God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1049: Battle array

Shiyan suspended the void, quietly watching the confrontation of the six realm of the realm of the gods, there is no need to mean and one foot.

This battle, which is destined to be included in the history of the Malang, is not something that his level can change. For the time being, he does not have that ability.

He remembered the words of the man: try not to reveal the identity of the realm of the gods.

The shadow family is closely related to the Protoss. At the beginning, Coke was able to guess his identity. The patriarch Belo and the reachable nature can also be affirmed by the operation of his power, through the Protoss to the pursuit of Benny across the star field. Knowing that the Protoss has never given up hunting for the bloodthirsty pulse.

He is the inheritor of the bloodthirsty master...

Once this identity is revealed, it may lead to the encirclement of the Protoss at all costs, not even limited to the Ascot family!

He knows that there is no power to counterbalance now. It is necessary to temporarily hide the light. He must keep his own hiddenness, so as not to cause an unimaginable counterattack.

This war does not seem to require his power...

After a hundred years, Xia Xinyu’s exquisite grasp of the war situation made him marvel. The Yaozu, the Mozu, the War League, and the Medicine Court were under the command and dispatch of her, and they were in an orderly manner. The four forces alternated and spurred all kinds of dazzling power. come out.

In the indiscriminate bombing of thousands of powerful people, it is possible to reach a look of embarrassment, and it cannot threaten the Gorefiend and the Wind Word.

The Gorefiend and the Wind Words seem to be liberated. As long as they are sure that they can't get out of conflict, they can rest on Xia Xinyu's side.

Afterwards, it took a lot of effort to get a lot of power, and the body of the gods actually swept away from the sweat. This shows that he was equally exhausted in dealing with such a continuous offensive.

Stone rock is getting easier.

According to his instructions, Ferran, Liana, Cato, and Benny were all silent, watching the peak match of the six gods.

In this battle, it is fortunate that bystanders are destined to gain unimaginable benefits, especially Shiyan...

Yu Shan is still refining the dead jellyfish with wonderful fire control accuracy. The green flames seemed to be the gathering of her soul. Jumping indefinitely. It is like a cluster of dexterous creatures, which combines her thoughts into a lot of wonders.

A hot and raging flame. There is a wonderful source of heaven and earth. It is true that the flames of the world are true.

The Gorefiend flows to life, and the blood of the body is boiling. The blood shadows of the tenth are like the **** devils. They are like the power of his own, flying and plucking, and reaching the eight poles. All are blocked, so that the reach can not be broken.

The mystery of life, but also his need to carefully understand the realization, the magical means of Gorefiend seems to open a door for him. The soul that made him look swaying.

The patriarch of the shadow family, Bello, is a rare space in the world that breaks through the space of the original gods. His thoughts change, the void seems to be broken glass, and a gap is created. Those gaps can bring many life threats to him. Power disappears invisible.

Belo's cognition of spatial ambiguity reached an incredible situation. He sometimes confines space, sometimes tears space, and sometimes shuttles space. The use of space is exquisite to the extreme.

The three kinds of esoteric meanings of flame, life and space are familiar to him, but there is no kind of ambiguity that can reach the level of Yushan, Gorefiend, and Belo, and the battle of the strongest, especially the strongest and the same. For Shiyan, a bystander, I am afraid that it is the most wonderful situation in the world.

He naturally won't miss it easily.

If you can pass the battle of six people and let yourself be enlightened through the release of their realm, then the gains for him may be greater than the absorption of an original god.

He did not participate in the war, so he calmly looked at the familiar three kinds of mystery. He was motivated by the mysterious way of the three gods to the mysterious way. It breeds countless changes and reflects the most magical scene of the righteousness. I can’t help myself.

He finally realized his level of realm, how far away from the beginning of God, and for the first time knew how wonderful the changes in flames, life, and space can be achieved.

He secretly realized that his eyes kept moving for a moment, and he was concentrating on the sense of God. The soul altar was quietly swirling. The range of the righteousness in the altar was as if there were subtle changes in the simulations. ...

This is an ingenious sublimation of the realm of the soul.

The Guru and Bass of the Yaozu fight against the form of the demon and work together to deal with Belo.

Belo began to pay attention to the space of the two gods, but in the confrontation with Gute and Bath, it seems that they can not prevail.

The Yaozu do not focus on repairing the soul, but their physical strength is recognized as the peak of the world. They are like the hardest material. Even the sharp edges of the space can not be torn in an instant. At most, they leave a wound in their dragon body, and the dragon they spit out Interest, so that Bello is also extremely uncomfortable, his face is getting more and more serious.

The accessibility was taken care of, and the fatigue was gradually revealed, and the atmosphere gradually decreased.

Gorefiend's initial body does not move. After a while, he finally no longer just greets the enemy with blood shadows. The powerful body is coming from the violent fluctuations. If the stars collapse, the flesh will burst into flames and the blood will rise.

He turned into a strong and full of life fluctuations, and merged with the beginning of the world, such as the flood of life and ocean, suddenly overwhelmed.

"You change your personal care."

The voice of the Gorefiend suddenly came. He began to wrap the reach of the ocean of life, which was derived from the beginning of the world. The thick layers of life fluctuated, and there was a subtlety of the heavens and the earth, and even the wind could not intervene.

Xia Xinyi nodded with a smile, and reached out with a calm hand, saying: "Let's make a lot of patriarchs of the shadow family."

The warriors of the Yaozu, the Mozu, the War League, and the Medicine Court were all eager to listen to her orders, and they either tried to reverse the space and brought pressure to the patriarch of the Shadow Family.

Shiyan no longer dared to underestimate the strength of the group.

He believes that the energy of the joint strength of thousands of powerful people, applied to the exquisite, is enough to smash the original god!

The beginning of God, not absolute invincible, although the moment to kill the realm of the low, but the number of low and low to reach a horrible degree, and hold a group of methodical shots, the beginning of the gods will also be stirred up the headache.

Belo is in a hurry, Gut, Bass's mad attack has already brought him a lot of obstacles, and now it has been bombarded by thousands of strong people, it is really more and more urgent.

The soul of the dead jellyfish slowly weakened, and when he saw it, he was refining the flames of Yushan. He gave birth to an urgent need to explain to the Ascot family, and wanted to connect the empty ropeway continuously. Get out of here.

However, torn in the void channel allows the dead soul jellyfish to leave the gap. He needs all the concentration. There can be no external force to disturb.

Now Gut, Bath did not give him time, and was bombarded by Xia Xinzhen, who dispatched thousands of warriors. He is even less likely to achieve it.

The medicinal cabinet, the war league, the demon, and the demon warrior who were the first to be pressured by the name of the original god. Looking at the two original gods under their intensive offensive, the power was quickly consumed, and they all showed joy, and they even admire the woman who was strategizing, and cheered up for her wisdom and means.

In their view, they obviously have to win this battle, and they are the most important factors to win.

This makes them secretly excited and ecstatic. The power of the combination of the righteousness, the imaginary world, the strength, and the secret treasure is just like the raindrops of the stars, and it is endless and precise. It smashes the many space blades of that Bello into a streamer splash.

Everyone thought that the overall situation had been set, and smiled.

However, when the two strong people of the shadow family slowly lost their weight, a disc-shaped battleship slowly emerged from the distant stream of flashing clouds. Hundreds of warships appeared, countless shadows. The unique disc-shaped chariot whistling out, as if the flying butterfly plundered.

Xia Xinyi’s pretty face changed slightly, and he immediately broke his mind: “Crush!”

If the chariot of the blast warfare unit is combined into a sharp shape, her figure flashes and falls straight ahead in front of the battlefield. The battlefield is like a sharp knife, sharp and cold, and it is hard to insert into the shadow family.

The blast warfare department of the War League is known for its quickness. The flying bird chariot is as smart as a sword, and the war martial artists on the battlefield have their own continuation, fighting for a long time, practicing gold, ice, electricity and other sharp The righteous, who gather the cutting edge to take charge of the assault, and cultivate the water, the wind, the earth and other righteous people, are scattered in the back of the battlefield, condensing the enchantment, forming a heavy defense for the people ahead, and the attackers and defenders are responsible for each other. , have a clear goal, mutual understanding and tacit understanding.

The Shadow Ghost Prison is the most fierce battle place in the Mart Star Field. The War Alliance is one of the best. The immersion application of the battle array is definitely the top of the Malang Star.

They are only one of the hundreds of people in the martial warfare. They can be condensed after the battle, but they are as good as the whole, and they can’t find obvious flaws.

The coming of the shadow family was shocked, like a piece of diffused cloth, and the blast warhead headed by Xia Xinyu was torn apart, and the long-distance drive into the central point of the strong shadow group.

Shiyan looked at the sharp battle formed by the blast warfare, and there was only one word in his mind: nothing to destroy!

The woman with elegant and luxurious temperament is the soul of the battlefield, such as the sharp edge of the sword.


Fu Wei Jiao drink, face cold, but also drive the medicine cabinet to join the war.

The demon and the demon strongmen acted violently. For example, the three torrents rushed over to the shadow people, and the fierce battles of thousands of strong people of all kinds were officially kicked off.

Shi Yan looked indifferent and remained motionless. His eyes swayed in the crowds of the Shadow League and the War League, the Medicine Court, the Mozu, and the Yaozu. He could see that the Mozu and the Yaozu had a single fighting power. It is much stronger than the blast warfare department. The single-on-one confrontation, the demon and the demon can definitely beat the blast department.

However, when it was really a group battle, he suddenly discovered that the Mozu and the Yaozu were obviously inferior. The cooperation between the two sides seemed extremely raw, not to mention the comparison with the hurricane warfare dispatched by Xia Xinyu. The Imperial Pharmacy Court is not as good as the Warriors.

This is a war, not a battle of several powerful people. In this kind of war, knowing how to use the battlefield to play the team's subtlety is more than a slap in the chaos. I don't know how powerful it is.

He frowned deeply. For the first time, he found that in the battles of thousands of people, personal strength is actually quite small. Unless the realm is strong enough to ignore the battle, he really realizes that he can Xia Xinyu, who has played the power of the team in the dispatching battle, is so precious.


Ps: whispering for a monthly ticket~~(To be continued)

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