God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 984: Drug crisis


Fu Wei glanced at him and immediately smiled. "You, this person, will be a bit of a flower. I am also very decent."

Looking at the layout of the central hub of the battleship, that is a wonderful and incomprehensible mark, Shi Yan smiled and said: "I really didn't expect a broken book to be worth 100 million Jingjing. It seems that I really made a big profit."

He smiled and said a few things from the mysterious ancient city. "The giants took the fragments of the ancient tree of the wooden life and took the faucet bones. When they came to see them, they were the value of the city. On the contrary, the unknown scriptures were not taken seriously by them. I did not expect it to be the most valuable thing."

"Of, this guy's vision is of course better than the Giants." Fu Wei listened to him and said, "It’s a little less. The 100 million gods are still less. The holy book matters a lot. If you really want to get stuck, maybe... Billion our drugstores are willing to buy. Of course, if you dare to open a billion, I think some people in the pavilion will use other means."

The two of them were drinking and drinking, and each opened their hearts. There was also a small pre-existing practice. The distance between the two sides seemed to be quietly closer.

Fu Wei is related to the darkness of the medicine cabinet. When Shi Yan said that there is no burden, he is regarded as a unique person who can say no words at the bottom of his heart. Shi Yan is very curious about the medicine cabinet and deliberately guides the topic. Listen to Fu Wei about the many privacy of the medicine cabinet.

"The twelve elders in the pavilion are divided into three camps and fight each other." Fu Wei sighed and hesitated. "I always feel that there will be great changes in the pavilion. Some people are eager to move, as if they are outside the domain." The forces are inextricably linked and do not know what to plot."

Shi Yan’s face changed slightly “outside forces?”

"Well, the shadow ghost prison has a variety of virtual passages outside the connected domain. Most of the passages are connected to the outside of the domain, but they are all broken." Fu Wei measured it and whispered: "The virtual passage that can be used is only clear." Understand, but the elders in the cabinet and the shadow family are closely related, and the two sides seem to have some kind of connection. I am sometimes worried that they will trade privately with foreign forces, and may... damage the interests of the Malang domain."

The brow slowly wrinkled, and the rock began to look sharp. "How can you think of telling me this?"

The Pharmacy Court has always been mysterious in the Malang Star. The powerful forces and the private parties have private agreements that can almost affect the big situation of the Malang Star. If someone in the medicine cabinet secretly colludes with the domain, What the domain does, the impact is simply immeasurable.

"Because I don't know who to talk to, except for you, sometimes a secret is hidden in the heart for too long, and it is a burden to the whole person." Fu Wei's elegant and elegant character is broken before the forehead, bitter Road: "The last time I was drinking with you, you also know a lot about me. Anyway, it doesn't matter if you say so much."

Shi Yan nodded silently.

In the middle of the battleship, the two men talked slowly about some things in the medicine cabinet. With the words of Fu Wei, Shi Yan’s face became more and more heavy.

The Shadow Ghost Prison is a hub outside the domain of the Malang Star. The mysterious Shadowsman holds the extraterrestrial connection points. If there is no ghost in the shadows, no one knows what they want to do, but the drugstore has solid evidence. There is always a connection between the shadow family and the outside world.

Among them, the elders of the Pharmacy Court maintained a transaction with the shadow family, and they cooperated closely. They often avoided the supervision of private contact within the cabinet. Fu Wei guessed that the Pharmacy Court may also have contact with the outside world through the shadow family, but did not know the details.

Before the establishment of the first generation of the Pharmacy Court, it was stated that the Pharmacy Court was only active in the Malang Star, and it was not allowed to contact with the outside world, nor was it allowed to participate in the ethnic forces of the Malang Star.

The Pharmacy Court passed on to this generation, and the rules of the Astronomical Net Owners have been implicated in the private sector with the forces of the Malang Star. Now it is secretly to break the first rule of the Owner, so that Fu Wei and many people The sense of darkness and crisis always feels that there is a turmoil in the cabinet. It seems that there is a huge crisis that is quietly shrouded.

"Do you care for the owner? Doesn't he know?" Shi Yan squatted for a while and asked.

"This generation of cabinet owners is afraid of powerlessness." Fu Wei sighed and explained: "Every generation of our cabinet owners are the most refined refiners, and they can all refine the god-level secret treasures of the Yuan Dynasty, but I don't know why. When the accomplishments of their refining tools are difficult to break through to a certain extent, there will often be a difference between the secrets of the refining and the first secrets of the Yuan Dynasty. It may not be able to truly break the rules of the heavens and the earth. This generation of cabinet owners has been tempered three hundred years ago. When the secret treasure was inadvertently, the fire escaped into the devil, the soul altar collapsed, and now it is spending a lot of resources to keep the soul intact, and there is no way to control the inner struggle inside the cabinet."

"The second generation of the third generation of the cabinet owner, is also a situation, the refining device reached a certain degree, and finally smashed into the magic when the quenching yuan began to secrete the treasure. Finally, the soul altar collapsed, the soul disappeared a little bit, and each of our elders has a Consensus, I believe that I couldn’t get the Holy Scriptures, and I couldn’t get the most insightful insights from the refining tools, so that they all went out of the pool.”

"This generation of cabinet owners only have souls, and they are still a little dissipated. Therefore, the competition for the new generation of cabinet owners has become the most serious problem in the cabinet. There are rules in the cabinet, and those who receive the holy scriptures will be able to win the cabinet. The main throne, able to comprehend the most subtle mystery of the refining instrument in the Holy Scriptures, will it be possible to avoid the encounters of previous generations of cabinet owners. You should now understand how important the Holy Scriptures are?"

Shiyan nodded slowly. "It really matters. It's no wonder that you have to go wrong to drink from the mouth of my mouth... that wine."

Fu Wei was blushing and glamorous. He glanced at him and was a little embarrassed. He replied to Shi Yan’s cover: “You are a bastard, you have to sell it cheaply, and you are not allowed to mention it later!”

Shi Yan laughed aloud and immediately nodded and understood.

After a pause, he was ready to leave from here. He felt that the harvest was great and he had to think about something.

Fu Wei got up and wanted to send him away, but she just stood up. Her blue eyes were faint and bright, and she looked at a mark.

The imprint is on the corner of the wall, shining with a faint purple light, purple light is like some mysterious message, and the sloshing is very powerful.

Fu Wei frowned, sinking for a moment, and did not avoid the stone rock, sticking out the slim hand, a little casual.

The purple light slowly evolved and twisted, showing a form of battleship, slowly sailing in the dim star river, faintly visible on the battleship, there are dense figures, only slightly blurred.

"It can reflect the surrounding warships." Fu Wei whispered a sentence, "The warship is not too far away from us, the direction seems to be a shadow ghost prison, but there is no sign of power on the battleship, do not know what kind of power."

Shi Yan nodded gently and said that he understood.

Under his body, the warship and the medicine cabinet are not the same for sale. They combine attack and defense, have a ban on junction, and can even isolate the detectives. They are definitely the top class of warships.

They can perceive the trajectories and traces of nearby warships inside the battleship, but the other party may not be able to detect them. If Fu Wei is willing to use the terrorist attack power of the warship, he can even crush the battleship directly. Kill one of the above warriors in an instant.

This is the horror of the medicine cabinet.

Shi Yan didn't pay too much attention. He nodded slightly and wanted to leave, but he took a step. Suddenly, the heart of the body seemed to have a very subtle vibration.

He hurried down, frowning and looking at the battleship that had reacted in the purple light, his eyes became a bit strange.

Perhaps because the soul altar was tempered by the refining liquid, all impurities and impurities were removed, making his soul altar always clear, or perhaps the mystery of life and the blood, he recently found him closely related to him. He can feel it in a certain position.

For example, in the blood star, Yang Zhuo, Shi Jian and others who are close to him, he can sense the exact position.

The slight vibration of the blood means that among the unknown warships, there should be people he is familiar with, not very close, not touching the blood, perhaps this is the combination of life and magic. A deeper subtlety.

"What's wrong?" Fu Wei looked back and looked at him. "Do you care about the battleship?"

Shi Yan nodded slightly.

Fu Wei thought for a moment and said: "Would we look at it in the past?" She was going to deliberately avoid it. She didn't want to have any intersection with the warship, but she only mentioned if Shiyan had moved.

"Well, look at it in the past. In the battleship, it seems that there are people I know." Shiyan said with a thank you, nodded lightly.

Fu Wei hands-on release of the wonderful luster of the beam, immersed in an unknown mark, and is in the hands of the new route of the battleship.

Shi Yan was keenly aware that the internal energy fluctuations of the battleship were soaring. It seemed to forcibly reverse the direction. From his point of view, the fuzzy warships in the purple light gradually became clear, and the above figures gradually appeared.


A drop of magical blood seems to burst, and the subtle perceptions are quietly gone with the knowledge of God, such as the invisible line, extending toward the battleship.

His eyes narrowed, his concentration concentrated, and he looked deeply at the slowly expanding battleship, looking for something in the subtle sense of the blood.

Half-sounding, he was shocked, showing an unbelievable horror, and staring at a corner of the battleship.

There, two figures were mixed in the crowd, and a slightly wretched old man shrank his waist and looked uneasy, seemingly arguing.

Beside the old man, a pair of debts, a pair of extremely slender legs, delicate and cute little face, but now full of anger, loudly screaming.

"Zuo Shi!" Shi Yan drinks low.

......(To be continued

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