God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1054: Not reconciled

<ahref=\"http://www.ptwxz.com\"> Floating Astronomy</a> The other end of the void channel barrier.

The shadow family patriarch Belo and the leader can reach a sullen face, and look at the blocked barriers, just crying without tears.

The shadow family spent hundreds of years. I don’t know how many hard-running passages have been closed. It is inexplicably closed again, and it is more solid and more natural than before. This makes Belo and the heart of death even more.

"...the patriarch, the dead soul jellyfish was refining, the void passage was closed, my brother died tragically, how do we explain it?" Can reach the face of iron blue, the bite of the teeth, a pair of people to eat.

Bello’s body was torn, and the corners of his mouth showed two bloodstains. The wolf said: “I don’t know how to explain it.”

"Oh." I can sigh and sigh, Shen said: "I am not willing!"

"I am not willing!" Belo nodded. "First return, the truth is clear, the Protoss has a new round of policy. My family has been attached to the Protoss for many years, and there is no credit or hard work. Now, the loss is not small. I don’t want to be overly punished."

"I hope so."

In this battle, the shadow family left hundreds of corpses and smashed ten warships. If they were not in the right place, they would be able to annihilate the Malang star field forever.

A warship was surging from the barrier and gradually merged with the tribe and came out of the void barrier.

The virtual passages of the Malang and Ancient Stars are at one end in the shadow ghost prison, and the other end is naturally in the ancient gods, on the most remote edge of the star.

On the edge of the ancient gods, there are a large number of dead stars, cold and cold, no life fluctuations, no heaven and earth energy.

Some sporadic meteorites. Battleships of the shadow family are often parked, and Belo can reach out from the passage. They all gathered on top of a huge meteorite, and the tribe simply explained the situation. Belo left alone in a chariot and flew to the nearest star of life.

Half a month later, Belo descended on the Star of Life and was received by the Protoss.

After a while, Bello came to the majestic mountain of the mountain, where a mountain shrine stood and there were many stone statues around the temple. Every stone statue is a former Protoss strong, although it is a stone statue, the momentum is extremely magnificent, releasing the terrible pressure of the tide.

Bello looked at the stone statues in awe. Waiting silently for something.

A handsome Protoss. Under the support of several imaginary gods, the demeanor came out and the eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. There is a cold and sullen atmosphere like a cold ice purgatory.

"Sloan adults." Belo slightly.

The handsome middle-aged Protoss man, named Sloan Ascot, is the younger brother of the current patriarch of the Ascot family, Fick Ascot, who has cultivated the extreme coldness Incorporating the tens of thousands of chills in the ice **** purgatory of the gods. It is the character of the Protoss God.

The gods' gods and gods are the Yuanshi-level foreign bodies of the Protoss. Recording the powers of the Protoss in the past and in this world, only those who are truly powerful and horrible and who have made meritorious deeds for the Protoss can be enlisted in the Protoss.

The gods and gods are the sacred sacred scriptures of the Protoss, and every protoss strongman is determined to be the goal of life for the gods.

Sloan is the protoss who can be enlisted in the gods.

"When there are no outsiders, don't call me an adult, just call the big brother." Sloan waved his hand and looked tired. "There were a lot of families that belonged to you in the shadow family, and you chose to go to Asco because of me." The special family, you and I have always been commensurate with the brothers, no matter how you change in the future, you and I will not change your feelings."

Belo's eyes are red, and he is flustered: "Big Brother!"

"I heard that you have suffered a setback in the Malang Star... What's the matter? You have been planning for hundreds of years, which part of the problem?" Sloan Wen.

Bello sighed. "I don't know what to lose. Somehow our purpose seems to be exposed. We are welcoming the Marathon, the demon, the medicine, and the War Alliance. ......"

Bello did not have a trace of omission, and described the situation he knew in detail, without letting go of any details.

Sloan listened calmly and kept saying nothing. When Bello told Yu Shan that she suddenly appeared and started to refine the soul of the jellyfish, Sloan suddenly cut off and frowned. "What does the woman look like?" ”

Bello's eyebrows are fascinated by the thoughts of the soul, and the appearance of temperament is no different.

"She is not a man of the Martian domain. She is from the fire and rainy field, called Yu Shan, the first **** of the two heavens, and the original flame." Sloan's eyes suddenly became weird, sinking, and said: "I The little son, Spot, is terrible..."

When Bello’s eyes changed, he couldn’t help but say: “Who did it? Big brother, who is the poisonous hand?”

His relationship with Sloan has been extremely harmonious for many years. He often came to Sloan to be a guest. He also had a good impression on Spot. He waited for it, and when Spot was killed, Bello was angry from the heart.

"The annihilation of the source of the righteousness, the soul directly dissipated, is the true soul of the silence." Sloan's tone is calm, his body is cold and cold, but his soul is cold and boneless. "The soul before his death describes the two people, one is Yu Shan’s apprentice, an unknown young man, Yu Shan suddenly went to the Malang star field. Maybe the young man is also there. You come to see it and deny him.”

Sloan spit out a chill, and the cold condensed into the appearance of scorpion and stone rock, such as carved with a cold knife.

"I know it! When the Void Channel is at war, the two are standing together!" Belo just glanced at it and immediately screamed.

"Very good!" Sloan took a deep breath, and the appearance of the rock and the rock was instantly shattered. "Yu Shan appeared in the Martian domain. It should be for the dead soul jellyfish. The soul of the soul who wants to come to the dead jellyfish is her. I have taken it away, and I have written it down. The action on the Malang star field will not end there. I will find a way to crack the re-enclosed space barrier."

"Big Brother..." Belo hesitated, reminding: "The barrier is re-enclosed, and it is thicker and stronger than the original. You know that I cultivate the space and realize the double heaven, but I even show it. With all your strength, at least for a few decades, you can open a gap..."

Sloan frowned slightly. Immediately waved, "I have to care about it. You don't have to worry, continue to go back and prepare. Breaking the space barrier does not have to pass through the space of the righteous, as long as the power is strong enough, the barrier can be defeated, you wait for my good news. ”

Bello looked at him and nodded silently.

He knows that the reason why Sloan is so determined is that he has the biggest relationship with the murderer who killed Spot.

He knows how Sloan’s son, Spartan, is now a source of sudden death. Sloan will not be willing to give up, regardless of which star field the other party is in, will not escape the burning of Sloan.


The warships of the Yaozu, the Mozu, and the War Alliance were adjusted soon. Also went to the shadow ghost prison.

Under the request of Shiyan. A number of Mozu strongmen went to the meteor riots and took the left poems, and the people did not return. Instead, I changed a path that is much safer.

Under the huge Mozu battleship, enclosed in the secret room.

Ferran and Beni woke up one after another, and looked at Lianna and Cato in amazement, and then they looked at Shiyan.

Time is rushing, and the stone rock that is light and peaceful is also opened, and the eyes are opened. Smile lightly.

“How?” Ferran asked carefully.

"No breakthrough." Shi Yan looked relaxed and safe. "The power is enough. The realm is still worse. The strength I gained has condensed the blood of the dead, and the ancient trees in the body have been absorbed, unless further."

"The brothers and sisters practice the rhetoric, after breaking through the realm of the virtual gods, every step of the realm needs all the ups and downs." Like Cato, Benny recognized the "senior brother" and seriously said: "It is because of this, Few people practice a variety of powers, and those who really cultivate different mysteries are similar and can be integrated."

Shi Yan frowned slightly. "You mean, I want to break through the realm now. The morality of my cultivation must be improved. Isn't it possible to break through the realm of a realm?"

"Before the source of the realm of God, a kind of breakthrough in the righteousness can drive the realm to climb." Benny explained: "After the virtual state, it will not work. Every breakthrough must be accompanied by all the understanding of the righteousness. Among the realm, the power is naturally stronger, but the breakthrough will be relatively slower."

"I understand." Shi Yan nodded.

After he broke through the virtual god, his understanding of the space's mystery gradually deepened. However, the stars, life and death have no much experience, and so is the power.

Benny comes from a high-level star field, and his family has a rich heritage.

"Liana and Cato only cultivate a kind of ambiguity, pure and not chaotic, the speed of the breakthrough may be faster." Benny looked at the two people.

"Well, they seem to be able to break through soon." Shi Yan nodded with a smile and said, "You two."

"I am still far away from the virtual **** triple heaven, and the realm and strength have not reached the critical point." Fei Lan shook his head.

"I have enough strength, and I still have a bad experience." Benny laughed cheerfully.

"Well, the advancement of the virtual **** triple heaven, the energy required is extremely huge. I am giving it to you, obviously it is not enough to let you reach the opportunity of the breakthrough. For the time being, you can't, let's take it slowly."

"It's already very fast, I don't worry."

"This is the best, first raise the realm, strength... I will find a way."

"Got it."


A few months later, the warships of the Mozu, the Yaozu, and the War Alliance returned to the center of the shadow ghost prison. In the dim star sea, Bass, Gut, Gorefiend and others stood proudly at the top of their warships.

"You predecessors really do not come to the League to be a guest?" Xia Xinyi regretted sigh.

"The guy who is not familiar with Feng Han is not going to go." The blood demons shook their heads. "There are many things. I will have a chance to talk about it later. Let us ask for a good job."

"That's okay." Xia Xinyu said helplessly, and immediately looked at the stone rock that came out quietly, and the beautiful squirting turned and stared at Shiyan.

"Cough." Shiyan was a little embarrassed, and smiled and said: "I went to the War League for a while, dealing with personal matters, my friend and you returning to the blood star. Oh, yes, I will try to refine the space transfer array. Maybe you can connect directly to the magic blood star, there is a sub-array there, I just want to imitate the original mother and even the empty array to refine a mother matrix."

"You can stay, but Liana must go with us." Bath and Gumei mouth screamed together.

"No problem." Shi Yan readily agreed.

... (to be continued)

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