God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1016: Crazy!

On the dark cyan meteorite, Shiyan suddenly opened his eyes and his face suddenly pale.

He has been quietly practicing before, and has insight into the subtleties of the space nodes. He has just seen the sixteen spatial nodes nearby. However, he is keenly aware that a space node is completely disordered, as if it was destroyed by strong forces.

His abnormal reaction made Ferran all woke up, and he looked at him with horror.

Without explaining anything, Shi Yan quickly closed his eyes, and the gods continued to wander, to perceive the space node of the ninth life star of the medicine cabinet.

At half-quarter time, five spatial nodes were twisted and distorted by powerful forces, and no space could be moved at all.

His face became iron blue, his eyes flashed in his mind, and he thought about it quickly.

The aura flashed abruptly, and he stood up in horror. One stunned and said: "There are sixteen space nodes nearby, - they are destroyed, the damage is still going on! There is a terrible force, obviously to the following The Star of Life starts! The other side can destroy the space node, and the power is extremely horrible. This is the action that is known to be released, and is specifically aimed at the release!"

Cato stunned and immediately succumbed to the disaster. "The medicine is unlucky!"

Fei Lan and others also looked indifferent. For them, the medicine cabinet was not at all in the heart, especially the drug cabinets were not inferior, which made them not believe in Shiyan, so they did not feel good about the medicine cabinet. I wish they had a big loss.

"Whether we are doing things, are we leaving early, don't worry about this and what is wrong?" Cato said without hesitation.

Shi Yan looked strangely dignified, his brow was deep locked, and he quickly thought about it. Suddenly he said, "I will send you to the space node that can be used first!"

As soon as the voice fell, he immediately condensed the power, and a subtle space gap, such as electric light, walked around him, and gradually, those space electric light picked up and became a mysterious passage, suspended in the heads of everyone.

"Don't get in!" Shi Yan drinks low.

Fei Lan and others looked at him inexplicably, and did not know why he reflected this and his eyes were amazed.

"After you go out, immediately find a direction away, the faster the better, do not stop!" Shi Yan face dignified to the extreme, eyes solemn, "as soon as possible away from the nearby area, looking for a life star or mine far from here." Going down, don't look back!"

Can destroy the space node, dare to kill the ninth life star under the medicine cabinet, the strength is bound to be extremely strong.

He knows in his mind that this medicine device is afraid of being caught in an unprecedented terrorist crisis. If he is not careful, the pattern of the medicine cabinet will be turned upside down. Even he does not dare to be able to live alive from this war.

But he must return, not because of the medicine cabinet, because Xia Xinyu is still in the middle!

"Brother, go walk together!" Fengto snarled.

"I can't go, there are people I can't give up, I have to go back!" Shi Yan angered.

"Then go back together!" Ferran drank low, a look that could not be refused.

"You have nothing to do in the past, just to succumb to the strength of the other side, far beyond your imagination, they dare to try the three medicinal cabinets, they must be completely prepared, our power can not stop!" Take a breath and say: "Don't worry too much. I have struggled in the most dangerous life in my life. If I am alone, 70% hope to escape. You will follow me, but it will mess up my heart and will increase the burden on me. ”

"Either go together or stay together!" Liana said.

Shi Yan’s heart was warm and his face was extremely ugly. He couldn’t help but scream and screamed. “I’m the first to order you to the bloodthirsty inheritor, give me leave immediately, I don’t have much time, you waste a little more. I hope to survive one less point!"

The space node is still disappearing. When all the space nodes are destroyed, this area will be completely blocked. It is difficult to communicate with the outside world even at the time.

Many strange soundstones and secrets of contact, and communication with the outside world need to use space nodes. Once a regional space node is completely destroyed, it means that an area is completely blocked, and no news can be transmitted at that time, as if it was imprisoned.

He knows what it means.

And Ferran, Liana, and Cato have shown for many years that he has not used the bloodthirsty identity to issue orders. If he is not forced, he will not do so.

Once done, it must mean that the situation is at its most severe moment.

"The master told me not to follow!" The first statement was Benny, the nunny boy with a solemn face, saluting with a strange gesture, and immediately rushed to the space channel.

Ferran, Cato, and Liana’s face rose red, and they struggled with pain. They also nodded and left a sentence of “taking care,” and dragged Xuan Ming, left poem to leave, and drilled into the passage. trend.

When their figures disappeared, the strength of the stone rock changed, and the space channel of the hard-working power gradually turned into a little bit of broken light, and there was no trace.

No hurry to immediately rush into the ninth life star of the Pharmacy Court. He took a deep sip, his fingertips ruptured, and three drops of red blood flew out of the blood. A sense of consciousness merged into it, and three drops of blood became a blood line. Investing in the vast expanse of the sea of ​​stars, from a space node that is far from the demon star, is a hundred million miles away. I

In the most dangerous moment, he suddenly felt weak, except for the Gorefiend, he did not know who to rely on.

Before he said, it is difficult to contact the Gorefiend, ‘that’s not the case of using undead blood. Once he was exhausted by the blood, he was able to release his own message, as long as the Gorefiend could be sensed, because he did not fully grasp the first attempt.

In a bloody-like communication, the message he delivered was limited in silver. It was just that the Malang star field would change dramatically. The source was in the shadow ghost prison. His own position indicates that he would have a life worry.

Gorefiend will not believe, willing or unwilling to make a big move for him, he is not sure, but he must pass the message out, because he knows that if the space node can't be destroyed before the communication, all the surrounding space nodes are broken, He will never have a chance.

A glimpse of the blood of his mind, through the space nodes drifting away, and hundreds of millions of miles.

Taking a deep breath, he did not continue to waste time. He rushed to the star of life with the fastest strength. The energy of a collection of tens of thousands of stars was bombarded on the dark cloud-like defense curtain.

Not long after, the guards of the medicinal cabinet that sent them in and out, and they came out again, their faces were hard to see, and they couldn’t help but say: "How are you still?"

Shi Yan knows that there is no benefit to him. He will not understand, and he will not believe it. As long as he barely smiles, "I have something to forget. I will take it in the past and never leave it. Please let me go."

This person is very impatient. The good feelings for Shiyan are gradually thinning and frowning because of his continuous chaos. "How long will it take?"

"Soon, just a quarter of an hour." Shi Yan said quickly.

He needs to enter this Star of Life as soon as possible. He can't waste a little time, thinking that the external space nodes are still being destroyed, and he doesn't have much time.

The release is also a space righteous person, but unless Zha Feng is like him, at this time, he is carefully examining the changes in the surrounding space nodes, otherwise he will not be able to know the situation at this time. At this time, Zha Feng should still discuss the details of cooperation with Xia Xinyu. There will be no leisure to spy on the surrounding conditions.

If he knows the changes outside, he should have realized what happened and he will take precautions early, but now the star of life has not changed. From this point he will certainly not be aware of it.

"Just give you a quarter of an hour!" The guard was so impatient, and finally gave it a face, opened the defensive cloud barrier and let him enter.

However, as soon as he rushed into the atmosphere of the ninth life star, he suddenly rushed forward like crazy, and the power of the stars, the power of the gods, and the explosive power of the negative forces were unreservedly violent for the first time. Thunder and lightning are still fast, just a glimpse of it, he will fall to the lake in the middle of the ninth life star, and loudly said: "I want to see your elders!"

In the loud drink, he rushed into the lake and smashed into the air, and he was in no way inferior to the power of the virtual power.

The guards of the medicinal guards around the lake saw only a bunch of electric light hitting them. The hard-hitting lakes were forbidden. They were suddenly furious and screamed out. These people have many gods and their secret treasures are extremely precious and magical. For a time, the electric light meets, and the lightning light curtain is woven into a spider web to lock the top of the lake.

"Open the forbidden enchantment, let me in!" Li Yan roared.

"The kid is arrogant!"


"act recklessly!"

The pharmacy cabinet guards yelled, and the communication was saved. They flew one by one and stopped.

Shi Yan was in a hurry at this time, and there was no thought and entanglement with the medicine cabinet. The eyelids suddenly became scarlet like blood, and a blood flashed over. The giant sword appeared in his palm. The blood of several kilometers was like scarlet red blood and a sword. Cut down, the violent evil can be extremely strong, and it is inevitable.


The light curtain intertwined by dozens of source sacred medicinal guards was torn by a sword. Many of the medicinal cabinets vomited blood, and the rushing body flew away at a faster speed.

Outside the more medicinal cabinet guards, looked blank, looked at him in a panic, and screamed: "This person is crazy! He is going to be unfavorable to the elders, blocking him! Block him!"

In their eyes, the stone rock that is like a blood, is mad, and regardless of what Shi Yan said, he just wants to stabilize the situation as soon as possible.

A cavity of anger and anger, the negative fluctuations of Shiyan, such as flash floods, a scarlet eye on the giant sword, an evil death atmosphere filled the entire ninth life star, because the situation is urgent for the first time without retaining the power He is like a **** in the field, and a sword is slanting, and the **** rainbow is like a meteor falling into the lake.


In the yoghurt lake, the smashing waves of the lake are smashing, and dozens of giant pillars of water rushing to the sky, a horrible energy cave, which suddenly appears in the lake, and hundreds of millions of light spots splash out.

He figured out that since he could not enter the main hall of the lake, he forced the people inside the main hall to come out!

Ps: monthly ticket support~

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