God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 988: Source God triple heaven!

Inside the battleship.

Shiyan's body is like a star drill, and the flow of the road is dazzling and dazzling. The breath is as sharp as the edge, and the plate does not move.

Ferran, Liana, and Cato surrounded him in a triangle, and looked at him with a squinting look.

Time flies by, the stone rock body is more and more fluctuating, and the pure energy overflows from the inside of the hole, penetrates into his bones and the ancient tree, and the energy fluctuations are endless, making him more breathable. Strong accountability

I don't know how long it took, Shiyan's breath gradually calmed down, and the hole was bleak and a little bit converged.

After sitting for a long time, he opened his eyes and smiled lightly. He said, "You have no chance to gain strength."

When Ferran was three, he silently nodded.

Standing up and standing up, stretched out, and the bones were staggered, and the crisp and sweet sounds came, such as the collision of beads and jade, which made people feel calm. "The source is three heavens."

Shi Yan grinned.

This breakthrough has come to the fore, without a trace of stagnation. When the ancient trees re-grow in the body, the sea extends to the realm of the sea, and everything goes smoothly and easily enters a new level. This is the wonderful point that the realm reaches in advance.

Nearly a hundred vagrants were killed, and the overflowing spirits merged into one. It only allowed him to enter the source of the gods, and no extra energy was passed to the three people.

Most of those warriors are in the king of God, and a few people are in the source of the gods. Because the level of the realm is general, the power of purification is naturally limited, and only one person can break through the advanced level.

"You can break through the brothers, we are not in a hurry, wait until the shadow ghost power is more." Cato said with a smile.

Ferran and Liana nodded slightly.

Shi Yan smiled lightly, not much to say, and easily walked out of the training ground, greeted the front guard, and went to see Fu Wei.

The guards took the road with respect and respect, and in a few moments, they led Shi Yan to the room of Fu Wei.

The blue dome is covered with broken gems. It is like a starry sky curtain that softens the light shining from the wing, and has a warm and elegant atmosphere.

Zuo Shi closed his eyes, and a piece of crystal in his hand was piled up. He was picking up the energy in Shenjing. All kinds of wonderful medicinal herbs in the body were restored to make her feel calm and serene, and the field of God claimed to be a piece of blue water. The curtain surrounds the deep sea.

Xuanwu is the holy beast of water, and the left poem is inherited by the blood of the sacred beast, but it also understands the mystery of the water.

Her god's field is like the ocean of the ocean, and the gods are natural, quiet and watery, and the atmosphere is vast and expansive.

The left poem is smelting in silence.

Fu Wei was wearing a long blue dress, revealing the white shoulders, drinking wine on the side, and a pair of bright eyes staring at the left poem, the face was too difficult to cover up.

She gave many poems to the left poems, so that Zuo Shi’s poetry was cultivated here. The medicines were swallowed into the abdomen, and the medicine quickly spread into the whole body. The realm of the left poem immediately changed subtlely. Under her eyes, left Poetry enters the depths of the water, and it seems to be so profound that it is so deep...

Fu Wei was very surprised. She carefully observed the investigation and found that the realm of Zuo Shi’s poetry rose steadily. The potion formed by these medicinal herbs quickly tempered the bones of the left poem and integrated into her blood.

In the blood of Zuo Shi, it seems to contain the essence of the mystery of water, giving her a very wonderful feeling, like... the endless realm can be upgraded.

This discovery made Fu Wei shocked and his appearance became extremely complicated.

"You are coming." Fu Wei put away his heart, gently smiled softly, waved his hand to him, whispered: "Little girl is a wizard, the realm of comprehension seems to have no barrier bottleneck, even... soon to break through, soon Entering the kingdom of the gods and three heavens. She... In the realm of cognition, I don’t know why I can do whatever I want. I have never seen the realm rise so fast."

Shi Yan stared at the left poem and nodded secretly. The subconscious explained: "She is unique in her talent."

As early as in the days of Tianzhu City, Zuo Shi’s cultivation talents were outstanding. The little girl was always lazy. From the point of view of cultivation, she could still reach a very high level of realm, and she was accepted as a disciple and cultivated with heart.

In the realm of realm, this little girl's entry is extremely amazing. He can play and play more than ordinary people. Once he is serious, it is even more terrifying.

When Zuo Shi and Xuan Ming walked together, he faintly knew that there was a sacred blood of the sacred beast in the left poem, and the talent was absolutely great. If he was willing to study it with enthusiasm, the future could not be limited. She could reach the Divine King in the Ma Yuxing domain. The situation, when the situation is extremely difficult, can be seen how abnormal her qualifications.

Being promoted by Fu Wei Dan medicine, the talent is really revealed, and even the well-informed Fu Wei is shocked, which proves that Zuo Shi is definitely a rare genius in the world.

"Little girl said a lot of things about you." Fu Wei has a smile in his eyes. "I didn't expect you to be so famous on the mainland of God, a life star that is about to be abandoned, you can reach the peak of the true god, and How did you do it with only a few decades?"

Zuo Shi's remarks about Shi Yan made Fu Wei stunned. If she didn't know that Zuo Shi was so simple, she might think that she left the poem.

In just a few decades, in the stars whose energy is about to dry up, from the mortal who does not have the power of silk, to the real peak of the gods, in the case of Fu Wei, it can only be described by monsters.

Fu Wei suddenly realized that Shi Yan could get the weight of the demon and the demon leader. It was not so easy to be lucky, and she must have the wonder that she could not find out.

"I heard that this person is very romantic." Fu Wei smiled softly, said softly, the bright inside of the bright sway.

"No, don't listen to her." Shi Yan touched his nose and his face was a little awkward.

He remembered the Iraqis who were far away from the shadow ghost prison. After many years, he did not know what the other party's situation was, and he also looked forward to it.

In so many red faces, the Iraqis were the first to let him be tempted. On the day when the Tianzhu City martial arts field stayed in the void, he left a deep mark on his heart, which is still extinct and remains in the deepest part of his heart.

I haven't seen it for decades, and I don't know if the other party is still in the ear.

The gray place where the stars of the Malang Star are isolated.

The six huge stars of life are arranged in six stars, and the six stars of life are not stagnant. They are slowly moving like six huge beasts and marching in one direction.

On one of the stars of life, there are hundreds of huge medicine fields, planted with tens of thousands of scarce herbs, the aroma is full of scent, the heaven and earth energy covers the sky like a mist, and the fog does not scatter all the year round.

There are ten giant tripods in the middle of the 垩 垩 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

A thin, ghostly old man with a beautiful rune on his face and a luxurious costume, behind him are dozens of powerful people who have reached the virtual **** triple heaven, as if they were followers of the guards. Looking at him to check those giant tripods.

The old man wandered among the giants, and nodded from time to time, expressing satisfaction.

Suddenly, a figure flies outside the sky, landing on one knee, and respectfully said: "Great long-haired!"

The left wheat slightly frowned, the eagle hook nose, the eyelids were deep, the face looked quite hazy, the thin lips looked unrequited, he waved to the people to get up, the voice was sullen: "How about the message? ”

"They... they seem to have found the Holy Scriptures!" The coming people are also the three gods of the virtual gods, the tribes of the dark spirits, hoarse and low-pitched.

The medicinal instrument's big long-haired old left-handed eyes brightened up, and immediately sneaked into laughter. "Good!" After a pause, he took a deep breath and cheered: "Commanded to go all out, it is necessary to contain the holy code." Grab it! As for the little fox you... I don't want to see her again."

"Subsidiary obey!" Come to the corner of the mouth to smash the sturdy ice and cold, focus on the head.

"Do it cleanly, don't leave a handle on it." Zuo Mai said.

"Understand." The people respected the ceremony and immediately flew into the sky, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye.

A lot of messages were passed in the medicine cabinet, and all kinds of powers were handed over. They were released one by one, and many forces secretly acted. Many warships were arranged in the Malang star field.

"The Holy Scriptures, hey, finally, except for me, no one is qualified to own!" Zuo Mai looked at the sky with his hand, proudly said: "The owner is not good."

The giant ship is in the middle of the center.

Fu Wei, who talked with Shiyan, looked a little, and suddenly she would hang a mirror from the palm of her hand. Xiaoshiyan nodded and said, "Please avoid it."

Shi Yan was indifferent and retired from the wing.

Fu Wei came to a secret room behind the wing, and the mirror was like a ghost. When the chamber was closed, Fu Wei took a deep breath and the palm of the hand was electro-optic. The mirror showed the image of the front, and the face was blue. The space righteousness immediately shouted: "The news has gone, and Zuo Jiang has already learned that the Holy Scriptures are in your hands. On the way to the Shadow Ghosts, you must be careful. I have already started. Space transfer arrays come to your area, and before I arrive, you want to make sure that the Holy Scriptures are not robbed!"

Fu Wei's pretty face became very ugly, and Blue Lan was eclipsed and exclaimed: "How can I get a message?"

"The left-handed magical power is vast, and his eyeliner is everywhere in the corner of the pavilion. The star-eye is also controlled by him. It is not surprising that he can get the news." Zha Shi sighed and said helplessly: "The big long squat is in the pavilion." For many years, the forces they hold are not comparable to us. I should have known that I will reveal the news. You must be careful, in order to get anything left from the Holy Scriptures, I am afraid that you may not be able to hold it. ”

"I will enter the Shadow Ghost prison as soon as possible!" Fu Wei dipped.

"Well, rush into the Shadow Ghost at the fastest speed. Once you find the battleship on the way, try to avoid it." Zha Feng carefully said: "Don't make extra money, don't conflict with any forces, once you find other forces searching for you, once I feel that I can’t avoid it, I’m going to kill it, I can’t stop it!”

"I know how to do it."

Fu Wei nodded seriously.

"You try to support, we will come soon, but before we arrive, be sure to save yourself!"

"I know."


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