultivation base of the Three Transformations of the Heavenly Way, and is currently in charge of matters aimed at the Human Race Academy.

The plan was probably proposed by the Sect Master Shengyang, and completed by the Emperor Chixiao.

The Holy Emperor Chixiao originally thought that even if the Human Academy were not disbanded, his vitality would be greatly injured after this round. It was very likely that he would cooperate with their Sacred Sun Sect. He didn't expect Qin Yang to be so hard-hearted and kill people in front of so many people. .

This is a bit embarrassing.

Those methods can be said to be methods to deal with gentlemen.

Qin Yang directly played the hooligan.

It is effective to ruin the reputation of an honest gentleman, standing on the commanding heights of morality and condemning an honest gentleman, but it is funny to use such a method to deal with a hooligan. People don't care about reputation at all, and your condemnation is on the ears.

The most frightening thing is that hooligans may even splash paint in your home.

Inciting ordinary people to deal with gentlemen is fine, but inciting them to deal with gangsters, they can't do it.

"We made a big mistake in Lin Chen's analysis. This guy is much more difficult than we previously estimated!"

Chi Xiao Shenghuang said solemnly.

"My lord, fortunately, we saw the opportunity earlier, and the surrounding spiritual lands were taken by us! Human Academy is just in demand in this regard. They must find us to buy spiritual lands at that time, and we can offer them a very painful price. "

A person next to Saint Emperor Chi Xiao laughed, this strong man was a bit contented, he had proposed this idea at the beginning.

Although Shengyangzong has spent a lot of money, if the Human Race Academy needs it, the Human Race Academy will have to spend ten times the price!


Holy Emperor Chixiao nodded slightly. This is good news. They are in control of those spiritual lands, and currently they still have the initiative!

"My lord, in addition, our actions this time shouldn't be totally unproductive."

"At least we are clear, Lin Chen is a lonely man."

"Also let Dugu Kuang see the great strength of our Shengyang Sect's public opinion. He survived this disaster by strong means, but he cannot always use such strong means to solve the problem, otherwise the Human Race Academy will not last long. ."

The Holy Emperor Chixiao said quietly: "It's too fragile, Human Academy really can't do this forever! Now if you negotiate with Human Academy, it should give out a lot of benefits, and Xuanlin will go to Human Academy and Lin Chen again. Chat!"


Mu Xuanlin soon arrived at the Human Race Academy again, and he was here for the third time.

Was driven away by Qin Yang for the first time.

He was driven away by Xing Jiang for the second time.

Now that he came here for the third time, he felt angry, but he wanted to see if the Human Academy could be so tough this time.

In the palace, Mu Xuanlin sat and waited.

For ten minutes, neither Qin Yang nor Xing Jiang appeared. For half an hour, Qin Yang and the others did not appear.

It was almost an hour before Xing Jiang came over.

"Friend Mu Dao, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time. There are no small things happening in Human Academy, and there are many things we need to deal with internally."

Xing Jiang faintly smiled, and he was like that, so he was not half sorry.

Mu Xuanlin took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Vice Palace Master Xing, Palace Master Lin, I have something to discuss with Palace Master Lin."

Xing Jiang said: "Friend Mu, the palace lord is very busy. If you really want to see the palace lord, you may have to wait an hour or two!"

"If you don't have important things, you can talk to me."

Mu Xuanlin said coldly: "This seat is waiting for Palace Master Lin to come over!"


After Xing Jiang finished speaking, he turned and left. Another two hours passed before Xing Jiang followed Qin Yang to the palace again. Mu Xuanlin was furious, and he waited for three hours.

Waited from noon to almost night!

"Palace Master Lin is really busy."

Mu Xuanlin sneered.

"Hehe, it's actually not that busy. It's mainly because of tiredness. I just took a nap, so it will be much more comfortable."

Qin Yang smiled.

Mu Xuanlin was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. After waiting so long here, Qin Yang actually slept!

"Palace Master Lin, you do not need to go to our Shengyang School to train for the strong people of your Human Race Academy. You do it yourself! But you must train a certain number of strong people for our Shengyang School. How about? The treatment they enjoy must be the same as your Human Race School. The rest of the students are about the same!"

Mu Xuanlin said solemnly, "In return, the Human Race Academy can obtain a spiritual land nearby, which can be used for the training of the Heavenly Dao level experts!"

"In addition, our Shengyang Sect will propagate the Human Academy to reverse the current unfavorable image of the Human Academy in the entire heaven."

Qin Yang took a sip of tea and said without urgency: "Friend Mu, how can our Human Academy have any unfavorable image? I think the image of our Human Academy is quite good today! Spiritually, we will find a way to do nothing. You worry!"

Mu Xuanlin sneered and said: "Palace Master Lin, you may not know that all the heavenly-level spiritual lands near Fengtian Ancient Battlefield are under the control of our Saint Sun Sect!"

"Palace Master Lin, if you want to obtain spiritual land, you can only talk to our Saint Sun Sect!"

"Our conditions are not harsh, Palace Master Lin, you should consider it more."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "You said that, Friends of Dao Mu, it seems that your Holy Sun Sect has eaten our Human Academy."

"You can say that!"

Mu Xuanlin said domineeringly, "Palace Master Lin, although your Human Academy's response was beyond our expectations this time, it is impossible for the Human Academy to be so unruly!"

"It's too easy to break, Palace Master Lin, you should understand!"

Qin Yang's eyes flickered: "If we help you train strong people, how many do you plan to let us train?"


"How many strong people in your Human Academy must help us cultivate how many strong people are in the Saint Sun Sect!"

Mu Xuanlin said solemnly, "Palace Master Lin, our Shengyang Sect has shown sincerity, and I hope you will not let down our Shengyang Sect's kindness again!"

Qin Yang was delighted. As much as they cultivated by themselves, they had to help Shengyang Sect train as much, Shengyang Sect really dared to speak.


Qin Yang pointed to the door.


Mu Xuanlin slapped his hands heavily on the table, "The surname Lin, you should also know how powerful our Sacred Sun Sect is this time. Don't toast or eat or drink fine wine! If our Sacred Sun Sect fully targets you, each This method is unheard of!"

"If you compromise, your Human Race Academy can get the support of our Saint Sun Sect!"

Qin Yang looked at Xing Jiang and said quietly: "Xing Jiang, if he pats the table again, you will chop off one of his hands to feed the dog."

"Yes, Palace Lord!"

Xing Jiang nodded.

Mu Xuanlin and the two strong men who came with him had extremely gloomy faces.

"Lin Chen, as far as we know, your Human Race Academy already has more than ten Heavenly Dao level experts. They need a good environment for training. Some of the Heavenly Dao level spiritual lands close to you are your best choice. They are in those spiritual lands. Training will be safer!"

Mu Xuanlin said solemnly, "If you don't agree, their training will be affected after a long time, and they will definitely have great opinions!"

Qin Yang said indifferently: "Whoever dares to have an opinion, this seat will kill him!"

Mu Xuanlin: "..."

Xing Jiang said solemnly: "Friend Mu Dao, you should go. Our Human Academy definitely cannot agree to your conditions!"

"Also, I advise you to sell those heavenly lands to us now, so that you can still sell them at a slightly better price. If we have other choices then, these heavenly lands will be rotten in your hands. Up!"

The Holy Sun Sect was the heavenly and spiritual lands that had been bought at a high price. If Qin Yang didn't need them, the heavenly and spiritual lands were actually not worth that price.


"Lin, if you don't agree now, then you will have to pay a higher price, otherwise you don't want to get the spiritual land around you!"

Mu Xuanlin said coldly.

"Then just wait and see!"

Qin Yang said indifferently.

The three of Mu Xuanlin rushed away, and Xing Jiang said with some worry: "Palace Master, we are really just in need, can we really get the sword imperial domain? I touched the sword clan a little, they are proud It's tight!"

If the race has a level, the sword clan and sword clan are all super-class races, which are the same level as the chaos clan and **** clan.

Human race can be regarded as a second-rate race at best.

People of the same level, the strong human race can hardly speak before the strong sword race, the race is strong, and the status is much higher.

"I will fix it."

"For the time being, the situation in the Human Academy shouldn't be a problem. Look at it, I still have something to leave!"

Qin Yang said that he was going to enter the Golden Dragon City.

Then open the Golden Dragon City and bring out the strong inside.

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