God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1027: Xuan Ran

On the surface of the ninth life star, the current patriarch of the ghost pattern is mad at the wind, and the wind is quietly disappearing. He feels that Bettina’s defense line is ineffective and can be defeated with one blow.

However, just as he was ready to shoot, an electric light flew away from a distance, it was a spear..."

Hamer immediately stayed, and his brow couldn't help but twist up. He reached out and grabbed the thunder and shook his eyes. He closed his eyes and felt it.

This Thunder God Spear, a weapon of the rabbit tattoo family, has been controlled by the Crocker family for many years.

The master is not destroyed, and the Thunder God's spear can't be separated from the master's palm, but now the spear falls to his palm, but Hamer has no sense of joy.

Deeply frowning, Hamer secretly sensed, and the gods extended out and rushed to the other two directions of the stars.

His face became extremely ugly, and the fear in his sorrow was uneasy.

He perceives that, besides his side, the shadow family and Du Lin have no vitality!

Hammer was discolored, and there was a big horror in his heart. He only hesitated for a few seconds and immediately took the opportunity to say: "Go back!"

A long-standing old man from a famous family around him was stunned and looked at him inexplicably.

As the words go away, they can break through Bettina's defense at any time, complete the shackles of the old scorpion and the old left-handed spring. At the crucial moment when the victory dawns, Hamer has to retreat, which makes them unacceptable.

"Get away immediately!" Hammer gnawed his teeth and there was a huge panic.

The long-haired old man of the graceful family saw his face as ugly, as if he realized what had been ordered.

A warship of a family of graces, rushing to the sky, rushed to the sky at the fastest speed.

Underneath the volcano, Bettina's wrinkled face showed an expression of incredulity.

The rumor that she left, she thought that she was going to die. She did not have the strongest power to sit on the town alone. She was unable to fight Hammer. The warriors of all the medicine cabinets with her would be Hammer and the ghosts. Family kills.

In the most dangerous and tense time, Hamer and the ghostly tribes suddenly made a move to retreat Bettina.

In a short time, the illusion of her side came to the call of Zai, and the voice of Zha Feng was frightened. "The people of the shadow family on my side, all died, and there is no left, even the leader of the card has no movement... ".

Bettina is eclipsed, "What happened?"

"I... I don't know." Zhafeng swallowed and his face was extremely complicated. "There is no warning, no trace of battle. I don't even notice any fluctuations. The people of the shadow family are like being instantly obliterated by life fluctuations. It’s dead.”

Bettina slammed into a shock, and hurriedly pointed to the illusion and presented Fu Wei.

There are corpses in the sky and on the ground. There are ghosts, medicines, and warriors in the blast department. The mountains and rivers collapsed, and the corpses were everywhere. Apart from the wind, no one could see a living person.

Bettina paled, staring at the scene of the illusion, silent for a while, suddenly knowing that the front of the bang, rushed to the area where the illusion appeared.

After a quarter of an hour.

Bettina and Zha Feng both turned their heads in the wind and looked at the **** field like hell. Their eyes trembled and their lips squirmed for a long time. It was difficult to spit out a sentence: "The morning...what happened? what?"

"I don't know." Feng Yan frowned deeply and took a deep breath. He said: "The leader of the shadow family is a card, and the beginning of God is a heavenly place, and he is buried here."

She was pointing to a floating corpse. The corpse had no trace of water, pale and desperate, and there was a huge fear on her face. She should have seen terrible things before her death, otherwise she would not look like this after death.

Following her direction, Bettina and Zach are staring at the strange shadow of the corpse, feeling as if there is an inexplicable chill coming in, some scalp numb.

A strong-minded person was killed silently, accompanied by thousands of ghosts, blasts, and medicines. If you add another Shadowman, the death toll is over 10,000. Among them are the **** king, the source god, the virtual world, and the beginning god...

Who has this handwritten?

Who is so **** and brutal?

The words of the wind, Bettina, and Zha Feng face each other, they all stunned each other's panic and uneasiness.

For a long time, Bettina reacted and exclaimed: "The corpse of Fu Wei is no longer in the middle!"

She looked shocked and hurriedly took out the soundstone contact and said: "She should know what happened."

A rush of thoughts poured into the soundstone, and Bettina's face became more and more difficult to look. Because there was no message from the soundstone, Fu Wei did not establish contact with her.

"Don't waste your time." Feng Yan frowned. "I checked it. There are three people in this place who have not left their bodies, Xia Xinyu, Fu Wei, and Shi Yan...".

After discovering the strangeness in this place, almost the first reaction was to contact Xia Xinyu. Unfortunately, like Bettina, Xia Xinyi did not return, immediately she carefully probed the **** battlefield and found that only Xia Xinyu, Fu Wei, Shi Rock has no trace of death. "There is that kid?" Bettina and Zaza stayed together. ‘

The wind did not pay attention to them, looked up at the dark sky, looked at the ghost ship Hammer's battleship turned into a black spot, a little disappeared, half a voice was faintly said: gas ... just, there should be a very terrible strong When they descended, they slaughtered them with Thunder. The three people of Fuxin, Fuwei and Shiyan should be taken away by him. This person can kill the cocaine in an instant, and can create such a **** scene, afraid of the morning... The existence of the three gods in the beginning of the gods, and only such people, can have the ability to achieve this. ”

"Beginning...the beginning of the gods three heavens?" Bettina, the sound of sighing.

The wind is definitely nodding. "Absolutely this level is strong!"

A large Marin star field, reaching the strongest of the three gods in the beginning of the world, one hand can count out, but this level of the strong, a hundred years, the millennium may not take the first time, and their drug court, the battle There is no friendship between the ministries, how can the other party suddenly come, and why did they make such a killing.

If you come for them, why do you even kill the drugstore and the blast warfare department? If it is not for the helper, why is the shadow family killed?

They have too many doubts, and they are staring at the surrounding area, so they can’t think of it for the next year.

"I can't understand his approach." The wind said with a sigh. "Only you can contact Xia Xinxin and Fu Wei, and you may be able to get the truth through the parties."

After a pause, the wind said: "The blast warfare has been hit hard. The warship we have come over is almost one-third of the strength of the blast warfare. The loss is too heavy. I must immediately return to the war alliance and tell the confeder thing."

Bettina, with a sigh of relief, showed a shy look, and said that the medicine cabinet would try to make up for it.

"There is little relationship with you, what is the truth of the matter. I hope that after the two sides have verified it, they can say something to each other." The wind swayed and looked tired, and immediately stood alone in a chariot and headed for the vast sea of ​​stars. .

Bettina and Zha Feng left the wind and left, and then began to contact the good guys in the medicine cabinet, wide eyeliner, and wanted to figure out what happened.

Shadow Ghost, a wonderful space filled with brilliance, the space seems to be isolated from the real world, without the energy of heaven and earth, but full of interweaving meteors.

On a floating meteorite, there are erected buildings with distinct customs. In a gray temple, there are three green and faint lights, one of which is quietly extinguished...

A group of people of the shadow family sat quietly in the corner of the temple, suddenly woke up, and suddenly his face paled and screamed: "Coke adults fell! Coca adults fell!"

His screams are as if the electricity is floating in the floating meteorites, and in the nearby radiant space, bursting into a narrow space gap, there are countless disc-shaped chariots roaring, like a group of locusts, quickly gathering toward this side.

Those disc-shaped chariots seem to be in various spaces, and the action is like electricity. The colors are different. For example, the butterflies are plucked. In each war year, there are shadow-shaping people.

On a huge chariot, stood a thin and ghostly shadowy old man, a gray long hair like a sharp needle trembled, and there was a fierce energy fluctuation. He had a chain around his waist and hung on the chain. There are skulls, the skulls belong to all ethnic groups, and the ghosts of the ghosts are heard in the skull, as if they were captive.

The old man of the shadow family, his eyes are like ice, sitting on the chariot and whistling, falling straight to the rock.

Like a unique warship, Meteorite is still floating, with many disc-shaped warships moored on it, and many shadow people are moving around.

However, after he appeared, the shadowy people who were screaming were silent in silence, and they all bowed and bowed: "To the adults."

"Who said that my brother has fallen?" The old man, who is like a ghost, has a dragon-shaped skull in his hand. The skull is hollow in the eyelids, and there is a faint screaming fire.

"In the hall, the soul lamp of the Kaka adults in the hall, extinguished... extinguished." A group of people of the shadow family trembled and said with great horror.

The eyes were suddenly in chaos, and a smoldering atmosphere like ice water could not help but reveal him. He reached out and grabbed. The pale ghosts shattered the skull of the man who answered the words instantly. Screaming for mercy...

"Where is my brother going? What task is it?" It can be murderous, and the face is distorted, such as **** and ghosts rushing into the world, a sin.

"Joining the action with the Malang Star Medicine Pharmacy, killing people in the ninth life star of the medicine cabinet, he directly communicated with Zuo Yu, I don't know." The shadow family screamed, Dao: "The patriarch knows this, you can ask the patriarch in detail."

"You pass the patriarch and tell him, I will go out for a trip." I can take a deep breath and step out, stepping into a space gap and disappearing.

... (to be continued]

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