God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1050: Liana's edge!

In the void passage connecting the Mart’s star field to the Protoss gods, the tragic and brutal war slowly began. The two sides of the war did not invest too much power. It was a small-scale collision, but the depth of the influence was destined to be provoked. Attention.

The confrontation between the six gods, the bombardment of the power, and the collision of the passage, the energy aftershocks splashed out, and many people were horrified.

The beginning of the war zone, the wise choice of the two warriors is far away, for fear of suffering, and carelessly the soul.

The shadow family is a vassal of the Protoss. However, they have been planning for many years in the Shadow Ghost War, and they can compete with the strongest war alliances, which shows their extraordinary power.

Like the War Alliance, the Shadows are also extremely good at the overall combat power. Their strongmen are condensed into snake-shaped battles, dexterous and changeable, and their whereabouts are secretive. They can always be both head and tail, and always maintain strong combat effectiveness.

The forces of the four devils, the demon, the medicine, and the war league, the Mozu and the demon have a strong combat capability. Obviously, the use of the battle array is very poor, and in the battle with the shadow family, Their formations are scattered and they are unable to bring out the exquisiteness of the team battle.

Under the supervision of Fu Wei, the medicine cabinet also condensed into a battle array. The battle array is like a six-pointed star. There are six fierce attack points. It seems that there are many wonderful things.

The single-fighting force of the medicinal sects is the weakest among the four forces. The medicinal sects have long been in high positions. They are awe-inspiring in the Malang sect. They are obviously not bloody, they can’t The true power of the six-star battlefield is played out.

Only the Warfare Department of the War Alliance, and the offensive of the Yuying people, did not fall into the wind. Even faint is even more fierce.

This force, which has been in the Shadow Ghost War for many years, has been immersed in battle for many years. Every warrior is deeply rooted in the prejudice of group warfare, and is dispatched by Xia Xinyu, and the power is exerted most powerfully.

Shi Yan and his group contracted into a group, watching the confrontation between the shadow family and the local forces of the Malang star field. There is no immediate movement.

Fei Lan, Lianna, Cato, Benny, Xuan Ming and others gathered around Shiyan. He did not express his position and everyone was silent.

When I saw the big battle, I took the initiative to move closer to Shiyan. I was calm, and there was no fluster in my imagination.

"The power of the sister's dispatch is enough to see, and the other three battles are very general."

"You should have experienced similar battles. According to you, the fighting power of your fire and rain stars seems to be very strong?" Shi Yan looked calm. Don’t look at her, “How do you feel about the shadow family?”

I don’t bother to shake my head. "Their fighting power can’t be compared with the real protoss of the Protoss. You have never seen the prowess’ strong fighting power...”

After a pause, he said seriously: "The same protoss thousands of teams, if they come here, can kill the power of your Malang and Shadows. You have no difficulty!"

Shiyan is awkward, "War League, Yaoge Pavilion, Yaozu, Mozu and Yuying are united, and they are not worthy of the Protoss 1000 team?"

"The number of them is three times more, and the license is a battle." He nodded and sighed, saying: "The protoss army's combat power. It is a nightmare of all the stars, recognized as the strongest. You have no pro I have seen them, I can’t think of their terribleness. Our fire and rain stars have been fighting with them several times. It’s a heavy loss. — This is still the case when we are superior. If the two people’s realm is close, they will be swept by the Protoss. Destruction and defeat."

Everyone's face has changed.

"The Protoss can lay down most of the Xinghai Sea because they are not only strong, like Lin, but also very good at team battles. Their subtle grasp of group warfare is definitely not as powerful as you can imagine. Only by seeing it with your own eyes, I know how terrible this race is. "Bite your lower lip, your eyes flashed a sigh of relief. "My family is being strangled by a Protoss team. It was also that time. I only know how terrible this ethnic team is. Don’t think that the shadow family is very It’s amazing, they’re going to be powerful, and they’re not just a Protoss.”

"Simply compare, the same team composed of the source of the gods, the protoss thousands of people, it is estimated that you can overpower your team here, ... this is the gap!"

Shi Yan, Fei Lan, Li Anna and others, their faces are embarrassing.

"The Protoss team is really strong, I have seen it..." Benny suddenly whispered, and he looked at Shi Yan and Li Anna, who had lost their faces, and said: "But we have a wonderful application of many battles. Not inferior to the Protoss."

Shiyan's eyes are slightly bright.

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Benny snorted and said proudly: "That's because you don't know enough."

The two of them had to look like they were competing. Shi Yan waved his hand and gestured to what he said and he said, and his eyes showed a thoughtful expression.

He knew that the bloodthirsty pulse was the strongest period, and almost swayed the Protoss, and let the 12 families of the Protoss unite and degraded those who did not know how strong, only to resist the impact of bloodthirsty.

If the Protoss is so powerful, it would be extremely powerful to let the Protoss have no bloodthirsty blood. Benny is from the destructive family of bloodthirsty blood. He once dominated the starry sky where he lived, and the family must have a wonderful battle. The method of polishing, and perhaps the same, he did not fear the protoss team forces.

Clearly aware of this, his heart has been gradually strengthened, he can be sure that if there is a real world can compete against the Protoss team, it will certainly be bloodthirsty!

"The team's training and tempering schedule, we also have a set of methods, although not compared, but I think ... should not be worse than the Protoss." Lianna rarely speaks, that fierce and terrible face, emerging An ice-cold look, said: "The **** army that I formed in the past took advantage of the methods handed down by the family. In our flames, our **** army has never lost."

Liana's edge suddenly showed up.

Her words reveal a strong sense of self-confidence, as if she can take charge of a force, and definitely dare to compete with the Protoss.

"The guys in your Malang domain are really more arrogant than a arrogant, hey, you don't expect to see the protagonist's power, then you dare to speak out. When there is a day... you really meet, you will know How ridiculous your speech today is." He shook his head and smiled, full of contempt.

Shi Yan didn't take care of her. She looked at Li Anna deeply. She suddenly remembered that she was the head of the **** army, and the **** army's reputation in the flames of the stars really gave her confidence.

She knew that Liana was not ignorant of the high and thick, and she sneaked a bit. Shi Yan tempted and asked: "What do you think of Xia Xinyi's team, how is the fighting power? The battlefield she formed is in your eyes... how?"

"I'll tell you the truth." Liana thought for a moment and gave her a simple evaluation. "If I control a team that is about the same strength as her team, let me polish it for a few years, I can easily tear her team. The team of the demon and the demon, if you give me the command and dispatch, the combat power can climb several times!"

When this statement came out, everyone was dumb and looked at her with amazement.

Shi Yan also stunned. "Is this true?"

"Really." Liana calmed down. "I don't know how the Protoss is fighting, but if I am cultivating a team composed of a source-level warrior, I dare to compete with the Protoss!"

"Manic arrogance!" squatted the definition, a look disdain.

The mysterious man who has never spoken, is a strange look, deeply looking at Lianna.

"Why don't you try?" Cato is a shock, saying: "Brothers, Yaozu and Mozu have a good relationship with you, you see?"

"I talked about it." Shi Yan thought in his heart and nodded. Suddenly, she rushed to Lilyna and took her to the camp of the Mozu and the Yaozu, killing several shadow people. He found McGee, Ghost, and Gumo, and said: "Consult one thing with you."

The sneaky did not speak, just nodded, and the trust of no reason appeared undoubtedly.

McGee and Gu Mo stunned, and they were still violently fighting with the shadow family, suddenly stopped, the same channel: "What?"

Pointing to Liana, Shi Yan said: "How about letting her command you to dispatch you for a while?"

"She?" McGee and Gu Mo are all unclear, so Gu Mo frowned and said: "If that Xia Xin Xin dispatched us, we are very happy, she... OK?"

"She can." Shi Yan is sure.

"That... let her try." McGee and Gumo hesitated for a moment, and they all agreed with some doubts, looking at Liana's state of affairs is slightly weird.

The reason why I agreed to it was because Shiyan helped them twice with their own strength, using the wonderful stars to help them break through the meteor riots, and contacted the extraterrestrial powerhouses to rescue them from the cold waters formed by the dead jellyfish.

"You let go." Shi Yan glanced at Lianna, and did not stay here, but also got out of the battle circle.

As soon as he came in and out, he absorbed at least dozens of deceased spirits and fainted pains in his body. This made him surprised and happy. The cruel and **** war was the most suitable stage for him.

He returned to Ferran, Cato, and stood next to him, quietly looking at Liana, and also secretly expected.

On the other side of the Mozu and the Yaozu, Lianna looked cold and looked like a goblin and McGee, a sneaky, and an ancient bubble. It seemed that the three people took her to pass the order, McGee, Gumo, and Ghost. Nodded secretly, it seems to have agreed.

The scattered Mozu and Yaozu people suddenly changed their formation!

The two ethnic groups have successively sorted and combined, as the two evil wings of the demon unfolded, revealing **** teeth, a completely different horrible momentum, and suddenly emerged from the ranks of the demon and the demon, fierce and violent.

Shi Yan, Xuan Ming, and Cato looked shocked and shocked.

Stunned, screaming and screaming, "God!"

... (to be continued)

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