God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 948: Intervene!

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The souls of the three groups are in three blue-blue bubbles, and they are still floating fast in front of them. The stone rock and the ice-family woman, and the dragon, are also in the bubble.

I don't know how long it took, the geeks and the predecessors of the ice family, and the later appearing, exchanged their souls with each other, and suddenly exerted their power.

Shi Yan and the bubble of the ice-female woman slammed forward and plunged directly into the huge bubble that bound the dragon.

"You stay here for the time being, let's go to the front to set it up." The strange man who brought the stone rock, knowing it at random, laughing, and leaving with the other two groups of souls.

Inside the huge blue-blue bubble, the stone rock and the ice woman, and the dragon were placed together.

The three souls did not know what force was exerted. The bubbles of the three people in Shiyan stopped floating and were fixed in the distance.

Beside them, a bubble of varying sizes, like a blue-blue balloon, is still flying fast towards the end, and the bubbles of the three of them are free of some suction.

The dragon, the soul is very strong, seems to have been struggling all the time.

However, I don’t know the person who came to the end, what kind of soul bond is imposed on the dragon, no matter how the dragon condenses the soul power, can’t get rid of the imprisonment, but the helpless shaking the huge body, it seems quite desperate and painful. .

"Do you know what is going on? The three souls without flesh, get us here, what do you want to achieve with us?" Shi Yan's face is cold, and after the disappearance of the three groups of souls, immediately ask the ice woman .

In his view, this ice woman is very obedient, as if she knows something secret, he is not willing to be overcast by the weirdo, want to figure out the situation first, and find a chance to bite.

It is a pity that the ice woman was quite disdainful to him. She looked down on him from the bottom of her heart. A pair of cold scorpions just glanced at him and ignored him. He did not mean to talk to him.

After a while, the ice woman quietly flew up and fell to the top of the dragon's head. She exerted the extreme cold power around her body, releasing the refined soul wave and infiltrating the dragon's forehead, seemingly wanting to help the head. The dragon broke free.

A grain of icy sweat appeared from her frosty white cheeks, and she fell down her white neck. She cultivated the extreme cold power, and her body was so cold that even the sweat came out and she immediately became frozen.

She is engrossed, her face is stern and indifferent, the graceful body is chilly, and the icy airflow is freed from the slender fingers, and the inch of the **** is not in the faucet.

That Xiaolong seems to know what she wants to do, her expression is shocked, and her big eyes show a hint of surprise.

The two men worked together, and the huge body of the dragon gradually frozen, like a layer of frost, chilling.

The face of the female hand of the ice family became more and more dignified, constantly releasing the power, and even faintly using the power of the virtual world. A ray of light formed a cobweb, which quietly bloomed from her eyebrows and covered the dragon.

The dragon squirmed and the sound of the frosty body seemed to be very laborious.

Suddenly, a triangular imprint emerges from the skull of the dragonfly, which contains huge soul fluctuations.

Xiaolong showed a very painful look, and his eyes were full of fear and resentment. The triangle's imprinted soul was more and more fierce, mainly for him. It should be the last real form of one's enchantment, mainly to ban the dragon soul.

The more the dragon is struggling, the brighter the triangle's mark is, like three sharp-edged swords, cutting his soul, causing its painful body to curl into a mass, and it trembles.

The ice-faced woman's ice-faced face is gradually pale, and the sweat is turned into ice beads, which is like a huge force.

The dragon struggled for a long time, could not withstand the pain of the soul, gradually revealed desperation and helplessness, and the body stopped squirming, as if to want to give up.

The ice woman’s eyes were cold, her voice was like a skate, and she said, “If you give up! We really don’t have a chance!”

The dragon's soul was bound, and it seemed that even the ability to speak was not there. Its huge eyes flashed, showing sorrow and pain.

It seems that even the ability to communicate with people in the soul is deprived, and the situation is much worse than that of Shiyan and the ice woman.

In the scream of the ice woman, Xiaolong was so excited that he began to force his strength and continued to struggle.

The huge body of more than 2,000 meters in length is struggling, and the **** marks appear in the scales. This is the performance of the monsters to exert the physical strength to the extreme. In order to get rid of the bondage, this dragon seems to be desperate.

The ice woman and the dragon seem to know their own destiny. In order to break free from the fate, they are trying hard to get rid of the dominance of the three groups of souls.

However, no matter whether it is the dragon or the woman of the ice family, they did not know the stone rock, and they did not use the stone rock that they encountered the same as the usable help.

They can all take out the realm of the stone rock. In their eyes, only the stone rock of the source **** and the double heavens seems to be insufficient. They are not useful for their efforts, so they are too lazy to explain and lazy to see him. eye.

In the same blue-blue bubble, Shiyan frowned deeply, his face was cold, and silently looked at the ice woman and the dragon.

After a long time, he floated and moved to the faucet of the faucet like the ice woman. He looked at the skin like ice and snow, and the beautiful and delicate ice woman said indifferently: "What do I need to help?"

Xiaolong’s activities were difficult and he could not see him. He heard his voice and his struggling body was only a slight meal.

The woman of the ice family frowned slightly, and looked at him with a cold eye. He said coldly, "You can't help, as long as you don't talk, don't give us a break, don't affect our attention, it will help." ”

Shiyan was amazed.

After a moment of silence, he continued: "Are you ready to help the dragon to break free from the soul?"

The ice woman's eyes flashed a disgust, seemingly felt that the speech affected her concentration, and then did not look back, but continued to concentrate on releasing power, with the soul fluctuations to help the dragon, trying to slightly counter the triangular soul mark.

The imprint, from the arrogant soul, mysterious and unpredictable, seems to be a lock, locking the soul of the dragon.

If you want to unlock, get rid of that person's bondage, just unlock the lock, or forcibly destroy it, this dragon and the ice woman use is the latter method, want to forcibly destroy the imprint, get rid of the bondage, Let Xiaolong get out of trouble.

Seeing Xiaolong and the ice-aged woman, they ignored their own meaning. Shiyan frowned slightly, stopped for a while in the same place, suddenly extended his left hand, and pressed the top of the faucet without urgency.

"Don't intervene! Otherwise it will only be counterproductive!" The ice woman suddenly screamed and turned sharply, and her eyes were cold like a knife. "If you are in a hurry, I am welcome!"

The dragon also struggled fiercely, and there was even a drop of blood in the gap between the flesh and scales. The eyelids showed anxious and unbearable, as if they were not willing to let the low-lying stone rock intervene, and thought that Shiyan might be helpless.

However, when it tried to block it, it’s a bit of a surprise in its eyes, it’s a bit confusing...,...

After five seconds, the huge body of Xiaolong suddenly trembled, and there was great joy in his eyes!

The ice-female woman who wanted to start, suddenly stopped, looked at Shiyan with a look of confusion, and looked at the hand that Shiyan pressed on the skull of the dragon.

After the hand was pressed on the skull of the dragonfly, she was keenly aware of the dying dragon, and there seemed to be a glimpse of life in the body. The vitality was very rich, and it contained the wonders of the world. Nourishes the body of the dragon.

That is, the energy of the odd energy that gives life to the fluctuations exceeds her normal cognition.

Under the gift of the vitality machine, the already exhausted dragon, the body was revived, and in the absence of reed, it struggled fiercely.

The cold eyes of the ice woman quietly lit up, and nodded slightly to him. He said coldly: "This will enhance the vitality, don't stop!" She is the tone of the order, take it for granted, think that Shiyan only listens to her. In order to bring luck to the three.

Shi Yan smiled lightly, mixed up, and as she said, she continued to release vitality and help Xiaolong recover a little.

In the distance, in the blue-blue bubble, the arrogant soul suddenly smiled disdainfully. "The three little guys seem to be working together to help me get rid of the shackles."

The cold flashed a bit and did not speak.

The geek who brought Shiyan to this place is shaking his head. "It’s a waste of time."

"They will struggle and be normal. Not everyone, they are as stupid as the kid you brought." The soul teased. "The guy who pulled it, seems to have no idea what will happen? Oh, but you are not squatting." Use, he only has the source of God and the second day, when he can't bear it? Do you think that sneak into his body, can you enter before his annihilation? Is it naive?"

The geek's clear face sank and snorted: "It doesn't bother you, whether you can, I always try. The kid, the **** is still very tough, I have tried it before, not necessarily can't stand it."

"Haha, that's good, I want to see if you can use him to enter." The arrogant soul laughed.

"The woman is a member of your ice family. It seems that the qualifications are extraordinary. The body is also quenched by special things. It is a good seed. How can you be willing?" The strange person directed the cold. "She knows the affection?"

"She is the sacrifice that my family has searched for. She knows the meaning of her existence. The ice family deliberately cultivated her, just to get here and make plans for me to enter there." The cold light sighed and seemed to be a little bit intolerable. ,"Pity."

"She doesn't seem to accept her life? Hey, she is helping me with the dragon."

"Oh, unfortunately, but she can't do it." The cold light sighed again.

Ps: From today, I started to owe...

Heaven and earth are not benevolent with all things as a dog!

A young man who is fascinated by the practice of a thousand worlds has gained the deities of the world and the gods of the gods. Life has changed from this moment, and beyond the law, it is in the sky! The starting point of the Platinum writers and elves follows the masterpiece of "The Dominant World". The secret that can't be said is in the hot [temple], waiting for you to fight!

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