God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 939: Star division

All the warriors in the broken star field are angry!

The variation of the broken star field has turned thousands of stars into pieces into violent meteors, ramming into the corners of the far west.

The speed of the huge stars is getting faster and faster, and the force is constantly exerted. The impact of the formation will be earth-shattering. Many stars and small dots are similar to the mainland. Even the sixth and seventh stars of life are afraid. live.

The disaster in the Far West is almost foreseeable.

This disaster has never been seen before, and the entire West is swept away, which will force the homes of many warriors to be forcibly destroyed.

The warriors who flocked into the broken star fields from all parts of the Great West, and understood what would happen, were broken off the scales, exposed abnormalities, and rushed into the broken star field.

If you want to know the initiators, you are actually very simple. You only need to look at the middle of the broken star field. What areas are still intact, and they are not scattered with the changes of the broken star field, which is the biggest culprit in the formation of the change.

There is a strange place in the broken star field, and it is not a secret to constantly gather the fragments of the stars. The military of all forces clearly understands that if you find that area and see who is there, the answer will be At a glance.

Therefore, many warriors who are looking for scarce materials in the broken star field are heading in the direction of Shiyan.

The broken star city is part of the outer part of the broken star field, and it is also one of the stars. With the change of the broken star field, the broken star city collapses and divides into three pieces, which fly away in three directions.

The shops in the broken star city, the warriors stationed by the various forces, were completely chaotic.

Including Ivor.

Ivers's ancient building was in the roar of the earth under his feet, and collapsed a part of it. At this time, Avery was full of gray face and his face was extremely embarrassed.

There is a shadow in the shadow of his head.

"Less Lord!" The shadow is extremely anxious. "It is Shi Yan! He caused it all!"

"Damn!" I've bitten his teeth and shouted: "The chaos of the **** has completely broken the broken star field. Countless stars are smashing the square, and I don't know how many stars of life will suffer! Damn, I have been in Star City for many years, because his appearance will be destroyed! Without the broken star field, the broken star city is no longer necessary, many shops collapse, and now everyone is nervous, transporting supplies in full force, this **** How does he bend the broken star field?!"

"I don't know." The shadow is also very awkward. "I saw him inside a forest, suddenly disappeared, and immediately came from the bottom of the earth, the roar of the earth, and it didn't take long before the broken star field began to collapse. I don't know what he met in the middle of the earth, but I can be sure that the changes in the broken star field are caused by him!"

"Bastard! Damn bastard!" I've gnashed his teeth and his face was gloomy and sullen. "Keep your eyes! Give me a look at him! Mom, he ruined everything in the broken star! It will also bring disaster to the West!"

Shadow also understands the crisis of the situation, dare not say anything, quietly disappeared.

The **** masters also rushed toward the depths of the broken star field. The strong people of all ethnic groups in the west of the land, as long as they were moving around the broken star field, rushed to the place where Shiyan was located.

For a time, thousands of warriors in the entire broken star field, like locusts, rushed out, to smash the culprit, and to peel the bones.

Everyone’s face is full of anger, and his eyes are fierce and violent.

"The trouble is big." In the middle of the forest, the black-stricken big man smiled bitterly. "All the warriors in the broken star field are gathering here. I think... we can't kill everyone."

"Unless the adults come, we really have no way to deal with this battle." Another humanity.

The orchid face was like a ash, looked down at the foot and sighed. He said to Ferran: "Can you contact him? We must evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise we will wait until everyone has come, we will go Can't get away."

Ferran and Cato are also anxious. They are also aware of the seriousness of the matter. They have nothing to do with the underground rock. They let go of the patrol of the gods, and they are not aware of any fluctuations. They are also terrible.

"If we stay, we will be treated as a murderer. I am afraid it is difficult to make it clear." Lan Lan irritated her forehead and said, "I will wait a little longer. If he does not appear, we can only left."

Ferran’s face changed and he screamed: “If you walk away, once Shiyan shows up, isn’t it being smashed on the spot? You won’t want your grown-up, the only family to fall off?”

Lan Lan and the two black-skinned big men gave him such a statement and hesitated.

"Deep into the ground, find him out! Must also be fast!" Lan Lan Shen Yan, finally not ready to continue to suffer, and did not say anything with Ferran, Catoto, directly commanded: "Immediately enter the underground, unless Go to the irrevocable enchantment ban, otherwise search for it!"

"it is good!"

The two black-scale strong men snorted, and the fine black scales shivered, and the fierce beams of light penetrated from their feet.


The hard land, such as tofu, was penetrated through deep and deep holes at their feet. The two men did not say a word, such as the hamster rushed into the ground and probed deep into the ground.

"We pay attention to the surrounding areas, to ensure that no one will come over in a short time, the first to come, can kill and kill!" The mouth of the Lanlan mouth showed a stern decisive, "do not forge to live."

Ferran and Cato nodded.

The three talents made up their minds and suddenly, a figure came from the crowd and was nervous.

It is Qi Wei.

He hid in the distance in the forest beforehand, hiding the breath and the figure. When Ferran and Cato fought **** addiction, he did not dare to take the lead, but instead sneaked to a farther place, so he was not affected.

Qi Qi has been active in the broken star field for many years. He knows how to protect himself. He knows that he is not a level. Only a tortoise can live longer.

When Tu Yan and the **** warrior died, he did not notice it, nor did he know the arrival of them.

However, the horror of the broken star field, he reacted, the heart filled with huge doubts, want to see what they are doing, and see what happened in this broken star field.

So he came.

But as soon as he fell to the side, he immediately shrank his head, and his face showed a look of horror and fear.

From the faces of the three of Woodlands and Cato, he saw the chilly chill of the yin and killing, and there was no trace of humanity.

He has already wanted to retire.

Woodland also reached out and his face was cold and cold, and it seemed that he was about to kill the killer.

At this time, Cato gave a low drink and called: "Own people!"

Woodland also recognized Qi Qi, knowing that he had been with Shi Yan and frowned. She glanced at Fei Lan. "Is this person credible?"

"I don't know." Ferran looked sternly. "It's a little cleaner."

"Don't!" Cato dissuaded. "They brought us into the broken star field. We can't make things too big to imprison him, so he never has a chance to say anything."

"I am willing!" Qi Qi is very acquainted. He has a low level but can stand on the broken star field. Naturally, he has unique features.

Qi Qi took the initiative to raise his hand and signaled that he had put down all the guards. He came to the front of Dai Lan and said honestly: "Prison me, I am willing to be restrained." He already understands that the changes in the broken star domain are related to these people. Although his realm is not high, people are very clever to know what they should not see. Only with full cooperation can they have a chance.

Lan Lan was amazed and nodded. "It's still a matter of understanding."

"Well, look at your share of the acquaintance, you will leave a life." Fei Lan raised his hand, a pale white corrosive gas, such as a cluster of cloud cotton, will completely ban the body, let him consciousness Both are blurred.

"Someone is coming! Arriving soon!"

Ferrankato's face changed, and they promptly sent out the righteousness, ready to go all out.


There was a strange noise from the bottom of the earth. The two black-scaled big men entered the deep caves of the earth and violently spread: "We are not malicious!"

Cato looked like a joy, and hurriedly rushed to the bottom: "Brother, the situation has changed! Speed ​​out! We don't have much time!"

"Stone, they are not enemies!" Ferran also drank low below, figured like an arrow, reaching deep.

Deep underground.

Inside an ice crystal, the stone rock looks cold and looks at two strange black scales.

His whole body pores are erected. From the two Mozus, he perceives the horrible atmosphere, and the breath is strong, but he has never seen him before.

He is ready to forcibly use the undead blood as a bow, to smash the void and escape. If the voice of Cato is coming in time, he has already gone far.

At the glimpse of Faylan’s voice, he suddenly relaxed and his face showed doubts. “Who are you? What is the situation outside?” He did not know that the broken star field was splitting. He was hiding deep in the ground, only knowing the underground vibration. abnormal.

"There is no time to say more, we must evacuate immediately, or wait for the numerous powerful people in the broken star field to come together, we can't go!" One person hurriedly shouted.

Shi Yan’s face changed dramatically. He stunned and nodded, rushing toward the surface.

A few seconds later, he appeared next to Ferran and Cato and said, "What should I do now?" He didn't know the specific situation, but from the faces of Ferran and Cato, he saw anxiously.

"Congratulations on you." Ferran's eyes lit up and nodded at him. "I didn't expect you to break through to the source gods so fast, so good, we have to leave this place as soon as possible, we said on the road."

"Congratulations to the brothers!" Cato also realized the changes in Shiyan and quickly congratulated.

Shi Yan smiled lightly and said: "Then we immediately evacuate."

"Go!" Lan Lan's eyes were anxious. "You must go right away, someone is coming soon!"

Two black-scale big men suddenly appeared, looked up and looked in one direction and said, "Follow me, there is no one here, we will leave now!"

Fei Lan and others did not say anything, dragged the Qi Qi, and immediately followed.

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