God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 940: Inevitable fierce battle

"The master came the instructions, let us take the stone rock!"

In the hall of Eve, the old man with a thin face was chilly and shouted.

"Is it full of stone rock?" I've whispered, "Why did Grandpa take Shiyan? They all have **** imprints, exactly the same as the strong ones who broke into the stars thousands of years ago. It’s full of blood, fierce and cruel, and it’s wise to offend him.

"I don't know the cause, this is the master's instructions!" The old man ate low.

Eve nodded. "Grandpa told me that he must have his plan. If so, then the news will be spread out, and the change of the broken star field will be caused by the rock. Well, the key points are to inform Nigel and Dafeng. They both have hatred with Shiyan and are searching his whereabouts. I think they must be very interested."

"Good!" The old man immediately acted.

Nigel is the strong man of the Ghosts in the West. Before the stone and the men and women of Shiyan, Gat and the wind are all Nig.

Now that the wind is soft and slain, Gate is escaping from the hands of Ferran, and naturally he will not give up.

Dafeng is the owner of bloody, Tu Xu and Tu Feng brothers are his people, Tu Feng was killed, and several of the former warriors of Tu Zhao took the soul, and he naturally would not be left alone.

Soon, the news was released from Ivor. Not only did Nigel and Dafeng know the movements of Shiyan, but many powerful players who entered the broken star field also understood what happened.

A big action to hunt Shiyan was carried out in an orderly manner with the support of the people.

In the broken star field, the colorful smog is not scattered, and the sky is vast.

The stone body of Shiyan and his family circulates with the light of the light, and with the help of power, they are fully leaping in one direction.

The two sacred gods of the tribes of the tribes of the tribes swayed the soul ceremonies and constantly determined new directions to ensure that they would not enter the encirclement.

They gradually realized that it was not good.

"Not quite right!" Lan Lan frowned and deep lock, Yin Hong's lips were tightly squinting, and the beautiful light flashed. "The other party seems to know our route of travel. More and more people gather along the way. They seem to Know our direction!"

Cato was secretly surprised. "How is it possible? We haven't met anyone? What's more, two of our predecessors searched with God and deliberately avoided."

"A lot of nearby warriors are gathering toward us, and the other side knows where we are." A black-scale strongman is dignified. "It’s a hassle. It seems that we want to leave easily, not An easy thing."

Ferran did not speak, indifferent to Shiyan.

"They are right, we are completely exposed." Shi Yan looked calm. "My realm is low, but my knowledge can extend the distance of the touch is not small. Thousands of warriors around the world have received the message. Enclosed in all directions. In front of us, a lot of strong people have gathered, and several warships are coming over, waiting for our big drive."

When the space is extended by the gods, the penetration is very horrible. Although he only has the source of God and the heavens, although the coverage of the gods is far less than the two black scales, he can concentrate on the direction and can know. The news will never be less than the two.

A few times, the gods that he released were divided into several directions, and he had a clear understanding of the surrounding scenes.

A group of warriors who smashed into the starry field, originally scattered in various regions, gathered in the broken star field. However, before half an hour, the cluster of warriors clearly defined the target and no longer gathered to the broken In the middle of the star field, they are coming towards their location.

Obviously, every soldier has solid evidence that they are the initiators and know their exact location.

Shi Yan suddenly stopped.

The magical space in the hand is faint and bright, and a light curtain is intertwined, and the child's sub-matrix is ​​suddenly emerging.


A piece of crystal is like a broken jade, falling from the inside of his ring, accurately embedded in the groove of the sub-array, the streamer flashes, the energy beam interweaves, and the sub-array is motivated.

The pieces of Huaguang flicker, and they merge into a light door, which can lead to a deep and unknowable place.

He looked at Ferran and Cato and took a deep breath and said: "You will return to the ancient star for the time being!"

Ferran and Cato looked shocked and shook their heads again and again.

Lan Lan and the two black-skinned big men, their eyes lit up in vain, and they looked at the sub-array with great surprise. They really couldn’t help but admire them: "It’s a mysterious space array, it’s amazing, your kid’s realm is not high, even holding So different treasures, there is a hand."

Shi Yan's face is dignified, and Fei Lan and Cato seriously explained: "This trip will be extremely dangerous. The number of strong players sent by the other party is too high. The realm is also unpredictable. You can't bring me with me. Asylum, you will return first."

"Brothers, we will not abandon you no matter! If you want to die, we must be with you!" Cato bit his teeth, his eyes are red, and his body is filled with **** smell. "Not that killing, who is afraid of who!" ”

Ferran responded with silence.

"I cultivate the space, unless there is enough time to kill, there is always a chance to escape. Shi Yan shook his head and his heart was slightly moved. "If I am not sure, I will not force it to stay, you will return to the ancient star, and so on. After I got out of the way, I will accept you back. ”

He can't go.

If he walks, the child's sub-matrix must be crushed, or the enemy will find the ancient star, which will bring a devastating disaster to the ancient star. He didn't want to smash the sub-arrays that were not easy to repair, and he also had inexplicable confidence in himself.

Fei Lan lowered his head and looked dark. "The other party may have several gods and three heavenly powers. It is not impossible to kill you... Stone Rock, that is a mysterious, but it should be abandoned when it is abandoned. Some dangers are not worth taking."

"Yes, my brother, as long as we return to the ancient Lanxing, we will be able to avoid the danger in a short time, and we will talk about it later." Cato also dissuaded.

The orchids and the two black-skinned men were silent and waiting for their decision.

"No!" Shiyan's tone is firm and can't be refuted: "The sub-array can't be broken! Once the sub-array is broken, we all return to the Gulanxing. As long as people are found, it is difficult to struggle. There are sub-arrays. Exist, as long as I am alive, in other areas, you can still transfer all the human and material resources of the ancient star, to avoid being angered by the forces of the extreme West! Destroy less! You both return immediately, if not, blame me later Don't treat you as friends!"

Ferran looked up sharply and showed a shadow in his eyes. "If you die, we still have a hard time keeping Gu Lanxing. You are our root."

Cato bit his teeth and shouted: "Spell! I don't believe they can kill us!"

"I am not so easy to die." Shi Yan smiled coldly. "I have been debuting for many years. I am always struggling in a mortal situation. I have not really fallen into a desperate situation. Believe me, I have enough capital to protect myself. I will be fine." Live it!"

"There are us." Loulan suddenly made a noise, and smiled lightly: "As long as we are there, it will definitely not let him be smashed in seconds. You can return with peace of mind."

"Go." Shi Yan reached out and pulled.

The sub-group of light was intertwined, slowly floating over, stagnating at the feet of Ferran and Cato, waiting for the entry of the two.

" Take care!"

"Brothers take care!"

Fei Lan and Cato focused on the key points, and they no longer insisted. Under the urging of Shi Yan’s eyes, they rushed into the sub-array and immediately disappeared in Guangmen.

call out!

The sub-array is a shining stream, and under the sway of the rock of Shiyan, it disappears in his fantasy ring.

"Is there no worries?" Lan Lan chuckled. At this time, she was still calm. "There are many enemies, but if we have to break through the four people, we will not have a chance." After a pause, Lan Lan snorted. Proudly said: "This small place in the West is not too much to dare to do with our adults. I don't believe anyone will dare to start with us!"

At this time, Shi Yan already knows that their adult Gorefiend is an undead Mozu in the Mare Star Field, or a strong person who has reached the Divine Realm of the First God, and is famous throughout the Malang Star.

"As long as we are away from the West, I can communicate with adults. It is not difficult to traverse several small stars with the power of adults." A black-scale big man snorted and said arrogantly: Our adults are a flag of the Momo Stars, and they are the mainstay of the Mozu. I believe that there are no people who dare to face up to the adults.

"Okay, let's talk late, let's go." Shi Yan arranged for Ferran and Cato, and suddenly he relaxed, and his look was much more leisurely.

Lan Lanming showed a glimmer of color, and looked at him deeply, and his heart nodded secretly.

The trio did not say much, re-established the direction and continued to rush toward the periphery of the broken star field.

After an hour, Shi Yan and Lan Lan stopped and their eyes suddenly shrank.

In the foggy area in front of it, quietly heard low-pitched sounds. Two warships with a length of kilometers slowly swayed from the smoke and blocked their way forward.

The two warships were made of aggregates and stone, bright as silver, silver shining with sparkles, a warrior standing on the battleship, a warship on a warship, and another warship. Then there is a ghostly man who escaped before.

"It's him!" Gat's Gat was stern, and his face was distorted far away from Shiyan. He shouted: "The wind is soft and they are killed!"

A demon-like ghost-like middle-aged man with a javelin, his eyes are sharp, and it is the Nig of the ghostly family of the West, the three gods of the virtual god. He stood at the top of the battleship and looked over with his negative hand. Haze said: "How do you want him to die?"

"Taste the world torment, let the soul be burned by the flames for a long time, kill him a little!" Gat gnashed his teeth.

"He is mine!" The fat was screaming, like a beast, licking his mouth. "I must peel him off first!"

Shi Yan’s eyes were cold, his mouth was cold and a smile, and he said: “I’m afraid you don’t have that blessing.”

......(To be continued

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