God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 899: Big migration post management

When the last group of warriors with the lowest level in the realm crossed from the virtual world and descended on the seventh-level life star, the great migration initiated by the gods of the mainland was finally concluded.

Gulan Star is the name of this seven-level life star, the habitat of the giants.

The giants of the Giants, and the strong men such as Shi Yan and Fei Lan x Lianna, joined forces at the foot of the giant mountain to have a huge lake, and set up an extremely cumbersome enchantment, which reduced the gravity by more than two hundred times. So that the military who just came over can adapt.

The gravity of the ancient star is too terrible, far more than the gods of the mainland, the strongest to reach the true state of God, it is extremely difficult to adapt to here, even walking is panting.

Those who are under the heavenly position, if they do not set up a foothold, forcibly change the order of gravity, and even stand still, they can only lie on the ground, and nothing can be done.

Only the warrior who reaches the kingdom of God can walk freely in the ancient Lanzhou, but he also loses the ability to fly freely.

The warriors who came from the mainland of the gods, including all ethnic groups, have tens of thousands of people, most of which are low-level, and there are many levels of innate and arrogant.

After these people came over, they were specifically brought to the foot of the settlement, and they were barely adapted to it, and they were not directly crushed by gravity. Even in the Malang star field, the star of life that reaches this level of gravity is rare.

Perhaps for this reason, many powerful races will not live here, so that the Giants can live in peace today.

From Naxinkou, Shiyan’s cognition of this Malang domain has gradually deepened.

The Malang star field is extremely large. According to Na Xin’s vast territory, there are countless life stars, and the order is different.

There are nearly a hundred life stars in the seventh level, and there are hundreds of thousands of lower life stars. The mines, death stars, moon stars, and sun stars are many, like the sea and the gravel, all over the entire star.

Here, not only the races they know well, but also the demons, the genius, the demon, the dark spirit, the ghost, the sea, the human race, and more races, like those of the stars of life, are distributed in each corner.

The ancient Protoss that appeared on the mainland of the Confucius can be seen in the Malang Star, including the Protoss!

It’s just that this race is not to be seen in the Malang star field. Many races are extremely disgusted with this race. Perhaps this is also the reason why the Protoss is extremely rare in the Malang domain and will be hunted once it appears.

The Malang star field is not a paradise for the Protoss. They are hated by all ethnic groups.

This strange and novel star field, with a wide variety of races, has nearly a hundred different races, some races are extremely powerful, some races are relatively low, and some races are extinct.

The Maya domain is simply a hodgepodge of race.

Many ethnic groups such as Yan, Ice, Mu, Jing, and Feng are living in the stars. Many of them are strange and have gone beyond Shiyan's perception of the world.

For example, the ethnic group, this race only lives on the sun. Every ethnic group of the ancestors cultivates hot and powerful energy. The flames of the whole body are like a stream of excitement.

The sun in the Malang star field is dominated by the flaming people. This race even has the power to block the sun's inflammation, so that a trace of the sun does not show up, and cultivates all of them for the Yan people.

The ice races are the opposite of them. They live in extremely cold places and survive under the glaciers. Every tribe of the ice family has a very special structure, and only cultivates the cold and the righteousness.

Another example is the Muzu, rumors that they were born from a tree of gods, the body is a wooden form, covered with wood grain.

Since the birth of the tribe, they know how to use the woods, and they only know how to use the power of wood. They are the darlings of the forest, the masters of the forest, living in the vast forests, and the towering old trees are their houses.

Also like the crystal family, the body is a crystal block, like a variety of crystal carved, forever crystal light, beautiful, wonderful and unpredictable.

There are more bizarre races. Each race has its own unique features. It is scattered in various areas of the Malang Star, has its own unique life journey, and has its own territory.

Nearly a hundred races, a vast star field, countless life stars, mineral stars, dead stars, sun stars, moon stars, all kinds of mysterious and dangerous places together constitute this high-level star field..."琊星域.

Na Xin’s remarks have shocked many warriors who have never come, including Ferran and Lianna, who are from the mainland of God’s grace, all of which are amazing for the Malang Star.

Before I arrived, who ever thought about the strangeness of a star field? Can cover nearly a hundred races, each race is still so extraordinary, so powerful and terrible?

"You can live here. This Quran Star is temporarily regarded as our giant. The Gulan Star property is not rich but for you..." It should be enough. Na Xin came to the edge of the lake and looked at the ethnic groups who came from the ancestral land. He said seriously: "You can pick all the materials of the ancient star, and we will not ask. This ancient star has many areas. We have not detected all of the giants, and we need to explore it ourselves.

“Can Gu Lanxing have Shenjing Mine?” Cato spoke first.

From the kingdom of God, Shenjing is the main force recovery product. In the flame star field, it is also the currency of circulation. Shenjing can let all the people draw energy and transform it into a source of power suitable for them. This characteristic is doomed to Shenjing in any The star field will be fragrant, it will be the main cultivation guarantee.

"The ancient star did not." Na Xin shook his head and explained: "At least, we did not find out."

After a pause, Na Xin said: "The ancient star is a bit strange. The deeper the depth of the earth, the more terrible the gravity. Even the strongest of our giants will not be able to eat after the depth of the ground, and it will not last long. But the ancestors of my family once said that the depths of the ancient orchids are deep..." There may be strange things, and more spiritual medicines are produced underneath. If you are interested, try it..."

Na Xin is like laughing and laughing.

Cato eats cockroaches, touches his nose, and swears: "Forget it, you dare not detect the depths, we are even more impossible."

Na 6 is in a virtual state. It seems that it is higher than the realm of Ferran. It may be a double god. The existence of this level does not dare to go deep inside. Who dares?

Ferran? Liana? Shishu?

Cato smiled.

"Your realm is low, and the understanding of strength and ambition is also awkward... shallow. I think that it is quite difficult for you to live on the surface of the ancient star, but don't take risks." Na Xin kindly reminded.

Everyone looked helpless, and they nodded in words, knowing that what he said was a big truth.

"I think you need to build a city first." Na Xin sank a bit and stretched his finger in one direction. "There is a lot of solid stones. It should be suitable for you to build a city. If you need it, I can let two people help you carry it." I am grateful to Shi Yan for guiding my family's ancestral land."

"Thank you for the ancestors." Shi Yan was slightly covered and said with a smile: "That's welcome."

The gravity of the ancient star is too terrible. Here, the general fantasy is not known, but it is also affected and cannot carry too many heavy objects.

The Giants are tall and wide, and they adapt to the gravity of this place very early, so that they can carry heavy stones for the labor force.

"I will arrange, you send people to follow, is what stone you need, you tell yourself." Naxi was very refreshing, and immediately came up with thoughts, calling the people to come over.

In a short time, the two giants of the giants who were towering in the sky, naked in the upper body, rushed over the giant mountains all the way.

"You two, stay here to help your friends carry some stone, listen to their instructions." Na Xin said a word, smiled: "These distant guests, will live in the ancient Lanxing, will be at the foot of our mountain, will It is our friend, everyone will be very familiar in the future."

"Know the old man."

Two giant giants, who are rich in appearance, are source gods and promised without hesitation.

"You may have to be busy for a while, I will not bother." Na Xin smiled, and Chong Shiyan nodded and immediately retired and went to his family.

"Who are you going together?" One of the giants of the giants, the voice of the people, such as the thunder rolling, the shock of the eardrum rumbling.

Many people with low realm, in his high voice, were shocked by the **** sitting on the ground, his eyes were sluggish.

The two giants, the great men, are all source gods, powerful and powerful, and the airflow that comes out of the speech is very scary.

On the side of Shiyan, there is also a warrior in the realm of a hundred robes, which can't be eaten at all.

"Is there a refiner? I don't know how to identify special stones, and take the initiative to stand up!" Shi Yan looked back and drank.

"Although I am a refining pharmacist, I also know about stone. Let me be one." Jester smiled and took the initiative. Please shout.

“Is there still?” Shi Yan asked again.

Many warriors from Shen En's mainland, including the refiners, but they know that the realm is low, in front of the existence of Jess this level, there is a point of self-defeating, do not dare to take the lead.

"Are you not a refiner?" Zi Yao was amazed.

"I am, but I am not very familiar with the stone." Shi Yan smiled lightly, his eyes slightly squinting, looking to the people of all ethnic groups from the mainland of the gods, said: "Don't worry, it has nothing to do with the realm of the realm, just let you Identifying which stones are suitable for building a city, this aspect is known, come out a few."

Inspired by him, a man of the human race who only has a nirvana and looks uneasy, biting his teeth out of the crowd and saying: "Adult, I am a refiner, the realm is not high, but I once got a copy. The ancient scroll has a discerning experience on stone."

"Well, can you count someone else?" Shi Yan succumbed, hesitated, and said: "I will give you the medicinal medicine as a reward for everyone's help."

Many people look very moved and show great interest. However, they can only watch with their eyes, no one takes the initiative.

It seems that there is no confidence and confidence.

Shi Yan waited for a while, and saw no one came out, but sighed. Gas, rushing to the giants, Han Dao: "Let's three of us, let's go."

"Let's go to our shoulders." The two giants squatted down and let Shi Yan, Jester, and the old man come up, and stalked away, and the fast running made the earth vibrate.

Sichuan is still to be continued

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