God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 947: Three groups of souls

After Shi Yan woke up, he immediately asked him about the most relevant topic. "How long has it since I sank to now?"

"It didn't take long, it was eleven years." The geek grinned. "The kid is a good talent, and he can enter deeper insights. This will be great for your understanding of power." Benefits, let you understand the initial and origin of power."[]

Shiyan eyes stunned and suddenly silenced.

Eleven years, compared with the old monsters that have lived for thousands of years, the eleven years are indeed extremely short, but for him, it is very long.

Should the dust be settled on the Gulanxing side?

He looked bitter and sighed silently, and his heart was helpless.

During this time, he fell into a wonderful sense, constantly exploring in space, stars, and life and death. This kind of exploration is not a use of power, so he cannot be greatly improved.

This is an exploration of the nature, origin and ultimate power of power, which will allow him to have his own insights and unique insights into the deepest level of power, and to know the truth of the righteousness.

For him, it is still a little early to see the deep meaning of power at this time.

However, the sooner you recognize these things, in the future, in the exploration of the power of the righteousness, he will not go astray, and can always be clear in direction, and will not cultivate to the chaos of the final soul altar collapse.

He knows what he has got, and that kind of advantage is difficult to describe in words. Unless he is really touched, how to explain it to outsiders will be confusing and unable to grasp the essence.

"It's coming soon?" He woke up from deep thoughts, his eyes gradually lit up, and he said with a sigh: "Is it finally?".

"This is still coming early."

The geek whispered a whisper, the face that was condensed was really true, and it was no longer blurred. His complexity was unpredictable, like recalling the past, sighing and sighing deeply, looking at Shiyan deeply, saying lightly: "Many years ago ,my heart

...and there is a god, and the soul altar is not shattered, but now... Hey, I hope that you can get what you want. ”

As soon as this statement came out, Shi Yan’s face suddenly became dignified, and he suddenly realized the danger.

This person has lived in space for thousands of years. Before he was very early, he also had a god, perhaps like himself, but what happened?

What made him annihilate and let the soul altar collapse?

In the space between the cracks, although there is room for streamer erosion, it is a Jedi to the warrior, but it reaches a certain degree of strength. As long as the four-layer soul altar is condensed, and the horrible danger is not encountered, the altar will not be crushed.

This person is in the crack, the altar is shattered, and it is sure to encounter a disaster that is difficult to counterbalance!

What will it be?

Will you also end up with the same end as him?

He is getting more and more heavy.

There are tens of thousands of bubbles in the eyes. The big and small are floating and moving, and they are slowly flying toward the front.

This is just the limit he sees in sight. He can't see the area. He doesn't know how many similar bubbles. He doesn't know what these bubbles are, and he doesn't know how much they are. He doesn't know where to go.

However, he keenly captured that the speed at which the bubbles drifted seemed to gradually increase.

As close to the end, the stronger the attraction, the faster the speed will naturally be.

At the end of the bubble, there must be some kind of power, which is quietly affecting everything, pulling those inexhaustible bubbles and sinking them into one point.

When he was quietly thinking about it, the geek suddenly frowned, his eyes showing a trace of boredom, and whispered, "I haven't died yet!"

"You can all survive, why do I die?" Hey, a sudden, cold voice, rang from afar.

Shi Yan's face changed slightly.

This is the second sound he heard in the cracks. The sound is cold and ice-like, revealing the coldness of the bones, as if the frost rubbed, making people feel uncomfortable.

Immediately, he saw a cold light, and the cold light dragged a huge blue-blue bubble and flew in the direction he was in.

The cold light is a very cold atmosphere, but also a soul form, but there is no condensed image, just a cold condensate, in the blue-blue bubble where the cold light is, there is a woman...

An ice woman!

Shiyan just glanced at it and immediately recognized that the woman was the ice family of the Mana Star Field. Every one of them cultivated the ice-cold meaning, and the body was cold and cold. It was not much different from the appearance of the Terran. It was just as amazing as snow white. Ice and snow build bones, extremely beautiful and cold.

The woman seems to be only twenty years old, a white armor, wearing a phoenix crown, skin like snow, delicate face, long legs and chest, two snow-white arms lingering.

The cold light and the woman are not one, but two people.

Like him and the weirdo, a soul carries a man with a flesh.

The ice woman who stood proudly in the blue-blue bubble, the realm is much higher than him. In the realm of the virtual god, the face is cold and cold, and the eyes are as sharp as ice.

Her frown was deep and locked, and she glanced at the piece far away, her face getting colder and colder.

"Are you bad luck? How can you only find a kid who is a source of gods and two secrets, can he live with it?" From the cold light, there was a cold laughter. "It seems that you are jealous." There will be nothing to gain.

The stranger who is close to Shiyan, whose face is gloomy, can't help but scream, no rebuttal, and seems to feel a little lost face with Shiyan.

He has his own difficulties. He was extremely hard-rooted. He didn’t have much energy to pick and choose. If Shiyan did not capture the door of space, he might not find it. He was prepared. The abandonment just happened to perceive the stone rock chaos, and within the scope of his ability to feel, this will pull the stone rock.

After getting Shiyan, he was also very helpless, because Shiyan’s realm was too low, and he also felt hopeful.

Can always try...

He has no spare time to continue to select helpers, and Shi Yan’s “defective product” can only be used. As for whether he can succeed or not, he can only look at God’s will.

"You even found someone from the same family?" The geek snorted and suddenly reacted and looked at the ice woman, frowning and said: "Sister

...can know what will happen? ”

The cold is silent.

In the blue-blue bubble, the woman of the ice-aged woman has a cold eyes and a cold voice: "It has nothing to do with you!"

The geek laughed and shook his head and said, "Poor child."

"What about you?" The cold light seemed to counterattack. "When you find someone, you know what will happen? Hey, I don't know if I want to come. Many years ago, we were not the same, and we didn't understand it. Then he lost his body and collapsed the soul altar and became such a sad form. "The cold light seems to laugh at himself. "It has come over for so many years, as if it were a reincarnation, we became the leader and became a conspiracy. It’s really a robbery.”

Shi Yan’s eyes slammed into the cold, and the haze screamed at the weirdo, saying, “Listen to you, I don’t seem to have a good end, right?”

"Good end?" The geek screamed. "Where you enter this place, if you can't succeed, who can have a good end? Kid, don't hate me, I just give you an opportunity. Can you grasp it? To see an individual, at least you come in and have a chance."

“What kind of opportunity?” Shi Yan did not appreciate it. He sneered: “Is there a chance to die?”

"It is not necessarily the form of God, but the best state is the same as ours, the loss of the body, the sacrifice of the altar, only one soul left." The cold light said quietly.

Shi Yan’s heart was cold, like an ice cave, and the whole body was cold.

He suddenly realized that there would be no good things happening, and the geek pulled him over, absolutely to fulfill himself, just to get something.

As for his own life and death, the other party may not care at all.

The cold light and the geek immediately silenced, no longer saying anything, seemingly waiting for something silently.

The blue-blue bubbles are still floating in one direction. After a while, a huge blue-blue bubble appears in the front.

There is a dragon in it! A dragon!

The dragon is nearly two kilometers long. The dragon head and the dragon tail are almost filled with huge bubbles. It is hard to restrain. It seems to be afraid of letting the body reveal bubbles. At the top of the dragon head, there is a dark green, that is Another soul.

The face of the geek suddenly changed, and the cold light seemed to vibrate a bit. Some of them were afraid to look at the dark green light on the dragon.

The dragon is the demon, or the most invincible race of the demon. In the time of the ancient star, Na Xin and others got a fascinating bone, ecstatic, and explained to him the appearance of the dragon. , and the physical strength of the body.

Therefore, just glanced at him and he knew that it was a dragon.

After a while, he can be sure that this dragon is at least twelve, comparable to a virtual state, and the physical strength is much stronger than the virtual god.

The dragon's soul seemed to be banned, bounded by the dark green soul on its head, so that even the soul fluctuations could not be released. It seemed to have been struggling, but unfortunately, it could not get rid of the imprisonment of the soul.

"You actually took a dragon to come over, aren't you afraid of the revenge of the dragon family?" The geek stared for a while and suddenly screamed.

"The dragons want to retaliate against me, but also to be able to enter this place? If I can get out, why are you afraid of the anger of the dragons?" From the dark green light group, there was a mad laughter. "In order to give birth to this The lost dragon in the head, I have spent a lot of thoughts, so I am bound to get it!"

In this statement, the strange face suddenly became heavy. He glanced at Shiyan and sighed helplessly. He seemed to feel hopeful.

The possession of physical creatures seems to be a guarantee for their success. The stronger the body, the greater the hope for them. Because of the special constitution, the ice family is also extremely strong, and the dragons of the Yaozu need not say much. It is a powerful presence that is famous for its major stars.

In the strange person's point of view, compared with the ice women's dragons, Shi Yan seems to be less than mentioning.

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