God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 937: Life and death bridge

Deep in the forest, Fei Lan, Cato and Wulan, a group of five people, frowned deeply, and they recovered their soul consciousness. They looked around like a shuttle and searched silently.

There is no breath of death, no vitality, and the environment of any broken star field, there is no abnormality here.

The ever-changing life and death evolved as if it were just the illusion of Ferran and Cato, standing in the middle of the forest, and the two looked blank.

Where did Shiyan go?

The two face each other and can't say why, the gods can't find a little abnormality.

Lan Lan was deeply locked, and looked at Ferran and Cato with a cold eye. He said with suspicion: "You said that he was here before? Will not be bullying us? Others?"

"Just still there." Cato smiled and shook his head. "The brothers and the emperor are in harmony with each other. Before they understood the essence of the righteousness, we were afraid that he would be disturbed before they came out. In the battle, we did not have leisure and care behind us. I didn’t notice the burial."

"Isn't it being taken away by those people?" A black-scale big man hesitated. "If there is a virtual state in the other side, when you fight in your battle, you really avoid your perception, and then you will The strength of the kid."

"Impossible!" Feilan snorted and looked awkwardly: "With Shi Yan's subtlety, with his cautious and work-oriented approach, it is impossible to be easily caught!"

The people of Woodlands and the two Mozus were all amazed and did not understand the self-confidence that Ferran came from.

Only the warriors of the source gods and the realm of heaven and earth, according to common sense, are categorically contending with the capital of the weak gods.

Once faced with being covered by the other side of the virtual world, the power of the righteousness will be directly imprisoned, and there is no room for resistance.

In their eyes, Shiyan is even more powerful, and can not escape the grasp of the virtual god.

"Yes, with the wonderful mystery of the brothers, it is difficult for someone to imprison him in the blink of an eye." Cato also nodded. "His realm is lower than me, but if it is a life-and-death struggle, the ultimate loser will be me!" Cato said Extremely certain.

In this statement, the great men of the Lanlan and the Blackscales are all moving.

"He must have encountered something wonderful." Ferran indulged for a while, as if he had figured something to sit down on the spot, his eyes twitching, no longer going outside the body.

Cato also suddenly smiled. "Yes, the original situation here is set by the predecessor. The predecessor will naturally not harm him. It will only bring him benefits." Then, Cato sat down and relaxed. And, wait for the attention here.

Lan Lan and the two black-skinned big men were filled with great doubts. Only at this time, Fei Lan and Cato apparently did not explain in detail. The three ignored their eyes and frowned, waiting silently.

Time has passed by.

There are no sun and moon in the broken star field. Only the stars of the vast starry sky, without special props, it is difficult to know the time accurately.

One day, the five people sitting silently, their eyebrows moving together, they could not help but look down at their feet.

Hey! Hey!

The crisp, unusual sounds came from the depths of their feet, as if some kind of hard object exploded, and it was very clear.

The five men got up and stunned their faces and released them into the depths of the earth.

boom! Boom! boom!

A group of five people trembled fiercely, as if they were bombarded with an invisible hammer, their steps were picked up.

The more the realm is deeper, the more severe the victim is, the two black-scale strongmen who have reached the virtual heaven and the three heavens, the rumbling in their minds, the soul altar is shaken by the earthquake, as if to collapse.

The faces of the two men suddenly became pale, and they couldn’t think too much. The instant release of the gods would be retracted and they could not help but scream.

Lan Lan and Fei Lan, Cato three, like drunk, the body swayed a few times, finally stood firm and the same face.

The gods released by each of them, after infiltrating the ground, were directed by a cold force that was fed back, reaching them to the sea and the inside of the body, letting their heads roar, and the body was shocked like a tear, and the pain was terrible.

"You, even you can't eat?!" Cato was chilling and couldn't believe to look at the two black-scale big men.

The two men were bitter and shocked, and their eyes stared at the bottom. They couldn’t help but sigh: "There is a very powerful force fluctuation in the ground. It is extremely powerful and unpredictable. It must be that there is a residual level at the beginning of the year. The volatility of the gods is so horrible, maybe the adults can't reach this level!"

Lan Lanmei has a deep sense of jealousy and can't help but scream: "Is it more terrible than an adult?"

"I think so." One of them sighed. "Although the adults are strong, we can follow the adults for many years, and we can’t realize the pressure of such a terrible horror. The guy who once left the disabled in the ground, maybe... than the realm of adults. Be inscrutable."

As soon as this statement came out, Woodland was completely dumbfounded and speechless for a long time.

"Your adults...what kind of realm?" Cato slammed his mouth and asked carefully.

"The beginning of the gods and two heavens."

Cato suddenly shut up, his heart was stunned, and his eyes were filled with deep enthusiasm.

He suddenly understood a little.

The existence of the residual energy left in the ground should be the existence of the sacred death sinister who appeared in the flame star field. One of the bloodthirsty gossips is regarded as his master's elder, and it is closely related to Shiyan.

Such a character, just the remaining disability idea, will make the two unbelievers of the demon powers sway, and they will be stronger than the adults who have reached the beginning of the gods, the master of the division, in the end What level of immortality exists?

Cato's body was shocked, and his fists were secretly clenched. His face was full of strange red light and he was very excited.

Lan Lan and two black-striped tribes were aware of his anomalies and looked at him with suspicion. He asked: "What are you excited about? What is your relationship with you?"

"That is our elders, knowing that the elders are so powerful, I naturally feel a sense of pride." Cato grinned. "Not to mention that he also brought benefits to the brothers. I believe that the brothers are deep in the ground, we What I have to do now is to wait for the brothers to come.

"Why are you looking for Shiyan?" Feilan's face wrinkled and moved, calmly looking at the three people, "Is it because Shiyan took the undead grass that you valued?" ”

Lan Lan came to the spirit at once, smiling and flatteringly said: "Big sister, ask you something..."

"You said." Ferran said.

"After he took the undead grass, what is wrong?" Lan Lan seriously asked.

The two black-skinned big men also brightened their eyes and looked at Ferran deeply.

"Abnormal?" Feilan frowned. "There is nothing unusual. The grass juice that does not die, penetrates into his body. He listens to him and seems to help him to condense what is not dead..."

The orchids and the two black-skinned big men, the eyes also showed an amazing ecstasy, and the gods shook with excitement.

"Sure enough!"

“It’s really a big man!”

"God! I didn't expect to have a big man in the Mare Starfield!"

"If adults know this, they don't know how much they will be surprised! For countless years, adults have been looking for and trying to find people of the same family. Unfortunately, for so many years, adults have never harvested. If adults know in the Malang domain He is no longer alone, he will be surprised!"

The three demon strong people from unknown sources can't help but laugh and laugh, and they are very excited.

Ferran and Cato looked amazed.

The two are not stupid. When they show up and give a helping hand, they know that these two people should not be enemies. For this reason, Ferran and Cato will disclose as appropriate on matters related to Shiyan. One point, I want to see their reaction.

At this time, listening to the ecstasy of the three men, Ferran and Cato ignored, and the heart gradually realized the wonders.

When Shi Yan completed the blood transfusion, the gods changed, and they were clear and clear. At that time, Shiyan was obviously not a human being. It had some similarities with the legendary Protoss, in Feilan, Ka In the heart of the heart, Shi Yan has a lot of secrets hidden by them.

Today, from the mouth of the three people of the Lanlan, they can be sure that the change of the body of the stone rock is the same as that of a person.

The other party did not reveal maliciousness from beginning to end, letting them realize that this might be an opportunity for Shiyan, and so is it, they did not hide.

In the depths of the most mysterious underground of the broken star field, don't have a new world.

A long and unpredictable long bridge with colorful streams of light, the light bridge leads to the depths of the ground, and the bridge is printed with a transparent palm pattern, such as being pressed up, every transparent handprint, There are deaths and life fluctuations.

It is a dead seal and a raw print.

The long bridge is like a bridge of life and death. The bridge body is made of energy streamer, and a piece of transparent print and death print are printed on the bridge surface. Death and vitality are co-occurring.

The bridge of life and death, direct to the dark and deep underground, such as through a mysterious territory.

At this time, the stone rock that disappeared disappeared and walked **** the bridge of life and death.

Every foot of his foot fell, and the transparent handprint on the bridge of life and death screamed and flew out, and fell heavily on his body. He hit his footsteps, and immediately merged his hand into his body, and he did not know how to temper his body. Help him integrate the mood.

Every step of his life is extremely difficult. One step is to fall. It is necessary to stop and recover for a while, and then dare to continue walking.

The transparent handprint contains the energy of life and death. The power is vast and profound. The handprints smashed his body and disappeared. His body was bruised and bruised. The blood could not help but splash out. The bones were all bursting.

The squeaking sound that Ferran and others heard on the surface of the earth was the sound of his bones shattering.

However, there is no pain in Shiyan's face. On the contrary, his eyes are shining like a light group, and his expression is even crazy and crazy, as if he enjoyed it all.

He continued to be firm and deep.

......(To be continued

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