God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 971: Emotional?

The blood star is another - the palace.

Fu Wei and Shi Yan, Yu Lan three sitting on the triangle, eating crystal fruit, holding a wine glass, laughing and talking.

They were in the middle of the main hall, a dark green round table, and An Yun and Feng An exchanged opinions from time to time. Na Xin, Jester, Feng Wei, Yang Zhuo, and Long Zhu were full of faces, and the two medicines. Confirm the price of various cultivated materials.

Time has passed two hours.

The big single worth of 20 million Shenjing should be treated with caution for the medicines. There are many kinds of materials involved, and each price must be studied. This is a trivial matter of waste.

Fortunately, the transaction was finally reached. From the faces of Na Xin and Yang Zhuo, Shi Yan gave a sincere surprise.

Lan Lan took a look at Fu Wei and grinned. "My sister is really generous this time, huh, we are dealing with you, and you are all worried about why you treat Shiyan to me?"

After a pause, Lan Lan couldn't help but ridicule. "Do you see our Xiaoyan grow up handsome and can't help but move the spring heart?"

Fu Fu’s face was red, and she gave her a blank look. “My sister doesn’t want to slap her little girl.

Shi Yan is also slightly embarrassed, snoring, no rumors.

Woodland insisted that it was the person who was afraid of the medicine, and he would come over and check it.

Facts have proved that Fu Wei is extremely generous, and the price of the materials is even lower than that of the blood star. This makes the Lanlan not calm at the time.

Shi Yan is also a foggy water. I don't know why this woman is so. According to what he knows, every elder of the medicine device will care about it when dealing with people. Once the price is determined, it will never give in.

Kefuwei has made concessions, and he has taken the initiative to make profits. Many valuable materials are sold at huge discounts.

When she heard her offer, she looked at her eyes and looked at her. She is the big housekeeper of the blood star, has been responsible for trading with the drug, the two sides have cooperated for many years, and she has not been able to ask for anything cheap in Fu Wei, sometimes exhausted. Tongue, you can get a small discount.

This trade with Shiyan, Fu Wei does not wait for Shiyan and Woodlands to bargain, and all kinds of debatable materials give her a price, so that An Yun and Feng An are extremely shocked and faceless, it seems that they are not too Good deal.

Fu Wei pressed hard and told them to trade according to what she said, so that Feng An was sore and sighed.

Feng An looked at Shiyan from time to time, and his eyes were different. He also made Fu Wei take the initiative to pay attention to the identity of the rocky space. He even felt that Fu Wei was a little nervous. The other party had clearly refused, and it was impossible to integrate it into the medicine. Why bother? Special treatment?

Fu Wei only said a word of profit, may have to let the drug lost millions of crystals, in Fengan, this is simply a profligate.

In the past, Fu Wei never did this.

An Yun guessed the true intention of Fu Wei, but he did not really agree. The things about the holy script were not in the same place. Fu Wei has deliberately pushed the price down. If nothing is available, then it is not necessary. Gas rupture?

The transaction was finally reached, and Na Xin, Jester and others were arrogant and laughed.

A high-grade source of esoteric origin, the medicine is sold here with 10 million top-grade Shenjing, but Lan Lan has quietly said that the high-grade esoteric inheritance, worth at least 13 million Shenjing, is this. Fu Wei has let the price of three million, it is incredible.

The heart of the orchid is also full of great doubts. From time to time, I look at Fu Wei, and from time to time I turn to Shiyan, and the heart lake is full of layers of excitement.

Could it not be, Fu Wei really fell in love with Shi Yan? She subconsciously thought, and then ridiculed again, "Sister, if you trade with me in the future, it is such a price, I will treat you as a sister. Hey, how long have you met with Shi Yan, but it is only a few months, You have made such a big profit, not to get on him. I really don't know why you made a profit."

Shiyan became more and more embarrassed, and she did not look at her, and her heart was full of doubts.

Fu Wei was ridiculed by her, and she gave her a sigh of relief. She screamed: "Is it better to stop and stop my sister? I saw him as your blood star guest. Today is the first time to trade, so I will take the initiative." Later, after Lunge is the same as you, wouldn't I have to die?"

Lan Lan laughed and said nothing, but the line of sight was very embarrassing, the meaning in the eyes was self-evident, as if I had identified Fu Wei as a rock stone.

Fu Wei was bitter, helplessly sighed and ignored him.

"Well, then wait for your material warships to come." Shi Yan suddenly got up and felt that he would be teased repeatedly by Woodland and would like to leave.

Woodlands also stood up.

At this time, Fu Wei suddenly moved forward, put the crystal wine glass in his hand, and shouted softly: "Stone please stay, I... Some things want to talk to you alone, can you give me some time?" ”

As soon as this statement came out, Yu Lan looked at her and suddenly looked at her very strangely. "Sister, you are not...Isn’t you really looking at him? That’s it, I won’t say it, I’m not irritating, Let's go."

Looking at Fu Wei's delicate face that can drip out the water, a cluster of blush, she also knows that it can't be too much, afraid to irritate the thin face of Fu Wei, take the initiative to shut up and quickly move away.

Fu Wei's face is red and bright, gently biting her lower lip, I am embarrassed to see Shiyan, softly screaming: "You go down first." An Yun and Feng An look strange, but dare not say anything, slightly squatting, then Quietly retreat from here.

Before Fengan went to the big question, he looked back at Shiyan. The meaning of it was very strange, and there were horror and unclear.

"Small elders will not really look at him?" Out of the door, Fengan suddenly lowered his voice and frowned. "The little elders are qualified to be the main treasures. For many years, the elders have been in contact. All kinds of outstanding men are like the cross of the river, there are successors of all ethnic groups, there are powerful forces, but the elders have always been self-sufficient, never fake colors, this time?"

"Don't think too much, the little elders are measured, she knows what she is doing." An Yun scolded.

Fengan shook his head and looked helpless. He sighed: "When a woman is emotional, she will be confused when she does things. Let's just say that this transaction, we can not only earn, but also put a few million gods, I really can't think of small The elder elders are so intelligent, they will make mistakes because of their feelings. Hey, this transaction is simply a loss at home."

"All said that the elders have their own plans, what do you want to do?" An Yun face is not good.

"Our party is in a weak position. The elders are staring at us. The loss will definitely give them a handle. At that time, we will be very embarrassed." Feng An frowned.

He mentioned the elders of the medicine device, An Yun's face was also gloomy, his brows were locked, and his heart sighed, hoping to find news related to the holy scriptures, as long as he leaned a little, he could be buried.

In the hall, there are only two people, Fu Wei and Shi Yan. The two face each other and suddenly feel awkward. They are silent.

Fu Wei has a long hair and a high plate. The jade is linked into a luxurious hair. The blue dragonfly is deep and bright, and gently bites the powdery lower lip. It seems to be drunk like two blushes. I dare not go to see Shiyan. I was organizing speech in my heart, and I didn’t know how to speak for a while.

There is nothing in the two, but after the laughter of Woodlands, after the gaze of the eccentric eyes, they are alone in this place, and suddenly it seems that they are a bit stunned.

"Cough and cough!" Seeing Fu Wei has been silent, Shi Yan gradually became intolerant, pretending to be indifferent: "I don't know if Miss left me to teach?"

Fu Wei Jiao Wei trembled, Huo Ran reacted from meditation, Mei Yan flashed a bit, finally looked at him seriously, whispered: "I want to ask you about the thousand lotus."

Shiyan immediately shook his head and said: "The orchid has already been given, and the excess will not continue to be sold."

"More...excessive? Do you have extra?!" Fu Wei’s eyes stunned, as if the diamond beams were gathering on Shiyan’s face. “How many thousand lotuses do you have?”

Her tone was a little trembled and she felt that she had taken another step from the Holy Scriptures.

The elders who carried the holy scriptures in the past, the species of thousands of lotuses, the species of nature, the thousands of lotuses that can be formed should be more than three.

When I heard Shiyan and Qiandianlian, I only had Fuwei with three-point hope. The hope in my heart soared to 70%. The heart suddenly trembled, and the eyes were dazzling, making people feel swaying. At this moment, her alarm seemed to Her beauty has increased a bit.

The velvet ketone body in the spacious dress gown was also trembling gently, and the two sides of the chest stood as if shaking the mountain, swaying the seductive wave line, she was a little restless.

Shi Yan was amazed, frowning at her, and praising the woman was quite moving, but he did not lose his calmness and said with a smile: "There is not a few left. How, what you want to talk to me, about the thousand lotus ?"

"Can you tell me where did you get thousands of lotuses?" Fu Wei whispered.

Shi Yan heard the tremors of her voice, and she couldn’t help but be silent for a while. He said calmly: "You know that I am practicing space, right, um, once I accidentally fell into a space, I didn’t want to see a place. The mysterious area, the thousand stacks - is in it."

He is very serious about it, as if it is really the same thing.

But Fu Weiwei seems to have been splashed with cold water, full of enthusiasm and sorrow, sitting there and stunned: "What is it?"

Shi Yan nodded seriously.

Fu Wei suddenly waved his hand and looked at him deeply. He said, "Oh, then it's okay, thank you for your message."

In the eyes of Shi Yan, she was puzzled. She did not ask for it. When she saw her intention to send a guest, she took the initiative to get up and leave.

After he disappeared, An Yun fluttered in, and looked forward to ask: "Little elders, can you know the news?"

Fu Wei bit his silver teeth and whispered a whisper: "Bastard! Lies! Nothing is credible!"

An Yun was surprised and looked at the calm color of Fu Wei, who was always calm, and his heart was a bit strange. "What did he say?"

"He said that he found it in a space." Fu Wei hated and screamed. "Thousands of lotuses can't survive in the space! No heaven and earth energy nourishes, thousands of lotuses will quickly wither to die. I am extremely serious. If I don’t know the characteristics of the thousand lotuses, I am afraid I will be deceived."

Fu Wei secretly bite his teeth, annoyed with fire, thinking of the expression that Shi Yan had just told, and he could not wait to punch a punch on his face.

"Sure enough to lie." An Yun smiled.

"But he still said that he missed his mouth. He still has thousands of lotuses in his hands! That is to say, he got the place where the thousand lotuses were, and the ten *** was the elders who stayed there that year!" Fu Wei looked shocked. He chuckled again. "Dare to lie to me, then I will let him know how to be a woman who is offended and careful. What a headache."

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