God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 980: Ancient city battleship

The Malang star in the western part of the Malang dryland.

Thirty-two years of ancient orchids are overgrown, and the sacred mountains that the giants have lived for for many years have been razed to the ground. This seven-level star of life is too terrible due to gravity, and few races like to practice here.

The powerful forces of the various places in the West have teamed up to sweep the stars, making the stars riddled with holes and many strange ores are mined.

That mysterious ancient city still stands in the corner of the ancient Lanxing star, but it is covered with dust, full of spider webs, and has become a paradise for many small beasts.

The mysterious ancient city was built with special stone, which was extremely strong. When the sweepers failed to crush the ancient city, they did not search for valuable things in the ancient city, and finally they reluctantly retreated.

Those people were quickly killed by the Gorefiend, and there was no chance to return to the Quran Star.

On this day, a huge warship landed in the ancient Lanzhou, and parked directly beside the mysterious ancient city. A famous medicinal warrior sneaked out and looked solemnly toward the mysterious ancient city.

For the first person, it is the refining division of Zhejuge, Zha Feng, and it is also the release of Fu Wei, the virtual heaven and the three heavens, and the cultivation of rare space.

Zha Feng is a bright silver gown with a delicate pattern embroidered on the clothes. The style is graceful. A long silver hair hangs over his shoulder. He looks like a 50-60-year-old, and he is thin. He walks all the way, and many people who smell the medicine are tight. Follow, look down

Zha Feng came to the mysterious ancient city and looked at the ancient city that was still firm and hard for countless years.

He went straight to the toughest building in the ancient city. When Shiyan and Naxin tried to open it, it was a pity that all the strengths could not help but give up.

Zha Feng stood in front of the door and slowly reached out and pressed to Shimen, squinting for a moment.


A splendid edge, infiltrated from his fingertips, stroked and smashed the layers of enchantments on the stone door.


Shimen was forcibly broken open.

As soon as he was released, he walked into the stone building and his eyes lit up slightly.

Inside the stone building, there is a layer of rings. The ring releases the fascinating light. A circle is connected with a circle. It is like a huge ball of light. On each layer of the ring, there are beautiful crystals, all of which are inlaid with beautiful crystals. There are millions of the most advanced materials in the world.

Each of them is as dazzling as the stars in the Milky Way, shining in every corner of the stone building.

Zha Feng walked in the gap between the rings and searched for something. He didn't miss any narrow area. However, he wandered around the circle, he still had no harvest, and his brow wrinkled.

For the better half, Zha Feng sputtered out the luster of the fingers, pouring into the inside of the ball of light, and lit the crystal.

Millions of Shenjing suddenly emerged with vigorous energy. The horrible energy fluctuations, such as volcanic volcanism, flooded the interior of the stone building, and then flowed out, such as the rainbow of light extending to every corner of this mysterious ancient city.


Located in the mysterious ancient city inside the ancient Lanzhou star, under the burst of energy, Huo Ran slowly floated up and rose a little bit, floating above the sky, spectacular.

Struck out of the stone building, wandering in the vacant ancient city, a corner of a corner of the pinch, the face gradually faded hard to look.

The vast sea of ​​stars.

A huge ship is like a meteor. In the central hub of China, Fu Wei and An Yun stare at a mirror, and their eyes are full of expectations.

Gradually, the mirror gradually released the glory, and a figure gradually became clear from the blur, and Iran was the thorn of the person in the ancient star.

"Zhu Bo!" Fu Wei couldn't help but call out, and the delicate and touching voice: "Is there a holy book?"

In the mirror, the face is blue and green. "The holy code is not here. The mysterious ancient city is the battleship built by the first generation of the cabinet of the Pharmacy Court. It was controlled by the man. It is certain that the man must live in the battleship. After that, the thousand lotuses were taken away by the cut, and it should be the kid you said. I searched every corner of the battleship, and there was no gain, even a piece of gravel was not found."

Fu Wei and An Yun look awkward.

From that mirror, they can see the mysterious ancient city slowly flying, the speed from slow to fast, gradually out of the atmosphere of the ancient star, to enter the Xinghai.

At that time, the owner of the first generation of Pharmacy Court had once built a strange warship for himself. The shape of the ancient city seemed to be a giant city floating in the Nether Star Sea. It was the identity of the first generation of the cabinet owner.

The old man who escaped from the Holy Scriptures was the most important person in charge of the battleship hub. In that fight, he started the battleship and escaped. From then on, he disappeared from the Malang star field.

The battleship is there, and there are also thousands of lotuses. It is certain that the old man will live in the ancient city, but he does not have his body, nor does he see the holy scriptures. There is no description related to the holy scriptures. Zha Feng was annoyed with a stomach.

"The ancient warships are said to have sunk into the bottom of the ancient orchids. Those people chances to dig them out of the ground, will the holy book be hidden in the earth?" Fu Wei thought for a moment, frowning.

"The heart of the ancient orchids?" Tuofeng's face was slightly faint, and his eyes became more and more severe. "The ancient Lanxing star is hundreds of times stronger than other life stars. The gravity of the geocentric gravity is even more terrible. Even if it is me, it is difficult to break into the heart of the earth."

Zha Feng frowned deeply and thought about it. "But I can detect it with my knowledge."

Then, Zha Feng slowly sat down on the ancient warship, closed his eyes and let go of the spirit, and penetrated into the interior of the ancient Lanxing.

Both Fu Wei and An Yun looked at him nervously.

For a long time, Zha Feng put away his knowledge, and his face slowly shook his head. "Nothing is empty."

Fu Wei and An Yun looked disappointed.

"There should be no holy scriptures. If there is, my gods will definitely be able to perceive a sigh of breath." Zha Feng sighed and said: "Look at the kid, ask him in detail, and see if he can save in addition to Qiandenglian. I have found something else."

Fu Wei nodded helplessly.

"The Holy Scriptures are of great importance. You must capture this news at all costs. When necessary, it is no harm to take extreme measures." The sorrowful sorrow, coldly said: "If the kid is deliberately concealing, he will sacrifice his soul. Stripping the body, picking up his memory with the technique of plucking the soul, a little bit of investigation!"

"It's not that easy." An Yun looked bitter. "He and the Gorefiend are the same people, and they are deeply loved by the Gorefiend. They also have some connections with the Bass and Gute of the Yaozu. The reputation may also provoke the anger of the Mozu and the Yaozu."

In this statement, Zha Feng’s brow wrinkled. "What is the origin of that kid?"

"It is still unclear for the time being. Our medicinal cabinet does not have his record. It seems to be suddenly coming." An Yun whispered softly.

"If the relationship with the Mozu and the Yaozu is deeply involved, then naturally it can't be strong. Well, I am too far away. This is the matter of Fu Wei. I try to cover the truth from his mouth. The news of the Holy Scriptures... It seems to have been leaked, and Dachang’s old man has asked me about this matter. You must be careful and don’t let it leak.” Zha Feng’s remarks were finished, and the mirror was gradually blurred, and his figure disappeared a little.

Fu Wei and An Yun ignored a look, but sighed helplessly.

The relationship between the medicine and the cabinet is intricate, and the long squats are arranged in the hostile forces. They don’t know who is the eyeliner. Sometimes the news of this action will always be known by the big cockroaches. .

At this point, they have no way to hinder them, they can only secretly be careful.

"It’s a headache to talk to the guy again." Fu Wei has a broken hair, and the pretty face is full of reluctance. "The man is full of words, ten sentences are not true, treacherous, wanting It’s not easy to talk from his mouth.”

"Small long, old, want to morning... try ‘seven loves six wines’?” An Yun gnome, a careful advice.

Fu Wei’s face immediately turned red. “I can’t control my true feelings when I drink it. It’s easy to confide in people’s voices... If there is any accident, don’t want it.”

"I believe in the strength of Xiao Changli." An Yun sighed in his heart and smacked his scalp. "The effect of Qiqing Liushangjiu is excellent. It is also the only way to let him speak the truth without violating the military. The holy ceremony is of great importance. Changchun is still wronged, thinking about the overall situation."

Fu Wei's two eyes were flushed, and the inner struggle was struggling.

"Small and long-lived, as long as the news of the Holy Scriptures is set, it can be suspended immediately. I want to be able to get a truly accurate message about the Holy Scriptures from his mouth." An Yun lowered his head. Do not dare to look at her, insist on persuasion.

Fu Wei was silent for a long time, thought a lot, and finally nodded helplessly, "Try it, you invite me to help him, go to ... my room."

An Yun stunned and immediately nodded silently.

The battleship is practicing indoors.

Shiyan is like a meteorite. He sits still for a long time, his body converges, and his energy swims spontaneously.

In the other three rooms, Ferran, Liana and Cato respectively merged into the sea with thousands of lotuses, and refined the soul to the soul.


The only closed jade door suddenly heard a soft slam.

Shi Yan suddenly woke up, frowning and opening the door, watching An Yun, who was slightly cramped, and impatient: "Is there something?"

"Our family is looking for something to talk about." An Yun sighed in his heart and felt very guilty. For the sake of the Holy Scriptures, he had to let Xiaochang’s old grievances.

"If it's not an important thing, then forget it." Shi Yan waved his hand, and he was trying to understand the magic of the blood, and it was very uncomfortable to be disturbed.

An Yun’s face was stiff and his heart was awkward, but he still hurriedly piled up his smile. “I don’t know what to do, but it’s important to think about it. Please be sure to take a look.”

"This way." Shi Yan paused and said helplessly: "That leads the way."

"Follow me." An Yun immediately took him to a stone path and went inside the battleship.

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