God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1026: Bloody slaughter

The shadow card's cocaine, his face became extremely ugly, the savage and vicious eyes condensed on the stone rock, killing without concealing.

He did not expect that with his strength, he could not kill Stone Rock in an instant, but also let him break free and appear in a new form.

This is an insult to the beginning of God!

There is no word in the card, and the cold world continues to change.

Suspended in the mountains and rivers in his virtual world, it is condensed into three horrible horrible beasts, carrying the thick and heavy forces of the earth, instantly breaking free from the bounds of the virtual world, roaring silently, and feeding towards Shiyan.

The three beasts are several kilometers long, and they are terrible. They are the demon races that have never appeared in the Marsh star field. The three powerful earth-shattering forces have suddenly locked the stone rock soul and almost drowned the stone rock body in an instant.

No one can see the stone rock again, only see a piece of earthy gray and gray world, faintly see the body of the beast, such as the mountain is shaking.

Shi Yan’s unyielding roar, but a wave of waves, lasts for a long time.

Suddenly, Shiyan’s roaring sound stopped. He also appeared from the three-headed Kako’s demon in the demon race. He was covered with trauma, and his bones came and shattered, and his face was frozen.

After all, it is the beginning of the gods, his body power to push, still can not be matched.

However, when he felt as if he was going to fall into an infinite abyss, he saw an exception...

The next moment, he felt that the negative power, divine power, magic blood and star energy of the body squatting, like a venting mouth, suddenly rushed out, as if into the illusion of the ancient demon.

In the void, dozens of ancient demon gods are imaginary, slowly changing and rapidly blending together.

A terrible extinction atmosphere, a little bit of breeding of the ancient demon gods imaginary fusion into a short three seconds, as if taking all the power of stone rock, turned into a group, and quickly evolved into a number A huge blur of the ancient demon image of a hundred meters high.

The image of the ancient demon god, such as the projection in the water, is unclear. Only a pair of scarlet-like eyes like two **** suns, a **** imprint on the forehead is incomparably obvious.

The illusion of the ancient demon appeared in the ninth star of life, and Shi Yan suddenly stunned, looking up at the horror.

The blockade of the ninth life star is blocked in an instant to disrupt the space node that was destroyed anyway, and it will return to normal.

An icy evil will, carrying the energy of evil to evil, I don’t know how to vent it from a corner of the universe, and gather in the ancient demon body like a giant mountain. The ancient demon **** seems to cover the strength of heaven and earth in an instant. The source of the ruin, the volatility of the ruined land, so that the ninth life star is trembled, so that all the shadow ghosts of the prison to reach the beginning of the real world are shocking.

Shiyan looked up at the huge ancient demon image, and suddenly there was an illusion. He felt that the ancient demon **** seemed to have life!

At this time, his whole body strength was clean, and the little ancient demon **** extracted all his energy when he merged, as if he had awakened the evil creatures from the depths of the universe and directly entered the ancient demon body.

The horror image of the ancient demon god, when the void emerged, a pair of giant hands that were as fuzzy as an iron anchor suddenly caught.

The three monsters that flew out of the cocaine world were spoiled, suddenly bursting out, and countless earthy luster splashed out and turned into nothingness.

The ancient demon **** looked down and sucked. The ghosts of the X-rays and the martial arts warriors were wiped clean and instantly became a dead body. Some life fluctuations did not exist.

In addition to the Xia Xinyu and Fu Wei, which are guarded by the stone rock body, in just a moment, almost all the creatures have been absorbed, and the tragic death includes the Dorothy of the Crocker family, including thousands of ghosts. Warrior Pavilion, the warrior of the blast war department.

There is only one slaughter, and thousands of people are dead and dead.

The head of the shadow family is a card, suddenly the body trembles, the eyes show a big horror, screaming like a ghost, "Impossible, you, you are already dead..."

He seemed to have lost his heart and screamed loudly, and the soul sacrifice suddenly flew out of his skull and tried to escape with the utmost strength.

However, the horrible ancient demon **** is also reaching out to the giant hand, and the two hands are respectively tightening the imaginary world of the card and the soul altar, while pinching.


The imaginary world of the card and the altar of the soul are shattered in an instant, turning into countless different lights to dissipate between heaven and earth.

The cocaine that reached the beginning of the gods, in the hands of the ancient demon, there is no room for rebellion, and was instantly killed.

The ancient demon who suspended the void, the line of sight seems to cross the heavy distance, one hand far out, as if crossing the space, falling to the place where the shadow family gathered, casually confusing to write down, the shadow family above the lake The battleships seem to be smashing fireworks, and they are all smashed and destroyed. All the shadow people are killed.

After finishing this moment, the scarlet eyes of the ancient demon god, overlooking the rock stone underneath, glanced deeply, and seemed to whisper something.

The horrible breath, the rapid disappearance, the ancient demon **** affected a little bit of lightening, a will thought from the mysterious and profound land of the universe, gradually disappeared from the image of the ancient demon, as if to leave again.

However, a thought was swaying in Shiyan's mind, only he could understand.

"The shadow family can guess your identity. Try not to be exposed before you reach the original god. I am coming over the endless space, can't stay for a long time, can do it for you, there are only so many, I am helping the spirit Look for the last memory, and when it's all in memory, you will know the responsibility you will take..."

Attached to the ancient devil's consciousness to leave, the ancient demon illusion suddenly faded, and then the light flashed, the **** giant sword reappeared, and the trend fell to the side of Shiyan.


The blood sword stayed at his feet, and a scarlet eye remained as usual, attached to the hilt.

Surrounded by corpses, some suspended in the void, and some fell on the ground, the death is all the same, all life is exhausted and died.

Suddenly, a dying spirit more violent than the ocean, rushed from the sky, and instantly injected him into the body.

That is the influx of the power of the gods after the collapse of the sacred sacred soul sacred ceremonies. It is a god...

At this time, Shiyan, a force was almost pulled away from the clean, violently re-injected into the power, it was a little overwhelmed, so that he was shaking all over.

Beside him, two women stood, looking at him like a monster.

Thousands of hurricane warfare divisions, drugstores, and ghost-growth strongmen have become a corpse at this time. Du Lin has already killed the scorpion scorpion's sacred scorpion, which is turned into a lightning bolt. Fly in the direction of Hammer.

In the corpse of the land, only three living people are still standing, one man and two women.

Shi Yan sat silent, the body trembled, absorbed the infusion of coca, the beginning of the gods, the sum of death and the sum of the spirits, even more than all the people he had absorbed before, let him acupoints Incomparably, negative desires emerge continuously.

The space node has returned to normal, and the enemy’s blockade of the ninth life star has been a complete failure.

Originally a tough battle, because the ancient demon **** suddenly emerged, the moment was transformed, the shadow of the beginning of the gods, the many shadow people, almost in the blink of an eye, was killed, the ghost line of the warship, the leader Du Lin was directly slaughtered.

There is only one Hamer.

"Bastard!" Suddenly, Xia Xinyu screamed and looked at the body under the ground, and wanted to rush to the front of Shishiyan. "My people are all dead!"

Fu Wei is also a face of iron and blue, watching Shi Yan do not know whether to fight or to be embarrassed, "We are all killed by the warrior of the medicine cabinet, what is it?"

Xia Xinyu and Fu Wei woke up from the shock, could not help but scream, anger rushed to the mind, swaying.

Shi Yan opened his eyes, squatted, and stretched his hand. A space channel emerged. He looked at Fu Wei and Xia Xinyu and said: "The three of us left here first, rest assured, the crisis of the ninth life star. Already lifted, some things... We change the occasion, I don't want the fourth person to know."

Xia Xinyi frowned, and immediately nodded, without asking for reasons, directly into the void channel.

Fu Wei bite her teeth and obviously considered it for a long time, then she sighed and sighed. After Xia Xinyu, she also rushed into the passage.

Inductively fluctuating from the sky, the rock was slightly discolored, and it quickly rushed into the middle to leave, and the passage quickly dissipated.

The three talents left, the passage just disappeared, and the words suddenly landed.

Her deep-eyed eyes were suddenly shocked by the inconspicuous color, and the sluggish look was like a sky-filled scene. Looking at the empty bodies, the bodies were from the ghosts, the blasts, and the medicine. The pavilion, the gods let go, there is no trace of life fluctuations around, no one living.

The words are completely dumbfounded. With her knowledge and cognition, I don’t know what happened.

She stood so long, for a long time, only to remember to use the sound stone to communicate with Xia Xinyu, but after the start of the sound stone, there was no response.

The words are very ugly.

Zha Feng looked up at the lake, silently sensing, and suddenly looked dull.

The shadowy ethnic group who had just intensively overhead seemed to disappear from the air, and there was no breath.

Zha Feng felt that he might have a problem, and he frowned and felt the strange luster in his eyes flashing.

For a long time, Zha Feng irritated and secretly opened a gap, looking at the sky through the waves, and immediately opened his mouth, full of fear.

On the lake, there are countless shadows of the Shadow Warships, and there is a body of a shadowy ethnic group. All of them are dead and dead, without a trace of life fluctuations. The scene is extremely strange.

All the enemies were massacred, and he did not notice a wave of volatility from beginning to end, and did not hear the sound of the battle.

In the heart of his heart, he felt a chilly feeling, and he was cold, and he gave birth to a fear of day and night, and his scalp was numb.

Ps: There are four chapters today, first ask for the next month's ticket, hope that the Han woman is pity.

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