God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 970: Quenching

The misty orchid pinched the ancient book and carefully looked at it. From time to time, her fingertips showed a hint of sparkling light, and the snake snake injected into the inside of the book, and immediately browed and frowned.

Shi Yan looked indifferent, swaying the scarlet wine in his hand, paying attention to the every move of the orchid. []

After a long time, Woodland shook his head and looked suspiciously: "I have never seen the text on the book. The material of this book is also very special. The energy I injected can't accurately grasp the meaning of the book text. Well, I see There is no such thing as the ancient book."

Woodland returned the ancient book to Shiyan.

"Forget it, I also know that this book is quite weird. It seems that I can only understand it later." Shi Yan did not care, re-created the ancient books into a magical ring, and then continued to drink.

In a short time, the demon old man who was arranged to leave by Woodlands, came over with respect and respect, holding a ring of green and dripping in his hand. The ring was engraved with complicated and difficult veins, and there was a lot of space energy fluctuations. "Adult, this is the twenty-four million top-quality gods you commanded."

Woodland waved his hand and signaled him to Shiyan.

Knocking on the ring, Shi Yan’s consciousness moved a little, and the thoughts floated inside the white ring.

The splendid space, the pieces of the top crystals piled up into mountains, stacked, towering hundreds of meters, each piece of crystal is crystal clear, Huaguang slowly trembles, energy fluctuations are obvious.

God knows passing, Shiyan show Yan Huan laughs, and Chong Lan nodded. "Yes, 24 million top grade Shenjing, huh, this is my biggest wealth. I didn't expect three thousand lotuses, even There are so many crystals."

"You guys really don't know the preciousness of Yuanshi's grades." Lan Lan laughed, "Honestly.

The actual price of Qiandenglian at the auction site is at least 10 million. I bought it for 8 million, which is quite cheap for you. ”

Shi Yan smiled and said, "I don't care too much about buying and selling. Otherwise, I will not be able to pay for it. Besides, we can stand on the blood star, and it is also a blessing for you. It is only natural that you take advantage of it." ”

Yu Lan’s attitude towards him was very gratified and said: “I am also a profit for the master. Once these three thousand lotuses are integrated into the master’s sense of the sea,

The master's knowledge of the sea coverage will be expanded by one-tenth, which is of great benefit to his soul altar, and the beginning of the world will be expanded. I think the owner must be very surprised. ”

"So very good." Shi Yan nodded.

“Thousands of lotuses still need to be tempered.” Lan Lan indulged and explained it carefully. “Thousands of lotuses grow in the dark and cold places.

Can not see the light, a thousand lotus leaves from growing to maturity, generally takes at least 10,000 years. Wannian is in the dark and cold land

Naturally, there will be a lot of chilly breath, and those breaths are filled with thousands of lotus petals.

And God does not know. Therefore, Qiandianlian must remove the dark and chilly breath before taking it. Of course, if the ups and downs of the cultivator's cultivation are precisely the attributes of extreme cold and cold, there will be only benefits and no loss. ”

After a pause, Woodland said again: "I see your power, and the soul altar should not be extremely cold?"

"Well, it seems that I have to quench it." Shi Yan smiled and thought, and a new blue hail appeared in his palm.

The blue orchids suddenly brightened, and the red lips evoke a surprising arc. "It seems that you really have a lotus root. It is really enviable."


A glimpse of the heat from the fingertips of Shiyan, such as a flame of electricity, direct access to the interior of the blue hail, his mind immediately quietly moved, the soul altar slowly rotates.

The face of the cypress was stunned, and the body was twitching. She stared at the fingertips of Shiyan for a moment, and her eyes gradually became dignified.

"Tianhuo?" Woodland asked tentatively, and his face was carefully.

"Well, Skyfire."

Shi Yan gave a positive answer, and his eyes were more and more focused. He was swaying in the blue-and-snow dragon snake, infiltrating into the layers of lotus petals of each thousand lotus, and removing the The darkness is cold and breathless.

Lan Lanmei was full of surprises and looked at him deeply, for a long time.

She did not think that Shiyan was in a natural fire. In the Malang star field, skyfire is also extremely rare. Only the oldest mainland, the star of life with its origin can be nurtured. The Malang star also has the ancient continent, but unfortunately However, it has already smashed into numerous pieces, wandering around the vast expanse of the starry sky.

Regarding the rhetoric of the ancient continent and the skyfire, Yulan also had a serious insight, naturally knowing the wonders of the skyfire and knowing the mystery of the source.

The fusion of the skyfire is said to reach the source of the righteousness, and thus a deeper insight into the essence of the righteousness. In the realm of power, it is much faster than ordinary people.

The stone rock of Yuanshen Ertian is naturally very talented in the eyes of Woodlands. She had always had various doubts in her heart. It is not clear why the age of stone rock is so high, it can be seen that the skyfire, she seems suddenly With the answer, the heart of the lake is turbulent.

The blue hail that was rushed into the sky, the blue color of the ocean, appeared as a blue light curtain, covering the blue hail. The blue ice scorpion seems to be a clear blue crystal, crystal clear, and even able to pull out the pieces of thousands of lotus roots inside.

Blue ice is a special kind of space vessel, which is tempered by a unique way. At this time, there are countless flames and snakes in the inside of the vessel. It seems that the spider's web is spread over every corner of the blue ice, and penetrates into every thousand lotus. Lotus petals.

Woodland is silent, not afraid to disturb, just watching it intently.

The blue-glossy interior of the blue hail, quietly revealing a hint of rainbow light, inserting red fire lines, reddish fire, golden red streamlines, fine crosses, extremely complicated and complicated.


A chilly atmosphere, quietly escaped from the wonderful veins on the blue ice, turned into a white smoke, and quickly dissipated.

An hour passed quietly, and Lan Lan did not say a word, always watching carefully.

Gently exhaling a breath, Shi Yan’s eyes widened slightly, and he smiled and said: “It’s done.”

The blue light is no longer released, and the blue hail is spread smoothly in his palm, becoming unpretentious, no longer crystal clear, and naturally cannot continue to see the inner mystery.

The micro-seismic of the 霁兰神, also woke up from the scorpion, and then looked at Shiyan’s gaze, filled with many unknown meanings. “You guy, oh, it seems that we still stunned you, I really didn’t expect you to have So many secrets."

"There is nothing, but the road is better than others." Shi Yan put the blue hail and put it up and looked out at Shimen. He said: "My people have been here for a long time, I will arrange it."

Woodlands nodded.

Naxin of the Giants, Jester and Longzhu, Fengqi, and Yang Zhuo seemed to be a bit cautious. Under the leadership of a Mozu warrior, they came in silently.

The demon star is the Gorefiend territory. In the Malang star field, it is the powerful life star of the top. There are many strong demons in this place. For Naxin, they are considered to be under the fence. It is normal to be cautious.

When they saw Shiyan, they really breathed a sigh of relief. Yang Zhuo first laughed. "Xiaoyanzi, what do you call us?"

"Let's talk." Yan Lan smiled and went out with fun. The guards of the Mozu in the palaces also knew each other. They left with her and left this to Shi Yan.

"I sold three thousand lotuses." Shi Yan looked at Na Xin, and his attitude was dignified: "A thousand lotuses are worth eight million top grades, and now I have twenty-four million crystals in my hands."

Na Xin, Jester, Yang Zhuo, etc., suddenly looked dull, and immediately the body suddenly trembled, and the eyes overflowed with ecstasy.

"Naxin predecessors, ten thousand lotuses in your hands, don't sell them for a while. Qiandianlian is worth the price! Selling is easy, it is difficult to buy, and the 24 million top grade Shenjing is temporarily enough for us. I bought all kinds of cultivation materials from the medicine cabinet." Shi Yan said, "I have to come to Shenjing. Let's talk about it and see what kind of cultivation materials are safe to buy."

"Good!" Na Xin did not have two words, and he promised it. He couldn't help but say: "Your boy has always been looking at the eyes. I listen to you! The future of my family, please also pay more attention to your work. It is.

Not to wait for Shi Yan to say more, Na Xin pays tribute to the ceremony, and the gratitude on his face is obviously obvious.

Shi Yan’s heart was shaking, and even he shouted that he would not dare to act. Then he talked with Na Xin, Jester, Long Zhu, Feng Wei and Yang Zhuo. Let them list lightly and find Fu Wei to negotiate with the medicine cabinet.

For a while, Na Xin wrote a lot of dazzling and cultivating materials, medicinal materials and quirky bones that have been tempered, powerful medicinal herbs, and god-level secret treasures that reflect the attributes of the soul rituals. Rings, all kinds of herbs that stimulate blood, a wide variety of, and even custom-made warships, a wide variety.

When the five people were writing materials, the smile on their faces could not be concealed. I was afraid that I would not be able to purchase so many different treasures one day.

"Inheritance source, we are short of inheritance source!" Yang Zhuo and Long Zhu have expressed their opinions. "There are various kinds of descriptions of the righteousness in the source of the righteousness. It is possible to get into the hall of the righteousness and to break through the realm of the true God. It is best to determine the righteousness that suits you. ”

Yang Zhuo and Long Zhu from the mainland of Shen En are deeply aware of the importance of the source of the righteousness. For example, Yang Meng, Li Fenger and other juniors have not found the righteousness to really suit themselves. It is difficult to form a soul altar and break through. The realm of truth.

Both the Flame Star Field and the Malang Star Field have a source of esoteric origin, and the source of the righteousness is also divided into equal steps. According to the variety of the meaning of the righteousness, the degree of esoteric, there are low, intermediate, and advanced points, if there is a high level of meaning Inheriting the source, for the warriors of the gods of the mainland, it will be much easier on the level of entering the room.

Shi Yan also understood the mystery, nodded and said: "After a while, the people in the medicine cabinet will negotiate."

The crowd nodded and was excited.


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