God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 981: Seven loves six wines

An Yun stopped at the door of a jade, and his look was complicated: Xiao Changzhen was waiting for you inside. ”

Then, An Yun slightly squatted, and his heart sighed away.

A stone glimpse, looking at the jade door, the heart felt a bit inexplicable.

Reaching out and gently slamming the stone door, the crisp sound is a bit harsh in the silent stone path.

"Come in. The soft voice of Ao Fu Wei came from the inside, soft and crisp, as if it had the effect of calming the nerves, so people couldn't help but relax.

A look of doubt pushes open the stone door, Shiyan goes straight in, and even the eyes are bright.

In the jade room of the hundred square meters, the apex of the sky is adorned with bright and soft gems, as if the star river curtain is hanging over the head, which makes people feel uncomfortable. The walls are engraved with delicate patterns, which contain mysterious powers. Exquisite utensils are placed in many wall recesses, like decorations, which make the interior look elegant and luxurious.

The stone gates are half-open, and the rooms in the bathing room, the training room and the refining and refining are all very beautiful.

In the stone room, in the middle of the center, next to a white jade round table, a blue figure of a debt is sitting, obviously applying powder, the cheeks are red, and the beauty is as deep as the sea, as bright as a sapphire.

A light blue dress with a white body, revealing a white shoulder and a moon-like wrist. A string of blue crystal necklaces hung on the white neck. The long hair is made into a bun, graceful and elegant, and the jade is holding a white jade jug. I am pouring amber wine into a wine glass.

The mellow and fragrant wine of the heart and soul, spilling out in the room, makes the stone rock quiet and unpretentious relaxation.

Fu Wei, who deliberately reflected the warm and comfortable atmosphere, smiled lightly, and the bright light of the alum, waved at him, and said, "Come and sit."

Shi Yan’s face was amazed, and a strange arc was drawn from the corner of his mouth. “Fei Wei’s sister-in-law called me over, wouldn’t it be to find me to drink the bar?” During the speech, he smashed away, in the blue bond shadow Sitting opposite the big horse gold knife.

“Can’t you?” Fu Wei smiled. “Going to the shadow ghost prison is far away. The cultivation is not a good way to pass the time. Too much depression, it will also hinder the mood, find someone to drink and talk, help to relax. Yeah."

"It seems that Xiaojie is a person who will enjoy." Looking at the stone room, Shiyan smiled. "You can see this from this room again. Oh, I am a rough person, I don't know if I will." Will disturb your Yaxing."

"You will say this, how can it be rough?" Fu Weiyu twisted the white jade wine glass and handed it to him casually. "Taste the taste of this wine. This is made by our medicine cabinet and never sold." It’s called **** wine, I don’t know if it’s right for your spleen and stomach.”

Shi Yan smiled and took the wine glass and did not take it immediately. She only looked at her with a burning gaze.

A treacherous guy!

Fu Wei’s heart whispered a word, knowing that he was afraid of alcohol, so he made a town of heart, and in front of him, he filled himself up, and then slowly drank it, and put down the glass and chuckled: After drinking for many years, I still get used to this taste."

Shiyan nodded and dried up the wine in the cup. He only felt as if he had a clear spring and couldn’t tell the sweetness.

The beautiful wines of the Qingxi River are slowly overflowing in the abdomen. The stone and seven emotions seem to be seduce a little from the deepest corner of the heart. There is a kind of impulse that can't help but confide in people's hearts.

After the internal inspection of the gods, I felt it for a while and found that the body was no different. He just let go of his heart and smiled: "It is wonderful!"

"Then drink a few more cups." Fu Wei secretly hid, and his manners helped him to refill him. He said with a smile: "This wine, we buy insiders, we also need a pot of 100,000 gods, but outsiders want to drink too." Can't drink it."

"That's really a few more drinks."

Shi Yan smiled and said to her: "Thank you for your hospitality, let's have a drink."

Fu Wei had no choice but to fill the glass for himself. He smiled and clinked with him, and secretly noticed his glass, a small mouthful of drinking.

"I heard that you are the youngest of the medicine cabinets, your morning... I am somewhat incomprehensible. What is the meaning of your cultivation?" Shi Yan looked and asked curiously.

Since his soul worship has been purified by the refining liquid, he has been extremely sensitive to the realm of the people around him. However, he has always been a little incomprehensible. Every time he perceives the past, he seems to be caught in the fog, and nothing can be Find.

"My soul altar is protected by a special soul secret treasure, you can't see it naturally." Fu Wei grinned, and the slender jade pointed out the jade in the hairpin. "It helped me to isolate my knowledge." The prying, unless it reaches the realm of the gods, it is very difficult to find out the realm of my realm."

"Which level is your realm? What kind of cultivation is it?" Shi Yan asked with a smile.

"The virtual **** is the second day, majoring in flames, and the refining pharmacists and refiners in the medicine cabinet will major in the flames." Fu Wei two glasses of wine into the abdomen, the scorpion seems to be opened, a little unbearable Trend, "Our long-term old in the medicine cabinet is good at quenching medicinal herbs and secret treasures. All the gadgets on my body are my own condensed, huh, my biggest interest is to put a lot of miscellaneous materials. I am very proud of it, and I feel very fulfilled. It is amazing."

"Actually, I also know a little about the refining device." Shi Yan said casually, and he couldn't help but open his heart. "But I have not studied it in this area. I just want to maximize my strength, enhance my realm, and hope to be able to fight." To reach the peak." ... refining device, only when my mind is disordered, as an auxiliary activity to adjust the mentality, do not dare to immerse too much energy on the top. ”

"Do you know the refiner?" Fu Wei came to the mood and smiled. "Can you show me what you have tempered?"

"No problem." Shi Yan's mind is in an undefended state. Even he does not know why he has become so good. He took the initiative to take out his three bone spurs and throw them on the round table.

"Drinking and drinking." Fu Wei deep in the heart, remember her purpose, first for the stone rock full of wine, and then screwed up a bone spur carefully, a trace of light, from her delicate fingertips Come out, like a slip of lightning wrapped around the bone spur.

Fu Wei brightly lit up, and sincerely praised: "You have a talent for refining, this bone stalk is between the second and third grades of God. You are the morning... God-level refiner, if you are practicing The teacher is careful, and the achievements will not be low in the future."

"Unfortunately, I can't be too distracted." Shi Yan reluctantly sighed, subconsciously drank the glass of wine, and asked casually: "It is said that your medicine cabinet never participated in the battle of the Malang star field. Permanently staying neutral, is this really true? I am very curious, such as the giants of your medicine cabinet, there is no ambition, no reason."

"We are not directly involved in the battle of the star field, but some long-term veterans will secretly encourage the forces of all parties to fight, and use the power of others to achieve the goal in the Malang star field." Fu Wei casually explained: "Like the old and the old He valued the black gold mine on a mine star. He wanted to buy it, but the other party refused to sell it. Then Dachang’s old man gave up his words and was willing to buy it at a big price. Naturally, several forces took the initiative to attack the mine. The forces on the star removed the shovel and sold the star directly to him.

Shi Yan is amazed. "It seems that you are not rumored to be permanently neutral."

"Nature will not be neutral." Fu Wei nodded and sighed. "We will support the forces we have, and we will support them. We will deliberately fight and suppress them by other means." Over the years, the forces that have disappeared through the hands of our medicine cabinets are afraid that there are dozens of them. We are also fighting inside, and each of them supports their own forces and secretly dominates the situation of the Malang domain. , but we will not take the initiative to take part in the battle."

Shi Yan listened very seriously and nodded secretly. "It turned out to be.

"The medicinal cabinet is much more cruel than you think. My parents and relatives are also the victims." Fu Wei’s eyes are stunned and faint: "I was born in a small star of life, my parents are very common, both are A mortal. One day, my master approached it and found that there was a flame in my body. I took it away and guided me to practice and made me a refining pharmacist. It didn’t take long for the little star of life to be invaded, all Everyone has been slaughtered, and my loved ones are dead."

"A lot of years later, when I became the youngest of the medicine cabinets, when my master returned to the market, I realized that the medicine cabinet had an unwritten rule. - In order to prevent the children from being shackled, Secretly instructing others to succumb to their loved ones. My loved ones were used by my master to pass other means to kill other forces."

Fu Wei's mood is low, and it will be hidden in the deepest part of the heart. It has never been said easily.

"The master died early, but when he was alive, he was very good to me. It was better than my parents. I used to love him very much, but after knowing the truth, I hate it...".

"You should hate him." Shi Yan frowned and said faintly: "If it is me, I will kill him all the time. Even if it is dead, I must slap him forever! In order to receive the apprentice, the other relatives will be killed. Is that the means of your medicine cabinet? Hey, you are really embarrassed!"

"So I hate it, hate the ones in the pavilion, I hope I can crush this pavilion!" Fu Wei bit his teeth and suddenly looked up. "Only the glory of the lord will be able to smash it." It, I am missing the most things now, if I get it, I can achieve it."

After a pause, Fu Wei prayed, "You can help me."

"Can I help you?" Shi Yan pointed to himself, and his face was puzzled.

"Well, you can, as long as you tell me where the holy script is." Fu Wei finally asked the sentence she remembered.

Ps: Hey, the recent Peng Q playoffs are fierce, so I’m so interested, so I’m not able to break out, Haihan Haihan, owe the lord’s memory, give me some time~M arching sorry...

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