God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 938: inherited

Shiyan speaks every step... There must be... The block will be embroidered next year, and it will come into his body.

In each handprint, there is a mysterious conception of life and death. In his body, the arrogance of the arrogance, the death of the smashing his bones and flesh and blood, the birth of the print is to revitalize the flesh and blood.

He seems to alternate between life and death, struggling in death and life. This is the cycle of life and death, a kind of forced catalytic transformation of his life form.

The bridge of life and death stretched deep into the ground, dark and deep mysterious. As he stepped down, as the scattering of the print and death disappeared, the bridge of life and death that he walked through, the area behind him gradually disappeared.

The bridge of life and death is like a mysterious and unknown inheritance. Every time he goes forward, he accepts a mysterious inheritance, leaving the bridge that has passed without seeing it, and becomes the source of power to quench his body and soul.

The painful body quenching, the transformation of the soul, makes him painful and happy, the pain comes from the body, from the flesh and blood, the bones of the temper, the happiness comes from the soul, from the soul altar, from the Oyi district.

The death of the righteousness in the Aoyi area, after a transparent imprint into his body, gradually, accompanied by a trace of life.

The death of the righteousness has become no longer pure, and the participation has entered the fluctuation of life, so that his esoteric layer is accompanied by signs of life, which seems to be the complete life and death.

The inheritance of power and righteousness is to change the stage of his soul to the stage by walking through the bridge of life and death, and let him have a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and death.

Deep in the ground, there is no concept of time, and he does not know how long he has been walking.

On this day, he finally came to an end.

At the end is a myriad of crystals, like glaciers buried deep underground, standing on the ground, the interior of the glacier, there is a wave of familiarity.

He stared at him and his eyes lit up in vain.

Inside the glacier, with the death and the life thread as the veins, it is cumbersome and full of the corners of every glacier crystal. Yiran is a wonderful array of hidden glacier interiors. The map is based on the glacier crystals and penetrates the mysterious airflow.

That airflow, there is a source of energy!

The source, only the oldest continent can be born, can absorb the energy of the Galaxy spontaneously, and provide the far-reaching heaven and earth energy for the Star of Life.

It is like a **** of the mainland.

The glacier-like crystal inside contains a source of origin, which is weaker than what he saw on the mainland of God. In that source, there is a **** cloud mark, which is slowly floating and has life. Fluctuation, like some ancient magical creature.

The **** ring on his hand suddenly shone, and the rainbow was shining.

Inside the glacier crystals, the **** cloud mark, with the release of turbulent fluctuations, is unusually excited, and echoes with his blood lines.

call out!

The blood pattern ring breaks away from his finger and suddenly shoots inside the source, and the **** cloud mark is the only one.

Numerous cumbersome silk lines, quietly overflowing the dazzling crystal light, have poured into the blood cloud mark imprint inside, flowing to the blood pattern ring.

The ring spirit in the blood pattern ring, as if there are two fluctuations, the wave of volatility is exactly the same, but two clusters are scattered. At this time...1. Gradually blending.

His face trembled and he reacted violently.

The **** cloud mark is a part of the ring spirit, and it is a soul that the spirits are divided out!

He once heard the spirit of the ring, the imperial spirit is not complete, lacks many memories, and many things in the past are ambiguous. Because the memory is incomplete and the consciousness is incomplete, the martial spirit is vague every time he gives him a reply. So why bother.

Nowadays, the **** pattern is pouring into the source, and the fusion of the soul consciousness belongs to it, so that he suddenly understands it.

A hint of direct reaction to his soul emerges from the ring, and the spirit is quietly explaining something.

Shi Yan was stunned, listening silently, his eyes were dark and his brows were deep.

"In that year, he and the brand-name should inherit the master. To find a source of the ancient continent, with the owner's blood shield and part of my soul, he found it here, but failed to pass on the inheritance, and the success was successful. It’s up to you, but you...and eventually failed.”

The idea of ​​martial arts is erratic and erratic. At the time of soul fusion, it seems that energy is limited.

"After his failure, he handed the blood shield to the descendants of the darkness. My soul was placed in the heart of the ancient continent, waiting for you. Today, you are here, he will build the bridge for you. To help you understand the mystery of life and death, so that I can reunite a soul that belongs to us, but he is absent, which means that he must suffer misfortune..."

The spirit of the ringing mind is intermittent. "My soul is a fusion of the soul. It takes a long time. You can engulf the soul altar. It will speed up my integration. Devouring, this is the master of the master, and the master is not for the world." Basically, you still have time, you must stick to it..."

The message of martial arts has gradually disappeared.


As the energy permeates and flows, the huge crystal glaciers burst and smash, and the cumbersome ancient veins are twisted and shredded, and the source and the scorpion are disappearing into the blood.

On the interface of the blood pattern ring, a blood film is formed, which makes the blood pattern ring seem to become a small meat ball, which is extremely sinister!

The blood pattern ring suddenly flew over, and the **** small meat ball stuck to his finger, as if it had become a small sarcoma on his finger, which was very strange.

That layer of blood film, like the enchantment that protects the blood lines and fusion, even the consciousness of the stone rock is isolated, so that he can not detect the abnormalities in the ring.

The bridge of life and death disappeared, and countless transparent handprints disappeared in his body. The crystal glaciers were exhausted, and the internal source of the genus also turned into the energy of blood lines and fusions, and disappeared from the bottom of the earth.


I don't know how deep the ground, suddenly came a thunderous sound, roaring like a drum, knocking on the heart of Shiyan.

In the deafening roar, Shiyan hesitated, and immediately put everything down. When the glaciers shattered, his body drilled into a piece of crushed ice, closed his eyes, and realized the true meaning of life and death with his soul, and touched the mysterious layer with his soul. To explore the new life fluctuations.



The violent sounds spread throughout the broken star field, and the broken star field seems to be broken down. There are countless huge pieces of stars, such as tens of thousands of islands that have been split from the middle, and those stars that have been attracted by this place for countless years. Block, seems to have lost the **** - disintegration.

If a mountain is cut hundreds of millions of copies, and then split and spurt out, a large block of broken star fields, such as the islands floating in the sea, slowly float to the distance, to the extreme west of the land in all directions.

The broken star domain is disintegrating.

Constructing the energy core of the broken star domain, the source of the ancient continent disappeared. It was once used to build an ancient map of the bloodthirsty gossip from the Lord. The energy blended with the spirit, so that it completely collapsed.

The collapse of the core, the energy of the source and the array are exhausted. The heart of this broken star has not absorbed the strange characteristics of the stars. For tens of thousands of years, it has attracted the fragments of broken stars that have been involved, and all the way to the distance, returning to the Xinghai Every area.

Shiyan, no matter where he is outside, is deeply hidden in the depths of the earth, still comprehending the true meaning of life and death.

Ferran and Cato, etc., stood on the top of his head and watched the horror of the broken star field, his face heavy to the extreme.

They don't understand what happened, they don't know why there is a broken star field called the natural material factory, why suddenly collapsed, but they all have an inexplicable intuition... related to Shiyan!

It is difficult to find conclusive evidence, but they feel the strange changes of the broken star field. Looking at the huge meteorites and mountains around the land, one by one drifting out of their sights, they subconsciously believe that they have the deepest involvement with Shiyan.

A group of five people face each other.

"The movement is a bit big." Cato whispered.

"The broken star field is extremely wide. After this dispersion, the stars and fragments are flying around. Many stars of life will be ravaged in the west."

"Well, those who form fragments are flying faster and faster, without binding force, and the resulting collision will be very horrible. I am afraid that... even the strongest of the three gods, there is no power to stop the stars from smashing the life. The impact of the star, maybe there will be many stars of life, was directly defeated by the hole." A Mohan whispered, his face was dignified.

"Is it going to be made by the following kid?" Another Mohan big man exclaimed.

Ferran was indifferent and whispered: "Whether it is him or not, things have happened anyway, I think... you don't want to see him having something?"

Lan Lan and the two Mozu Dahan, laughing at the same time, nodded slightly.

They understand the meaning of Ferran.

The disintegration and impact of the broken stars in the star field will sweep the entire western region. Many stars of life may suffer, and will be attacked by stars like stars, or even directly destroy the star of life.

There are many races in the West, and there are many forces in the world. They are all based on the Star of Life. Once they are hit hard, they will be held accountable for the initiators.

If you let those people know that this matter is due to Shiyan, he will be pointed out by Qianji in the far west, and there will be no more footholds.

If you don't want Shiyan to have an accident, this matter must be kept strictly confidential. Otherwise, Shiyan will be killed by those who are affected by the attackers.

Ferran and Cato naturally didn't want him to have something.

The Lanlan and the two Mozu Dahans, after determining that Shiyan and their adults are the same family, are also fully committed to maintenance and certainly do not allow this to happen.

The five people ignored one eye and guarded at the same time, quietly blocking the surrounding area and not allowing anyone to get close to the place.

The changes in the broken star field made many of the forces who came to collect materials dumbfounded. They quickly realized what would happen. Many warriors searched around and wanted to know who caused the change of the broken star field. Many force warriors are searching and figuring out the source.

There is a person who has quietly flew over here.

"Be careful!" A black scaly man snorted and smothered. "Anyone who has the opportunity to see the truth can't let them live to release the news!"

"Understand!" zy

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