God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 900: Chisato

Two giants, the big man, walked like a fly, a slightly smaller tree, and they flew in the middle of the road. The three people sitting on the giant rock of the giants looked at the trees under the grass, and they all popped up. Wonderful feelings.

The old man named Li Xiao, only the repair of Nirvana, under the super-gravity, was bumped all the way, his face was blue and his eyes were uneasy.

For a while, after the Giants stopped, the old man nausea and could not help but vomit.

call out! Shi Yan screwed the Li Xiao, and fell in the gravel between the mines. Li Xiao leaned down and retched, his face pale.

Nirvana, but also can not adapt to the gravity of the ancient star, he stood a little trembling, his legs constantly shaking, like carrying a mountain.

This is a mine, covering hundreds of acres, many mountains and rivers collapsed, and many gravel scattered.

A giant man, a loud man, was shocked and shouted: "This is the stone field of my family building. You can pick it."

Li Xiao’s face shook, and he vomited a blood from his shock. The wilting was like a sick scorpion, and his attitude was ugly.

Shi Yan smiled bitterly, shook his head, reached out to bring out the starlight, and wrapped Li Xiao all around.

Li Xiao shrouded the starlight, avoiding strong gravity, and isolated the sound of violent screams, and his face had a little blood.

Jester frowned and threw a remedy, saying: "Swallow it."

Li Xiao took a look and looked at Shi Yan.

"Eat, it won't hurt you." Shi Yan nodded with a smile.

Li Xiao dared to swallow the medicinal herbs, and immediately turned a slap on his potency, directly dissipating.

His wounded body quickly returned to the pale face, and it was filled with blood, and it turned into a moment of flying.

Li Xiao silently felt it, his face flicked, his ecstatic knees on the ground, and he slammed his head at Jester, thanking him again and again.

For Jester, the lowest level of an medicinal herb is also the category of the sixth and seventh sacred products. Only Li Xiao, who is in the nirvana environment, is simply the treasure of cultivation.

He was keenly aware that this Jessie threw out the medicinal herbs, which made his strength in the body increase the number of scum and even the body's dregs were purified.

With the help of this medicinal drug, after refining, he has a great possibility to break through the first order!

He is naturally ecstatic.

Shi Yan didn't look at him and smiled at a giant man. "Do you choose what stone to distinguish the stone for your building?"

“It’s too simple.” A big man grinned and said: “We bombarded the stones, which kind of stone has the strongest endurance, and finally it is blown open. Naturally it is the strongest, that is, the stone that suits us. ""

"Sure enough." Shi Yan smiled.

But the heart, but really can not agree.

He is a good refiner, and he has a lot of knowledge about the refiner. The giant's method of choosing stone is really useful for those who don't know how to quench.

However, between stone and stone, it can be tempered and fused together...

Many times, several fragile stones are tempered and re-formed, and the toughness will increase by several times, even dozens of times!

There is such a quenching method, and the way the giants choose the stone is a bit too rough.

The refiner, Jester, is also frowning, quite disdainful. "If it is so simple, there will be no refining pharmacists and refiners in the world. A weapon is only the most powerful if you are looking for the hardest material." It's not that simple!"

The man of the Giants is not angry, hehe laughs. "Our people are not good at these things, and they are not particular about it. We have done this for so many years. Well, we also know that many powerful refiners have tempered materials. It’s awesome, but my family doesn’t have a refiner.”

As he explained, Jester and Shi Yan did not say much.

"Look at it yourself. If you look at the stone, you will call us." One of them put down such a sentence and sat down in a pile of stones, squinting and squinting.

Shi Yan smiled and said nothing, Chong Jiesite and Li Xiao said: "Everyone is scattered, each picks and finds, stone is the cornerstone of our city, and it is the guarantee of our future home. I hope you take it seriously."

"Don't do your best." Li Xiao looked up and took a deep breath, and walked toward the front of the gravel.

Jester is also very serious, his eyes are flickering, and he takes out a piece of dry yellow scroll, carefully comparing it.

Seeing him like that, it seems that he is not really proficient in the type and structure of the stone, but because of the reference, it will be so confident.

Li Xiao's realm is very low, Nirvana, in Jester, Shi Yan, he is not a role.

But his cognition of stone seems to be really unique. He didn't use the ancient scrolls like Jester, but he tapped on the stone, releasing a bit of power from time to time, slowly taking the soul. Inductive groping, sometimes frowning, and sometimes a smile.

A master style.

Shi Yan looked at Li Xiao for a while, and gradually let go of his heart, thinking that this person might be able to surprise him.

For the stone of Jiancheng, he is not deeply involved. He is more proficient in the materials of the refiner, and many of the materials recorded in the refiner are also related to this category.

The same is true, he will bring Li Xiao, Jester, hope to help him pick.

Although the Malang star is vast and endless, although the ancient Lanxing is the territory of the giants, it is not safe. Otherwise, the giants will not set up layers of barriers on the periphery of the mountains.

This shows that the ancient star was once invaded, and the giants were also targeted by strong enemies.

In the vast field of stars, nearly a hundred different races, numerous powerful presences scattered throughout the region, they as outsiders, low realm, and extremely limited strength, if they can have a tough and solid city, their future development will It will be of great benefit.

It is because of this that he is very serious in the selection of the stone at the beginning of the city.

Didn't control the movements of Jester and Li Xiao, and did not say anything more than the two giants. He frowned and walked alone in the ore of the earth, releasing the sense of God and wanting to know something different. Waiting for the West.

His gods have the power of space. Although the realm is not high, the gods can penetrate the area of ​​perception, which may be more profound than many people in the realm of him.

The mystery of space is the magic of this god.

A glimpse of the gods, such as the shuttle shuttle around the ring, he likes an eye more, covering all areas nearby.


Half-sounding, he whispered, his eyebrows moved, and suddenly flew quietly toward the central area of ​​the mine in front.

The ancient Lanzhou star has an amazing gravity. It is difficult for him to break through the source of the gods. It is also difficult for a moment, and the speed is too slow.

For a quarter of an hour, he traveled to his destination.

In the three collapsed mines, there is a deep and deep abyss, such as a giant pit, which seems to reach the depths of the earth.

His glimpse of the gods, infiltrated into the dark crater, nothing can be seen, but the gods continue to extend, when they reach the deepest, they are aware of a remarkable energy wave...

It seems like a kind of crystal with energy, such as stone, like crystal, and special gold and iron, very wonderful.

The ancient star is very strange, the gravity is terrible, but the gravity of the surface of the star is not the heaviest area of ​​the ancient star. The stronger the gravity is toward the bottom of the earth, the deepest part of the earth, the horrible gravity and the strong of the giants. I don't dare to stay too long, otherwise the body that will be crushed will be shattered.

In the depths of the earth's gravitational horror, there are wonderful things, and there are more spiritual wizards. If you can resist the powerful gravity, you can enter it...

Na Xin’s words, the coldness did not appear in his mind, let his eyes quietly lit up.

Taking a deep breath, he released the knowledge of the gods, a little bit of condensing, and the sacredness of the gods became one, more pure, more sharp, and the penetration is naturally more fierce.

A sensation of the number of shares, such as an arrow, slowly stabs inside the dark pit.

Not long after, the wonderful feeling, Huo Ran strong.


He knew the sea and trembled, and he knew the fascination of the sea, as if he was shaking.

The wonderful feeling, a hundred times of skyrocketing, inside the dark ground, seems to have thousands of similar substances, like stars, embedded in the bottom shell.

That is a special kind of substance, which seems to be able to resonate with the sea, let him know like a man, and keep flying.

A glimpse of the gods, the connection to the sea, and constantly respond to the volatility, let him know the sea and the waves, the soul altars are shaking and uneasy.

He was shocked and hurriedly took back his knowledge and looked different.

After hesitating for a long time, he measured it and found that his ignorance of God was afraid that it would have penetrated the ground for a thousand miles. At this level, it is estimated that Lian Naxin could not reach it.

Because Na Xin does not understand the mystery of space, the knowledge of God cannot be attached to the power of space that penetrates everything. Perhaps the area covered by his knowledge will be extremely vast, and the extension limit of the gods will certainly be worse than him.

For a long time, he decided to ask someone to ask, and want to change the wonderful changes of the gods, let people judge the situation.

He returned to the place where the two giants were resting, and hesitated. He said bluntly: "I just found a dark abyss that went straight into the depths of the earth. My glimpse of my knowledge permeated, and there was a wonderful induction..."

He clarified the changes he had just learned about the sea.

The men of the two giants listened carefully and got listening to the changes he had made to the sea. The two stood up and the eyes shot amazing beams, such as meteors piercing the sky.

Shi Yan’s heart moved, whispered: “Is it weird?”

The two did not seem to hear what he said, his face was excited and excited, and after a few seconds, the body suddenly fought.

The two ignored one, and did not hesitate, but at the same time they rushed toward the giant mountains in the family, and the sound was like a thunder: "Old age! Old family! Gulanxing really has that thing! The rumor is true!"

Shiyan stayed.

Ps: nine hundred chapters, it is not easy, huh, huh, today there are three more ~ ​​countless to be continued

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