God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1036: Cutting space

Shiyan spirit woke up a hundred times and looked happy.

Although he can't understand the cosmic energy that flows into the virtual world through the deputy soul, what is the beauty of his virtual world, but he can be sure that those disabilities can be harmless to him because he feels that the virtual world seems to be There have been wonderful changes happening quietly.

Inside the meteor, there are colorful gemstones on the ground. These gemstones are extremely precious in the mortal world. For those who cultivate the heaven and earth, such as Shiyan, they are nothing.

Those gems do not contain the energy of the heavens and the earth, not the gods.

The remains of the sacred sacred martial arts, completely disappeared, are integrated into the body of the left poem.

Zuo Shi was sitting on the knees of the earth's gemstones, and he looked at the serene, with a faint smile on his lips.

Shi Yan stared at her and glanced at her eyes. She smiled slightly.

Zuo Shi has broken through to the source of the gods!

The remains of the sacred animal Xuanwu, for the left poems with basaltic blood, must have many magical features, otherwise she will not break through the source of the gods so quickly.

The speed of Zuo Shi’s cultivation is even amazing. Even when he first saw the left poem, the left poem was only the **** of the gods, and it was easy to pass the medicine of the medicine. Breaking through the three kings of the gods, now it is even further.

He was not in a hurry, and silently looked at the left poem.

A poem in a plain white dress, sitting on the knees is quite moving, long eyelashes, a small and charming face, it is quite slender and beautiful, and it makes people feel good. Pity love.

For Zuo Shi, he has always had a good impression. When he was in the sacred city of Tianzhu, he and his left poems were good. According to the relationship between Shijia and Zuojia, he and the left poem had a marriage contract because of A "stone rock" does not repair the martial arts, but instead uses his life energy to study ancient books and monuments, which makes the left family disappointing and unilaterally lifted the marriage contract.

After his soul settled in, and he emerged with great speed, the left imaginary regretted that he had raised this matter to Shi Jian.

At that time, he had already gone to the endless sea with Xia Xinyu, and after a hundred years after the left poem, he went all the way, did not stop for a moment, and did not continue to move in the land of the cloud.

Gradually, Zuo Xuan also dismissed the idea and no longer managed.

Sometimes, Shi Yan thinks that if he does not enter the relationship between the endless sea and the left family and the stone family, he may combine with the left poem, and there may be an enviable marriage.

Unfortunately, the plan can't keep up with the changes. His uneasy personality makes it difficult for him to be old in one place.

He thought about it alone, and he didn't know how long it took, suddenly he laughed.

Zuo Shi suddenly blinked, his eyes were clear and clean, and there was no complicated mentality. She looked at Shi Yan and suddenly laughed and said: "I broke through the source."

Perhaps too excited, the left poem grew up, and the graceful figure swayed, and came straight to the front of Shiyan. He excitedly surrounded the neck of Shiyan and said: "Too happy, and broke through a realm." Definitely very happy."

The left poem is light and sleek, mellow and tempting, immersed in the heart like a wine, and the small face is so beautiful that it is very moving.

The stone was tightly wrapped around the neck, and Shi Yan couldn't help but feel the heart. The smell of the fragrant stone rock on her body was quiet and thick, and the girl's delicate style made him feel overwhelmed.

"Stone brother is also very bad." The left poem seems to be aware of what, the beautiful slaps and turns a sneak sneak peek at the stone belly of the rock, immediately let go of the hand and stand, swaying beautiful In his posture, he licked his lips and said: "It's very bad."

Shi Yan was full of faces, smirked and laughed, and said in a serious way: "If you follow the agreement of Zuojia and Shijia, you and me are married, oh, you are still my wife."

"Hey!" Zuo Shi's cute spit out his tongue. "I don't want to be your wife. You are so fancy. When your wife is definitely not happy, I will still be your little girl. Oh, I like the feeling of being cared for by you." I don't like what you look like."

Scratching his head, Shi Yan did not continue to ridicule her, said: "If you are fine, let's go."

He worried that the people of the Gorefiends would be anxious, and would look back from the front to find him. This matter is related to the invasion of the Malang and the Protoss. He is not sloppy and has an answer as soon as possible.

"Okay." Zuo Shi smiled like a flower. "I broke through to the source **** anyway. I think I can continue to break through."

"The remains of the sacred beast of the sacred beast... What is it?" Shi Yan moved.

"Into my soul, it became a mysterious illusion imprint, as if it became part of my soul." Zuo Shi did not have any precautions against him, and the explanation was clear: "But I still don't know how to use it, I think... "It will take some time to adapt to the experience."

Shiyan suddenly stunned and said, "Congratulations, I think you should officially get the sacred sacred sacred inheritance, and the future is boundless."

"That is of course." Zuo Shi was quite full and crisp, as confident as a swan.

The two laughed and talked, flying out of the meteor, falling to the chariot parked in the distance, and immediately driving the chariot back according to the original road.

For a while, Shi Yan's brow suddenly wrinkled, his face gradually gloomy.

Zuo Shi’s poem is also amazed. “I’m not right, can’t sense their life movements?”

The left poem that reaches the source of the realm of the gods, the real transformation of the soul, the person whose realm is lower than her, within a certain range, she can accurately grasp the movement of life.

But Zuo Shig just released the perception of God, and she did not notice anything. She looked at Shiyan with amazement. "Have you sensed them? According to the distance, they should not be far ahead? They will not wait. Let's act alone?"

Shi Yan calmed his face, "Impossible."

He has been trusted by Gorefiend, Bass, Gute, and Fengyan. He only waited for a few days. In particular, he also explained the situation in advance, and the Gorefiends and others will certainly not have any patience.

His realm is higher than the left poem. After breaking through to the virtual god, he knows the meaning of life, and his awareness of the movement of life is extremely keen.

However, he and the left poems are consistent in their perceptions, and they are not aware of the movements of Gorefiend and others.

It’s just a few days, and the Gorefiends can’t give up on him. What happened?

The chariot suddenly screamed, as if a beam of light and arrows, and quickly came to the area where the warships should be parked.

His face changed wildly, looking at the collapsed space, and his expression was surprisingly dignified.

That space, deep collapse, the edge has a fine space gap, flowing colorful multi-field luster, he cultivated the space of the righteousness, just glanced at it, it shocked.

He knows what happened in that space? "...

The space was cut by hard and was moved away directly!

This kind of means, he is far from reaching, and the same cultivating space is not so capable, unless...the space of the beginning of the gods!

Carefully look at the edges of those collapsed spaces, letting out the dark perception of the gods, his face is more and more dignified, and his eyes are flickering.

For a long time, he took a deep breath and said: "There is a strong person who cultivates the space of the righteousness. With the great magical power, the space where the demon, the demon, the medicine, and the war alliance gather is directly cut and moved away! ”

The left poem is stunned and trembles: "So powerful?"

A bitter smile, Shi Yandao: "It is so powerful to cut into the space of the beginning of the gods, cutting space, moving space, it is hard to imagine for ordinary people, but they have such a big mana."

"What do we do then?" Zuo Shi was crying and sullen. "The old man of Xuan Ming is still in them. Although the old man is very harsh on me, it is also good for me. I don't want him to have an accident."

"I don't want them to have an accident."

Shi Yan frowned deeply.

He also cultivated the space of the righteousness, especially after entering the realm of the false gods, he deeply realized the horror of the space-based power.

The space sinisters want to kill the enemy, and the means are numerous. It is not necessary to directly attack the enemy with great power.

For example, if he is engaged in combat with the same level of power, he can completely tear a space, pull the enemy into it, use the dead space to squander the watershed, and bite the energy of the other party a little, let the other party finally lose power and die.

Space turbulent watersheds are hidden in space, and most of them are extremely dangerous. Unless the space esoterics are also cultivated and the space entrance is found, it is extremely difficult to break free.

The strong person who has the ability to cut the space, using its similar means, should be more subtle and terrible. If the other party moves the space of the Gorefiend and other people, and introduces some kind of Jedi, even if they are Gorefiend, they will reach the beginning. It is also extremely difficult to break through.

Among them are Xia Xinyu, Gorefiend, Ferran, Liana, Cato Bini, and many people he cares about, knowing that with his realm of power, even if they are looking for them, they may not be too busy. Shiyan must also try to find it.

"Then how do we find them?" Zuo Shi’s heart was anxious, and his face was flushed. "Why are there strong people who have space for their righteousness and suddenly start with them?"

Shi Yan was silent for a while and suddenly said: "It should be a shadow family."

"Why do you say that?"

"The shadow family is expanding the void passage and clearing the obstacles for the invasion of the Protoss. To completely penetrate the void passage, there must be a strong person who cultivates the space of the righteousness. I have already thought of this, but what I did not think is... The other party turned out to be so powerful that it broke through to the level of the gods. I knew that I would not be so rash."

To cultivate the space of the righteous, and to reach the beginning of the gods, there is not one strongest release in the Malang star field, but also the virtual **** triple heaven.

It is precisely because of the difficulty of knowing how such a strong man breaks through, he subconsciously believes that the space-based righteous in the activities of the shadow family is only a virtual state.

This is just his take of course.

Nowadays, the space-based power of the shadow family has already used his facts to slap him a loud slap.

"Oh, I am ruined. I have forgotten that the Shadows are not the race of the Malang Star. They are attached to the strongest races of the universe. They are active in various geographical areas. They don’t know how many years they have been strong. It is not impossible to start the space of the righteousness of the gods."

"Then can you find them?" Zuo Shi asked worriedly.

"it should be OK."

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