God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1033: Bear

The surrounding meteors are like fire drills, which are whirlwinding and changing. They are enduring and carrying explosive power.

Shi Yan took the hand in the head of the battleship and looked around. His heart was empty, as if he could perceive the precise movement of those meteors.

As far as the virtual world is concerned, he seems to have turned upside down, and the strength of the righteousness and the virtual world perfectly fits. When all kinds of energy are running, the virtual world will subconsciously connect with the soul, and the most subtle changes of the mystery will be derived.

The inner vision of the virtual world, like a brand new starry sky, there are shining stars, there is a huge star that was originally hidden in the dantian cyclone, and there is a mysterious tremor in the stars.

Stars and space are the foundation of the universe. Now his virtual world seems to perfectly shrink the universe. Life and death are eternal. In his virtual world, there are also wonderful changes.

He is the Lord of the Virtual World. The only true God who can control everything and all kinds of powers can change in the virtual world, or suddenly appear in the real world.

The only thing that made him regret was that he swallowed up the mystery and did not merge into the virtual world. He had a feeling of faintness and swallowed the strangeness of the mystery, and did not need to show it through the virtual world.

His virtual world seems to be connected with the seven hundred and twenty points of the whole body. The seven hundred and twenty points are like a small space. If the virtual world is the ocean, then one of the caves is 720 lakes. As long as he can break through the wonders, those lakes can cross each other through streams and virtual boundaries.

Perhaps, at that moment, he can truly realize the magic of engulfing the mystery.

He feels better than ever, watching the flying meteors, letting go of the gods, communicating with the mind of God, and having a mysterious and mysterious understanding, the original trajectory of the meteor, as reflected in his knowledge of the sea, he can Accurately grasp the flying rules and trajectories of those meteors.

This is a very novel experience.


A group of figures gathered from distant battleships, Gorefiend, Bass, Gut, Fengyan, Fu Wei, Xia Xinyu and even Zai, all appeared one after another, they were surprised to see him.

"You condensed the virtual world?" Gorefiend laughed and looked happy.

Fu Wei and Xia Xinyi are beautiful and colorful.

"Well, it should be considered to be a successful construction of the virtual world." Shi Yan smiled modestly. "It is not as difficult as I thought."

Everyone was shocked, and the eyes were shining and marveling.

It took him months to condense the virtual world. Compared with most warriors, his speed is extremely amazing. The speed of his breakthrough is so simple... it is hard to imagine.

Zha Feng secretly sighed and shocked Shi Yan's outstanding qualifications. He felt that he had been a bit stunned in the past, and he could not find the mighty potential of Shiyan.

"This place... is a bit strange." When everyone was shocked, Shi Yan frowned and looked forward. "These meteors are extremely powerful. The speed of travel is fast and urgent. They carry unmatched power. The battleship is Should it be troublesome when it is galloping?"

Gorefiend, Bass, Gut, and Fengyan are the four gods who look at each other and smile.

Zha Feng's face was ugly and whispered: "We have lost more than ten warships."

Shi Yan didn't take care of him. He just looked at Xia Xinyu and sighed: "In those days, it was really hard for you."

He knows the strength of Xia Xin’s realm a hundred years ago. He also knows that they rushed into the outer space from the turbulent watershed of the ice and fire. They passed through the place to the Shadow Ghost, and they did not know how many hardships they had. Huoran thought of her 100 years ago. Difficult desperation, Shi Yan also gave birth to deplor the emotional fluctuations.

"I am not living well?" Xia Xinyi was in a warm mood, smiled and smiled, and the beautiful and moving face was full of joy, and the Yinba was swept away.

Fu Wei looked at the soft whispers of Shi Yan and Xia Xinyu. There was a rare loss on his face, and his heart sighed.

"Three days later, we will enter the most dangerous areas. When the meteors will become more and more dense, the battleships may collide in a wide range. You are now waking up, it is really just right, otherwise the warships will waver and may affect you." Mood." Gorefiend grinned and patted Shiyan’s shoulder and said, “Well, you are very good. It is estimated that future achievements will exceed me.”

Both Bass and Gute, who saw the high spirits of the Gorefiend, were slightly frowning. When they turned their heads, they slammed McGee and Gumo, saying that they did not work hard, and they knew the disaster all day long. They did not use their life for cultivation. Difficult to become a big device.

McGee didn't care, he laughed. "The talent of Shi Yan is different, of course, it is not comparable to the average person."

Gu Mo was glanced at the stone rock, but did not say anything.

Three days later.

The front meteors are rolling like fireballs, and there are nearly a thousand meteors galloping, intertwined into dense optical nets. Those meteors seem to be mad, fast and sick, giving people a strong visual shock.

Xia Xinzhen’s face suddenly changed and suddenly said: “Not quite right!”

The words are also frowning deeply. "It’s more terrible than ever. This is not the scene I have seen before!"

Gorefiend, Gute, and Bass three people, looking at the front with dignity, raised their hands and made a gesture, and the slow-moving demon and the demon warships suddenly stopped temporarily.

The words of the wind and the release of the order immediately issued orders, so that the battleships of the War Demon and the Medicine Court also stopped.

Many powerful people look cautiously, looking at the front, their brows are deeply wrinkled.

The electric lights that are intertwined with the meteors are full of explosive energy fluctuations. The impact of the meteors is terrible. Not to mention the battleships, even the **** devils who have reached the beginning of God, it may be difficult to deal with them.

"Where will you go through the front area?" At this time, Shiyan suddenly made a noise, looking at Xia Xinyu and the wind.

“It’s all a virtual passage through the stars of the parties. It’s also the most magical area in the Martian space. There are countless cracks in the void, but most of the gaps in the space are unreasonable. We’re not sure in those wars that there are hidden cracks in the space. How many sinister dangers, and how many extraterrestrial stars run through.” The windy words sank a bit, and couldn’t help but look at Zha Feng and Fu Wei. “Your Pharmacy Court is more sensitive to the situation of the Malang Star. Do you know the situation?”

Zha Feng and Fu Wei looked at each other and smiled. Fu Wei explained: "The area here is said to have the light microscope of our medicine instrument star eye, but it has always been controlled by the big long old man."

"Someone should use the great supernatural power to lock the front, and not allow others to enter easily." Shi Yan indulged for a while, and then closed his eyes and said: "Many of the meteors, originally did not seem to be active in front, giving people The trajectory of some magical means of change, dispatched to this piece, causing the front meteor to become more chaotic and violent."

After a pause, he took a deep breath and spread his hand and said: "Don't blame me for fighting everyone's confidence. Our thousands of warships must pass the blockade in front, even if there are four priests sheltering, fearing that they will lose more than half. This is only a conservative estimate, and perhaps the loss will be even greater."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone’s face became extremely difficult to look at.

They have come through a few months to enter the void passage controlled by the shadow family through a secluded route. This is to avoid exposing the trail, because it will be discovered by the shadow family in the past. It is not prepared.

At this time, if you return, it will take more time to talk, and will be captured by the shadow family.

The shadow family has been operating in Shadow Ghost for many years. The understanding of this place even exceeds that of the Pharmacy Court and the War Alliance. It is known to them that they can not infer the purpose of the people. If you take precautions and set up an ambush, the unlucky one may be Gorefiend and others.

"The matter has come to this point, either to move on, or to return, to give up the void passage that the shadow family controls. To change the route, the movement will be too big, and maybe it will fall into the trap of the shadow family." The wind said seriously, faintly said "I suggest returning to Shadow Ghost and giving up on probing. If at the expense of general power, I don't think it's worth the candle. It's too heavy for us."

Zaza immediately nodded, "I agree."

Gorefiend, Ses, Gute frowned, hesitated, and did not know how to express his position.

"It's not really difficult to pass." When everyone was fighting for it, Shi Yan made another speech.

Everyone looked at him timidly.

Deeply frowning, Shiyan closed his eyes in the eyes of the public, and a wonderful wave of swaying out of him, quietly rushing to the chaotic area of ​​the meteor in front of the riot, silently perceiving something.

After the formation of the virtual world, his cognition of the stars and the righteousness went further, and the faintness could reach a connection with all kinds of stars. The meteor is also a kind of star. He will look at the gods and run the stars, and suddenly the sea will be shocked. A gorgeous and magnificent picture seems to emerge in his mind.

It is the magical and vicissitudes of the front.

A bunch of meteors are uncertain, carrying a horrible energy shock, and there is a beam of light in his mind. The track is difficult for people to capture, but he can attach the gods to it, and then accurately grasp the direction of the meteor.

He concentrated on the gods, secretly realized, and learned the speeding laws of the nearly thousands of meteors, motionless.

Everyone looked at him seriously. No one spoke up, and the heart gave birth to a wonderful feeling: it seems that Shiyan became the backbone of everyone and has the wonderful ability to reverse the situation.

They all faintly realized that Shiyan seems to be able to connect those meteors with the gods. With this premise, they all feel that if someone can lead them without injury, they will not be the four great gods such as Gorefiend, and may be Shiyan. .

This feeling is difficult to describe in words, but it does exist in every heart, so that they can look at him with a heart.

For a long time, Shi Yan took a deep breath and his eyes were as bright as a diamond. He smiled and said: "Stop temporarily, as I said, I should be able to pass without damage. I have already dispersed my mind and injected each of the flying meteors. I can accurately grasp their flight rules."

The eyes of everyone suddenly lit up.

Ps: I watched the ball late last night, um, I don’t want to pay for my expectations. Spain wins and looks forward to the final match between Spain and Germany~ (to be continued)

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