God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1037: Poison sea

The first thousand thirty-seventh chapter poison sea

A drop of red and undead blood boils into smoke, and it flashes away in the void, not knowing where to go.

Zuo Shi frowned, curiously watching Shiyan, bright and shining.

Shi Yan slightly squinted, with the magical sense of the magic blood, the magic blood is very magical. When he was in the flame star field, he could use the magic blood to perceive the life fluctuations of his loved ones on the mainland. Now his realm reaches the virtual god. The cognition of the demon blood is more profound. No matter where the Gorefiends go, the range of his perception can capture clues.

After a while, his eyes sparkled and he said: "Found."

Driving the chariot, he and the left poem are flying forward, and the speed is extremely fast.

After half an hour, he came to the most magical place of the Shadow Ghost, those intertwined with the streamer outside the field, there is a tear in the space gap.

This is the entrance to the other star fields of the Malang star field. There are a lot of space gaps, many of which can connect with the outside world.

Of course, most of the space channels are in a blocked form, and some channels even contain horrible dangers. If you don't know, you can get into it faster than the enemy who is facing high realm.

In the void channel, there are all kinds of wonderful things, not those who cultivate space and righteousness, and often do not dare to touch them easily, so as not to fall into the end of the spirit.

“A lot of space gaps.” Zuo Shi’s face was curious. “It’s a little like our bounded sea in the mainland.”

Shiyan nodded. "There is a wonderful space between heaven and earth. Many space stars are interoperable. For the strong, if the realm is enough, it can use the space channel to shuttle between different stars. It is said that very early and very early, the stars The domains are very close and trade, and trade with each other in exchange for resources in their own stars to exchange materials for other stars."

"Isn't this the case now?" Zuo Shi was amazed.

Shi Yan smiled and shook his head and said: "This is not the case."


"Because any creature can't get rid of greed?"

"How to say?"

"Early very early, all major races have made breakthroughs in themselves. The majority of races are peace-loving and will not actively invade others. But later, some races have slowly risen, powers are gradually stronger, and they are no longer safe. They will invade other stars."

After a pause, Shi Yan continued to explain: "Different stars have different races and different military forces, such as high-level stars, and the overall realm of the warriors is often higher. If they are found new stars The star field is low-level, and the overall strength of the warriors is low. They will not take good care of those people. Instead, they will kill and plunder resources."

The left poem is not stupid. Give him such a saying and immediately understand it.

"Like our gods, if you let the strong people of the Malang star field enter through the void passage, you should know what the Shen En's mainland will suffer?" Shi Yan sighed. "The best situation is also captured by powerful forces." It is also possible that the creatures will be directly destroyed."

He continued to explain: "The same is true. Gradually, the stars of the parties are no longer in contact with each other. Some of the stars even unilaterally block the outer void passages to block the living damage, and put them in a powerful star field. Especially when After the powerful power of the Protoss is becoming more and more powerful, it is simply a nightmare of the major stars."

"Isn't the void passage here mostly blocked by destruction?" asked left poem.

Shiyan nodded again. "Yes, although the Malang star field is also a high-grade star field, it is still weak compared with the Protoss. They do not want to be invaded by other powerful races, they will actively destroy and destroy those stars. When the heart was able to come, it was because our gods and continents were low-level stars. It may be that in the Malang star, the stars could not pose a threat to them, and even regarded our godland as a potential plunder. So, it won't be destroyed."

After going through so many things, he is no longer simple, and his understanding of human nature is getting deeper and deeper. He knows the terrible human evil.

"Where are the old men?" Zuo Shi asked.

Shiyan pointed to a torn space gap, saying: "Inside."

"Do we want to go in?"

"of course yes."

The chariots roared, such as galloping lightning, and instantly plunged into the void passage.

The colorful and colorful light passed away. They seemed to enter the tunnel of time and space. After a long journey, the chariot stopped suddenly.

"It's so cold!" Zuo Shi snorted and suddenly looked at the front with amazement. "Hey, how can there be a sea, can it exist in the void passage?"

In front, the Weihe River flows, the sea has ice-covered snowflakes, and there are colorful clouds of smoke on the sea. The surrounding area is full of flowing singularity, like a strip of ribbon.

There is no heaven and earth energy, no sun, moon and stars, as if it is in an isolated world. It does not perceive any movements of life. This is a dead and empty void passage, but there are wonderful sea waters floating in the water, as if slowly changing the mystery. .

The chariot was above the sea and broke through the rocky rock of the virtual state. It also felt extremely cold and could not help but shudder.

The extreme cold comes from the sea, but there are only sporadic snowflakes on the sea, and there is no ice in the sea. The cold wind is blowing from a distance, and the bones seem to be frozen.

The left poem broke through to the source god, and with such a realm of power, it turned out to be a small face, showing that there were multiple colds on the sea.

On the surface of the sea, there are green, purple, blue, and blood-red clouds of smoke, clustered, and floating like sea water.

A cluster of green clouds of smoke, slowly, gradually came to the direction of their chariots.

After the hard stone chariot was covered by the green smoke, the chariot was dissolved and dripped with molten iron.

Shi Yan’s face suddenly changed and he said: “Poisonous! Very poisonous!”

He was shocked, grabbed the left poem, and moved to another direction in an instant. He looked at the green smoke and took a deep breath. "The smoke contains intense toxins, and even gold and iron can corrode. We are not sure to eat."

"So powerful?" Zuo Shi changed his face.

Without answering, he frowned deeply, and Shi Yan let go of his knowledge and wandered in the colorful smoke on the sea.

Half-sounding, his face became more and more ugly, and the smoke of all kinds of colors was actually highly toxic. The purple smoke, even his gods, could not be eaten. The toxins seemed to be able to enter his soul altar along the gods. The soul altar has a role.

He rushed to run the deputy soul, forming a flame barrier with Tianhuo as the source, which was able to withstand the poison of the invasion of the soul altar.

The colorful smoke is soaring from the interior of the ocean, as if there is a terrible existence in the depths of the ocean, releasing various horrible poisons.

The position that his magic blood perceives is also inside the ocean, which makes him feel more and more uneasy.

He can be sure that the Gorefiends and others should be under the ocean. At this time, they don't know what they are suffering, but they don't want to come to the situation.

"Don't be aware of God!" He suddenly drank.

Zuo Shi’s bird, the bird of horror, trembled a little, his face was pale, and he said: “Can you even eat the gods?”

Shi Yan gloomy face, looking at the ocean under his body, the brow wrinkles more and more powerful.

In the void passage, there is a sea. It is also a novel experience for him. He does not know whether the ocean is naturally formed or artificially condensed. One thing is certain, the seabed must have a big danger, otherwise the Gorefiend and others will not Will be trapped in it.

"What should I do now?" asked left poem.

Shi Yan was silent and let go of his knowledge. This time he did not dare to provoke the poisonous smoke, but to sneak into the ocean.


Suddenly he took a cold breath and his face was pale. He couldn't help but screamed: "The sea is extremely cold, and I can't eat my gods. Mom, what is this ghost place?!"

Zuo Shi saw him screaming, his face was very unsightly, he didn't dare to let go of the gods into the sea, just looked at him uneasy, saying: "How do I feel that something is wrong here?"

"It's not quite right." Shi Yan sighed. "Before you can't find a way, don't mess around. God's knowledge is also released. It is far away from all the weird things. The sea and the colorful smoke are far away. Far away, they are all terrible foreign bodies that can kill people. The Gorefiends have been moved to this place. It seems that the other side has great self-confidence. They think that this place can make the Gorefiends break free, and even die."

He suddenly wanted to understand.

The Gorefiends are in the beginning of the gods, and the other party has moved them over. Obviously, it is extremely difficult to cope with the beginning of this place. It is no wonder that he came here and will be restrained everywhere, and all means will not be able to perform.

Powerful like a Gorefiend, and now tied to the bottom of the ocean, he wants to be able to explore everything easily, but it is not normal.

"Even if we can't go deep into the sea, if our gods go on, don't you die?" Zuo Shi spit his tongue, and his heart was full of sorrowful appearance. "Will the old man die?"

"I don't know." Shi Yan is also a bit of a godless, frowning deeply. "For the time being, don't act rashly, let me know about the situation first. Let's wander around and see if there is any entrance or the like..."

During the speech, he held the soft hand of Zuo Shi, carefully wandering above the ocean, cautiously avoiding the colorful smoke, for fear of being touched.

Wandering around the ocean, he found that the ocean was extremely vast and he had been swimming for half an hour. He did not go out of the ocean area, and he did not see any entrance or the like.

He really can't do anything about it.

After thinking hard for a long time, he found that there was no way. He finally made up his mind to go to the ring of the blood-stained ring and wonder if it knew the mystery.

He immediately communicated with the spirit, explained the situation, and let the spirits point out a clear road.

"Hey!" The spirit of the soul was shocked by the horror of the soul. "How can it appear here? Is there still something there?!"


Ps: Hey, sorry, there is only one chapter today, tomorrow~~


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