God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 985: Xuan Ming and Zuo Shi


Leonard is the leader of the small force called "Flower Cloud" in the southwest of the Maru Star Field. The source of the gods is the three heavens, and touches the threshold of the virtual world.

The leader of "Flowing Cloud" is a virtual **** with two strong heavens. It has been active in the southwest of the Maru Star Field. This force is formed by the various forces of the armed forces. It mainly transports some chaotic warriors to the Shadow Ghost. From which the crystal of the gods is collected. [..com]

The shadow ghost prison is chaotic all year round. There are many strange mineral stars, many mine stars are not the master. The Martial Arts in the southwest of the Maru Star field cultivates the righteous warriors. In order to get a better cultivation environment, they will risk entering the Shadow Ghost.

The crisis is also an opportunity. Many people have died in the shadow ghost prison. Some people have been lucky enough to collect a lot of cultivation materials. After returning, they made a small fortune.

Leonard gathered scattered warriors from the southwest all the year round, and went to the shadow ghost prison with warships. He traveled back and forth as a "flowing cloud" to earn Shenjing. In the "flowing cloud", it is also a small name, which is a little power.

Leonard, who stood in the corner of the battleship, had a pair of slightly squinting eyes. He was always on the top of a leggy girl, with a cold smile on his lips.

He stared at the girl for a long time. From the girl to his battleship, he turned his eyes and kept waiting for the hook.

The arrogant girl ignored him and shrank in the corner of the battleship, and the wretched old man would communicate with each other, leaving Leonard’s intentions to fail.

Although he is a "flowing cloud" small leader, he does not dare to use chaos, and can only force young girls to submit by other means.

Looking at the beautiful legs of the girl, Leonard swallowed and swallowed, and the turmoil in her heart was amazing.

The eyes are getting hotter and hotter.

"We have already paid two thousand Shenjing before boarding the ship. According to the agreement, we are sent to the Shadow Ghost. You are asking for Jingjing now. What does this mean?" Xuan Ming’s face is ugly, with red eyes and anger. But a little lacking, my heart is also uneasy.

He knows the identity of Leonard.

The head of the "flowing cloud" is the source of the three heavens of the gods. It is famous in the southwest.

As for the rumors that Leonard likes the female color, Xuan Ming also heard some, but he did not foresee that Leonard hit his mind to the left poem.

He and Zuo Shi came to the Malang Star Field very early, and settled in the star of the southwestern corner of the Maru Star Field. In the same year, in the Shen En Continent, it was the 9th level of the Yaozu, only one step away from the 10th level. The perception of God's grace to the mainland is much deeper than most people.

He discovered very early on the mainland of God that the ancestors left the transmission array that the fascinating energy was very weak, and only supported him and the left poem to succeed.

Zuo Shi’s body has the blood of his ancestral basal martial arts. After he discovered it, he naturally cultivated it vigorously. He also knew that the Shen En’s mainland was about to exhaust the energy. Even the deceitful left poem came out from the Shen’s mainland and came to the southwest of the Maru Star. angle.

When I arrived at the Malang Star Field, Xuan Ming knew that he was at the peak of Shen En's mainland. How small is it to know how many powerful stars exist in the high-level star field.

They lived in the Malang star field not very well, even hard, step by step, he worked as a miner with a left poem, picked a herb, and always been very cautiously alive, not afraid to touch those powerful forces.

Zuo Shi is very competitive. His qualifications are unparalleled in his world. He quickly broke through to the kingdom of the gods, and he understood the mystery of the blood, and insight into the mystery of the sacred sacred martial arts, so that he saw hope.

Some time ago, Xuan Ming inadvertently found a shell of the ancestral basaltic martial arts in a small shop. After careful inquiry, I realized that the turtle shell was obtained from the ghost ghost prison. Xuan Ming immediately became excited and wanted to bring left poems. Shadow ghost prison, looking for the body of the ancestors, to see if you can let the left poem get the inheritance of the most sacred ancestors, let the realm once again break through.

From the southwest of the Malang star field to the shadow ghost prison, the road is extremely distant, the road may be dangerous, he and Zuo Shi life is very tight, unable to buy warships, chariots, in the long galaxy sailing, there is no means of self-protection.

So Xuan Ming found the "flowing cloud" to take out the savings for many years, spent two thousand gods on the battleship that Leonard sent to the shadow ghost prison, hoping to find the ancestral body in the shadow ghost prison, to complete the left poem Key heritage.

From the day he got on the boat, he found that Leonard’s eyes on the left poem were a bit **, and Xuan Ming became a fine figure. He understood the meaning of Leonard’s gaze and carefully left the corner of the battleship with his left poem. The life of this duty is never easy to contact with people, nor dare to conflict with people. It is hoped that Leonard will ignore them and forget the beauty of the left poems and avoid this robbery.

Unfortunately, Leonard often came to ask questions, three times and five times of hints, suggesting that left poetry to accompany him.

Xuan Ming naturally tried to maintain, because there were a lot of people coming from that corner. Leonard did not dare to use it to discredit the "flowing clouds" and retreat several times.

Unexpectedly, Leonard finally acted again today. This time, the people who came here were not good. They pointed out that they had problems with Shenjing. They asked them to pay them again. Xuanming knew that they knew that Leonard was deliberately looking for shackles, but he was somewhat helpless. Very difficult.

"The two open tops that you paid before, we carefully explored, many quality is wrong.-

-Lei Tenghui looked up,

Indifferent said: "You will make up another thousand pieces of Shangpin Shenjing, or you will roll me off the boat and give me a self-destruction!"

Xuan Ming and Zuo Shi all accumulated their savings, and they barely paid two thousand Shenjing. There is no surplus at the moment. If they rush to the battleship, there is no Shenjing to supplement the power, and they cannot survive in the Xingxing domain.

Xuan Ming’s face was blue and green. “When we paid Shen Jing, you have a special person to check, will you make mistakes?”

"It's just a mistake." Leonard sneered, and his voice was loose. He said: "Either you make up the gods, or go down, um, or let the little girl pay for me to drink and chat, maybe I am happy." I will not care for you."

"Despicable bastard! I won't be with you!" Zuo Shi's face was full of anger, forked, and a crisp rumor.

After a long period of time, Zuo Shi is still charming and touching, like a Weihua's delicate flower, white skin temporarily, wearing a **** warrior suit, a pair of slender legs and moving hearts, a tight flash to outline her curves The pretty little face is pure and breathtaking, and it really makes people feel excited.

Leonard smiled and his eyes were like snakes. He was swaying in the left poem and swallowing his mouth. "Little sister, why bother? Let me drink and have fun, save the gradual death in the Milky Way, how to see it." You have earned it, rest assured, I will not treat you badly, you should think about it."

"I will not accompany you when I die!" Zuo Shi bites his teeth.

The ship is not just the left poetry Xuan Ming, there are many people without roots, there is no background, most of the realm is not high, the true God, the king of God, the source of the gods are mostly, all the power is not enough to fight The energy in Leonard's hands.

"Flowing clouds" have provisions, generally on the ship that transports shadow ghosts, the overall power of the leader and the guard is enough to suppress everyone to start, this is to avoid those people will be restless, with power to shock.

Many people of different races do not have a strong background, or they will not rely on "streaming" to enter the Shadow Ghost, which is not a Leonard opponent.

Therefore, they clearly know Leonard's mind and know that he is deliberate. Difficult, I dare not say a fair word, just look at the left poetry, Xuan Ming, and the sad sigh in my heart.

"It seems that you really want to die!" Leonard was yelled at the left poem and his face gradually became gloomy. "Give you a time to consider. When the time is up, if there is no answer that makes me satisfied, I will Throw you off the boat 1"

When Leonard snorted, he flew to the top of the battleship, and looked coldly at the bottom, like the gods who ruled them.

"Little girl, if you are run off the boat, it is absolutely impossible to survive." One person whispered persuaded, "If you don't have enough crystals, you will be wronged, you can live... more important than anything else."

"Yeah, compared with your life, what is not what dignity is innocent? Let yourself go a little, survive well, just be a gun.

... got a bite by that. "One person halfway, looked up in fear and looked at it. The sound was very low and low, for fear of being heard by Leonard."

"Let's come to life first, and there may be opportunities for revenge when you have a chance." Another person persuaded.

They are all desperate people. They all take a boat along the way. They are very fond of the left poems. They don’t want to see such a delicate girl being ruined by Leonard, but they don’t even want to see the left poem and Xuan Ming being thrown off the boat. When you die, you can harden your head and persuade you. I hope that the left poem can look at it a little.

"I would rather die!" Zuo Shi's face was firm, taking a deep breath and looking at Xuan Mingdao: "Old man, I may want to disappoint you."

Xuan Ming is a young man, and he is not afraid to look at the high-ranking Leonard. He bites his teeth and hates it: "We will disembark, and as long as there is a line of life, we will always let this person pay the price!"

But his heart is full of bleakness.

Xinghai is boundless, his demon level is ten degrees, and the left poem **** Wang is two heavens. There is no Shenjing supplement energy in his hand. Once he disembarks, he needs to maintain the body with the energy in the body. Even if he does not encounter the energy storm, he is also dangerous. It won't last long, and if you are not lucky, you may soon be completely annihilated.

Xuan Ming suddenly regretted it. I regret that I should not bring the left poetry here. If it is still on the mainland, it will be the exhaustion of the heavens and the earth. They can still live well, and they will be destroyed by the dust and dispel the power.

But now...

Xuan Ming's face is desperate and helpless.

"Don't wait for him to rush, we take the initiative to disembark!" Zuo Shi bite his teeth, looked at Leonard in disgust, and prepared to fly from the battleship.

"What are you guys?!"

At this time, in another corner of the battleship, the exclamation of the "flowing cloud" warrior suddenly came, and the tone was very fearful.

... (to be continued)

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