God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 930: Narrow road

The grass green juice of the undead grass penetrated into his flesh and blood, and his undead blood suddenly trembled.

Wonderful things happen instantly...

The drop of only the grain of the undead blood, under the infiltration of the sap of the dead grass, slowly into the magic blood, that drop of undead magic blood turned out to be a big point, the **** flesh of the possession became full of abnormalities!

Stone looked dull.

Qi Qi could not help but screamed: "This, what is this?"

He jumped up and fell to the side of Shiyan. When Shiyan was thinking hard, Qi Lan’s hands splashed, and a cluster of undead grass under him was cut off, but the plants were cut off. The undead grass is still green and does not die like a cluster of stones in the hands of Shi Yan.

Qi Qi also stayed, and looked at Shi Yan inexplicably. He asked seriously: "How can this grass wither in your hands and die?"

A broken grass in his hand was thrown to the ground by him. It was like a snake's remnant. It squirmed and actively plunged into the grass roots of the dead grass. After a while, it re-integrated into the grass roots, still green and green.

Fei Lan, Lianna, and Cato were also very surprised. They all came together and looked down at the dead grass, revealing the incomprehensible color.

Shi Yan stayed for a long time, his eyes gradually lit up, and he immediately smiled.

Like a dark light, he continually swims in the gravel pile, throwing out a strain of grass and slamming it hard.

A drop of green grass juice, infiltrated into his flesh and blood, quickly dissipated, the undead grass that he pulled out, is quickly withered and died as if the most wonderful source of life was forcibly deprived.

In just five minutes, all the undead grasses in the vicinity were exhausted by him, and all died to death.

Shi Yan stopped at this time, his eyes were bright, and his mouth was faintly smiling.

Undead grass and undead blood have the same effect, can be directly integrated into the blood, let him condense more undead blood, thousands of ordinary undead grass, after his absorption, bring him at least One hundred drops of new undead blood!

It is comparable to the sum of the flesh and blood of several strong sources!

Shi Yan is very happy, and the laughter is getting more and more cheerful. "Good grass, very interesting."

Qi Qi, Fei Lan and others looked at him dumbly, knowing that this unknown grass, for him, must have some kind of wonder, but he did not explain how they could not guess.

"Is there still no dead grass around?" Shi Yan chuckled and looked at Qi Qi seriously. "It can be a little further away."

Qi Xiao smiled and shook his head. "No, this piece will be there. Now it is exhausted by you all at once. I am afraid I will not see it in the future. In the end... What is it?"

"Nothing, this grass is a little good for me." Shi Yan smiled and stretched out, feeling happy: "Let's go, it's no good, it's not worth staying."

Qi Qi was curious, but Shi Yan did not say that he was helpless. He only nodded and continued to lead the way.

After an hour.

The black-winged beautiful woman who disappeared for a while, and the two Mozu tribes quietly landed. The two black-striped tribes were all rough and sturdy, and the gods were covered with dark and fine scales. There is a majestic and staunch atmosphere that people dare not despise.

It is the realm of the three gods!

The three Mozu tribes stood in the withered grass in the ground, and their faces were dark and ugly.

"I'm not right!" The black-winged beautiful woman, for a while, suddenly screamed: "The dead grass will wither and die! It is withered and died!"

The other two black-skinned big men listened to her like this, and at the same time reacted, and the eyes showed amazing strange light.

"This, isn't this consistent with the situation after the adults absorbed it?" One of the big men screamed, his expression suddenly shocked, and the dignified low sighed: "Is it impossible, he is also an undead?"

"Impossible?" Another big man shook his head again and again. "In the field of Mano, the adults have searched and searched for it, and they have not found any people of the same family. They are not dead, but only one adult is left in the Marsh field. Nothing!"

After the two great men screamed, they looked at the black-winged woman and said, "Oh, you are the smartest, what do you think?"

The black-winged beautiful woman looked horrified and was awakened by their drinking voice. After shaking for a long time, she shook her head. "I don't understand. The adults searched for many years in the Malang star field and did not find the same people. It should be impossible. With the realm of adults, it is impossible to sense the people of the same family. A hundred years ago, adults also spent huge amounts of energy to detect, but they found nothing. But the state of this undead grass is really... really like It is absorbed by the undead demons like adults."

"The last time the adult was probed a hundred years ago, it has been a hundred years. If the other party is an undead, it is the last century to enter the Malang star field? Is there a possibility?" A black scale big man doubts Road.

"If it's really so smart, the possibilities do exist."

The black-winged woman, Ms. Lan, thought for a moment and nodded. "But there are other possibilities. If the power of the cultivation of the guy is special, it can also destroy the undead grass. Although the life is tenacious, It’s not really that it’s never going to die. It’s only two cases.”

"If it is really dead, I want to be an adult! Extremely excited 1. Dahan shouted.

"Find them! Be sure to identify them!"

"it is good!"

The three devils who did not know where they came from, decided to act and immediately acted.

Another place.

The grease was all the way, and several **** warriors followed closely, not to pull down a little.


The painted marriage stopped at a huge deep pit.

At the deep pit, dozens of warriors in the line were active inside, conducting in-depth explorations, laughing from time to time.

He t1] hunted a few people and robbed the mining area. There is a Shenyue wood with six gods in the interior. At this time, they are carefully determined to temporarily ban the surrounding area and prepare to continue searching inside. There are no more moon trees.

The sound of the fat on the face made the group's face change slightly. They floated out of the deep pit, and they all looked sullen. However, they saw that they were married and they were honest. One of them smiled bitterly: "It turned out to be bloody. Big brother."

"I am looking for a person." Tu Zhao snorted, and the left eye suddenly shot a light curtain and quickly condensed into a rock. "You have seen this person."

"I have seen it." The man laughed. "We saw them here half a month ago, a small warrior. When we snatched the mine, the kid was watching. He seemed to be interested in the body and still in the body. Stayed for a while. What do you want to do with him?"

The fat-coated face is cold, "It has nothing to do with you! Just tell me what direction he went!"

The man smiled and didn't dare to squat. He stretched his finger in one direction and said affirmatively: "Go there. Well, at the speed of the big brother, you should be able to catch up very quickly. I will first wish to paint. I am a big brother."

The cold wedding screamed, the mouth of the mouth showed a cold chill, flying to the top of the mining area, overlooking the bottom for a while, then immediately spread the hand, "take out twenty pieces of secluded moon wood!"

A group of ten people, listening to him said so, all face angry, secretly biting his teeth.

At this time, a dozen **** warriors sneaked up and surrounded the pedestrian in a round shape. They smiled coldly and prepared for the shot.

"In the eyes of the big brother, I can see the moon, ah, this is the honor of the younger brother." The person who led the head endured the anger, and smiled and screamed the twenty pieces of the best quality. Moonwood was put on, and he pulled his head and said: "Is the big brother of Tu Xu happy?"

I was nodded when I was married. "If you are lucky, if you are not tight, you will not speak so well."

The words of black sputum and **** martial arts rushed away, and their mad laughter came from the void.

"I wish you early death and early reincarnation! Mom, I have been busy for a long time, and I have made twenty-five pieces of secluded moon wood. I have been taken by you, a mad dog. I met you, my mother’s suffocation!" After the fat laughter disappeared, the head of the person spit a heavy sigh and screamed with anger.

"Forget it, **** we can not offend, Tu Zhao this madman has always been arrogant, just when we are unlucky." One sigh in the deep pit.

"The broken star field is like this. Whoever has a big fist is reasonable. We are not robbing others. We are still ready to find a few weak ones to solve the problem."


The group gave Tu Xu such a fight, one by one dejected, and did not feel the mood to continue to probe, and flew away in the fierce light, looking for soft persimmon to vent their anger.

A purple cloud covered.

Shi Yan suddenly stopped.

In the dark purple ancient woods in front, two ghost-sex men and women, eyes wilting, sitting pale, silently adjusting.

They had seen them before, and they also ridiculed Ferran and Liana, saying that they were both ugly and dare to scare men. At this time, the two ghost-sex men and women seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle. Shenjing restores strength.

They are not in good shape, and there are bloodstains on their bodies. Obviously they have been injured before, so it is not too bad to see such injuries.

"The two don't come innocent." Shi Yan stared at it for a while, snorted and smiled, and walked forward in a hurry. "I saw two more. It seems that we really have a fate. Oh, I don't know two." Is it convenient to tell?"

Ferran and Liana’s eyes were eager to show their enthusiasm, and the atmosphere was gloomy and cold, and they followed him, and took the initiative to move toward the two ghost-sex men and women.

The ghost-sex men and women who closed their eyes and adjusted their eyes, while opening their eyes, their faces were disgusted, and they snorted and slowly stood up.

In their hearts, it seems that even if they are injured, it is not difficult to kill Shi Yan and his party.

"I don't know what to do, I want to hurt us. I don't look at what I am!" The ghostly woman's eyes were cold, and she wiped the blood of a corner of her mouth. She said coldly, "Look for death!"

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