God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1032: Exit

"Have you seen the battleship of the Yao and Mozu again?"

"No, it seems to disappear from the air."

"Where will they go?"

"do not know."

In the shadow ghost prison, many leaders of small forces have been closely watching the movements of the Mozu and the Yaozu. However, one day, this powerful force has suddenly disappeared.

The Pharmacy Court and the War Alliance remained silent, did not express opinions on the matter, and did not communicate with the small forces to guide them to do things.

Many leaders of small forces are afraid that the demon and the demon have a big move. They can't get the news in advance, and they are afraid to find themselves through their own channels, but they don't have a little bit of receipt.

On this day, the ninth life star of the Pharmacy Court came over an old man of the old dragon clock, skinny and blind.

But his arrival, but let Bettina a lot of high-level drug cabinets to be alarmed, have come out to meet.

This is the beginning of the god, the beginning of the medicine.

As a detached force in the Malang star field, the Pharmacy Court naturally has its own original god, three medicinal organs, and the retreats throughout the year. Regardless of the affairs within the cabinet, only when there is a terrible change in the cabinet, they will Take the initiative to come forward.

The three first gods will only listen to the owner of the medicine cabinet. Changchun has no right to dispatch and has no right to let them help themselves.

The beginning **** who came here today has a double heavenly realm called Timlin, which is dedicated to the medicine cabinet.

The three first gods are all enshrined in the medicine cabinet. Relying on the vast resources of the medicine cabinet, they are not irritated by the materials of the heavens and the earth. The huge materials raised by the medicine cabinet are eligible for the first step.

It is also a full-time thug of the Pharmacy Court. It is the three sharpest sharp knives of the Pharmacy.

Bettina and a group of powerful pharmacy, solemnly waiting, slightly squatting, listening to Timlin's words.

"I was asked by the owner." Timlin blinked his eyes and his voice was steady and slow. "The owner did not have the energy to take charge of the affairs of the cabinet, but he was still the owner before he had been annihilated. What you did, The owner has already known, and the owner asked me to ask, what is going on."

"The Great Long March old plotter, sent ghosts and shadows to us, we almost all were killed." Bettina simply explained the situation.

"Where is the Holy Scripture?" Timlin snorted.

Bettina hesitated, saying: "On Fu Wei."

"Where is Fu Wei?" Timlin continued to ask.

Bettina is silent.

"What?" Timlin’s eyes suddenly turned cold.

"They went to the location of the shadow family." Considering the words, Bettina explained: "They suspect that the long-haired and the shadowy people collude, to contact the Protoss to invade our Malang domain, to understand the truth. ""

"What happened in this ninth life star? Who was the sudden appearance of the three gods?" Timlin continued to ask.

"I don't know." Bettina smiled bitterly. "His realm is deep. According to Fu Wei, this person is always in a dark light curtain, and he can't see the truth."

"You can't be sure of each other's identity? What were you doing at the time?" Timlin was not happy.

"I was attacked by Hammer at the time, and I didn't dare to pay attention to the movements elsewhere."

"The Protoss invasion? Who passed the news?"

"A junior called Shi Yan, he first said this possibility. Now the Yaozu and the Mozu are coming. The War League is also paying close attention. The truth of the matter should be decided quickly."

"If this matter is true, the Malang star field will be amazed. If you have the news, let me know immediately."

"Got it."

Shadow ghost prison is a mysterious area.

A warship swayed violently, and many of the strong men exerted their strength and enchanted under the outer layer of the battleship.

A meteor that flies by the way, like a bright beam of light, carries the horrible impact and stirs around in this area.

Those meteors are fierce meteorites. In the fast operation, they collide with the space and radiate brilliance. Countless meteors are intermingled in a region, and they are spinning at a rapid speed, interweaving into a dense meteor network. Each meteor is much larger than the battleship, and the speed of flight is much faster than that of the battleship. It follows a certain law that cannot be understood. The whistling sound and the cracking sound between the two sides make people feel tremble.

Surprisingly, so many meteors gathered together and never collided with each other.

The warships that can rush into this place will be extremely difficult to navigate. The meteors are huge and the violent marching forces are extremely terrible. Once the warships are hit, they will almost directly smash, and the warriors will not be spared.

No one can understand the law of meteor galloping, and can only use force to defend, but the only thing that can make the meteor direction change is that there is only a few gods in the district, and there is nothing in the virtual state.

The demon, the demon, the blast warfare and the medicine warship are sailing in the middle. The Gorefiend, Bass, Gute, and the Winds are the four gods. They are divided into four directions, and they are exerting their strengths to prevent them. The battleship is not bombarded by meteors.

Once a meteor gallops over and hits the battleship, they will rush to the fire and rush to the direction of the meteor.

However, there are countless meteors flying here, intertwined into dense meteor nets, and there are more than a thousand warships in the Pharmacy Court, the Warfare Warfare, the Yaozu, and the Mozu. Each warship may have an accident, Gorefiend IV. The name of the first **** is burning everywhere, and it will be overwhelmed.

There have been ten warships, because the remedy is not timely, and it is crushed by the meteor.

Fortunately, the warriors on those warships, seeing the situation is not good, have smashed away from the warships, and all survived and fell to other warships.

"This is not the way." Zha Feng frowned, his face was not good-looking.

The dozens of smashed battleships belonged to the medicine cabinet, and he naturally could not remain calm.

This is the demon, the demon, the war league, the drug court, and only the medicinal cabinets are not in the original state, the same battleships suffered a crisis, Gorefiend, Bass, Gut, and the words, Naturally, they will first rescue the ship that belongs to them.

When they are too busy, the warships of their medicine cabinet will suffer and become a cannon ash.

This is also the human nature. Gorefiend, Bass, Gut, and Fengyan must have selfishness. It is impossible to see the warships of their own family, and they will reach out to help the medicine cabinet.

After repeated times, the drug court warship lost ten ships, and Zha Feng’s mood was naturally not good.

"In that year, you passed this route, from a space in the watershed into the shadow ghost prison?" Fu Wei secretly admire the heart, watching Xia Xinyi said "what time are you in what realm, what are you riding?"

Elegant and elegant Xia Xinyi, originally calm, gave her such a question, the eyebrows showed a pain, showing the look of unbearable look, just a deep sigh, and did not answer.

In those days, they came from a strange space in the ice fire secrets. The hardships of ordinary people did not even think about it. Those who were pure and powerful, followed her, but eventually on the way - death, and finally survived. There are fewer than ten people.

In her life, she has not suffered any sin, and she is even more horrible than that.

But today, she watched the Gorefiend, Bass and other people calmly dealing with the meteors that smashed their souls in the past, and they had a different kind of sentiment.

She became stronger, her identity and status could not be the same. She revisited the place and belonged to the Warfare Department of the War Alliance. At this time, she did not burst a ship, let her know that she was no longer full of fear and despair in her heart. A helpless person who thinks he will die at any time.


A flash of light flashed, and the warfare of the War League flew down and looked at the front with a slight sigh of relief. "There is a buffer in front, we should be able to take a break, right?"

She looked at Xia Xinyu because she knew how Xia Xinyi came over, and also knew that Xia Xinyu’s impression of the place was deeper than anyone else.

Xia Xinyi nodded gently. "There should be three days of rest. After three days, as long as you shuttle the most dangerous area, you can go to the empty passage of the shadow family."

"It's too fast." The words are exhausted.

"Three days later, it will be much harder. At that time, you may lose a lot of warships." Xia Xinyi has been paying attention to the movements of the four great gods along the way, and has a precise understanding of their ability to fight fire. She has been there. The area, naturally has its own inference.

It’s getting more and more ugly to poke. Every time the medicine cabinet and the warships of the Yaozu, Mozu, and War Alliance are in danger at the same time, the four great gods will subconsciously rescue each other and then abandon their medicine cabinet.

After three times, each time the drugstore suffered a loss. If the danger is even greater after three days, aren’t they more miserable?

It’s a bit regretful that I shouldn’t come over.

When they spoke, Gorefiend, Bass, and Gut also flew from the outside. This is the battleship of the War Alliance. It is in the middle of the battleship group. It is a temporary point of discussion for everyone.

"The ghost place is really a headache." Bass, Yang said: "There is still a bit of trouble behind, we have to quickly resume recovery, that ... medicine pharmacy has what is suitable for the rapid replenishment of the medicinal herbs Don't be stingy, give me a few bottles at a speed, I will pay more attention to it, and I will keep a few battleships for your medicine cabinet."

It’s ugly to slap her face than to die, and she doesn’t answer her teeth.

The Gorefiend laughed, and was prepared to ridicule two sentences. Suddenly he noticed something, and his expression suddenly moved, looking at the main battleship that belonged to him in front.

Following his astonished gaze, everyone looked at the situation and suddenly shocked.

At the top of the battleship, a strong figure stood up and looked straight ahead. The eyes seemed to reflect the distant meteors, and the body was inexplicably fluctuating.

His body gradually became star-studded, as if he had reached a subtle connection with the surrounding meteors, as if he had become a member of this strange rioting meteor area, and many surrounding meteors even had a breath of his body.

That person is Shiyan.

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