God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1017: Come with me!


Another kilometer of blood-colored rainbow light squats on the lake, the lake's energy giant cave collapses, the water column rises from the sky, and hundreds of millions of light spots interweave.

Many of the guards in the Pharmacy Court were very violent, and they were screaming and rushing toward Shiyan.

Another space node was destroyed, Shi Yan's face was horrible, and it also ignited the wrath of the sky. For the ignorance of the medicine cabinet, he was so angry that he couldn't help but roar, and a vast **** sigh of anger, like a dragon, swayed into the sky.

In the hands of a giant sword on a scarlet eyeball, opened one after another, the evil atmosphere filled the surface of the entire star.


The scarlet eyeball on the giant sword, perhaps feeling his sigh of anger, even flew out from the sword sword body, turned into a **** ghostly ghost image, those ghosts and green face fangs, behind the wings, empty eyes with violent killing The savage luster, such as the same group of wildfires, raging and burning.

A **** ghost, like a butterfly, flying on the lake, as if the **** torrent of the intersection.

Dozens of medicinal squadrons who had just rushed up were just close to Shiyan. The soul of the dynasty was shocked by the altar, and there was a terrible pain in the mind. It was invaded by evil energy and the face was very painful.

Those **** torrents, like the extension of the giant sword, intertwined with the shuttle, woven into a **** giant net, Yiran is an alternative enchantment.

The **** surrounding of the enchantment, all kinds of negative emotions, fear, despair, bloodthirsty, violent, crazy desires of the human heart, was directly rushed out, so that many of the medicinal martial arts souls fell, as if they were legally living.

For a time, the medicinal guards who rushed to Shiyan were all stagnation of the void, and their eyes were empty and there was no color, even with those **** ghosts.

This is a clear sign of the invasion of the soul!

In the middle of the lake, the huge caverns of energy caves are rushing, and the violent violent infiltration reaches the main hall.

The explosion of the main hall rumbling, as if to be shattered, the people who talked in here, such as Bettina, Zha Feng, Fu Wei, Xia Xinyu, etc., also changed their faces, and at the same time realized the pressure on the top of the head, looked up involuntarily. day.

With a cold expression, he stretched his hand to the top of the head. As if the space image of the mirror appeared, holding a giant sword like a demon-like stone rock, suddenly emerged in the eyes of everyone.

At this moment, the stone rock is murderous, and the scorpion is like a blood drop. The violent temper of an evil bones seems to bring the world's living spirits into the endless dead space.

"Mom, this kid is crazy!" Zha Feng couldn't help but scream. "I dare to use force in our medicine cabinet. I don't know how high the earth is. I will kill him!"

Bettina also chilled her face, and stoned into the bones. She said: "Dare to behave in our medicine cabinet, even if the Gorefiends want to shelter him!"

She clearly agreed with the decision to release.

Fu Wei is pale and looks up at the rocky rock that is like madness. I don't know how to deal with it. Ming Hao is anxious and helpless.

However, Xia Xinyu, who had been very happy with Bettina and Zha, was deeply locked, and looked at the two people coldly. He flew directly to the sky, and instantly passed through the dome barrier and came to the lake. outer.

A kilometer of blood blew down, and it was necessary to blast to the lake again, but turned in the middle. The thunder and thunder blasted a vacant warship on the edge of the lake. The kilometer warship was instantly cut into pieces of tofu. The two halves are as smooth as a mirror.

Xia Xinyi was full of confusion, standing on the lake and whispering: "What is it?"

"Follow me!" Shi Yan's face was full of suffocation, and he was in the **** network. He rushed to change the volatility of the ambiguous sense. A trace of space was intertwined, and suddenly a emptiness channel was formed on his head. He looked at it like this. Xia Xinyu, said: "There is no time to explain, let's go first!,,

Xia Xinyi stayed, just hesitated for a second, then he said nothing, nodded and tried to get into the void passage.

The guards of the many medicinal cabinets around the scene were all horrified. How could they not understand why this guest was so obedient, even if the situation was not asked, they would stay away from Shiyan.

At this moment, Xia Xinyi still had unreserved trust. Shi Yan’s heart was warm and the violent mood calmed down a bit.

However, the accident suddenly emerged in an instant!

The channel that was confined by his space, when Xia Xinyi was about to enter, suddenly twisted and changed, and then suddenly burst open, and the space was splashed, and the passage was destroyed by the smash.

A cold face of Zha Feng, cold and not in the side of the channel, his eyes sullen and frosty, "I am the medicine cabinet you want to come, want to walk and go? District a source of the mysterious space of the righteous, also dare in front of me Building a space channel, I really don’t know how tall it is."

He smashed the channel of the stone rock, and instantly smashed it in the same space, making Xia Xin’s figure stagnate.

Shiyan’s just-concealed state of mind is like being ignited with extreme anger. Huo Rang becomes hysterical. A negative force can’t help but burst out. The sword in his hand is empty, and countless blood-colored shadows, like **** fireworks, smash out the surrounding space.

He suddenly noticed that another space node was destroyed, and the space node of the ninth life star was completely disordered!

This also means that the other party has completed a comprehensive blockade, and the last chance to get out of the house has been smashed and smashed. It really makes him angry and reaches the peak. The blood sword in his hand whirls in his palm, and countless negative energy such as ocean flooding will be tied. All areas of the release are filled.

Zha Shisen’s face suddenly showed a trace of confusion, and his brows were twisted, as if he was struggling with pain.


A blood light is drawn from the sky, the direction of the rules is wonderful, and the arc is beautiful, as if to rip the body apart.

Bettina and Fu Wei, who had just taken their heads from the bottom of the lake, looked up and saw that they were stunned, and a **** moment was drawn. The next second seemed to be destroyed by the body, and they were all scared.

No matter how they imagined, they couldn’t think of Shiyan’s strength. He could confuse his heart and let him lose his heart. It really changed color and there was no time to stop it.

"do not!"

Xia Xinyu was also shocked. Suddenly, both hands were printed, with extremely mysterious and mysterious fluctuations, which seemed to affect the passage of time. The blood of the stab to the front was slowly and slowly, and everyone around them was affected. Influence, there is a feeling that time is limited.

Lian Shiyan is no exception. I feel that the speed of time has slowed down and the surge of all forces has been reduced.

Only Xia Xinyi was the only one who was not affected. He was graceful and graceful. In the past, he slammed the front and quickly changed his direction, and took Zha Feng away from the danger zone.


The blood light changed from a slow moment to a lightning, but the figure of the front has disappeared, and the blood falls to the lake. It is like splitting the lake, and the rushing water flow is cut off by a sword. The power of this sword is simply earth-shattering.

"What the **** is going on?" Xia Xinjiao sighed, her voice was like magic, so that the rocky rock that was very crazy was soaked by ice water, and violently awake.

A famous drug-armed martial artist gathered around him and surrounded him. Bettina and Fu Wei had a stunned look at the side of the stunned Zhafeng. The sorrow was still confused and seemed to be struggling.

Betty's face is more ugly and ugly, and I look back at Fu Wei. "This is the friend you said? You have to give me an account for this!"

Fu Wei Lan Yu is full of confusion, staying there, and do not know how to deal with it.

"Kill him!" Bettina ordered, the tone was cold.

Many medicinal cabinets and martial arts have gathered together, and they want to open the killing ring. It is obvious that they have moved their anger.

At this moment, Xia Xinyu suddenly slammed, and the voice of the voice rang out.

At the cloud of the ninth life star, a huge warship suddenly came over, such as the black clouded head, gathered around Xia Xinzhen, her face was cold, leaving no trace of affection: "Who dares to move him, it is me. Dead enemy!"

Bettina and Fu Wei were shocked, and the medicinal cabinets were inexplicable. Even the soldiers of the blast warheads that were coming in were all stunned, and they were at a loss.

I was just taken out of the mind for a moment, and suddenly I woke up and couldn’t help but scream: "Kill that kid!"

Xia Xinyu was cold and light, and slowly stared at Zha Feng. Suddenly he said, "If you dare to move, I will kill you!"

Everyone is stunned.

"You, why are you protecting him?" Bettina shocked and suddenly woke up. "You, between you? You already know?!"

"Well, he is a friend of my hometown." Xia Xinyu coldly sighed, suddenly took a deep breath, whispered: "Shi Yan, what is going on?"

The last space node was destroyed. Shiyan knew that his plan was difficult to achieve. He gradually recovered his normal color and took back the blood sword. He sighed and said: "Zha Feng, you can sense the changes in the surrounding space nodes yourself."

Zha Feng looked cold, frowning and letting go of the gods, and immediately cold, like falling into the cold ice, can not help but tremble.

"What happened?" Bettina was amazed.

"After the ninth life star, all the space nodes have been destroyed! We have completely lost contact with the outside world! I can't take everyone away from here." The voice was shivering. "Someone wants to kill us!"

When this was said, all of them fell into a huge panic, and they looked up at the sky, as if they felt that the outside world had the invisible pressure of the mountains and the sea, and it was approaching a little.

"In the end, the space channel I built was destroyed by him, and we can't get away." Shi Yan shook his head, his face was stunned, and he was helpless.

The people finally understood why Shiyan would be so abnormal.

"Open all the defensive barriers! Ready to die!" Bettina paused for a few seconds, suddenly shouting, and suddenly there was a crutches in her hands. The crutches were heavily emptied, hundreds of blue, dark green, and red red lights. , smashing the blast to the stars in all directions.

The gray star surface, successively reveals three shades of light blue, dark green, and red, such as three color ocean masks, which will protect the entire star.

Ps: New week, seek the support of the Han woman, recommended by the small counter-hands, thank you ~ ~

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