God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 931: Please close your eyes in the dark

The woman of the ghost pattern shouted lightly, and her face suddenly came cold. In the soft palm of her hand, the softness of the water quickly condensed, and a drop of white water droplets appeared quietly.

There is no more nonsense, her palms are far away, and the drops of water, like the heavy ocean, come from heaven.

Only the water column with large rice grains is white and transparent, with a soft luster overflowing, the water mist is smoggy, and it swells rapidly when it falls. It is the size of a fist in the shackles, carrying the power of the scorpion, and has the restraint of water.

Shi Yan, Fei Lan, Lianna, and Cato, their faces were condensed in vain, and the spin of the soul altar was bound by the mud. Some of the movements were stagnant, and the meaning of the meaning was unstoppable.


The water drops, and the space is rumbling and roaring, as if the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the momentum is horrible.

Another temperamental evil-skinned man, with a grin, suddenly burst into two fire snakes.

The red-red flame beam, extending for hundreds of meters, ignoring the distance of the space, entangled with Ferran and Liana

This pair of ghosts and men seem to be a couple, a cultivating the flames of the righteousness, a meditation of the softness of the water, with the double repairs to make the righteousness complement each other, and even can meet each other, the power of the opposite is under their application. , not affected by each other.

Not only that, but the power of the flame can also enhance the momentum of the water, the softness of the water, and let the flames erratic and extremely fascinating.

"Be careful!" Ferran whispered, and the figure suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, in the vacuum area between the two sides, suddenly appeared thousands of pale corrosion lines, such as dense spider webs, covering every inch of space.


Hundreds of lines of corrosion, smashed into a single drop, suddenly fell into the drop of water, the sound of water is eroded, the large drops of water, quickly shrink, a large amount of water moisture is directly corroded and melted.

The temperament of Ferran's breath has changed, and the body seems to have become a corrosive gas, erratic and shooting at the ghost man.

The ghost-sex man showed a horrible color on his face, which shocked Ferran's mystery.

Corrosion of the righteousness, one of the eight major inheritance of bloodthirsty, is extremely rare in any star field, and is very different from the mainstream esoteric, little known.

The mystery of evil and scarcity often contains the wonders of horror. The two ghost-family people are well aware of it. When they see the erosion of the mystery, they all gather the previous contempt and must take it seriously.

At this time, Liana also used the field of God.

The endless darkness shrouded her from the whole body, as if the dark sky covered the sky, and covered all the stars, and absorbed the luster that was revealed.

it's dark……

Absolute darkness hides any light. At this moment, Lianna is the center of the middle, and within a hundred miles of the surrounding area, it is as dark as ink, and there is no trace of light.

This kind of darkness is not just the darkness of vision, but it also covers the sea, encompassing the sense of touch and encompassing all perceptions!

In the darkness, the two ghosts and men and women are covered in five senses. The eyes can't see the surrounding scenes. The gods can't detect the changes of air and energy. The consciousness can't sense the existence of breath, and the sea is drowned by the darkness. The soul... It became a blind man.

The darkness of Liana’s darkness, once displayed, anyone except her, could not reach her fingers, and the eyes of the soul could not be seen.

She is completely unaffected, such as the ghosts in the dark, sneak, easy to come to the two ghosts and men and women, immediately killing the killer!

Shi Yan and Cato were also shrouded in darkness. There was no difference between them and the two. As with the eyes, all kinds of touches disappeared.

But it's just a glimpse.

After three seconds, some kind of mysterious power came down from the sky and swayed on the two people. Under the influence of those different forces, they immediately broke free from the shackles of helplessness, and the sight and the gods were no longer affected. .

The two neglected their eyes and looked different. They understood that this was the power of Lianna.

Not only can she release the endless darkness, but now she can control the darkness as she wants, let anyone be completely covered by the darkness, and let anyone get rid of the unaffected, completely changing with her mind.

However, at the time of the punishment of the city, her use of the darkness of the righteousness did not reach this level of freewheeling. Nowadays, it can be so skillful, and it is surely in the darkness of the mystery, and has entered a new world.

Therefore, Shiyan and Cato saw it and saw a dark shadow floating on the head of the ghost-sex woman, as if it were a demon-like, and directly infiltrated into the soul altar of the ghost-sex woman, from her heavenly cover. Suddenly poured in!

Lianna seems to have penetrated into the other side of the sea!

Shi Yan was amazed, his eyes showed a deep horror, and he was moved.

Cato's body trembled slightly, feeling the same, and quietly released the power of chaos, lingering around him, protecting the soul altar and keeping it from being attacked by foreign objects.

The soul altar is the foundation of life, the master of the power of the military, deep in the depths of the mind, once invaded, let the soul of the soul altar stop flowing, the strength of the military is as if it is being stunned by the giant hand, unable to play The mystery of power

The ghost-sex woman who reached the virtual world and the realm of the heavens and the heavens was superior to Lilian. When the darkness covered the sky and covered the sea consciousness, there was no means of resisting, and the sea was invaded.

The light and misty water of the misty, sullenly smashed, the drop of waterdrops she had released before, as if the broken crystals landed, bursting in vain, splashing the sky, each of the waters, there is a bound soul, imprisoning the soul The essence of water.

It is a pity that under the cover of the darkness, her knowledge of God cannot guide the correct direction of the power of water, and naturally it does not hurt Shiyan and Cato.

It is even less likely to hurt Liana as the Lord of Darkness.

The weeping snoring came from the charming woman of the ghost pattern. She seemed to be enchanted. Two beautiful jade hands, tearing away from the face, caught her proud face. Bloody, cracked blood traces of deep visible bones!

The blood is like a sly snake, flowing down her white neck, the evil is terrible, and people feel creepy.

Before the beautiful woman, this moment is like a ghost! The look of Liliana is even more scary!

This is Liana's revenge!

As the head of the army of the **** army of the gods of the gods, this female madman known as the murderous temper, the outbreak of hysteria, the cruelty of the means, so that Shi Yan, Cato have snacks.

The two men looked at each other and sneaked out the deep fear of the other person's scorpion, secretly stunned.

Shi Yan suddenly made up his mind, no matter when and where, in the future, absolutely remember not to comment on Liana in appearance, this is Liana's counterscale! Never touch!

It turned out that she did not mind her appearance. On the contrary, she also looked at it with incomparably heavy weight. Anyone who dared to humiliate her in appearance would be subjected to the bloodthirsty revenge of this **** female mob!

The woman of the ghost pattern, it is obvious that consciousness was invaded, and Liana forced her to dominate the mind with evil means, so that she madly destroyed her face.

Perhaps, she knows what she is doing, but she can't resist, and she is forcibly distorted.

From her screaming like a wild beast, Shi Yan knows that she still has a sense of autonomy. He guesses that... the consciousness is still reserved for her by Liana.

Just let her know what she is doing!

Shi Yan was chilly, took a deep breath, and smiled with a sigh of relief. "I only saw the sternness of the leader of the Bloody Legion Army today. She has today's achievements and fierce names. It really is not the cover before 0... ...I am young."

"That is of course." Cato also trembled. "In the flames, who is not afraid of Lianna? She is the craziest swordman, the most violent female butcher, compared with her, my blood Name, I am ashamed, I am too nameless..."

Shiyan was amazed.

"Soft child!" The man of the ghost pattern seems to be aware of something. Suddenly the sky shook, and the whistling sound came like a flame, and the woman was wrapped in it.


A blaze of fire erupted from her body, and her blood was evaporated as soon as she appeared on the face of the devil.

At the eyelids where the blood was dripped, a drop of tears came out. The teardrops seemed to contain the wonders of the heavens and the earth. They were subtly refined with water, rolling down, arranged into a wonderful water-based array of sounds, and suddenly released white ripples.

A dark shadow, the cockroach's cockroaches came out, and was forced by the white crystal tears. The shadows were violently broken, and they were torn apart and turned into pieces of dark debris.

Liana’s disappearing figure appeared quietly. In her dark blue eyes, there was no emotional fluctuation in the cold, but a sharp smile on her lips.

She is very satisfied with her masterpiece, watching the ghostly woman who was torn by her own washbasin, Liana screamed and laughed, like a madman, with the laughter, her figure re-integrated into the darkness, let Shi Yan Cato is not seen.

"You retreat, this battle does not require you to intervene." The voice of Ferran slowly rang out from the depths of the darkness.

The next moment, Shi Yan and Cato, both of whom were drawn by two forces, were instantly withdrawn from the darkness and stood still hundreds of meters away, watching a group of dark clouds covered in ink for dozens of miles. However, it does not perceive the internal surge energy fluctuations.

But the two people understand that Ferran and Lianna are fighting the two ghosts and men and women, and they are fighting the most brutal.

Judging from the previous situation, Fei Lan and Li Anna not only did not fall down, but also took advantage of it!

If no outsiders intervene, the two ghost-sex men and women who had been injured before will certainly not be spared, and they will be buried here.

Perhaps, the humiliation of Faulan and Liana's appearance is the most wrong decision of their life, and they will eventually be classified as nothingness.

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