God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 979: Walking with the United States

When Shiyan returned to the center of the demon star, the discussion of the cultivation materials of Fuwei and the Dragon and the tyrannosaurus of the tyrannosaurus was just over, and the three parties reached an agreement on future material transportation transactions. It seems to be quite satisfactory.

Fu Wei gave a price that was much better than their previous offers. Fu Wei was recognized by Bass and Gut, which is equivalent to the support of the entire Yaozu.

There are dozens of life stars in the hands of Bath and Gut, and they are also powerful in the entire Malang star. Many branches of the Yaozu, most of them rely on Bass and Gut, and Fu Wei has the trading rights of the entire Yaozu. .

The next step of the transaction will be carried out in the demon dragon star. At that time, Fu Wei will arrange people to transport the refining materials needed by the various demon people to the demon dragon star. Naturally, they can also get the huge benefits of the demon family.

Both sides are happy.

Both Bass and Gute, when they saw Shiyan coming over, all smiled and nodded, and they were very polite to Shiyan.

The two and Shi Yan said a word, learned that the Gorefiend was practicing in a retreat, and did not have too much stay, and left from the blood star.

"I heard that you are going to the Shadow Ghost?" Fu Wei got the news from the Lanlan mouth, but it was not unexpected. He smiled lightly: "It is a good way, do you want to take you on a ride?"

"You also go to Shadow Ghost?" Shi Yan was amazed.

"Well, there are a few things to be dealt with in the past. If our warships go all out, it will be faster than you can act alone. You don't need to add extra strength to your body. How? Do you want to join us?" Fu Wei invited.

She is still very curious about Shiyan, and she has been recognized by the two patriarchs of the demon dragon star, and has a great connection with the blood demon. In the future, she will definitely shine in the Mawei star field.

The Pharmacy Court has always valued the strong potential, which is their consistent policy.

"Hey, my sister, you really want to add to our stone rock. This is a smooth road. The fate between you is very deep." Lan Lan made a remark, "Oh, I heard that my sister is in the medicine cabinet." There are many pursuers, but they have always been self-sufficient. They have never had an affair with anyone. You are not afraid of the news leaking out. Are your huge flower protectors jealous and chasing Shiyan?

Fu Wei’s face is red again, but she has no choice but to give her a blank look. “Why didn’t my sister always let me go?”

"Because you are blushing, it is really cute. My sister likes to see you blush." ​​Lan Lan smiled and immediately said to Shi Yandao: "With the medicine cabinet, you will be smooth along the way, no matter how chaotic." In the battle zone, the battleships of the Medicine Court are all signs of passing, and there will be almost no accidents."

After a pause, Woodlands said again: "There is an accident, and it is also the internal fight of their medicine cabinet. Oh, others don't dare to provoke them easily."

Fu Wei's pretty face, immediately shook his head and sighed, as if by default.

The Pharmacy Court is a special force in the Malang Star Field. It is said that they are the largest material traders in the Malang Star. It is a real name. No matter what power, it is inextricably linked with the Medicine Court. The contact is to be exchanged for the appropriate cultivation materials.

Every star of life, every mine star has special materials, the materials that can be cultivated by the military are strange, and the production of their own stars is not necessarily their own shortage.

What the Pharmacy Court does is to sort out the various cultivation materials of the Malang Star Field, and to transport the shortage of others to the past, in exchange for what they do not need, and earn the difference.

Of course, there are many refining pharmacists and refiners in the medicinal cabinet itself. They can gather materials into various kinds of medicinal herbs, secret treasures, warships, and various kinds of esoteric origins. The special esoteric books are all brought to them. Profit.

No one denies that the drugstore is the richest force in the Malang star field. There are even rumors in the star field. If a powerful force can truly possess a drugstore, it is equivalent to having the ability to dominate the star field.

From this point of view, I know how mysterious and powerful the medicine cabinet is. It is equivalent to having a steady stream of medicinal herbs, warships and various cultivation materials, and it can intercept the acquisition of the opponent’s materials. According to the time and place, people can naturally be invincible.

It is a pity that the Pharmacy Court has never participated in the competition of various parties, and it has remained neutral forever and detached.

Their real struggle"... takes place inside, between the elders.

The internal fighting of the Pharmacy Court is strictly forbidden to participate in other forces. It is said to be quite cruel, and it is difficult for people around it to know.

Gas... If you are on the way, thank you first. "Shi Yan indulged a bit, smiled and nodded, and thought it was quite good.

"We can leave now." Fu Wei sorted out the broken jade of the corner of the clothes, and looked calm as water. "It has been a long time on the blood star, and it has been delayed for a long time. We are still anxious to go to the shadow ghost prison as soon as possible. It."

"I have no problem here." Shi Yan smiled. He knew that Ferran and Lianna could not wait.

"That's good, let's go now." Fu Wei ordered a call, called a chariot, let Shiyan, Ferran, Liana, Cato three ride, and flew to the berth of their battleship.

In the sound of the battleship of the rumble, the huge warships seem to rise slowly from the blood star, and headed for the vast star field.

Shi Yan’s treatment is very different from the previous one.

The captain took the battleship, he could only have a safe place in the corner of the battleship deck, and the medicine cabinet did not pay special attention to him.

But this time, Fu Wei specially arranged a spacious training room inside the warship to give him a meditation seat that can gather energy, as well as a stone room for the use of the righteousness, a grooming room, all kinds of wine and fruit, everything to be cultivated. There are hundreds of square meters in the room, there are ten rooms, all decorated with gorgeous stones, and the walls are engraved with beautiful patterns, which is very luxurious.

Fu Wei seems to be interested in the close relationship with Shi Yan. After Shiyan and his four people personally brought it, he said with a smile: "You can cultivate here with peace of mind. I will inform you when the place is here. The cultivation environment here is OK, and the outside is arranged. Enchantment, you do not release the strength, the strength of the power under the beginning of God, not enough to tear the enchantment, so you can rest assured."

"Thank you for your hospitality."

"You're welcome, if you have materials to sell or buy later, remember to find me."


Fu Wei nodded lightly and didn't stay too much. When the battleship rushed out of the blood star, she left.

As soon as she left, Shi Yan let go of the gods and felt it. She suddenly took out the blue hail and said: "There are three thousand lotuses in the inside. I have finished refining, and the three of you are one and the other. And the soul altar is very good."

Ferran, Liana, and Cato are all practicing the bloodthirsty gossip from the inheritance, and the forehead has a similar blood color imprint. According to the ring spirit, the inheritor of the bloodthirsty gossip will be his follower, improve his strength to him. It is equivalent to a stronger arm.

The same is true, he only left three thousand lotuses for three people, hoping that their realm and strength can grow faster.

"Thank you brother." Catohaha smiled, and did not twist and pinch the hypocritical words, directly took over the blue hail, "will not let the teacher shake down!"

Although he still shouted his brother, he was already in the bottom of his heart, and he already regarded Shi Yan as his master.

Through this period of time, he gradually realized that Gru, which was left to him in the same year, was also one of the bloodthirsty gossips. He was obsessed with the wishes of the man in his heart, and he had already positioned himself and regarded himself as a rock. Followers.

Just because of his face, he is not very embarrassed to directly call the master, still known as the brother.

Shi Yan smiled. Through various small details, he has already seen the change of Cato mentality, and he is happy to do so. After all, this communication can be more relaxed.

If Cato has a mouthful of masters, he will still feel weird and will be extremely difficult to adapt.

Fei Lan and Li Anna are the kind of people who have very few words. They just nodded slightly. They didn't even have a thank you. But Shi Yan knew that if he had trouble, this Ferran and Lianna would die together. It is really worth to reveal the back to their best friends.

Ferran, Liana, and Cato took thousands of lotuses and each found a secret room. According to Shiyan’s experience, they carried out the steps of integration.

Shi Yan also quieted down and chose a quiet platform that can calm down the mind and let himself calm down quickly, and carefully consider the description of the **** demon about life.

In the mystery of life, the Gorefiend has gone very far, almost to the extent of the realm of life, to the extent of the essence of life, the effect of the combination of his life and the magic blood, let Shi Yan simply stunned, the first time to know the meaning of life Reach that level.

As long as there is still a drop of undead blood, even if the body is annihilated, it can be reborn. This is the horror of the undead blood.

With the undead blood, the seriously wounded people around him can recover quickly. It is another use of the blood of the demon. As long as the magic blood in the body is strong enough, if you are alone with the body, you can completely burn the body. Give your opponent the possibility to recover through your own magic blood.

This is an extremely powerful and terrifying ability.

The meaning of life is hidden in the blood. This is the unique blood of the dead, and it is difficult for other races to reach. This should also be the main meaning of the undead, and the blood, he has to be alone, hou, at the beginning The combination of life and death, the life and death of the righteousness, to form a new level of similarity.

Gorefiend's drills about life and magic blood really opened a new door for him, let him see a higher level of power, let him touch very deep.

It takes a while to go to the Shadow Ghost Prison. He is ready to use this time to make a deep breakthrough in the ups and downs of the body, so that the ups and downs of the world can grow again. What he lacks is the growth of the righteousness and the realm. As for the lack of the power of……

Shi Yan smiled and looked relaxed.

When he arrived at the Shadow Ghost and marched in the chaotic land, he would worry that the power would not reach the level of continuous breakthrough.

Ps: This month is coming to an end, and there are brothers with monthly passes. Please vote, I am grateful~~...

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