God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 1055: Shenguang

<ahref="http://www.ptwxz.com"> Floating Astronomy</a> The first thousand fifty-five chapters

Ferran, Liana, Cato, and Zuo Shi and his entourage, leaving with the Battle of the Gorefiend, will go to the Blood Star to repair. Church.com

The shadow family was expelled, and the Shadow Ghosts did not appear riots for a short time. It was obviously unnecessary to bind Ferran and others. At this time, what Feilan lacked was not power, but realm.

Let them go to the blood star to repair, and to understand the mystery of the realm, the most urgent in Shiyan.

He was alone in the battleship of the blast war.

The long and dexterous flying bird battleship suddenly wandered and gradually separated from the demon and the demon warships. It was shaped into the central part of the shadow ghost prison, and the movement was erratic and the speed was extremely fast.

At the corner of the battleship, Xia Xinyi's green skirt is wrapped in a beautiful, peach-like flower, ** on the ankle, the pink crystal chain comes to the sound of the mountain, the "叮咚" is crisp, and her beauty is full of intoxicating light, and she smiles. "The wisdom of the sister's battlefield is so superb, how can you obey you?"

She is lazy on the edge of the battleship, slender waist and limbs like water snakes, and the hips are slightly upturned, and the manners are thousands of people, making people think.

The warriors of the blast warfare have long been dismissed by her, and only one or two people in the far distance have turned their backs to her, and they dare not look back.

Shi Yan smiled lightly, turned and looked at him behind him. He saw no one watching, and the big hand put a slap in her hips. She felt wonderful and her eyes screamed hot. "She and I have deep roots, the reason why I am obeying me, Because I can give her the benefits that others can't give."

Xia Xinjiao glanced at him, quietly moved his body, avoiding his evil hand, and whispered: "How long will I stay with me?"

"Yeah." Shiyan nodded lightly and looked at the darkness in front. "A hundred years have passed. The time we spent together is less than one year. Hey, things are impermanent. I didn't expect that we would meet strangers outside the domain. When I left the land of the clouds, I was afraid that I would never dream of the future."

"When the year?" Xia Xin smiled and snorted: "In that year, I did not put your little thief in my eyes. At that time, you are only a hundred realms, I am going to the endless sea, pure It is on the face of Yang’s family."

"Unfortunately, Xiao Shu went too early..." Shi Yan sighed, and his eyes showed a redness. The latest chapter of the church.com

Xia Xinyu's delicate body is trembled, and it is also a sigh. "Without Xiao Hanyi, we can't live back to the endless sea. He didn't really say anything to you that year, but it's a great hero."

Xiao Hanyi was taken away by the devil emperor Bo Xing, and his soul was annihilated. The body was also attached by the emperor, but they gave them a chance to escape.

Both of them are extremely grateful to Xiao Hanyi, and now they are all feeling deeply.

"Oh, yes." Suddenly think of something, Shiyan thought changed a bit, the ring on the hand was slightly bright, and a ding quietly emerged, drifting to Xia Xinyi. "This is the pure land of the Yuankun Yuan Ding, you can be said that year You want to see the key cultivation objects in the pure land?"

Qiankun returned to Yuan Ding and he was always in his hands. When he was captured in the Battle of the Eight-Pole Purgatory City and the Pure Land Lord, this trip seemed to be somewhat wonderful. He kept it for a while and wanted to return it to Xia Xinyi one day.

At that time, Xia Xinyu was imprisoned by the Pure Land. He did not know that the Pure Land teamed up with several forces to persecute them, and Xia Jia was killed by many people.

However, after so many years have passed, many things have been revealed under the lapse of time.

Xia Xinyi’s memories have been restored, and there is not much sense of belonging to his loved ones. The same thing happened in the past, and she was not in the heart.

Looking at Qiankun and returning to Yuan Ding, she smiled lightly and recalled the past. She was calm and self-sufficient, and took the treasure of the Pure Land. She blinked her eyes and said: "There is no breath, it is estimated to be dead."

Shi Yan returned to Yuan Ding, Shi Yan has never been carefully detected, because he has long been prepared to hand over to Xia Xinyu in the future, naturally I do not know the wonderful, listening to Xia Xinyu said so, he curiously said: "This tripod... What is the use?"

"Contact the strong outsiders who had escaped from the pure land in the same year." Xia Xinyu did not conceal him. "For thousands of years, there have been several strong people who have reached the kingdom of God in the pure land. Without exception, the gods of the mainland are not. I know where the bumps are going. This trip, with the secret method, can communicate with those who are strong, that is, a secret treasure embedded with similar soundstones. I just perceive it, without a trace of breath, it is estimated to be dead."

She pinched the Qiankun to Yuan Ding, and said faintly: "The very general secret treasure is not suitable for me. The right should be a commemoration." ""网7*"

She casually put her income into a magic ring.

Shi Yan suddenly realized it.

There have been three eras in the Shenen Continent. The ancient times of the ancient times, the ancient times, and the ancient times, once filled with energy, experienced the prosperity of three eras, gave birth to many Taikoo creatures and powerful races, and eventually gradually declined to the decline of the Pure Land. When the mainland energy is about to run out.

Although the pure land is prosperous for a period of time, the top-level existence at that stage is still only the king of gods.

The king of gods may be the peak of the gods of the time, but once they come out and enter the vast expanse of the stars, what is the king of the king in the high-level star field?

Low-level star warriors without foundations appear in high-level stars, destined to end in misery.

Xia Xinyi did not perceive the breath of the people who left in the past, which is enough to prove that those people have died tragically. Taking Shi Yan’s eyes today, everything is simply too normal.

When he was struggling in the flames of the stars, the suffering was vividly in sight, and Xia Xinyu’s difficulty in entering the Shadow Ghost prison even exceeded him.

Those who are in a low state and survive in a strange star field, how hard it is, only those who have experienced it can experience it.

"The shadow ghost prison has been decided, the Protoss and the Shadows are not going to commit crimes for the time being. Do you still want to stay in the War Alliance?" Shi Yan suddenly got serious. "Let me leave, let's go to the blood star, you don't want to Do you want to study the skills of the battle? I can let Lianna and you learn from each other, and there is also a distance from the battle circle. Even if the Protoss and the Shadows come suddenly, we can have time to calmly arrange."

Xia Xinyu suddenly silenced, frowning, thinking about something.

Shi Yan looked at her quietly and looked forward. He didn't want to miss the opportunity again and wanted to stay with him.

Shadow ghost prison and magic blood star are far apart, one after another is a few years, he does not want to separate the two places from Xia Xinyu, only to see the side for several years.

"I owe the cold leader." Half a ring, Xia Xinyi sighed sighly. "He regards me as a sister. When I am in the most difficult time, I exclude my dissent and push me up. I cultivate me with all the resources in my hands. Let me have Today's realm is cultivated and has the status of today. If I leave now, I will feel that I owe him a lifetime, oh... give me some time."

The Warlord League leader Feng Han, has always regarded her as a close relative, never doubts, all the resources of the War League have been used by her cold and selfish, which allowed her to break through to the virtual world of heaven and earth for a hundred years.

Xia Xinyi never needs to be irritated by the realm of the realm. She only needs the constant stimulation of the source to break through the realm.

Feng Han for her, do not know how much Shen Jing and materials, from the medicine cabinet, from the hands of various forces to raise the strength of the drug, the birth of her miracle.

"Then we have to be separated again?" Shi Yan smiled.

"You can stay with me in the Shadow Ghost." Xia Xinyu said softly, his eyes were full of expectations.

"I can't help myself." Shi Yan shook his head. "I don't like to stay in one place for a long time. I like the war-torn area, and the Shadow Ghost is quite suitable, but now the Shadows leave, the Protoss has been a short time. If you don't come, I am afraid I can't bring enough stimulation to me."

"Then I will let the Shadow Ghosts mess up!" Xia Xinyu stunned and suddenly screamed.


"The shadow family evacuated, and the treasures that were originally occupied by the shadows were in the land of the Lord. I am arrogant and self-defeating. I have no shadows. How can the small forces of the Shadow Ghosts compete against me? Naturally we have to be swept out!" Xia Xinyi is ambitious.

Shiyan is amazed.


A beautiful bird battleship in the blast department suddenly hangs in a mine star, and immediately a chariot whistle out and flock to the inside of the star.

This mine star is rich in a kind of strange material called Blue Star Sand. It is inside the stars and was controlled by the shadow family.

Of course, the people of the shadow family will never use their energy to mine the blue star sand, but only arrange the miners.

The shadow family will only take a while to come and take away the blue sand that has been mined. If someone around them dares to covet the blue star sand, the shadow family will only launch the battleship.

Nowadays, all the shadows are evacuated from the shadow ghost prison. This mine star naturally becomes the ownerless thing. Xia Xinyu is coming to the road to announce the ownership of the land to the miners, telling them that the mine will belong to the war alliance from now on.

A chariot whistling and rushing down the mine to the bottom of the star. Shiyan stood side by side with her at the top of the battleship, overlooking the ruined ore inside, looking at the dark caves deep inside. Suddenly Said: "Wars are powerful in the world, secret treasures, strength, and medicinal herbs rely on the Galaxy materials. Our existence is also a heavy burden to the world."

"Oh, when did you become so sentimental?" Xia Xinxiao chuckled and said casually: "What God has given is supposed to belong to all living beings. We collect those materials, just as mortals need to eat meat, to hunt The beasts are generally obedient to the laws of nature."

Shi Yan frowned, and he sighed in his heart, saying nothing.

He knew that he was not qualified to say more.

Because his righteousness is even more sinister, if the martial art learns to make breakthroughs in the cultivation of heaven and earth resources, then he is strengthened by the death of the warrior. Can he reach the realm of today in a short time, and what is dependent on it? He is clearer than anyone else.


A falcon-like chariot suddenly flew out of a mine hole. The warrior of a blast warfare department, with a complex face, suddenly yelled: "Adults, some people occupy the mine!"

He looked at Xia Xinyu and looked annoyed. "The other party announced that the star belongs to them. Do we want to kill it?"

"In the shadow ghost prison, there is no rival of the shadow family, and the forces that dare to fight against our alliance?" Xia Xinyi obviously stunned, and laughed and laughed: "What is the other party?"

"It seems to be called 'God', it should not be the local power of our Shadow Ghost, and the subordinates are not familiar with the outside world, and it is not clear that this power is coming." The man said.

"Shenguang?" Xia Xinyi's pretty face changed slightly, and a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Shi Yan also squatted and felt as if he had heard of this power somewhere, frowning and thinking.


Ps: Today two chapters, owe everyone a chapter ~~~ At the end of the month, it is a good time to **** a monthly ticket. It is not really a thing, no one will be lazy at this time, so I am really having something~~

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