God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 950: 孽龙麦基

Inside the sleek space, there is a stagnation point, which is a huge blue-blue bubble like a star of life.

The bubbles are huge, there are countless flames of meteor-like light, and they all converge toward the inside, and there are bubbles in all directions, which disappear in the huge blue-blue bubbles.

It seems to be the end, and the space is in the end of the river.

The three groups of souls are also here to stay.

Daddy, the arrogant soul trembled fiercely, like a slammed blow.

Gradually, he became a young man with a blue face, his demeanor, and his curse: "Damn! The soul imposed by me is not only lifted, but also burned!"

The hole light was distorted and turned into a cold face. He frowned and looked at him: "Don't you say that the dragon can't get rid of it?"

The strange person brought by Shiyan is also a slight change in his face. "It seems that things have changed a bit. I really didn't expect this time to suddenly change."

"It's yours!" The screaming screamed, "Carlos, the boy you brought, is it the power to cultivate the flames? No! There is a fire in his flames! He blends the source! Mom, Carlos, why didn't you remind me beforehand?"

The man known as Carlos was the one who brought Shiyan into the place. His face was dark and gloomy. "Tianhuo? That kid actually integrated into Skyfire! Damn!"

"Ibaka! What do you do now?" The cold face that changed from the cold light, the attitude is dignified, looking at the arrogant, said: "Ibaka, how did your Snapdragon come? Will he lead? Come to the dragon family?"

As soon as the dragons are mentioned, the souls of these three groups are all sinking, and they all seem to know the terribleness of the dragons.

"Dragons?" The arrogant Ibaka also looked grim, and thought about it. He shook his head. "It shouldn't. Krissen, you are also the big one of the ice family. Your ice people have always been strong, and the dragons and the dragons are also Not far from each other, the dragons are really difficult to deal with?"

The soul of the Three Groups, the stone rock brought the name Carlos, the strong of the ice family named Krissen's last arrogant power, it is Ibaka, the strongest of the Mart star field, reaching the virtual **** The peak is only one step away from the beginning of God.

Today they are gathering here at the same time, and what they want to get is enough for them to pass this threshold and enter the beginning of the gods to reunite the soul altar.

Krissen is a strong man of the ice family. He is a famous sage of the ice family. His power is refined and refined. He has reached the virtual state of God at an early age. He is here to find the opportunity to break through the beginning of God.

The ice people in the area of ​​the Malang star are not far from the dragons and they are more clear about the bottom of the dragons.

Carlos was also very concerned when he asked about Ibaka, and he also looked deep into Krissen and looked at the strongman of the ice.

Krissen frowned deeply and said: "In the field of our Malang, the Yaozu is strong, and the Dragon and the Dragon are the pillars of the Yaozu. They are the first in the Yaozu. We are ice. The family and the dragons are not far apart, and they dare not tore the face with the strong race of the Yaozu. The dragons have always been short-sighted, and they will report that if you know that you are going to take their people, you will not be willing to give up."

As soon as this statement came out, Ibaka’s face was stunned. “When Laozi has made the beginning of God, he is not afraid of them!”

"Absolutely can't let them get rid of it." Krissen sipped low. "Otherwise, we can't escape the anger of the dragons!"

"Here, can they still go out?" Carlos smiled. "The kid I got over, although I know the space, but I can't find a space gap, he has to stay here forever." He paused and said. : "Don't leave them alone. After we have fixed this side, we will take the three juniors."

Krissen also nodded and comforted: "Ibaka, there is no **** in this place to detect, even if we kill the little dragon, no one knows that the player will be us. Well, as long as it will know The matter is all killed, and in the future we will return to the Malang Star Field, and the Dragon Dragons will not find you."

I gave it to Krissen and Carlos, and Ibaka laughed. "Yes, we still finish the business first."

The three groups of souls immediately began to act.

They floated slowly around the blue-blue giant bubble, fixed many huge flying bubbles, and then exerted their own power, letting a huge blue-blue bubble slowly shrink, and then immersed in the greatest one. Blue blue bubbles inside.


A blue current is emitted from the bubble and merges into the small bubbles that they condense.

Gradually, under the force of the three men, there were ice crystals that were condensed and pulled out by them, suspended next to their souls. Those ice blue crystals were from the largest blue. The color bubbles are combined with a certain force and seem to have special effects.

The three men each condensed ten ice blue crystals, and the soul fluctuations were a little wilting, which seemed to consume a lot of energy.

"Almost." Ibaka spoke first, his face, and said: "Let's go, we can bring the three juniors over."

Krissen and Carlos also stopped, looked at the ice blue crystal block beside the suspension, nodded, and returned with the Ibaka, seemingly to find Shiyan and they settled.

After the dragon McGee snarled for a while, he slowly stopped. His huge body twisted for a while, slowly contracting and changing, becoming a rough youth.

Shi Yan is a bit strange, looking at him to change his body, gradually becoming a human form, knowing that the transformation has been completed.

After the demon family reaches a certain level of realm, the flesh can be changed at will, and it is easy to turn into a common human form.

After McGee had a seven-shape, he was very pleased to fly over and took a shot of Shi Yan’s shoulder. He praised: “You are very powerful. It can help me to dispel the soul. It’s not bad. My McGee is the most friendship, what? When you come to the territory of our dragons, I must treat you well."

He did not go to the woman of the ice family.

The woman of the ice family, frowning slightly, watching Shi Yan and McGee laughing and talking there, slightly intolerant: "I still think about what to do next? The three guys will definitely not give up, maybe now Already rushed over."

Shi Yan and Xiaolong McGee gave her such a saying, immediately stopped talking and laughing, his face dignified.

"The three guys are very familiar with this place. We will fight with them here. We definitely can't get any benefit." McGee snorted and his eyes seemed to have a spark of fire. "I tried it, from meeting the guy, I have been struggling all the time, not his opponent at all.

He also knows that I will not be arrogant, and will only imprison my soul, so that I can't continue to trouble him. ”

After a pause, he looked at the women of Shiyan and the ice family and said, "What about you? Can you defeat them?"

The ice woman’s white cheeks moved, and she sighed helplessly. “I am different from you, I am actively entering.”

Shi Yan and McGee looked confused.

"Which person is the pride of our ice family. It was a virtual world at a very early age. It will come here in order to enter the realm of the gods. I don't know what mystery is here, and I don't know if there is anything to help. He entered the beginning of God, but I was arranged by the elders of the family, and was sent as his sacrifice. The purpose is to add a starting **** to the ice family. I am a stepping stone for his breakthrough." Ice woman face lonely.

"I know who he is, Krysen is right? I have heard this person!" McGee nodded. "We are not far from your ice, and you know the strong guys of your ice, he is Krissen." It has disappeared for many years and I did not expect to enter this place."

"I have heard of you." The ice woman looked at McGee. "The youngest son of the patriarch of the 孽 族 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 妄 妄 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小 最小

McGee looked awkward, a little embarrassed to look at Shiyan, and spread his hand to explain: "Ice and our dragons are also opposites. They are malicious to me. I actually have a good reputation, brother, you. Don't listen to this woman."

Shi Yan laughed and nodded. "No, I don't care if your reputation is good. I just want to know both of you. There is a way to leave here. As long as you find me a visit, I can take you out of here. ""

McGee and the ice woman, listening to him saying this, all eyes bright, revealing the eyes of the consultation.

"I cultivate space for my righteousness." Shi Yan explained with a smile.

McGee and the ice woman looked shocked.

"I know how to come, I know the direction!" McGee took the lead and said, "Follow me, I will take you to the door!"

Then, McGee took the lead in rushing toward the area behind him. He was like a dragon, and he was smashing the blue enchantment cover. He was rampant in the turbulent flow outside the domain. He did not seem to worry about the erosion of the stream outside the field.

The ice woman hesitated a moment, exerted her strength, and the whole body became frozen, and also flew out from the blue-blue bubble.

Shi Yanla is at the end.

McGee is a demon, or a scorpion-family who is famous for his flesh. This area is like a myriad of electric mansions bombarding him. He seems to be unaffected, such as a flash of lightning.

The ice woman's body is frozen, as if it is an extremely cold rock ice, and it acts as usual in the stream outside the field.

Shi Yan frowned, knowing that the Mackey and the ice women were all famous for their physical strength. The woman’s body seemed to have been tempered by the secret method. It seemed to be specially adapted to this place. Instead, he was flowing outside the field. In the body, the power inside the body is quickly consumed.

"Where to escape?!" The three men flew for a short time, and suddenly they heard the scream of Ibaka from behind them. "Before I hurt my boy, I will take your source and help me heal! Give me death!"

The souls of the three groups, like three ghosts, suddenly appeared from behind them, fluttering at a rapid speed, in three directions, quickly approaching.

... (to be continued)

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