God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 989: Crisis, opportunity!

In the vast star of the river, a warship is like a thunder and lightning.

In a secret room inside the battleship, Shiyan sits quietly, with a new book on his feet, all about the mystery of space.

He flipped through a book and shook his head from time to time. When a useless book was confirmed, he was immediately wrapped in a flame and immediately burned into nothingness.

The spatial classics that Fu Wei has printed from the Pharmacy Court come from the handwriting of the esoteric space esoterics. They have a spontaneous understanding of the space ambiguity, but the masters of those slogans are not deep in the realm of the space. Xin Shiyan has already explored and understood.

In the cognition of space ambiguity, he is much more profound than the masters of most handwritings. The space they left behind is mysterious and descriptive. It is superficial in Shiyan, and it does not help him at all.

In a short while, there was only one handwritten note left in his hands. Shiyan squinted and looked at it carefully. Sometimes he realized it and his brows gradually wrinkled.

The owner of this handwriting has a unique understanding of the space, focusing on the spatial nodes.

According to the master's cognition, the space can be regarded as a sphere covered with a spider web. The sphere is filled with spider webs. The intersection of the spider webs is a space node. The nodes and nodes are connected by space lines. The space-building elements can be carried out through space nodes. Move instantly.

Some spatial nodes are extremely unstable and can even lead to spatially turbulent watersheds, but most of the spatial nodes are very stable and can be penetrated by space.

In a spherical space, nodes such as stars are filled in the void, which is difficult for ordinary people to reach and cannot be perceived.

Only by cultivating the space of the righteous, and reaching a certain level of realm, can we perceive the soul, according to the description of the person, there is a wonderful spatial fluctuation in the space node, once the soul vibration of the cultivating space can be resonated with the nodes, achieving a mysterious Consistent, you can go directly to the interior of the space node and make an instantaneous shift.

Shiyan has already broken through to the three gods of the source god. In the mysterious and unknowable place, the understanding of the space is more and more profound.

He knows that there are nodes in any space, but it is usually difficult to detect. Through the description of the handwritten, he gradually realized that if he could touch with the soul, no matter where he is, he can find a way out for himself.

According to this line of thinking, he lifted his knowledge.

A glimpse of the volatility of the space, like an arrow, shoots out at his own center and wanders to the Chaos Xinghai to perceive the existence of spatial nodes.

In the midst of it, the soul is empty, and I don’t know how long it has been. One of the gods suddenly touches the mysterious space fluctuations. For example, the ripples in the layers are turbulent, and the internal space fluctuations are very fierce.

The slightly squinting eyes jerked up.

Taking a deep breath, his glimpse of the gods wandered in the middle, carefully understanding the subtle changes in space fluctuations, adjusting himself, letting the soul know the sea from calm and turbulent, and also cascading waves, trying and that A turbulence is a subtle resonance.

But the fluctuations in that place are very strong and violent. It seems that it is not an easy task to resonate with the development of the sea.

In particular, he was only the first entry, and for the first time touched this mysterious comprehension.

Comprehending the volatility and resonance, this is a long process, and he is not in a hurry. He has been carefully studying the warships.

Time is in a hurry.

On this day, he still indulged in the resonance of space fluctuations, and the sea was like an explosion.

Suddenly, the gods who did not know where to extend, suddenly gave birth to a heart, even if they found a ship like a black ink, like a shark group, the positive speed is flying in one direction.

A feeling of guilty heart reflected in the heart of the field, Shiyan temporarily stopped the resonance of space fluctuations, that I did not know where to enter the direction of the gods, seriously looked at that dark warship.

There are dozens of warships, ranging in length from kilometers to three kilometers. They are obviously divided into one force, arranged neatly, and there are clusters of thick black clouds covering the line of sight, and there is no sight in them. Above the warships, there are surges of energy fluctuations, and faintly aware of the fierce atmosphere.

After discerning the direction for a while, Shi Yan’s heart glimpsed and suddenly recovered the glimpse of the gods.

Inside the battleship, Shi Yan's face was condensed in vain, sinking for a while, and Huo Ran got up and walked out.

The three of Ferran each retired in a secret room, and did not know his actions, nor did he know his findings.

"Where are you going?" A guard at the door, bowed slightly and respectfully.

"Looking for your Fu Wei is old, please pass it immediately!" Shi Yan's face was cold and his attitude was slightly urgent.

The guard nodded and said, "Follow me."

Soon, under the leadership of the guards, Shiyan came to the central hub of the battleship. The heads of Fuwei, Anyun and Fengan’s three drugstores were all in the air. They seemed to talk in a low voice and saw him come over. Stopped immediately.

The guards retired, and Shi Yan took a deep breath and suddenly said: "There are a group of warships coming quickly to this side. The speed is extremely fast. It is estimated that there will be dozens of warships coming to the other side within two hours. There is a faint murderous manifestation. It seems that ... the person is not good."

Fu Wei was so moved, suddenly stood up, and the body trembled, saying: "What direction? Which type of warship, what is the specific situation?"

An Yun and that Feng'an face suddenly became difficult to look at, secretly biting their teeth, flashing fierce light in the sputum, "small long sluts, should be their people!" An Yun cold channel.

Fu Wei nodded, and she slapped her hand, indicating that she would not speak, her eyes condensed on Shiyan.

She knows that the cultivating space is righteous. The area where the gods can extend is extremely wide. Perhaps the coverage area is not necessarily wide enough, but the gods only fly in one direction, which is far more distant than the general boundary.

"Inky ink warships, like sharks, have dozens of ships. The warships depict all kinds of exquisite runes, most of the cyan and black lines, a little purple." Shi Yan recalled, detailed depiction God sees it.

"Ghosts of the Black Shark, Blue Shark Battleship!" An Yun took a sigh of coolness and looked very dignified. "The shark warship was built by the great scorpion and the old scorpion. The big scorpion is the ghost. The ethnic people, the black sharks, the blue shark warships, the savage fleet under the patriarchs of the ghosts! It should be wrong, it is coming over us!"

Fu Wei's pretty face was cold, nodded slightly, and no longer said anything more. The jade fingertips were dazzling, and the clear rays of the road passed through, and they all infiltrated into the corners of the central hub.


The roar of the deafening blast broke out from the bottom of the battleship. The battleship seemed to be reversed in an instant. Numerous Shenjing forces were extracted, such as an extra-terrestrial electric light, galloping in a new direction.

After doing all this, Fu Wei wiped the sweat on her forehead and looked quite tired. Xiaoshiyan smiled and said softly: "Thank you, thank you."

"What happened?" Shi Yan frowned.

"The news of the Holy Scriptures in our hands is gone." Fu Wei sighed sighly. "The old man is going to **** the holy scriptures. He is launching a force close to him and ready to start. To kill us, we will get the holy scriptures." , preventing us from holding the Holy Scriptures."

Shi Yan was amazed and nodded indifferently. "You may hold it?"

"Who knows?" Fu Wei said in a whisper, seriously thinking about it, sorry to say: "I thought it would be able to bring you into the Shadow Ghost, but now this happens. Well, you continue to be with us. It’s a good thing, so..."

Fu Wei looked at An Yun and said: "Anzhen, you choose the best quality chariot and send them away."

An Yun was in a hurry and wanted to leave with his head down.

"Slightly wait." Shi Yan waved to stop, cold questioning: "Do you have a fight with the other party? If you meet, will you spare no effort to kill, killing?"

"That is of course." Fu Wei's eyes were cold, and her brows were suffocating. "The other side is coming over and is ready to kill us. We will resist it with all our strength and will never stop."

Shi Yan immediately smiled coldly. "Well, I will stay and fight with you."

Fu Wei, An Yun and Feng An were stunned in vain, looking at him incomprehensibly, and his face was strange.

"I don't have anything to do with you. You just stayed for trouble, and we didn't have the confidence to overcome each other. Why should you take risks with us?" Fu Wei blue 眸 眸 涟涟 涟涟 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 芳 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 芙 芙 芙The tattooed savage warship is like a cloud, but I am not sure how to deal with it. Do you really want to bear these with us?"

"That's it." Shi Yan grinned and said nothing more. He turned out to be the central hub of the warship.

He went to the Shadow Ghost Prison with his heart. He knew that there was chaos. Only the area where the fighting was frequent was the most suitable for him. The death of the military was the key to his own transformation. When there was a battle, it was a rare opportunity for him. He does not want to miss it.

The three people of Fu Wei didn't know his mind. When he left behind, he was full of surprise.

"This person... is quite loyal." An Yun stunned for a long time, and suddenly nodded slightly. "I don't want to pay attention to him. I don't want to stay out of the way. I still insist on staying. It's a good one." Guy."

Feng An also nodded in agreement. "I didn't expect him to be such a person. I used to misunderstand him. When he was the kind of profit-seeker, he didn't expect to be in trouble. He could be so hearted."

Fu Wei grinned and smiled softly. "I didn't expect him to choose to stay."

"Get ready to eat a big meal."

Inside the battleship, Shiyan awakened Ferran, Lianna, and Cato, and grinned. "The last time the energy was slightly less, it was not enough for me to separate it. This time, let the three of you have a quick drink!"

Ferran's three men were violent and looked forward.

Ps: Start adding more tomorrow~~

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