God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 982: Is this book?

"The Holy Scripture?"

Shi Yan looked confused and seriously thought about it. He said carefully: "I have never heard of it, you are afraid to be disappointed."

Fu Wei blue 眸 即 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

From knowing Qiandenglian, she had a headache for the Holy Scriptures. After careful study and deepening, she had already confirmed that the ancient warship was the life of the elders of that year. All kinds of evidence showed that the rock of Qiandianlian was obtained. Must know the whereabouts of the Holy Scriptures.

In order to escape the sanctuary from the Shiyankou, she even spared to leave her face, and with Shiyan’s “Emotional Wine,” she also opened her heart and told the secrets of the medicine cabinet, even her heart. A private area has been said.

I thought that this can finally get what I want, but Shi Yan said that she had never heard of the Holy Scriptures. She was so depressed that she had to vomit blood, and she felt that she had spent a lot of effort.

Shiyan was keenly aware of her emotional changes. Because of the role of the liquor, Shiyan wanted to talk to people at this time. She subconsciously asked: "What is the Holy Scripture?"

"A book." Fu Wei's mouth is full of bitterness, a little helpless sigh: "The book may be related to the position of the new generation of the owner of the medicine cabinet, we are at a disadvantage in the cabinet, if it can get the holy script, Maybe it can be reversed."

"--this book?" Shiyan’s heart moved, and the subconsciously touched the magical ring on his finger. A glimpse of the faint flash, the ancient book that he could not see the head immediately fell to his palm. Is this book?"

Indulge in the huge loss of Fu Wei, the beautiful sizzling suddenly, the Jiao body is shaking a lot, can not help the intense past to grab the book, her slender fingers shaking, showing her unprecedented emotional excitement, actually Shi Yan Hold your hands together.

Immediately, Fu Wei was hit by the current, and the body of the fascinating body trembled. A pretty blush seemed to ooze out blood. She still couldn’t help but screamed: "Yes, yes, too... this is the holy Code, actually, actually is in your hands!"

The **** interlocked, and Shi Yan immediately perceived the amazing temperature of her warm jade fingers. The kind of slippery and wonderful feeling made Shi Yan’s heart unable to sway.

Fu Wei and the Shi Yan fingers clenched together, earned a profit, reacted in vain, slightly flushed his face, and temporarily put down the book that made her dream, the voice trembled and said: "You said, How can I hand over the Holy Scriptures to me?"

Shi Yan stayed, and frowned at the incomprehensible, saying: "Is this book important to you?"

“Very very important!” Fu Wei focused on the head, and the pretty face was more serious than ever before. “You can say, I can promise you all the conditions, as long as you give me the Holy Scriptures.”

"Then take it." With a smile, Shi Yan casually threw the unspeakable ancient book to her, and said indifferently: "I have used this book for useless. If you like it, I will give it to you." As for what conditions... forget it."

Perhaps it is because of the liquor, or perhaps some feelings about Fu Wei's open heart, or perhaps not correctly recognizing the value of the book. Therefore, Shi Yan did not propose any harsh conditions, and generously let Fu Wei feel shocked.

Under the huge surprise, Fu Wei was so excited that she held the book tightly and stood up fiercely. As excited by the treasure, she stepped forward and excited by some unknown emotion. After Shiyan, I jumped and said: "Thank you! Thank you! I don't know how to express our gratitude, I will remember my heart!"

Fragrant into the arms, a beautiful and touching abundance on the chest, tremble under the excitement, let Shiyan breathe immediately and quickly, his eyes become hot and hot, a desire in the seven emotions, as if from the bottom of my heart was hooked out.

He subconsciously held up the wonderful ketone body in his arms, and a pair of big hands pressed down on the pretty buttocks, and the small belly suddenly rose up.

Fu Wei indulged in a huge surprise, and wanted to say something. Suddenly, the body was suddenly stunned, and the subtle changes in the body of Shiyan were suddenly noticed. The cheeks were more red and bright, and they slammed like a current hit. The whole body is soft and soft.

The wine, aliased as a sensational wine, has already overflowed in her soft and tender body, so that somewhere in her heart, if the restricted area is opened, she has never been close to a strange man. She does not know how to cope with this kind of sputum, ketone body. The stiff movement did not dare to move.

A pair of big hands, as if with a current, slowly swimming on her beautiful buttocks and slender waist, making her ketone body extremely sensitive, can not help but hot and painful.

Fu Wei secretly bite her teeth, and she is more and more afraid to move, but she clearly senses that the legs are hot and hot. The silky heat flow is like infiltrating her most mysterious outer area, making her soft and squatting. The body of Shi Yan.

That pair of big hands that you want to invade, one is divided, and it is climbing her sensitive full double peaks, twisting her towering crispy chest into a strange shape.

Just as the situation was out of control, a cool breath overflowed from her infested jade, and Fu Wei was splashed into the body by the ice water, woke up and screamed at the biting teeth. Pushing it open, don't dare to look at him with his head down, and hurriedly said: "I, let me go out first."

Fu Wei immediately fled and fled, and the legs swayed in a seemingly embarrassing situation, fearing that it was never as unbearable as today.

When she came out of her own room, she came to the warship in the center of the battleship, and hurriedly took the cold ice and water and drank a few mouthfuls. This gradually woke up, but found that the body was still somewhat weak, and it was stoned. The restricted area seems to be a surge of current, giving a wonderful taste that has never been seen before.

"Awful guy!"

Fu Wei took the holy scriptures, her face was like a red blood, and she was happy and angry. The heart was also in the top seven. If she was knocked over the five-flavored bottle, all kinds of flavors came together.

In a short quarter of an hour, she talked a few times in the great joys and sorrows, and the contrast between the big and the big, and the failure to touch the restricted area, made Fu Wei feel confused, and suddenly I felt that Shi Yan’s face had It’s very cute, sometimes it’s awful, and I can’t wait to punch it.

Shi Yan was quietly standing in the wing of Fu Wei, his face was different, just the wonderful touch made him taste the marrow, and he felt subconscious.

Fu Wei is gentle and elegant, and her temperament is as clear and serene as water. It makes it easy for her to feel good about her heart. She puts on her temperament. This woman is usually dressed in a loose, sultry and sultry posture. The outsider can never know her. The ketone body is wonderful.

I am fortunate enough to feel one or two today. Shiyan is really lingering and forgetting for a while.

After a long time, he gradually calmed down and looked at the glass on the round table, naturally realizing that the liquor was a little subtle.

Sitting quietly for an hour, the effect of the wine slowly dissipated, and he immediately woke up from the previous emotional turbulence, and suddenly regretted it.

From the attitude of Fu Wei, he realized that he could not see the mysterious scriptures that were extremely valuable to the medicine cabinet. If Fu Wei would not stare at him, he would not hesitate to use this method to talk about himself. Take it in.

Let's talk about the conditions.

Shiyan thought about it subconsciously, then shook his head and smiled. He just handed over the holy book very broadly. He did not ask for the condition. Naturally, it was the effect of the liquor. However, the conversation of Fu Wei’s open heart was naturally affected to a certain extent.

This woman, the situation is not easy, the loved ones are indirectly killed by the master who loves her, living in the dark drugstore, afraid that it is not as bright and beautiful as the outsiders see.

If a book that is useless to him can reverse the situation of Fu Wei, Shi Yan feels that he can still accept it. Anyway, he has no value in his hands and can benefit Fu Wei. It is also a good thing.

"Tread on the road!"

A slight footstep came, An Yun ghosts sneaked forward, looked at the door, did not see Fu Wei figure, her face changed slightly, could not help but drink low: "Little elders?"

"Just out." Shi Yan stunned her and said casually: "You are a good calculation, put this squad waiting for me, very good."

An Yun’s heart sank and his attitude was grim: “What happened to you, little elder?” She was nervous and upset, and she was really sincere to Fu Wei. She was afraid of Fu Wei’s grievances and shouted: “You must dare to chase the little elders. Come, even if you are closely related to the Yaozu and the Mozu, our medicine cabinet will not give up."

Shi Yan snorted and walked toward her. "You ask her."

He went straight through Anyun, returned to the original road, and went to his practice room.

An Yun looked complicated, hesitated, and left quickly.

The central hub of the battleship.

Fu Wei holds the holy book, the face is full of amazing luster, and the mouth is hung with a shallow smile. He can't help but whisper: "The holy book, if it is a holy book, it is so easy to come... ..."

"Little elders?" Fu Wei rushed his head, tempted to ask, a sudden look, a huge ecstasy in his eyes, pointing at the book trembled: "That, that is, is that really?"

"Yes, it is the sacred dynasty that our medicinal cabinet lost for tens of thousands of years!" Fu Wei took a deep breath and answered affirmatively.

An Yun was shocked, and he couldn’t help but focus on it, but he couldn’t speak anymore.

Fu Wei did not care about her, she took a deep breath, and the chest swayed out of the charming volatility. When she touched the ring on the jade finger, it immediately appeared in a mirror. Fu Wei calmed herself down and could not release the luster. The blur mirror becomes clear.

The figure that was released was reappeared in the mirror, and the expression was slightly intolerant. He said: "What is it? Not talking about things that are not important, don't contact me again? We have a miser, the news is very good. It is easy to leak in this long distance communication."

"Zhu Bo, I got the holy scripture."

The figure inside the mirror, heard this, Huo Ran excited.

... (to be continued)

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