God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 949: Cat knife test

The body of the ice woman pressed around the ice and air, gradually tempted to the dragon, and the dragon made the whole body energy, and struggled fiercely.

Shi Yan pressed one hand on the head of the faucet, and raised the vitality of life and death. He continued to transport the vitality machine to help the body of the dragon to continue to have strength.

The three men worked together to try to free the triangle mark. However, for a long time, the mark still did not dissipate.

Gradually, the ice women took the lead to eat, and a sigh of exhaustion, silver gods, like a desperate heart.

Immediately, the dragon also stopped, and the eyes were full of deep despair.

These two people seem to have to give up.

Shi Yan frowned, his face became more and more dignified, his thoughts turned, and a piece of Shenjing floated out of the magical space ring. He piled into a crystal block in his palm. He sat on the skull of the dragon and slowly closed. The eye, taking power from the crystal, restores the loss.

The woman of the ice family stopped at the ground and took out Shen Jing. She sat down with him and resumed with Shen Jing.

Xiaolong did not move, his eyes were a little numb, and his soul's soul gradually flattened.

The triangular mark that appeared on its head, because of its active abandonment, gradually became bleak and seemed to have stopped.

The three did not speak, and I didn't know how long it took. Shi Yan took the lead to recover. I looked at the ice woman and whispered: "What the **** is going on? I was dragged into the place by that person, nothing about this. I know, can you explain it to me?"

The Ice woman had despised him very much. At this time, her attitude was a little better. It seemed that he was still useful. He responded coldly: "We will all die."

Shi Yan nodded and didn't feel surprised. "The three groups of souls are not good to us. I know very well. I want to know them or how?"

"The place where they enter, they need the flesh to support, and they have no flesh, we are their flesh. When we rush in, they will enter our bodies, with our body as a hiding place, dissipate in our body. Before, it’s good to enter somewhere.” The ice woman sighed and said helplessly: “In the case of the best luck, we will lose the body soul. The altar will collapse and leave a trace of soul, just like the three of them. Luck is not good, we will not leave even the remnants of the soul, and will truly be destroyed."

Shi Yan’s face suddenly changed.

The dragon's body moved and looked at the front, seemingly wanting to interject, but its soul was imprisoned, and could not directly participate in the conversation between Shiyan and the ice woman, it seems to be very wrong.

"Is there a chance?" Shi Yan was silent for a long time and asked again.

"If he can get rid of the bondage, maybe we have a chance to join hands, but now... afraid it is extremely difficult." The ice woman looked blank.

Shi Yan’s eyes were extremely dignified. He took a deep breath and looked at the dragon under his body. He sighed, and said softly: “Let me try it?”

The ice woman looked blank and stared at him for a while. "Do you try? You are the source of God, what role can you play?"

"I always try it, I can't say it anymore." Shi Yan smiled lightly. Under her attention, she reached out and pressed her hand to the skull.

The face of the ice woman immediately condensed and looked at him seriously.

This embarrassment, Shiyan did not add vitality to the dragon, but released the soul fluctuations, a refined soul, flew out of his palm, did not enter the faucet skull.

He immediately noticed the huge soul fluctuations of Xiaolong.

Unlike many races, the monsters do not have the concept of a soul sacrifice. Their souls are not suspended in the sea of ​​knowledge and power. The cultivation methods they take seem to focus more on physical hardening.

There is no soul altar in the skull of the dragon head. There is only a very strong soul wave, like a turbid ball, constantly rolling.

The soul ball, which was not rolled at this time, was mixed by a triangular mark. The mark was the binding energy, occupying the dragon's soul, making it difficult for its soul to control itself as much as it wants. No.

The rock of Shiyan’s soul fell into the middle, and the faint triangular mark of the original light suddenly brightened.

A very strong counterattack force, from the imprint, grows like a human eye with his eyes, tearing a smash of his soul.

The sea of ​​consciousness suddenly hurts, and Shiyan’s eyes slowly cooled down.


He whispered violently, and the sacred thoughts that he exerted on him, the power of the mystery suddenly changed, and turned into a sharp space blade, to turn the souls into pieces.


The singularity, the soul that was shot from the triangle mark, suddenly fell into countless hairsprings, did not actively confront him, and quietly fell into the dragon soul.

It seems that the hairy soul-like atmosphere has its own sense of life, and it is closely related to the master, and can be directly driven by the master.

The implication of the imprint is just to ban the dragon soul, and does not want to spend too much power in other directions.

Shi Yan frowned and felt a bit tricky.

If you really want to target the imprint, unless you infiltrate into the dragon's soul, the imprisoned force will continue to swim. It is not easy to destroy it. He has the space to understand the gods. If you are not careful, you may completely hurt the dragon. The soul, perhaps the soul ban has not been lifted, but the dragon's soul is broken. This is naturally not what he wants to see.

He is silent.

"It's very troublesome." The ice woman's woman said faintly: "It is difficult for us to help it with our own soul power. Only it can break free. This is why I can only try to freeze the soul mark with the power of ice and cold. ”

Shi Yan nodded. "It is really tricky. The realm of the person is deep and his understanding of power is very thorough. The release of his standby is in harmony with his consciousness. It is not static."

"Hey." The ice woman sighed and looked at him in a complicated way. It seemed that he was in vain and immediately silenced.

Shi Yan did not stop here. He was thinking about it and frowning to find a solution.

After a long time, his eyes slowly lit up, and a thought appeared in the bottom of his heart.

The next moment, in his knowledge of the sea, another soul has quietly changed...

The soul that is integrated into the origin of the gods and the formation of the skyfire seems to be a hot flame, burning in the raging.

All kinds of skyfire and the source are integrated into one, and it is a part of his soul. The characteristics of Skyfire are also the characteristics of his soul. You can do whatever you want. With the change and change of his mind, when he thinks of a life, the soul will A skyrocketing change has taken place.

The soul, as if it has become a fusion of Suzaku's real fire, purgatory fire, and earth fire, reveals all the characteristics of the sun to the heat, making his soul as hot as a small sun.

The change of the soul directly caused his body to have a different appearance. In a moment, the red glow was hot, and the red and bright was extremely scary.

The ice woman who was not far from him, showed a slight disgust on her pretty face. She seemed to hate the heat of the heat. The active and avoidance of the Emei deep lock was not close to Shiyan.

Shi Yan did not care about her, and exerted the power of the whole mind, so that the deputy soul formed a flame form, and immediately separated the force of the flame. The force of the flame was bound by a film, and it was very cautious toward the skull. The soul flies.

Xiaolong seemed to feel uncomfortable, fiercely struggling, and his eyes showed deep fear and anxiety.

However, the flame that penetrated into his soul, for no reason, did not pose a threat to his soul. The film in it seemed to temporarily wrap the burning of the flame, so that the heat of terror was not released.

But the breath, still the horror of the extreme, let Xiaolong immediately stop the intense shaking, the nerves are tightened, for fear that it will be burned to ashes.

The mark hidden in the soul of the dragon, after the infiltration of the flame of Shiyan, seems to know the danger, but also a little frightened, in the corners of the dragon soul, the electric mangling like a fly, for fear of being captured.

Shi Yanzui showed a sneer.

The imprint knows how to fear, which means that the hot and hot energy that he releases can indeed threaten the existence of the imprint. The imprint should be the arrogant soul power and the soul. As long as it is burned to ashes, the body of the fellow will also feel the same. Suffered from trauma.

The bound soul power is constantly avoiding, and Shiyan is not in a hurry, and continues to enhance the release of heat.

Gradually, a flame of the ocean, drowning the dragon soul, the flame ocean is also wrapped by a layer of film formed by the source of power, so as not to directly burn the dragon soul to burn out.

The mark of hiding inside the dragon, it seems that he was not aware of it, hesitated for a long time, suddenly caught the opportunity, rushed out from the dragon's soul, and fled to the outside.

call out!

A beam of light flies out of the dragon's eye and quickly dissipates into the distance.

Shi Yan indulged a bit, his face a little, a little eyebrows.


The hot flame rushed out, the speed was fast and urgent, and it rushed directly to the beam, and immediately violently hot and hot, immediately released.


The beam that flew out quickly melted away, and the flame released from his eyebrows burned into the sky, and all kinds of souls completely dissipated.

The bound dragonfly suddenly roared, its huge body swayed, and a beautiful arc was drawn. The dragon's horn was shining with metallic luster, and it seemed that the power had re-transformed.

The ice woman, the cold scorpion showed a horrible color, a little taboo to look at the stone rock, and quietly and the distance from the stone rock, seems to be very uncomfortable with the hot air released from the stone rock.

The ice people live in the extremely cold regions. No ice people like heat. For them, the most cold and cold place can make their strength grow rapidly. They instinctively dislike light and heat.

"Oops!" The ice woman suddenly remembered something. "The soul ban was set by the arrogant guy. You, you burned his ban! He can certainly perceive everything we do now, they must know." !"

Shi Yan had just hesitated, but he finally got a sigh of relief and burned the soul.

He said that he was calm and said: "The three people are not well-intentioned. We naturally don't have to keep our hands and can hurt them to the greatest extent. We can have more chances to survive."

"Damn guy, he dared to impose a soul ban on my McGee, I must let him pay the price!" The dragon that is freely moving, screaming in the blue-blue bubble, the sound is bursting, the momentum is very Amazing, "I can't spare him!"

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